Thursday, November 09, 2023

The Central Committee of Fatah met on Thursday evening , and issued a statement that read in part:

The Central Committee of the “Fatah” movement held a meeting, this evening, Thursday, at the mobilization and organization headquarters of the “Fatah” movement.

The Fatah Central Committee affirmed, in a statement, that the occupation’s expansion of its aggression against our people in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including Jerusalem and its holy sites, will only make us more committed to our legitimate national rights and more determined to defeat this criminal occupation .

No matter what crimes and massacres the occupation commits, our people will remain steadfast and stationed on the land of their homeland and will not leave, and just as our people in Gaza were steadfast and thwarted the displacement plan, our people in the West Bank will continue their steadfastness on the land of their homeland and their struggle until the occupation is defeated and the independent Palestinian state is established with Jerusalem as its capital .
Palestinian presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudeina said almost identical words about the Gazan and west Bankers' "steadfastness."

OK, so Gazans ae steadfast in not leaving their land, and West Bankers are steadfast in not leaving their land. Fine. 

But aren't they both "Palestine?"

They say that the Gazans cannot go to Egypt because, somehow, it would be a new nakba. (Their being in an intense war zone is far better, it seems.) But why can't the West Bankers take in thousands of the Gazans for the duration? They would still be in their homeland, right? No nakba! No ethnic cleansing! Steadfastness on their land!

What's the downside?

Once again, we see how the zero-sum mentality works - and how much Palestinian leaders treat their own citizens with contempt.

With this example, we can calculate a formula to see exactly how little Palestinian lives are worth to their leaders.

Their calculus is, if something helps Israel at all,  it must be resisted at all cost. Includiing sacrificing their own people.

When a Gaza civilian (or someone they claim is a civilian) dies, that hurts Israel's standing in the world a minuscule amount. Hamas, Fatah and the PA are saying that this PR value is worth more than their lives. 

Israel is trying to minimize innocent casualties. Hamas wants to maximize them. And the "moderate" Palestinian Authority fully agrees with Hamas.

Now, let's say that the Gaza health ministry claims that Israel killed 246 people today. How much worse does Israel suffer, in public relations terms, compared to if they claimed Israel killed 245 people?

What is the PR value of person #246? 

Everyone can see that it is practically nothing. No one will be angrier, no additional resolutions will be passed, no extra letters to the editor or outraged tweets. Person #246's life is worth exactly nothing in terms of PR. 

Even though the propaganda value difference between the claiming that 245 and 246  innocent people were killed in one day is practically nil, to the Palestinian Authority and Fatah, their lives are worth even less than that.

Person #246, whose death accomplished exactly nothing, is more valuable dead than alive to his or her "leaders." 

Mahmoud Abbas could save the lives of hundreds, thousands or tens of thousands. He would prefer them dead.

And these are the people the Biden White House wants to control Gaza.

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