Saturday, February 25, 2017

From Ian:

Alan Dershowitz: Why I Will Leave the Democratic Party If Ellison Is Elected its Chairman
Tomorrow the Democratic National Committee (DNC) will have to choose the direction of the Democratic Party, as well as its likely composition. It will be among the most important choices the DNC has ever had to make. There has been a powerful push from the hard-left of the Democratic Party, led by senator Bernie Sanders, to elect Keith Ellison chairman. If he is elected, I will quit the party after 60 years of loyal association and voting. I will become an independent, continuing to vote for the best candidates, most of whom, I assume, will still be Democrats. But I will not contribute to the DNC or support it as an institution. My loyalty to my country and my principles and my heritage exceeds any loyalty to my party. I will urge other like-minded people – centrist liberals – to follow my lead and quit the Democratic Party if Ellison is elected Chairman. We will not be leaving the Democratic Party we have long supported. The Democratic Party will be leaving us!
Let me explain the reasons for this difficult decision on my part. Ellison has a long history of sordid association with anti-Semitism. He worked closely with and supported one of a handful of the most notorious and public anti-Semites in our country: The Reverend Louis Farrakhan. And he worked with Farrakhan at the very time this anti-Semite was publicly describing Judaism as a “gutter religion” and insisting that the Jews were a primary force in the African slave trade. Ellison has publicly stated that he was unaware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. That is not a credible statement. Everyone was aware of Farrakhan’s anti-Semitism. Farrakhan did not try to hide it. Indeed he proclaimed it on every occasion. Ellison is either lying or he willfully blinded himself to what was obvious to everyone else. Neither of these qualities makes him suitable to be the next Chairman of the DNC.
Moreover, Ellison himself has made anti-Semitic statements. A prominent lawyer, with significant credibility, told me that while he was a law student, Ellison approached her and said he could not respect her, because she was a Jew and because she was a woman who should not be at a law school. This woman immediately disclosed that anti-Semitic and anti-feminist statement to her husband and friends, and I believe she is telling the truth.
The upside-down moral universe of BDS supporters and the UN
BDS campaigners and the UN love to target Israel, but their hypocrisy only increases as these self-proclaimed defenders of human rights ignore the atrocities in Syria.
IT’S WIDELY known that Israel is often singled out for criticism and held to an unfair double standard. Nowhere is this more evident than in the relentless Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns seeking to vilify Israel and in the annual adoption of numerous one-sided anti-Israel UN resolutions.
Now, when compared to the worsening atrocities in Syria, the assault on the Jewish state may have surpassed all previous levels of hypocrisy and absurdity.
In December, in my hometown of Portland, Oregon, for example, local pro-BDS groups were actively mobilizing. They were galvanized by what they consider to be the most serious human rights issue in the world, comprising, they say, the destruction of communities, homes and lives.
You’re probably thinking this urgent problem must be the humanitarian crisis in Syria and that this was a call to action against a despotic genocidal regime. You would be wrong, however.
This campaign wasn’t about Syrian President Bashar Assad or his Russian and Iranian enablers. Rather, it was a call to action targeting the American corporation Caterpillar Inc. and, by extension, Israel, which uses Caterpillar bulldozers for military purposes.

  • Saturday, February 25, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

This weekend is the "Palestinians Abroad" conference in Istanbul. About 4000 people attended the first day's ceremony.

The PLO has been very concerned about this conference because it was not involved. Sure enough, while the point of the conference is "return," the speakers have attacked the PLO more than Israel, based on the tweets coming from the conference. The PLO pretends to represent them and they do not feel that they are represented at all.

Arabic tweets of the speech of another official, Mohsen Salah, has him saying "Depriving the Palestinians out of the opportunity to participate in the Palestinian decision is a crime against the entire people" and "No one can monopolize the national decision."

Not surprisingly, the mainstream Palestinian press is ignoring this conference. The PLO's Saeb Erekat instead is attending that other pro-Arab conference, the J-Street Conference, this weekend.

We also learn some wonderful facts from the Istanbul conference, like this one:

7 million!

And they all want to live in Tel Aviv! (I'm sorry, "Tel al-Rabi," the wonderful and mythical Arab metropolis that was taken over by the Jews.)

(h/t SpotlightingSA)

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Friday, February 24, 2017

From Ian:

Nadiya Al-Noor: Anti-Semitism is the new social justice
Anti-Semitism is the acceptable form of bigotry on the Left. It’s thinly veiled as “anti-Zionism,” which really is just anti-Semitism with a fancy name, as it opposes the Jewish Indigenous Rights movement. Students are expected to hate Israel in the name of being progressive. Jewish students are painted as privileged racists, unless they disavow Israel and abandon their indigenous struggle in order to assimilate. My people (Muslims) are portrayed as helpless victims of ruthless Jewish aggression. Palestinians become pawns in the game of Jew hatred. The world falls for it. Israel is evil, end of story.
Studies show that a campus with an active Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter is more likely to have anti-Semitic incidents (no surprise there). My university, Binghamton University in New York, is unique in that the pro-Israel voice is the most dominant narrative. We used to have an SJP problem, but to my knowledge, they disbanded after the administration cracked down on their anti-Semitic harassment. Now our Muslim Student Association partners with our Hillel for mosque-synagogue interfaith trips. The Jewish and Muslim communities here are on good terms, because we see each other as people. We don’t allow the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to define us.
Universities need to address anti-Semitism on campuses. If there was an Islamophobic incident at a university, you can bet the administration would deal with it much more swiftly. Anti-Semitism is tolerated because of Leftist hypocrisy. Because of the rampant anti-Semitism on university campuses and the racial diversity of students participating in Jew hatred, anti-Semitism is often excused or justified.
Jewish students, you need to be proactive. Don’t wait for an anti-Semitic incident to happen. Don’t wait for an SJP to emerge and fester. Hold an Israel Peace Week or Hebrew Liberation Week. Educate your fellow students. If you don’t speak up, anti-Semites will.
Anti-Semitism is unacceptable, even if it’s trendy.
Zionism is Not Racism
41 years later, Columbia University students are still equating Zionism with racism.
As part of their annual “Israel Apartheid Week,” the Columbia Students for Justice in Palestine, in conjunction with Columbia/Barnard Jewish Voice for Peace, are hosting an event Monday, February 27th entitled “Zionists are Racists.”
If you buy into Dr. King’s assessment that the arc of the moral universe is long but bends toward justice, then you buy into the idea that as humanity progresses, we sometimes must look back at the actions of the past and recognize that they do not conform to our standards of morality. The very essence of progress is predicated on acknowledging there is a problem which needs addressing.
The students who are hosting this offensive, bigoted, and hateful event are guilty of precisely the opposite. They drag us back to a past that is so shameful, it has already been corrected.
The 1975 United Nations General Assembly resolution that infamously gave the world “Zionism is Racism” was revoked in 1991 with 111 nations voting in favor of its repeal. Twenty-five countries voted against the repeal, including the shining beacons of democracy and equality of Cuba, North Korea, Iran, Iraq, Mauritania, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. The Students for Justice in Palestine and Jewish Voice for Peace are keeping fantastic company.
Algemeiner Editor-in-Chief: All Hands on Deck Required for Fight Against Antisemitism in US
The fight against antisemitism in the US requires “all hands on deck,” the editor-in-chief of The Algemeiner said during an i24 News appearance on Tuesday.
Dovid Efune called President Donald Trump’s public condemnation of antisemitism earlier in the day a “great beginning” to an expected broader effort to quell the recent surge of anti-Jewish hate incidents — including a spate of telephone bomb threats against Jewish community centers across the country and the desecration of graves at a Jewish cemetery in St. Louis.
“Absolutely, you have to call in the FBI, you’ve got to call in [Attorney General] Jeff Sessions [to investigate the incidents],” Efune said. “These are criminal people doing criminal acts — hateful people, and they have to be brought to justice.”
Referring to critics of Trump who have accused the president of waiting too long to speak out against antisemitism, Efune said, “There is no such thing in this case of too little, too late. He’s [been] in office for a number of weeks, and I think and I hope that he’s just getting started.”
“I think it’s unfair to say…that the president has been dragging his feet,” Efune stated. “I think what we’ve seen here is a president who is reluctant to take commands from anybody, especially from the media, and especially from his political opponents. So really it was a question of finding the right time and place to speak out against antisemitism and we saw that the president found that this morning.”

From Ian:

Report: Attackers saw off Jewish man’s finger, beat his brother near Paris
Two Jewish brothers said they were abducted briefly and beaten by several men in suburban Paris in an incident that ended with one brother having his finger sawed off by an assailant.
The brothers were hospitalized in what was described as a state of shock following the incident Tuesday night in Bondy. A case report published Thursday by the National Bureau for Vigilance Against Anti-Semitism, or BNVCA, based on a police complaint by the alleged victims did not specify their medical condition.
The kippah-wearing brothers, whose father is a Jewish leader in Bondy, were forced off the main road by another vehicle on to a side street, according to the BNVCA report. While the vehicle was in motion, the driver and a passenger shouted anti-Semitic slogans at the brothers that included “Dirty Jews, You’re going to die!” the father told BNVCA based on the complaint filed by his sons.
The vehicle forced the brothers to stop their car, and they were surrounded by several men whom they described as having a Middle Eastern appearance. The men came out of a hookah café on to the side street, according to the case report published by the news website JSSNews.
The alleged attackers surrounded the brothers, then kicked and punched them repeatedly while threatening that they would be murdered if they moved. One of the alleged attackers then sawed off the finger of one of the brothers.
Caroline Glick: Toward a true US-Israel partnership
America and Israel should abrogate Obama’s military assistance package and replace it with a partnership based on US finance of Israeli R&D projects geared toward developing weapons systems and technologies that both the US and Israel require.
The deal should stipulate the modalities for both sides sharing the technologies with third parties, and their rights to use the technologies developed by Israel with US capital for civilian commercial purposes. Israel should be permitted to purchase US platforms based on Israeli-developed technologies.
Such a partnership would enable Israel to ensure that its continued dependence on the US won’t place it at a disadvantage vis-à-vis its enemies such as Iran, which are able to purchase advanced weapons systems from Russia and China. Such a partnership would ensure that both the US and Israel have the systems they need to outpace Chinese and Russian technological advances and develop the weapons systems they need to win tomorrow’s wars.
In his remarks before the Conference of Presidents, Rivlin voiced concern at the fact that Israel has become a partisan football in US politics. His concern is well placed.
Assuming that Israel’s dependence on the US will be a fixed variable for the foreseeable future, Israel needs to consider the best way of ensuring that the alliance will persevere regardless of the partisan attachments of future presidents.
The best way to ensure the resilience of the US-Israel alliance over time is for Israel to transform its military dependence into a mutually beneficial alliance with the US. A new military relationship based on joint technology development rather than Israeli purchase of US platforms is the best way to accomplish that goal, for the benefit of both countries.
UN Watch: Has the UN Human Rights Council Lost Its Way?
Hillel Neuer, Director of UN Watch provides a brief history of the UN Human Rights Council and how it has fallen from its initial high ideals into a political farce.

  • Friday, February 24, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
Joseph Mikarov tirelessly exposes the antisemitism and hate from Israel haters and BDSers on Twitter. I asked him to write something for EoZ and his response is a tour de force:

Much has been written about the BDS movement and its anti-Israel activities. The individual leaders of this movement should be watched closely. This article aims to re-introduce the reader to one of the more prominent BDS organizers and activists in the United States. In addition, I will also detail the upcoming anti-Israel hate fest he and his organization are planning in Washington D.C. next month on March 26, protesting the annual AIPAC Policy Conference, and, of course, promoting their Free Palestine agenda.

The activist to whom I refer is Abbas “Falasteen” Hamideh. This isn’t the first article written about Hamideh and it certainly won’t be the last. Abbas Hamideh is the co-founder of Al-Awda [The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition], an extremist organization which, simply put, is against the State of Israel’s right to exist. Many, including myself, concur that the organization is rife with anti-Semitic bigots.

Hamideh and his followers don’t hide their aspirations to delete Israel, nor do they make any apologies for their extremist views. On his Twitter profile Hamideh reminds us that he “doesn’t compromise on one inch of Palestinian land” – from Cleveland – where he lives and leads a comfortable life. But to his credit, he loves Jews. “Real Jews” that is. The ones who attend Holocaust denial conferences in Iran and protest against Zionists together with anti-Semites. Another “Real Jew”, who happens to be Hamideh’s favorite Jew, is convicted criminal and staunch Hamas supporter, US attorney Stanley Cohen. Hamideh, however has difficulty hiding his anti-Semitism. He frequently describes Jews as “Shlomos”, a derogatory and anti-Semitic term. Hamidehs “love” for the United States of America is also questionable. In a video filmed on the streets in Cleveland, Hamideh promotes racism and ethnic cleansing by shouting “This is not your country. Go back to Europe.” It’s very similar to what he tells Jews in Israel, “Go back to Poland, Russia, or even Morocco”.

Over the years, Hamideh has organized countless BDS rallies in an attempt to indoctrinate young students to his extremist ideology. The mere fact that certain colleges and universities in the United States allow Hamideh to speak and spew his anti-Israel rhetoric is mind-boggling. For example, in 2015, the University of Maryland allowed SJP [Students for Justice in Palestine – a campus proxy for BDS] to host an event where Hamideh was invited to speak. The invite stated, “We are honored to host Palestinian activist Abbas Hamideh as our guest speaker”.  The New York School of Law also invited Al-Awda for a poetry evening. Notice that the Muslim American Society also sponsored the event. More on this organization and ties to terrorism can be found here

Yet another example is an invite to Oberlin College. The video presented by Hamideh during the visit was narrated by his friend Tariq Shadid, aka “Doc Jazz”, who frequently demonizes Israel . 

A further instance is when Hamideh teamed up with “anti-Zionist” Anna Baltzer on a divestment campaign on behalf of BDS. 


It’s also important to note that Hamideh is a proud supporter of the Islamic terrorist organizations Hezbollah and Hamas. The same Hezbollah that organizes rallies and where chants of “Death to America” are heard. Hamideh regularly praises Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, even describing him as the “most honorable Arab-Muslim leader of our time”. No wonder he was questioned by the FBI.

Hamideh is an enthusiastic supporter of Iran as well, and continuously implies that Iran should wipe Israel off the map. His praise of Islamic terrorist organizations has been well-documented by many – here , here , and here – and this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Regarding Hezbollah, it’s important to note that the group is a listed terrorist organization in the United States. That same list includes Hamas, which Hamideh proudly and openly supports as well. In fact, the new “leader” of Hamas is on a U.S. Specially Designated [Terrorist] Nationals list. Others on the list include ISIS, Al-Qaeda, PFLP, Boko Haram, and many more. 

As for Hamas, Hamideh doesn’t hide his support for the radical Islamic death cult nor for the terrorists walking into restaurants in Tel-Aviv and shooting children. He actually takes it a step further and mocks the victims. Hamidehs close assistant, treasurer of Al-Awda Anas Amireh makes no effort to hide his support for terrorists either. Here is an example of Amireh promoting shooting and ramming cars into Jews. Amireh posted this 3 weeks after a Palestinian terrorist rammed his car into three month old Chaya Braun murdering her in her carriage in Jerusalem. Chaya was an American citizen.

Al-Awda was once a popular anti-Israel [many would say anti-Semitic] 501(c)3 non-profit tax-exempt organization . However, looking at the 2014 990 form, it would seem that the organization has been losing popularity, since total grants and membership fees have declined from $220,844 in 2010 to $79,054 in 2014. My assessment is that rabid elements of anti-Semitism have steadily been creeping into mainstream BDS and pro-Palestinian organizations, forcing more moderate activists and organizations to disconnect.

In the past, Hamideh would organize Al-Awda conventions while inviting Hamas supporters and BDS activists such as Ali AbunimahRania KhalekRemi KanaziLamis Deek and others. Naturally, they would also discuss BDS strategies “For the Return”. As of late, there have not been any Al-Awda conventions scheduled – likely due to the fact that funds are low because of the extreme direction which Hamideh and company have taken. Mainstream pro-BDS activists can’t afford to be associated with activists like Hamideh for fear of losing funding from government-backed NGO’s, as well as support from liberal Jewish organizations.

One example of loss of support is the apparent fallout between Hamideh and Linda Sarsour – director of the Brooklyn-based Arab American Association of New York [AAANY]. We all remember Linda Sarsour as one of the main organizers of the recent Women’s March. Since then Linda has been exposed as a fraud, following a series of tweets which surfaced. Much has been written about Sarsour over the years, including concerns about her pro-Sharia stance and terrorist ties to Hamas. At around the time Sarsour started campaigning for Bernie Sanders, the two refrained from communicating on social media as well as not meeting at random BDS events. Prior to this period, Hamideh and Sarsour were in constant contact as seen herehere, and here – even joking about ethnic cleansing of Jews from Israel.

I was highly concerned that the Sanders campaign was dealing with a close associate of Hamideh and so I started to ask questions. I wrote to a few newspapers, online publications, and elected officials. Since then it appears that the disconnect has intensified – probably due to the fact that Sarsour wanted to further distance herself from Hamideh for fear that it would be exposed nationally. Perhaps it had to do with videos I posted exposing Hamideh, or maybe it was because information was leaked that a possible NY Post article on the subject may have been in the works. One of the videos posted included Hamideh leading a BDS rally in Cleveland while encouraging the chant “Khaybar Khaybar ya yahood" – basically a call to slaughter Jews. The origin refers to the battle in the city of Khaybar [town in Saudi Arabia] where Mohammed led an army to slaughter Jews. Whatever the reasons, Sarsour obviously led the disconnect and Hamideh has since fired back at Sarsour on social media.

Hamideh is now organizing his “SupportPalestineinDC” hate fest, due to take place on Sunday March 26th. The rally is being held to “support Palestine and protest AIPAC simultaneously”. BDS will be a major focal point at this event, with guests like pro-Assad, Hamas, and Hezbollah supporter Rania Khalek due to speak.

Last year, the event attracted extremely bizarre groups and individuals. One of these unhinged anti-Semites is Brother Nathanael, founder of Real Jew News”, who is a guest columnist for anti-Semitic websites such as Rense and SmolokoOthers included the Westboro Baptist Church, who showed up yelling homophobic slurs and blaming catastrophes and disasters on homosexuals and JewsHamas supporter Max Blumenthal also showed up and chased Rabbi Shmuley Boteach down the street yelling and screaming. Abby Martin [to whom I refer as “the bastion of journalistic integrity”] was also there, showing us how professional “journalists” conduct themselves. Last but not least, let’s not forget “Code Pink”, which classifies itself as a “feminist organization” yet supports the Iranian Ayatollahs.

One especially bizarre addition to this year’s event is a gentleman known as James “Jimmy” Fry. In all honestly, he is a small-time anti-Semite who, according to his Facebook page, is a “Teacher and advocate for the people of Virginia Beach” and a “Counter PSYOPS expert”. Apparently, he also ran for the Virginia Beach school board and claimed to be a substitute teacher. Hamideh has recently befriended Fry and their friendship is well-documented on social media. As of late, Fry has expressed extremely vile anti-Semitic views with tweets that mock and belittle the Holocaust. In addition, his Facebook page includes videos of himself ranting about “Dirty F------ Jews”. Another example is Fry joking about certain people making “good lampshades”, an obvious reference to the claim that Nazis made lampshades using the skin of Jews. After I exposed all of this numerous times on social media, Hamideh seemed to have ceased engagement with Fry.

I’m bringing up James Fry, but not because he’s an intellectual who could potentially be dangerous. He truly is an insignificant, classic small-time anti-Semite – who, in most cases, we would completely ignore. However, my purpose in mentioning him is to provide the readers with an understanding of how the link between the James Frys of the world and the global BDS movement is becoming stronger and more apparent over time. We are witness to far too many examples of rabid anti-Semitism within BDS, such as those documented herehereand here

Just recently a story received attention concerning a Muslim Texas teacher, Nancy Salem. Salem was exposed on social media for her open anti-Semitism. In one instance, Salem told her daughter before a recent trip to Israel to Kiss the Palestine ground for me and kill some Jews”. Another incident depicts Nancy joking about gassing Jews” and that “not enough died”. In case you were wondering, yes, Nancy was a BDS activist at UTA University of Texas, Arlington, associated with the local SJP (Students for Justice in Palestine) chapter.

This is essentially the direction in which BDS has been heading for several years, since all the groups and individuals mentioned above have one common enemy – Israel, and to a growing extent, Jews. Further evidence is the Electronic Intifada, which is the leading BDS and pro-Hamas publication in the United States. It has not condemned these actions. Recently, in a pathetic attempt to win over liberal anti-Trump Jews, their extremist founder and editor Ali Abunimah, who proudly coined the term “Defense Force” for Hamas, has expressed “outrage” [in one tweetat an anti-Semitic attack in St. Louis. Sadly, this “outrage” is clearly a sham. Anyone “outraged” by anti-Semitism can’t be a supporter of Hamas nor would they retweet Hamas spokesman Osama Hamdan who claimed, “Jews mix blood of Christians in their holy matzoh”.

All in all, if last year’s rally led by Abbas Hamideh in DC was any indication of what’s to come next month, we will witness a gathering of anti-Semitic, anti-American [West], homophobic, terrorist supporting bigots who are not interested in peace nor human rights.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, February 24, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

You know how the West likes to pretend that the PLO isn't serious when they demand that they have the "right" to flood Israel with 5 million so-called "refugees"?

Even though every single speech given by Palestinian leaders in Arabic that demand a state also invokes "right to return" along with "1967 borders" and "capital in Jerusalem"?

Indeed, only yesterday Mahmoud Abbas told the Lebanese president that Palestinians living in horrendous conditions in Lebanon were honored "guests" until they can "return to their homeland Palestine." Back in 2005 Abbas said that allowing Palestinians to become citizens would not compromise their "right to return" and the Lebanese leaders scolded him in no uncertain terms so he reversed his position and now tells Lebanese Palestinians that they should remain in misery indefinitely.

Now there is even more evidence that "return" is a central strategy of the Palestinians, and not a peripheral negotiating point that they are prepared to forego in order to get a state.

The PLO website published an article where they say that they started an initiative to present this "right," mentioned in paragraph 11 of UN General Assembly Resolution 194, to the International Court of Justice for a ruling.

I really hope they do.

It would expose that their claim has no legal weight as a General Assembly resolution (despite the hypocritical and contra-legal claims of HRW and Amnesty.)

It would expose the hypocrisy of emphasizing part of Paragraph 11 but ignoring the part that insists that Arab nations should resettle the refugees as well.

It would expose the fact that the Arab nations were against Resolution 194 because it also granted rights to Jewish refugees who were expelled from Arab areas besides their obligation to resettle the Palestinian Arabs.

It would expose the fact that the entire issue is kept alive for the purpose of destroying Israel, putting a lie to their claims that they support a two-state solution.

It would expose the fact that the UN itself did not interpret 194 as a blanket right to return to begin with! In a 1950 document it interpreted its own words very narrowly only for the refugees themselves and only to the physical homes that they left, not a general return to the areas they came from.

So yes, please, bring the "right to return" to the ICJ. It would be a very enlightening experience - for the entire world.

(It appears that this initiative is really meant to assert PLO control over the Palestinians who live outside PA areas, as a result of this conference I noted recently.)

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