Wednesday, September 04, 2024

As I've been documenting over the past couple of months, Turkish media is virulently antisemitic.  It doesn't even pretend to be merely "anti-Zionist;" there is no distinction between Jews and Zionists. 

Here are some examples from the past few days.

In Milat Gazeti, Muhammad Oskilinc - an Islamic cleric with a regular column inciting hate for Jews - writes:
As the saying goes, Jews are “both guilty and powerful”, they have always committed crimes against humanity and human values ​​throughout history. But on the other hand, with the enormous media power in their hands, they have managed to present themselves as an oppressed, innocently pushed and pushed poor people. Since they have executed this plan very well, they still continue to receive large amounts of compensation from many European countries. The grandfathers of Europeans witnessed dozens of crimes of Jews and exiled them from their countries. But over time, many insidious plans have presented to their grandchildren that Jews are as clean as a spoonful of milk and innocent. Then, step by step, the lie that they were exiled by their grandfathers without guilt was pumped in, and then the Europeans were brought to the position of standing behind the Jews no matter what, with both compensation and a guilty mindset.

This cursed nation, cursed by Allah (swt) dozens of times, has managed to present itself as a victim and a wretched to the entire humanity. For this; the cinema, theater sector and the entire art world have been taken under control. The educational curriculums of the countries and then the entire internet world have been mobilized. The history of the nations has been forgotten and a new and false history has been invented that suits the interests and benefits of the Jews. In other words, the memories of the nations have been erased and a new memory has been loaded. Pressure has been put on the parliaments of almost all countries and bringing up the crimes of the Jews has been made a crime by law under the name of “ANTI-SEMITISM”.

Yes, people can be misled, deceived, and even their history and archives can be designed in reverse. But nothing can be erased from the divine archive. When you look at the Holy Quran, it is immediately understood how dark and hostile to humanity this cursed people are. ...

In fact, it is not possible for this cursed people to escape the humiliation collar that has been put around their necks because of their corrupt character and their hostility towards humanity and human values.
Yeni Akit quotes Akşam newspaper writer Hüseyin Besli's insane railing against Jews and the West:
Like all false structures, the divinity of the West and the existence of the State of Israel will soon come to an end, and the Jews will be condemned to live in disarray and misery on earth, as they deserve.

Because Jews are the perpetrators of unforgivable sins and crimes...

That is why today's Israel is a country inspired by George Orwell, where animals live and are ruled by wild animals.

Just as Abraham put Nimrod, the symbol of human deification, in his place, today's false god puts humanity in its place in the person of the people of Gaza. I hope and pray that; just like Nimrod was defeated and killed by a fly, the people of Gaza will enter through the West's nose and spill their brains on the ground, God willing..."
Popular Turkish news site Haber7  calls closing of the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron from Muslim worship ten days a year "systematic genocide." 

Ali Barskanmay writes in Karar about the antisemitism in Shakespeare's "The Merchant of Venice" and concludes that it was prompted by how evil Jews are to begin with.

At least in Egypt and Morocco, there are also articles about the history of Jews in those countries that are not overtly hostile. I have yet to see any such articles in Turkish media since I started looking a couple of months ago.

Arabic media used to be this bad, and they were shamed by Western media reporting on the most hateful articles translated by MEMRI. At this time, Turkish media is the most antisemitic in the world, with Yemen in a distant second place (since Yemen doesn't try to dress up its hate in intellectual arguments as Turkey does.)

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