Thursday, May 20, 2010

  • Thursday, May 20, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Shavuot made me miss most of Everybody Draw Mohammed Day.

However, it is nice that at least one mainstream cartoonist went ahead and dealt with it in a humorous way. From Over the Hedge:

UPDATE: After reading two comments by the same Pakistani, I see that Pakistan banned Facebook until May 31st as a reaction to "Draw Mohammed Day."

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just wanted to get a Chag Sameach out there for those in Israel who are about to enter the holiday of Shavuot.

This is not a holiday for the lactose-intolerant.

I will not be posting until Thursday night at least, although I might get a chance to do a little more this afternoon.

If you want to download some interesting Torah articles to learn over Yom Tov, has a large collection of annual PDF "Shavuot-to-Go" pamphlets each with many articles.

I wish all my Jewish readers a chag kosher v'sameach. If my non-Jewish readers want to get into scholarly pursuits as well, then the article by Yoram Hazony in Azure that I linked to a week back would be a nice place to start.
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AFP:
A court in Egypt is to rule next month on whether Egyptian men married to Israeli women are to be stripped of their citizenship, a judicial source told AFP on Tuesday.

"The High Administrative Court will issue its verdict in June," the source said, in a case that highlights Egyptian sentiment towards Israel, more than 30 years after an unpopular peace deal was signed with the Jewish state.

A lower court ruled last year that the interior minister must look into the cases of Egyptian men married to Israeli women, and their children, in order to "take the necessary steps to strip them of their nationality."

The interior and foreign ministries appealed the case, saying it was for parliament to decide on such matters.

Nabil al-Wahsh, the lawyer who took the case to court in the first place, told AFP that "Egyptian nationality law warns against marriage to anyone characterized as Zionist."

He said authorities refused to provide the exact number of Egyptian men married to Israeli women, but according to him the number is thought to be around 30,000.

"The majority are married to Israelis considered Zionist, and only 10 percent are married to Arab Israelis," Wahsh said.

Thousands of Egyptians, particularly a large number who lived in Iraq and returned after the 1990 Gulf War over Kuwait, moved to Israel in search of work and married Israeli women.
Al Wahsh is a known crank who is addicted to lawsuits, including one against Queen Elizabeth II.   His assertion that 30,000 Israelis are married to Egyptians, and that 90% of them are married to non-Arabs, is something he just made up.

But judging from the bolded text do you get the impression that the word "Zionist" is code for a different word that he really means?
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an:
Gaza's first Olympic-standard swimming pool was inaugurated at the As-Sadaka club during a ceremony on Tuesday held by the Islamic Society.

Gaza government ministers, members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, leaders of Islamic and national governing bodies, as well as club members and athletes were among those at the opening ceremony, where Secretary-General of the Islamic Society Nasim Yaseen thanked the donors who helped realize the project.

Yaseen praised the As-Sadaka club for a number of wins in international and regional football, volleyball and table tennis matches.

As-Sadaka athletes performed a number of swimming exercises in the new pool to mark its opening.
It is astonishing how similar Gaza is to Buchenwald, isn't it?

Let's hope that the Free Gaza flotilla is bringing in some much-needed goggles.
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A case of road rage has turned into an arrest for cursing God.

Two motorists were in a heated argument in Nablus. As they screamed at each other, a crowd gathered, and they all heard one of the men curse God in his anger.

The police were called, and the man was arrested. Under Article 273 of the Jordanian Penal Code No. 16 of 1960, the penalty for this crime is 1-3 years in prison.

A police spokesman said that anyone who insulted Allah or one of the prophets or religions is committing a serious act, one that would raise the ire of citizens, because of the sensitivity of the religious issue.

I can't wait to see the first arrest for someone insulting the divine religion of Judaism!
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
This morning, Hamas executed three murderers, in what they said was meant to be a warning to others.

This comes soon after Hamas executed  two "collaborators" last month. 

The PCHR condemned the killings, which at any rate goes against Palestinian Arab law that the president must approve all executions.

None of those executed were Hamas members who murdered their Fatah counterparts during the Hamas coup.
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Der Spiegel reports that a number of IDF soldiers befriended a beautiful woman on Facebook - who might have really been a Hezbollah operative.

The article quotes an Israeli news site as reporting that a Facebook profile belonging to "Reut Zuckerman" was used to lure IDF soldiers to reveal sensitive information over the course of the past year. "Zuckerman," whose photograph showed an attractive woman lounging on a sofa, pretended to be in the IDF herself.

The soldiers allegedly started giving out details of their friends' names, military jargon, secret codes and detailed descriptions of their bases.

In January, some became suspicious and reported the page to their superiors, who investigated it and quickly managed to get Facebook to remove the page. The Israeli site speculated that Hezbollah might have been behind it, although it is unclear what evidence they have of that charge.

The IDF now routinely monitors the Facebook activities of its soldiers.

Social media is now the preferred method of what are known as "social engineering" attacks, and all users of Twitter, Facebook, blogs and web forums can be susceptible to such attempts to gather information.
  • Tuesday, May 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Douglas Murray at The Telegraph points out an amazing YouTube video that shows exactly how deep the hatred of Jews is among Islamic students on campus.

As he writes,
I really do urge you to watch till the end to understand quite why it is so shocking. When Horowitz quotes the leader of Hezbollah saying that all the Jews going to Israel will save Hezbollah going round the globe and hunting them down one by one, you may guess what the girl is going to say. But I promise your breath will be taken away by the way she says it.

(h/t Callie and EBoZ)

Monday, May 17, 2010

  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Peter Beinart, in the New York Review of Books, writes a lengthy article titled "The Failure of the American Jewish Establishment."

His definition of failure is twofold: first, that the American Jewish leadership is not properly instilling Zionist values in Jewish youth, and second, that they are abandoning liberal values in order to support the (in his viewpoint) extreme right-wing Israeli government. He also despairs that most of the remaining committed Zionist youths are Orthodox, and (horrors!) conservative.

His article and the many weighty responses to it miss some major points.

He is correct in noticing that the majority of Jewish youth in America are indifferent to Israel at best, hostile at worst. The reason, he assumes, is that Jewish youth absorb liberal attitudes that are antithetical to Israel's hawkish policies.

In other words, liberalism - by his definition - is pro-Palestinian Arab, because the PalArabs are the weaker party and liberalism favors the underdog. (He doesn't say this explicitly but it is a major motif throughout his article.) Youths are liberal and therefore they favor the weak Arab side. They have no memory of when Israel was the underdog and Jews were suffering from daily explicit bigotry, which explains - according to this thinking -why their parents and grandparents were naturally pro-Israel.

There is one astonishing omission in this discussion, and that omission is the key reason why American Jewish youth are not more pro-Israel. This omission implies that even the pro-Israel liberals of today have forgotten the very definition of Zionism.

Zionism is the national revival movement of the Jewish people. It holds that the Jews have the right to self-determination in their own national home, and the right to develop their national culture.

The right to self-determination is a key liberal idea, and Zionism is by definition a liberal movement. The fact that pro-Israel liberals nowadays no longer think in terms of what Zionism really is indicates that they have, over time, begun to assimilate the Arab view of Zionism as an epithet, whose very definition has been changed to "the oppression of the indigenous people of Palestine."

This is the fundamental problem. The liberals should be emphasizing over and over again that Zionism is a  movement of self-determination of the Jewish nation, but instead they themselves believe that it is an oppressive movement.

Zionism never was and is not about oppression. The major forces behind modern Zionism - whether it is classical, revisionist or religious - never planned nor intended to hurt any other group of people, and that is still true today. Even Ariel Sharon in his most hawkish days expressed sympathy and empathy for the suffering of Palestinian Arabs. Zionism by definition is indifferent to the Arabs but in practice it has never meant to see them suffer.

But while no Zionist wants to see Arabs suffer, they also do not want to see Jews suffer either. The difference between the "hawks" and "doves" in Israel is simply a disagreement about where the line is drawn to maximize everyone's rights while not impinging on those of the other side. That's it. The vast majority of Israelis and Zionists agree on this basic point.

If liberals understood that simple and basic fact about Zionism, then there would be no problem with conveying that to Jewish youth. Both sides have rights and both sides have claims; the question is how to fairly   solve the competing claims. It is natural to advocate for your own side but that doesn't mean one has to be callous towards the other.

Israel and Zionists have long ago lost the battle for public opinion because the mostly-liberal media does not connect, at all, with the liberal ideal of Zionism. The seemingly strong side is the evil side, in the parody of liberalism that now dominates the thinking among today's left. Young Americans, including Jews, imbibe at this grotesque fountain of "liberalism" that has replaced the real thing in recent years.

That is one side of the problem of today's American Jewish youth.

The other one is far more fundamental, and while it is not surprising that the esteemed commentators don't mention it, it is still disconcerting.

Today's young American Jews have not the slightest clue about their own religion and their own people.

There is an obvious reason why the majority of committed Zionists nowadays are Orthodox - because the majority of committed Jews are Orthodox! It is the Reform and, to a lesser extent, Conservative Jews who have failed their youth in teaching them about their own heritage, and Zionism is dependent on understanding our history and our culture.

I want to make it clear that there are committed Reform and Conservative Jews. They are the distinct minority. There is no doubt that the levels of commitments to Zionism are directly proportional to their commitments to Judaism itself. How many times have we seen people who wear the mantle of their nominal Judaism as they debate against Israel, when they don't have the foggiest notion of what Judaism means?

The sad fact is that today's American Jews are growing up with the idea that Judaism is a hurdle stopping them from having fun. To them, Judaism means forced Hebrew school and bar/bat mitzvah lessons.  Their ability to mouth a few incomprehensible Hebrew sentences by heart is their idea of Judaism, to be discarded as soon as they get past their party.

Zionism cannot exist without a fundamental grounding in Judaism. It doesn't have to be Talmudic Judaism but it has to have a minimal understanding of Jewish history, Jewish law, Jewish customs - and the joy of being  a part of something much larger than oneself.

It is a sad commentary on the state of American Judaism today that a single Birthright trip teaches more about Zionism and Judaism than the previous 18 years combined.

If liberal Jews want to make their children more committed to Zionism, they need to start with a commitment to Judaism that is more than an egalitarian Passover seder and saying Kaddish at a funeral. Only when people understand their own history and culture can they be expected to want to support the idea of self-determination for their people.
  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
A columnist in Saud Arabia's Al Watan writes about how Israel is mandating that Israeli Arabs include the Holocaust in their curricula.

He's not happy.

Not only is the Holocaust exaggerated, he says ("parts are true, but not near the size that Zionist propaganda claims,") but the Jews were partially responsible for the Holocaust.

For example, the sinking of the Patria in Haifa in 1940 was done by Jews, killing some 267 "Zionists," so (according to his logic) they are also responsible for killing Jewish refugees, just like Nazi Germany!

(The British, under Arab pressure, did not allow the 1800 refugees on the Patria ocean liner to disembark in Haifa and planned to deport them to Mauritus. The Haganah, intending to keep the ship in port for a few extra days in order to convince the British to let the Jews stay, exploded a bomb intended to cause minor damage to the ship to stop that journey. They miscalculated and the bomb sunk the ship.)

The writer concludes that teaching the Holocaust is against Arab and Muslim world public opinion and therefore inappropriate to be taught to those groups.

Just a taste of the moderate Arab world, from a moderate Saudi newspaper.
  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
When Palestinian Arabs speak of the "right of return," what exactly do they mean?

Most people would say that it means that Palestinian Arabs and their numerous descendants would have the unlimited right to move back to the homes they left in Palestine in 1948, in line with UN GA resolution 194. That same resolution goes on to say that those who choose not to "return" would be compensated.

In other words, it is characterized as a right for people to be able to determine their own destiny and as a human right for people to live wherever they want to.

This is not true.

There was a Gaza Nakba rally yesterday, and the speakers made very clear that their concept of the "right to return" is the exact antithesis of human rights.

The speakers there complained about "the danger of attempts to dilute the letter and the concept of the right of return and to try a new concept instead, the compensation of Palestinian refugees, or the establishment of houses for them in other lands."

One of the speakers said that the PA negotiating about the "right of return" is "another catastrophe for the Palestinian people, stressing that the right of return is a sacred right, individually and collectively, under which there is no statute of limitations, that can only be achieved only through resistance and the unity of Palestinian ranks, and [he who negotiates on these concepts] is a traitor."

Another speaker supports keeping Palestinian Arabs in camps because they have been the basis of the "Palestinian revolution" and they were where resistance started. He added that even the idea of Palestinian Arabs moving to "Palestine" is anathema.

There is a common thread here: none of the people advocating for the "right of return" in Arabic accept the basic concept of individual choice.

If an Arab in a Lebanese UNRWA camp wants to become a citizen of the country in which he is born, he must be denied that right because it conflicts with this fictional "right of return."

If an Palestinian Arab born in Syria whose grandfather was born in Jaffa wants to move to Jericho upon the creation of a Palestinian Arab state, he is denied that right because it conflicts with the "right of return."

If an Arab in Europe who descended from Palestinian Arabs wants to take money to drop his claim to move "back" to a land he has no interest in living in, he is denied that opportunity because the people who support the "right of return" do not want to dilute their support.

They explicitly say that they prefer Palestinian Arabs to be stateless and miserable in camps in order to keep them angry at Israel. The anachronistic camps which should have been dismantled five decades ago are held up as shining examples of Palestinian Arab unity - a unity that is externally imposed, not by Israel but by Arab leaders who are dead-set against providing basic human rights to those Arabs unfortunate enough to have had their ancestors living in Palestine between June 1946 and May 1948, the UNRWA definition of "refugee."

By definition, human rights are individual rights, not collective rights. The "right of return," by taking away all individual choice, is the very antithesis of human rights. It is an aggressive assault on the human rights of millions of people, purposefully cloaked in the false assertion of being a "right."

The nakba exists today because of this assault on human rights perpetrated by Arab leaders and acquiesced to by Western powers, foremost the UN. Even if one believes that Israel is responsible for the start of the nakba, the perpetuation of it for 62 years is squarely the responsibility of the Arab world and the Palestinian Arab leadership who gladly bargain the human rights of their people for their own political purposes.

And the organizations that claim to care most about human rights do not say a word about this open assault on the human rights of millions.
  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yesterday, a new Miss USA was crowned:
Lebanese immigrant Rima Fakih says it was a certain look from Donald Trump that tipped her off that she had won the 2010 Miss USA title.

The 24-year-old Miss Michigan beat out 50 other women to take the title Sunday night, despite nearly stumbling in her evening gown.

Fakih, an Arab-American from Dearborn, Mich., told pageant organizers her family celebrates both Muslim and Christian faiths. She moved to the United States as a baby and was raised in New York, where she attended a Catholic school. Her family moved to Michigan in 2003.
There's only one problem: Fakih might be a supporter of Hezbollah. She certainly has many relatives who belong to that terror group.

Debbie Schlussel has been all over this story.
  • Monday, May 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
This video of the US Attorney General working mightily to avoid ascribing any domestic terrorism acts to "radical Islam" has been going around the blogosphere, and it is astounding:

Here is the transcript of Eric Holder's exchange with Rep. Lamar Smith:
SMITH: Let me go to my next question, which is -- in -- in the case of all three attempts in the last year, the terrorist attempts, one of which was successful, those individuals have had ties to radical Islam. Do you feel that these individuals might have been incited to take the actions that they did because of radical Islam?
HOLDER: Because of?
SMITH: Radical Islam.
HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why I think people have taken these actions. It's -- one, I think you have to look at each individual case. I mean, we are in the process now of talking to Mr. Shahzad to try to understand what it is that drove him to take the action.
SMITH: Yes, but radical Islam could have been one of the reasons?
HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why people...
SMITH: But was radical Islam one of them?
HOLDER: There are a variety of reasons why people do things. Some of them are potentially religious...
SMITH: OK. But all I'm asking is if you think among those variety of reasons radical Islam might have been one of the reasons that the individuals took the steps that they did.
HOLDER: You see, you say radical Islam. I mean, I think those people who espouse a -- a version of Islam that is not...
SMITH: Are you uncomfortable attributing any other actions to radical Islam? It sounds like it.
HOLDER: No, I don't want to say anything negative about a religion that is not...
SMITH: No, no. I'm not talking about religion. I'm talking about radical Islam. I'm not talking about the general religion.
HOLDER: Right. And I'm saying that a person, like Anwar Awlaki, for instance, who has a version of Islam that is not consistent with the teachings of it...
SMITH: But...
HOLDER: ... and who espouses a radical version...
SMITH: But then is -- could radical Islam had motivated these individuals to take the steps that they did?
HOLDER: I certainly think that it's possible that people who espouse a radical version of Islam have had an ability to have an impact on people like Mr. Shahzad.
SMITH: OK. And could it have been the case in one of these three instances?
HOLDER: Could that have been the case?
SMITH: Yes, could -- again, could one of these three individuals have been incited by radical Islam? Apparently, you feel that that they could've been.
HOLDER: Well, I think potentially incited by people who have a view of Islam that is inconsistent with...
SMITH: OK. Mr. A.G., it's hard to get an answer yes or no, but let me go on to my next question.

This is political correctness run amok, a pure example where the Obama policy of trying to reach out to the Muslim world crashes head-first into reality. What is scarier is the implication that the people investigating domestic terrorist acts are assuming a priori that they are unrelated, criminal acts whose common thread cannot even be mentioned. This is 1984 newspeak - if a word is not allowed to be stated then it doesn't exist.

Read Richard Landes  for a great analysis.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

  • Sunday, May 16, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Sunday, May 16, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press agency reports that Hamas demolished some 40 houses in Rafah today, over the strenuous objections of the homeowners.

At gunpoint.

Hamas intends to build something call a "House of Virtue" in place of the homes.

Will the Western media, so quick to make an international incident out of every house that Israel demolishes, even notice what Hamas did?


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