Monday, May 07, 2012

  • Monday, May 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an yesterday:
Islamic Jihad leader Mohammad Al-Hindi warned Sunday that the death of any hunger-striking prisoner will start the third intifada, referencing the popular uprisings against Israeli occupation.
YNet reports:
Khader Adnan, who was the first prisoner to launch a hunger strike, said "from our perspective, the hunger strike will be considered a success in any case, regardless of whether the prisoners' demands are met or if they die in prison."

"If they die, the victory will be even greater," he said. "In any case, Israel will be held responsible."
This is the terrorist version of win-win.

By the way, one of the prisoners' demands is their essential human right to watch the Rotana cinema satellite channel and BBC2. Really.
  • Monday, May 07, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
But I repeat myself....

Here's the latest in bizarre anti-Zionist thinking, by Issa Edward Boursheh, where the bizarre claim is made that allowing more citizens to vote in elections is anti-democratic:
In late March, before elections were announced, Cabinet Secretary Zvi Hauser revived an earlier effort to grant Israeli citizens abroad the right to vote. The argument in support of such a bill is that it could increase the level of overall voter participation. But there is every reason to believe that this is not the true concern of the current government and its leaders.

According to the report (Hebrew) by the JPPI, between 677,000 and 706,000 Israelis reside abroad; 543,000 to 572,000 will be eligible to vote, according to this paper. After all the limitations proposed, the number is reduced to a sum that could add up to about 2-3 Knesset seats (p. 11).

Proponents argue that other Western democracies allow absentee voting, including Canada, Australia and the US. But those democracies are based on universal principles of citizenship. Unlike those countries, in Israel naturalization is based almost exclusively on Jewish identity. Even with some safeguards about residency and the four-year limitation, it is Jews who are more likely to gain citizenship from Israel, and travel or live abroad.

As it stands, the bill could, de facto, lead to gerrymandering the Israeli electorate in favor of the Jewish people, upsetting even the current Jewish-weighted balance. That may eventually cause more harm than benefit to this democracy.
Get that? Since more Jews are likely to be abroad, then Jews are more likely to vote! But since Jews are more likely to be in Israel itself, doesn't that mean that Jews are more likely to vote anyway? Has Boursheh, who goes to Tel Aviv University, not noticed that Israel is a majority Jewish state? Yet to Boursheh, any plan to add more voters is automatically suspect if the majority of those voters are Jewish. 

Sounds vaguely racist, no?

It gets better:
According to the Law of Return, Israel is the national home of all Jews around the world. All Jews are entitled, according to the law, to pursue citizenship practically just by stepping on Israel’s soil and by proving Jewish descent, which will turn them into voters too. ...The bill opens the door to the possibility of Jews around the world pursuing citizenship just for the purpose of voting, with only minor obstacles; and those most likely to take advantage of it are, I believe, potentially right-wing voters.
This is lunacy. It is almost unimaginable that any sane person would make a sham aliyah just to be able to vote, let alone hordes of people.  The logic is bizarre, to put it mildly.

In fact, if the thesis given by the Peter Beinarts of the world are true, most American Jews actually are far more dovish than Israelis are, and many of them feel very strongly that Israel is doing the wrong thing. Wouldn't they be also likely candidates to go on sham aliyot just to vote against Likud? (Oh, sorry, they are Jewish - and automatically suspect to Boursheh anyway!)
At present, there are more than 300,000 voters who reside outside the Green Line/Israel who practice their voting right – in other words, settlers. Amongst them are government ministers and members of Knesset, including Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman and Coalition Chairman Zeev Elkin, to name two. On the other hand, more than 250,000 Palestinians who reside in East Jerusalem are residents of territory that was annexed by Israel’s Basic Law: Jerusalem yet they are not citizens of Israel and are not allowed to vote in national elections. In addition, more than 20,000 Druze live in the Golan heights with similar status to the East Jerusalemites, and they do not participate in Knesset elections either. For the record, this is partly due to the choice of these residents due to the complexity of their reality and fear of where they might end up as a result of future agreements.
So there are some 270,000 Arabs who can, if they desire, become citizens and voters - and choose not to. And this is somehow Israel's fault! (Later on he says that Israel is "denying their basic right" to vote - when it is entirely their choice.)

There are serious problems that arise from this debate and it’s crucial to address them. First, are the Israelis who reside abroad Netanyahu’s core supporters (Netanyahu’s many Facebook fans are not from Israel)? Is that the reason he is seeking to include them?
This guy is seriously saying that Bibi's Facebook admirers in Malaysia are really right wing Jews he is trying to get to vote for him???

In reality, if Boursheh had the ability to think rationally rather than try to find a way to bash Netanyahu the Evil, he would realize that the kinds of Israelis who move abroad are the ones who are least likely to be ideological Zionists - because they left Israel! Of course this doesn't describe all of the yordim, but the chances that an Israeli who is living in Los Angeles is an idealistic, right-wing Zionist is certainly no higher than that of a random Israeli in Israel.

This is the state of anti-Zionist discourse. Assume that everything Israel does it evil, and then find insane reasons ex post facto to justify your assumption. This is pretty much the entire modus operandi at 972mag - not always so obvious, but always just as dishonest.

And here's the kicker:

This idiot works as an employee at the State Department, presumably in the US Embassy in Tel Aviv. (He also had a six week stint writing three articles for the Jerusalem Post.)

(h/t JW)

Sunday, May 06, 2012

  • Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the NYT:
Over the last 15 years, Israel has produced and exported so many serious young musicians that the jazz landscape is hard to picture without their influence, particularly in New York and especially now.

Last week the Anzic label released a pair of albums that illustrate the point: “Suite of the East,” by the bassist Omer Avital, and “Songs and Portraits,” by the collective known as Third World Love, which consists of Mr. Avital, the trumpeter Avishai Cohen, the pianist Yonatan Avishai and the drummer Daniel Freedman. (The label also released “Bamako by Bus,” by Mr. Freedman, the only member of the collective who wasn’t born in Israel.) And over the next week and a half, a different contingent of musicians will take part in Jazzrael, a festival of jazz and world music presented by the Israeli Consulate in New York.

The festival begins on Sunday night at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, with a trio led by Omri Mor, an articulate young pianist from Jerusalem. Its closing event, at Joe’s Pub on May 16, will feature the multireedist Amir Gwirtzman and the singer Nurit Galron, both traveling from Israel for the occasion.

Elsewhere on the schedule are Israeli musicians now residing in New York, like the pianist Alon Yavnai, who leads a big band at Joe’s Pub on Tuesday. A concert next Saturday at Temple Israel of the City of New York, on East 75th Street, will feature Mr. Mor, the flutist Hadar Noiberg and the accordionist Uri Sharlin, among others.

The recent outpouring of musical talent from Israel represents a different strain of Jewish jazz, one less concerned about connecting with a distant heritage. Even with a population under eight million, Israel has both the polyglot cultural mix and the educational infrastructure that are conducive to training in jazz.

Yes, the BDSers are really calling it "jazzwashing."

This also happens to be the 82nd anniversary of this:
Constantinople, May. 6 (JTA) –
Following a two week's run at a local theatre the American moving picture, "The Jazz Singer," starring Al Jolson, has been banned because it contains "Jewish religious propaganda."
But I thought Jews weren't discriminated against in Muslim countries! I thought they were only angry at "Zionists"! Hmmm...Al Jolson must have been a Zionist. Yeah, that must be it.

Is the analogy between those who boycott Israeli jazz today and those who boycotted a Jewish jazz story eight decades ago too obvious?

(The Turkish ban was lifted two months later. The Nazis were not enamored with the movie either.)

  • Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jordan Times:

Hundreds of activists hit the streets in some urban centres in the country demanding an end to the Kingdom’s ties with Israel.

In protests organised by Islamists, leftists and youth activists, participants called on decision makers to scrap the 1994 Wadi Araba Peace Treaty, which they described as a “disaster”.

In a downtown Amman rally, some 200 leftists and youth activists called on authorities to expel the Israeli ambassador, burning US and Israeli flags and chanting: “Wadi Araba is not peace, Wadi Araba is surrender.”

Meanwhile, the Muslim Brotherhood’s youth wing rallied in downtown Amman’s Al Nakheel Square, criticising the government for maintaining ties with Tel Aviv despite Israel’s refusal to honour the agreement.

Addressing the rally of some 300 Islamists, former Muslim Brotherhood overall leader Salem Falahat criticised Amman for supporting policies of normalisation with Israel during an ongoing occupation of Palestinian lands.

Meanwhile, in a series of demonstrations held by governorate-based popular movements, hundreds of citizens rallied in Karak, Tafileh, Ajloun and Irbid, calling for an end to “normalisation” with Israel and protesting against rising prices of basic commodities.

Activists said Friday’s protests were a direct response to the appointment of Prime Minister Fayez Tarawneh, a leading figure in the 1994 peace process, who recently stated that if given a second chance, he would still support the treaty, pointing out that Jordan has used the peace pact as a tool to help Palestinians and other Arabs.
Are they still considered "peace activists" when they rally against peace?
  • Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Nasser Saladin Brigades of the Popular Resistance Committees held a parade in Gaza on Satuday:

Hamas won't allow rallies or demonstrations that they disagree with, for example for unity with Fatah.

But this parade by a supposedly independent military force is fine, complete with weapons.

Just more proof that Hamas is encouraging the terrorists while it pretends to be comparatively "moderate" - a ploy that Yasir Arafat used to be the expert at.
  • Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Reuters has an article about the upcoming annual Lag B'Omer pilgrimage of Jews to Djerba, Tunisia. The article says as background:
Tunisia’s Jewish community once numbered 100,000 people. But fear, poverty and discrimination prompted several waves of emigration after the creation of Israel in 1948. Many left after the 1967 Arab-Israeli war. Most went to France or Israel.
Is that an accurate description? Here is how it is described elsewhere:
After Tunisia gained independence in 1956, a series of anti-Jewish government decrees were promulgated. In 1958, Tunisia's Jewish Community Council was abolished by the government and ancient synagogues, cemeteries and Jewish quarters were destroyed for “urban renewal.”

The increasingly unstable situation caused more than 40,000 Tunisian Jews to immigrate to Israel. By 1967, the country's Jewish population had shrunk to 20,000.

During the Six-Day War, Jews were attacked by rioting Arab mobs, and synagogues and shops were burned. The government denounced the violence, and President Habib Bourguiba apologized to the Chief Rabbi. The government appealed to the Jewish population to stay, but did not bar them from leaving. Subsequently, 7,000 Jews immigrated to France.
Since 1948, 99% of Tunisia's Jews emigrated. Such a mass emigration does not come about because of vague fears or because of poverty - it comes from very specific threats to the entire community. And characterizing mob attacks on Jews and burning of synagogues "discrimination" is absurd.

While the Tunisian government has been keen on protecting its remaining Jews over the past couple of decades, it is irresponsible for Reuters to downplay the very real reasons Jews were forced to flee.
  • Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
What the Palestinians Want by Khaled Abu Toameh
“The Palestinians want the US to endorse all their demands and force Israel to give them everything. Palestinians are reminded almost every day that the US, which has been providing them with billions of dollars, is a foe rather than a friend, although no one seems to ask how come a foe is so generous. US aid should be conditioned not only on transparency and accountability, but also on an end to the campaign of hatred and incitement, as officially agreed in the Oslo accords, but never implemented.”
“Many Palestinian journalists who were invited to cover the event also decided to stay away. Their representatives accused the US of supporting Israel and working toward "normalizing"  relations between Israelis and Palestinians.”

Hollywood Group Takes on Music Industry Anti-Israel Boycotters
“We’ll see. But in the meantime, CCFP is determined to fight back.  As Steve Schnur, worldwide head of music for Electronic Arts (EA) video games, put it: “Musicians that play there don’t have to agree with the current or previous policies of the Israeli government — but they can go there and speak toward it or against it. Where else in the Middle East can an artist do that?”

Red Hot Chili Peppers In Hot Water With BDSers 
(They are playing in Lebanon as well this year, but no "pro-Palestinian" protester seems to have a problem with them playing in a country that has laws discriminating against Palestinians.)

Breaking the silence on Jewish property rights
“In 1876 Ashkenazi and Sephardi communities in Jerusalem jointly purchased the site next to Shimon Hatzaddik’s tomb. They built dwellings for the pilgrims on part of the site. The Jewish residents of some 100 homes were among the first to be expelled when hostilities broke out at the end of 1947. Arab families moved into the empty Jewish homes. From 1949 to 1967 Jews could not visit the holy sites under Jordanian rule — a violation of the 1949 armistice agreement.”

Jewish and Israeli students attacked at Toulouse university event 
“Toulouse - The president of the French Jewish student organisation has called on the University of Toulouse to combat antisemitism after a talk by Israeli students last week was disrupted by protesters shouting abuse, making threats and singing antisemitic chants.”
"Security had to intervene – it was very upsetting," said Mr Reingewitz. "The protesters were saying 'get out of here' and they sang an antisemitic slogan in Arabic: Khaybar Khaybar is Yahud, Jaysh Muhammad sawfa ya'ud" (Khaybar, Khaybar, O Jews, the army of Muhammad will return)."

Two Egyptian Presidential Candidates Endorsed Jihad Against US

Red Ken is off to a career at PressTV
“Ken Livingstone announces retirement from politics after losing London Mayor election to Boris Johnson”
  • Sunday, May 06, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I am going on a vacation this week, and am traveling today, so there will be fewer posts than normal  this week. I'm queuing up what I can.

On the bright side, I should get a tan!

Saturday, May 05, 2012

  • Saturday, May 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This is much worse than I was aware of:
The Knesset Committee on the Status of Women last week turned its attention to Israel’s Beduin. The emergent picture was no less than shocking. Most Israelis wouldn’t imagine such repression within our enlightened country.

Pro forma, we have progressive laws that are enforced vigorously and equitably. However, beneath this enlightened surface lurks a reality so unseemly that it’s hardly inaccurate to speak of another country-with-the-country, where our system of justice is plainly absent.

That country-within-the-country is mostly located in the Negev, but not exclusively so. It thrives wherever Beduin populations congregate. In those areas our laws appear all but irrelevant.

The statistics speak for themselves. More than 70 percent of all Beduin women in Israel are wed by coercion.

Their preferences or aversions are never taken into account.

According to an exhaustive two-year survey conducted by the Itach (Women Lawyers for Social Justice) NGO, 85% of Beduin women report that they are subjected to severe physical and/or psychological violence. Of these, 90% were openly battered in public.

The researchers believe that the true situation is considerably worse because the respondents were visibly frightened and reluctant to answer questions.

It gets worse. Abused women in Beduin communities are the least likely to enlist outside help. Of them, 67% admitted that they refrain from involving outsiders in their misfortune for fear of a backlash from their families, as well as of escalated brutality, ostracism and the loss of their children.

Additionally, these women don’t on the whole have monogamous marriages. The law notwithstanding, Beduin society practices unbridled polygamy. Official Israel’s only input appears in the form of generous child allotments paid to uncontrollably outsized family frameworks, whereby a man can boast 40 or more offspring.

Such social settings do not augur well for women’s welfare.

But the abandonment of these women to a cruel fate right under our noses is only one facet of the conspiracy of silence that envelopes the Beduin enclaves. The result is large areas to which the state opts to turn a blind eye and where it doesn’t exercise its authority.

For years Negev residents have been calling their region the Wild South. The appellation stuck, and has become common also in police and political parlance, and with good reason.

There’s no denying the state of anarchy especially in Beersheba and its vicinity. Beduin operate protection rackets in broad daylight; their victims fear for their lives.

Theft and robbery are daily occurrences. Numerous homeowners pay protection fees to uninvited Beduin “guards.” The protection-providers’ threats are so potent that victims shrink from testifying. Those who stop paying face penalties. Homes are broken into and ransacked and in one case boiling tar was poured throughout the premises.

In Beersheba’s Emek Sarah industrial zone, stores are raided openly and without hesitation during business hours. Pickup trucks are driven through showroom windows and loaded with merchandise before backing out.

Some establishments have suffered numerous attacks.

Most popular are electrical appliance and building supplies outlets.

Insurance firms frequently refuse their services to local entrepreneurs. Businessmen accuse the police of apathy.

The Mekorot national water company installed hidden cameras in its many Negev installations and discovered photographic evidence of gangs dismantling pumping equipment, loading it onto trucks and then engaging in wanton sabotage of what was left, before disappearing down dusty trails. The police often prove helpless. Pumping stations are rebuilt with the clear knowledge that it is only a matter of time before they are again destroyed.

Farmers feel abandoned. Everything – from irrigation equipment to ripe produce packed for distribution – is stolen.

Thousands of illegal Beduin buildings proliferate throughout the Negev while the courts appear dormant.

The conclusion that official Israel has abandoned all authority in and around Beduin communities is inescapable. This extends to all aspects of life – from the sad status of women to drug-smuggling, human-trafficking and tax evasion.

We mustn’t lose sight of the risk that disrespect for the law might spread to other segments of society. Ignoring a problem may be easy but won’t prevent it from mushrooming.
Yet when Israel tries to enforce even the most basic of laws in the Negev, anti-Israel activists claim that they are engaging in ethnic cleansing.

See also my previous post here.

(h/t Sophie)
  • Saturday, May 05, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Bikya Masr:
Azza el-Garf
Egypt’s New Women Foundation said they are suing Islamist Parliament member Azza al-Garf over her pro-female genitals mutilation (FGM) statements. The women’s rights foundation sent a letter to the speaker of parliament Saad al-Katatny, informing him of legally going after Garf and asking for his permission to be allowed to take the MP to court.

The parliament needs to lift immunity for an MP in order for them to be held accountable in a court of law.

Garf was reported saying that FGM is an Islamic practice and that the anti-FGM laws should be amended. Garf is a Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) member, the political arm of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

“We are on our way to sue Garf to preserve our rights and the gains of Egyptian women,” said the open letter to the speaker.

“We are suing her for going against Egyptian laws that criminalize sexual harassment and FGM, practices that goes against women rights and human rights.

“We completely refuse Garf’s statements and announce that she does not represent us.”

Garf gave similar statements on her Twitter account last month, calling for lifting the laws that criminalize FGM. The statements stirred criticism, which led to the FJP to announce that Garf has no account on Twitter and no comments were made by Garf herself.

Rights surveys in the country put the number of women who go through FGM to be around 86 percent. Current Egyptian law bans the practice and gives prison sentences to any medical staff who performs the surgery. However, many families go to underground clinics to get their daughters the procedure, risking permanent scares or even death.

In 2010, a 13-year-old girl died after a local doctor in the Nile Delta region’s Menoufiya governorate failed in the operation.
It will be interesting to see if the speaker of parliament will lift diplomatic immunity against Garf. I somehow doubt it.

The bad news: As of this writing, a full week after the petition went online and over a day after this article was published, less than 200 people had signed the petition. That's literally nothing.

Which means that women's rights are in serious trouble in Egypt.

Friday, May 04, 2012

  • Friday, May 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ian:

Honest Reporting replies to the Guardian
Tel Aviv is Israel's Capital (According to the Guardian)

 Co-op bans settlement produce in Israel boycott
But the JC can reveal that at least two of the four companies with which the Co-op is now refusing to do business - Arava Export Growers and Mehadrin - had no contracts to sell produce to the UK
group before the boycott.

Mehadrin's Rami Hesel said: "We were not dealing withthe Co-op, even before the boycott. We had no business with them and didn't sell them anything. For us it is irrelevant.

"We have many Arab workers with us in the fields and packing houses. There are families who have been with us for many years. Any attempt to harm us harms the Palestinians, too."

Daphne Anson points out 

'Despite the Co-op’s claims that they are applying their policy even-handed, goods from Occupied Northern Cyprus, for example, may still be sold in Co-ops and labelled as “produce of Turkey”.

"Produce Of Turkey": The Co-op, The Boycott, & Double Standards

Released bin Laden papers show Al-Qaeda with Israel in its sights

“Al-Qaeda considered the use of drugs to infiltrate Israel’s borders and security infrastructure, thought of the Arab Spring as a positive development, called on Christians in Israel to convert to Islam, and slammed the Mubarak regime for its relations with Israel in newly declassified papers found by US
commandos in Osama bin Laden’s Pakistan compound.”

AQ Received funding from Iran and Fatah

Letter Excerpts: What al Qaeda Thought of Fox News, CNN, ABC

Al Qaeda Loves Keith Olbermann, Hates Fox

Revealed: How bin Laden plotted to bring down Air Force One to kill Obama and replace him with 'totally unprepared' Biden

More shameful BBC propaganda against Israel
The BBC has now sunk to pinning its stories against Israel on people who refer to the Jewish state in terms of Nazism and Apartheid

DOJ Refuses to Prosecute Palestinian Terrorists
Tamimi was released even though she has admitted – on television – that she participated in the Sbarro terrorist bombing. In the interview, she even expressed her delight at the number of children among the dead.

Former Egyptian PM Says He'd Visit Israel

Hamas denies Israeli report on contact with Olmert

How The Palestinian Authority Fights Corruption by Khaled Abu Toameh

“Palestinians say that the campaign of intimidation and harassment against the media is designed to prevent "negative reporting" about the Palestinian Authority government. The Palestinian Authority does not want anyone to report about corruption and abuse of power out of fear that this would affect financial aid from the US, EU and other countries.”

What about UN crimes?
Op-ed: IDF actions pale in comparison to crimes committed by UN peacekeeping forces,7340,L-4223342,00.html

Pat Condell - Hello Saudi Arabia

London won't hold minute of silence for 1972 victims

USS Cole Commander Slams Obama Ad

Six army battalions called up under emergency orders to meet growing threat on Egypt, Syria borders

American Methodists vote against divesting from Israel

Also, Barry Rubin's article on new NYT Israel correspondent Jodi Rudoren's romanticizing terrorists who are hunger striking.
  • Friday, May 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • Friday, May 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
A couple of months ago I posted about how Hezbollah was imposing its curriculum on all schools in Lebanon by forcing everyone to take a class on "the resistance." Afterwards, I wrote sarcastically, "When will they cut out the middleman and just let Ayatollah Khamanei write the course materials for every class?"

Maybe they read my blog.
Education Minister Hasan Diab expressed hope Thursday that Lebanon would soon sign a cooperation agreement in education with Iran.

“We look forward to signing an agreement in the near future to benefit from the educational experience of Iran,” Diab told reporters after receiving his Iranian counterpart Hamid-Reza Haji Babaee, who is accompanying Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi on an official visit.

Diab said the agreement would help the implementation of the ministry’s “salvation” plan for the sector.

Asked by reporters about remarks that the agreement would amount to a “Persian invasion,” Diab said: “This is untrue ... the Education Ministry is a sovereign ministry and in many aspects, it is crucial for all Lebanese.”
There are many reasons to overthrow Bashir Assad, but one of them not often mentioned often enough: it would weaken Hezbollah and give hope that Lebanon can become independent of Islamist rule again.

And dangerous ideas like having Lebanon depend on the mullahs in Iran to teach their students would not even be considered.

(h/t @JCampbellUKIP)
  • Friday, May 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From JTA, February 28, 1977:
In London, Said Hammami, the PLO's representative there, said in an interview today in the Observer that the Palestine National Council when it meets in Cairo March 12 cannot amend the charter because it represents ideology rather than a practical program.

However, he said the PLO is ready to accept two states in Palestine "because since 1948 there has been a new factor, the Israeli people, not the Jewish people." But he said that Israel cannot survive in the long run as a Jewish State but will eventually become a Hebrew-speaking corner of the Arab world.

Hammami listed three points that comprise the PLO policy: a demand for complete withdrawal of Israel from occupied territory; that the West Bank and the Gaza Strip be handed over to the Palestinians to form an independent state under the PLO with the option later of deciding whether it wanted to join with Jordan and/or Syria; and the recognition of the right of all Palestinians to return to their homes, although this right might not be exercised "for a number of years."
Over the past 35 years Israel has changed its position drastically towards concessions to the PLO - and the PLO has not changed its position one iota towards peace with Israel.

It still considers Israel a temporary anomaly; it still rejects the idea of a Jewish state or of "two states for two peoples;" it still insists on the "right" to have millions of Arabs immigrate to Israel to destroy it demographically.

The only difference is that 35 years ago they were explicit about their ultimate goal of using the territories as a stage in the ultimate destruction of Israel, and after Oslo they pretend that they really want peace. Yet in Arabic they are still quite clear, and their people know it.

And in the 35 years of Israel giving up land, making unilateral concessions and accepting the concept of two states, it has not moderated the Arabs one tiny bit from their hard-line position of 1977 - which is in fact identical to the infamous 1974 Phased Plan for the destruction of Israel, piece by piece.

  • Friday, May 04, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya:
An all-female village in Saudi banned women who are not dressed conservatively or dressed like men from entering the village grounds in an attempt to combat “alien” phenomena that violate social traditions and spread negative practices.

The Women’s Village in Sakakah, the capital city of al-Jawf Province in northwestern Saudi Arabia, issued a statement banning the entry of women who are deemed to be “dressed indecently” as well as those who look or behave like men, the Saudi newspaper al-Sharq reported.

The statement, which was sent by the village administration via mobile text messages, was issued after a large number of girls engaging in behavior that contradicts the conservative character of the Saudi society started frequenting the village and taking part in many of its activities.

In several women-only parties, the statement explained, teenage girls dressed in revealing clothes or maintained a manly appearance and some of them performed what was seen as “provocative” dances, considered not in line with social norms of the place.

“Those phenomena are alien to our society and do not reflect its conservative character. That is why they need to combated and have their causes uprooted,” said the statement.

The clampdown on “indecent” behavior is not the first in Sakakah. The village administration had issued an earlier statement banning visitors from entering with mobile phones with cameras and prohibiting events that involve noisy music and dancing.

The implementation of such resolutions is overseen by a team of Saudi security women who are in charge of maintaining law and order in the village and detecting violations committed by visitors throughout the year.

The decision of the Sakakah administration is also not the first to target tomboyish girls as they are also banned from entering public schools and universities together with men who maintain an “effeminate” or “punk” appearance.
So if you are a woman in Saudi Arabia, you cannot even dance in front of other women!

Other articles make it appear that makeup is also prohibited.

I cannot find out much about this women's village; it certainly does not take up the entire town. And since cameras seem to be forbidden, there are no photos except for the outside gate.

I wonder if they built roads for cars in this "women's village"?


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