Thursday, May 04, 2023

From Ian:

Netanyahu: We made the Dee family’s killers pay
Anyone who attacks Israel should be prepared to die, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Thursday, after the IDF killed the terrorists who murdered three members of the Dee family last month.

“This morning we made the murderers of Lucy, Maia and Rina Dee, of blessed memory, pay,” Netanyahu said. Netanyahu: Whoever hurts us, be prepared to die

Israel’s message to terrorists, the prime minister added, is that “it may take a day, a week or a month, but you can be sure that we will make you pay.

“It doesn’t matter where you hide; we will find you. Whoever hurts us, be prepared to die,” he said.

Netanyahu thanked security forces for working night and day to catch the killers.

Rabbi Leo Dee, the husband and father of the terrorists’ victims, said that he and his children “were comforted to hear that the Israeli security forces have eliminated the Iranian-funded terrorists responsible for Lucy, Maia, and Rina’s murders.

“This has been done in a way that has not endangered the lives of Israeli soldiers, nor innocent Palestinian civilians – in a way that only the Israeli army knows how to do,” he said, adding that he wants “the opportunity to speak with the terrorists’ families and ask what good they thought would come out of their actions and to hear their vision for a better world.”

Dee was later interviewed on KAN Reshet Bet, where he was asked if he felt any sense of comfort. “Nothing can really comfort our loss,” he said. “Our greatest comfort, though, was seeing the patients in Beilinson.” On Tuesday, patients at Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva, who had received Lucy’s donated organs, met the family.

“We look towards the future, with what we have. Am Yisrael has a future,” he added.

Palestinian Authority condemns Israel after killing of Hamas terrorists
The Palestinian Authority on Thursday condemned Israel for launching a military operation in Nablus and killing three Hamas terrorists who were behind the Dee family murders.

The PA called on the US administration to intervene to stop the Israeli “aggression.”

The PA was responding to the Israeli security operation on Thursday morning during which the terrorists – Muath Masri, 35, Hassan Qatanani, 35, and Ibrahim Jaber, 45 – were killed.

Three Dee family members, Lucy (Leah) Dee, and her two daughters, Maia and Rina, were killed in a shooting attack carried out by the terrorists in the Jordan Valley in early April.

Hamas announced that the three slain men were members of its armed wing, Izzaddin al-Qassam. A statement issued by the group in the Gaza Strip confirmed that the terrorists, whom it described as “heroes,” were behind the attack against the two Dee sisters and their mother.

According to Hamas, the shooting attack came in response to an “assault” by Israeli police officers against Muslim worshippers who had barricaded themselves inside the al-Aqsa Mosque during the holy month of Ramadan.

The alleged “assault” took place when the officers moved to evacuate dozens of young Muslim men who reportedly brought rocks and fireworks into the mosque.

Although the terrorists killed in Thursday’s raid belonged to Hamas, many supporters of the ruling Fatah faction headed by PA President Mahmoud Abbas attended their funeral, carrying the yellow flags of their faction.
Caroline Glick: What a strategy for defeating Hamas and Hezbollah looks like
Given the Iranian regime’s vulnerability, it is apparent that Israel’s best move is to support the Iranian people in their continued efforts to overthrow the regime through direct political support for the cause of freedom in Iran and through subversion and sabotage. True, Iran’s nuclear clock is ticking, but the only long-term solution to Iran’s nuclear weapons program is to bring down the regime.

While the big bet is Iran, Israel cannot ignore its proxies. Israel has no interest in a major war with either the Palestinians or the Lebanese right now. But it also cannot stand back and let them attack it. Rather than attack tertiary sites and foot soldiers, Israel should make the most of its limited responses by directing its fire against strategic targets.

Israel should renew its targeted strikes against Hamas and Islamic Jihad terror masters in Gaza and northern Samaria. It should also take steps against their soft underbellies. Two come to mind. First, Ben-Gvir has rightly identified imprisoned terrorists in Israeli jails as one such underbelly. Terrorists in Israeli prisons receive benefits that terrorists in U.S. and other prisons could only dream about. These special privileges, such as making their own food, receiving conjugal visits and using cellphones (which also pose security threats) need to end. The swank conditions terrorists enjoy in Israeli jails are at best not a disincentive for would-be terrorists.

The second soft target is the NGO network that supports terrorists. Last month the undercover investigative group Ad Kan published an expose on Channel 14 about HaMoked, the Center for the Defense of the Individual. HaMoked members were exposed admitting that their group is a lawfare organization used to undermine Israel’s legal system in its efforts to punish terrorists. HaMoked leaders view their mission as protecting terrorists, whose actions they justify and support through their efforts. HaMoked needs to outlawed as a terror entity. Criminal probes should be opened into its activities. Other NGOs registered in Israel, the Palestinian Authority and abroad also need to be placed under a magnifying glass.

As for Hezbollah-controlled Lebanon, the first step Israel should take is to stop allowing the U.S. and other global powers to get away with pretending that the Lebanese government and armed forces are independent (and pro-U.S.) entities. Today, the U.S. is largely underwriting both the Lebanese government and its armed forces, even though both are controlled by Hezbollah. The more open this situation becomes, the more difficult it will be for the Biden administration and European governments to maintain their support. The less legitimacy these entities receive, the more exposed Hezbollah and Iran become.

This won’t eliminate the threat both pose to Israel. But it will make them less interested in open aggression, for which they will no longer have plausible deniability.

A two-pronged strategy of destabilization with the goal of overthrowing the Iranian regime on the one hand, and choosing targets that strategically weaken Iran’s Palestinian and Lebanese proxies on the other, will diminish their interest in attacking Israel, advance our strategic goal of defeating them and leave our enemies teetering. It will stabilize the government and give a sense of security to Israeli citizens.

NGO Monitor: NGOs Laud Islamic Jihad's Khader Adnan, Blame Israel for Hunger Strike Death
On May 2, 2023, senior PIJ member Khader Adnan died following a 86-day-long hunger strike and refusal to receive medical treatment from the Israeli Prisons Service. Adnan was arrested in February 2023 and indicted for membership in a terror group, supporting a terrorist organization, and incitement.

Palestinian, Israeli, and international NGOs falsely claimed that Adnan was “executed” and blamed Israel for his death. The NGOs conspicuously erased his PIJ leadership, except for some that celebrated his links to the violent terror group.

Crucially, and also omitted in the NGO versions, in a 2016 publication, the ICRC reiterated its position against force feeding hunger strikers:

“The ICRC is opposed to force feeding or any treatment which goes against a patient’s wishes because it is essential that detainees’ choices be respected at all times and their dignity preserved. Forced feeding of hunger strikers is never ethically acceptable. It is furthermore a violation of internationally accepted medical ethics and may lead to violations of international humanitarian law.

In its opposition to the forced feeding of hunger strikers, the ICRC bases its decision on policies approved by the World Medical Association in the Declaration of Tokyo (1975) and the WMA Malta Declaration as revised in 2006.”

Islamic Jihad advocacy
Adnan vocally and publicly supported terrorism against Israelis. For example, in October 2007, Adnan spoke at PIJ’s Al-Quds Brigades rally and said, “O Quds Brigades, strike a blow! O Quds Brigades, shake the earth! Who among you is Hasan Abu Zeid? [a suicide bomber who murdered 5 Israelis] Who among you is the next suicide bomber? Who among you will carry the next explosive belt? Who among you will fire the next bullets? Who among you will have his body parts blown all over?”

Following Adnan’s death, PIJ and Hamas launched rockets against Israeli towns and cities, “avenging” Adnan’s death. At least three civilians were injured in a barrage directed against the Israeli town of Sderot.
Leah Goldin demands son’s remains before Israel returns body of terrorist
The mother of an Israeli soldier whose body is being held by Hamas in the Gaza Strip is demanding that the government not return the corpse of Islamic Jihad terrorist Khader Adnan until her son and other captives are returned.

Leah Goldin, the mother of Lt. Hadar Goldin, who was killed in action in the Gaza Strip in 2014, said in an interview with Channel 12 that the bodies of her son and Staff Sgt. Oron Shaul, currently being held by the enclave’s Hamas rulers, could have been exchanged for any of the terrorists’ bodies handed over by Israel.

Goldin’s son and Shaul, comrades in the IDF’s Givati infantry brigade, were killed in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, during “Operation Protective Edge.” Their bodies were taken by the terrorists and are being held to this day.

“Six hundred seventy terrorists were released from Operation Protective Edge until the beginning of 2022; the bodies of terrorists are being returned under the radar. Hadar and Oron could have been returned for any of them,” Goldin said.

She criticized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, claiming that he broke his promise that Gaza would not be rehabilitated until soldiers held captive by Hamas were returned.

“There was a Cabinet decision that bodies of Hamas terrorists would not be returned, nor would bodies that Hamas has an interest in,” she continued. “I think 104 rockets indicate a great interest,” she said, referring to the projectiles fired at Israel by Gaza terrorists between Tuesday and Wednesday.

The rockets fired mostly by Islamic Jihad were supposedly in response to the death on Tuesday of Adnan in an Israeli prison following a three-month hunger strike.

Goldin said that now is the time to keep promises: “I want my son back,” she implored.
Palestinian UN envoy lauds Islamic Jihad member who died on hunger strike
The Palestinian ambassador to the United Nations told a UN panel on Wednesday that the senior Islamic Jihad member who died while hunger striking in an Israeli prison on Tuesday was a “hero prisoner.”

Speaking at a meeting focused on Palestinian rights, Riyad Mansour accused Israeli authorities of failing to provide proper medical care to Khader Adnan, a day after he was found dead in his cell following an 86-day hunger strike. The death set off a round of fighting between Israel and terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip.

“We are satisfied that the [secretary general] and the UN were alarmed about the fate of Adnan Khader, the hero prisoner who lost his life after 44 years of his life,” Mansour said.

“I believe that the UN is seeking some kind of credible investigation as to why his life was taken away from him through negligence from the Israeli occupying authorities, negligence in health care, not addressing the needs of prisoners,” he added.

Adnan had refused any medical care, the Israel Prisons Service said. The Physicians for Human Rights group said it had examined Adnan shortly before his death, and warned Israeli authorities that he was in critical condition, but said those warnings “fell on deaf ears.”

Adnan was accused of being a spokesperson and senior leader of Palestinian Islamic Jihad, an Iran-backed group designated as a terror organization by the US, EU, Israel and other countries.

Security forces kill Palestinians who allegedly shot dead 3 members of Dee family
Two Palestinians accused of killing Lucy Dee and her daughters Maia and Rina in a shooting attack in the Jordan Valley last month were shot dead by Israeli troops Thursday morning in the West Bank city of Nablus along with a third Palestinian gunman.

In a joint statement, the Shin Bet security agency, Israel Police, and Israel Defense Forces said troops entered the Nablus Old City in order to arrest Hassan Qatnani and Moaz al-Masri, the Hamas terrorists who allegedly carried out the deadly attack on April 7.

Footage published by Palestinian media claimed to show undercover officers walking through the streets of the city, while dressed up as a group of Palestinian men and women.

Members of the police elite Yamam counter-terrorism unit surrounded the home where the two terrorists were believed to be hiding. The forces fired a shoulder-launched missile at it, according to Palestinian media, in a tactic known as a “pressure cooker,” to flush out wanted suspects.

Some reports also claimed a miniature drone flew into the building. A senior IDF officer confirmed that drones were used during the raid, but said they have been used in practically every recent similar operation in the West Bank.

Armed clashes took place around the home, and the two terrorists were killed along with another gunman, Ibrahim Jabr, who had aided them in hiding, the joint statement said.
Israel's army kills terrorists responsible for murder of Dee family in Jordan Valley

Border Police pays tribute after army dog killed in Nablus operation
Israel's armed forces paid tribute to a Border Police dog killed in action Thursday morning in a special operation in Nablus. IDF soldiers carried out a raid against the terrorists who murdered the late Lucy, Maya, and Rina Dee in the Jordan Valley in early April. The canine, known as "Django," was killed during an exchange of heavy crossfire.

At least three of the terrorists involved in carrying out the terror attack were killed by Israeli security forces, and they were later identified as Hassan Katan, Maad Mitzri and Ibrahim Hura. Katan and Mitzri were members of Hamas, and Hura was a key accomplice in the murders. A fourth Palestinian civilian bystander, Ziad Shuviri, was reportedly killed during the operation.

As the terrorists fired bullets in the direction of the Israeli operatives, a 7-year-old police canine named Django was killed in action when he threw himself into the line of fire.

Django prevented the lives of the involved fighters from being harmed by throwing himself "into the line of fire as a shield to selflessly save his partners," a Border Police statement said of the dog

Django was an active team member in hundreds of elite Yamam counter-terrorism operations working alongside the unit's fighters in stopping attacks and conducting arrests.

IDF soldier wounded in Huwara stabbing attack, terrorist killed
A stabbing attack was carried out in the West Bank town of Huwara on Thursday morning, according to an IDF statement.

The terrorist targeted an IDF soldier, who pushed her away and was able to neutralize the threat with the help of another security officer.

The terrorist was killed at the scene and the lightly injured soldier was taken to Rabin Medical Center-Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva.

Hours after the attack, the terrorist, Iman Ziyad Odeh, was buried in the town, with clashes breaking out between Israeli forces and the funeral participants.

IDF security measures in Huwara
The IDF has completed a series of security measures that were implemented to reduce terror and tensions in the Palestinian village of Huwara in the West Bank, they announced on Tuesday

In recent months, three Palestinian terror attacks were carried out against Jewish settlers driving through Huwara and one Jewish settler riot in which they set parts of the village ablaze, killing one Palestinian and injuring dozens.

In order to improve the security of the area, the IDF has doubled the number of lanes on Route 60 running through Einabus Square, an area where traffic often slows and allows opportunities for terrorists to shoot drivers who are not able to move.
The Rollercoaster of Israeli Life near the Gaza Border
My family lives in the Gaza border area. During each round of cross-border violence, we experience the sprint for the bomb shelter, the whistling of falling rockets, the tears, panic, and terror, the questions the children ask without answers, the sleepless nights and restless sleep.

This is the reality around these parts. It is difficult for anyone who doesn't live here to understand.

In every home in the Gaza border area, sirens and explosions jolt the soul. We have experienced more than 20 years of rocket fire, with our lives swinging between routine and emergency.

From Tuesday afternoon until the next morning, residents living throughout the entire region halted their lives and entered bomb shelters because Islamic Jihad decided so.

It means everything is canceled in an instant: classes, transportation, concerts, hangouts. Complete shutdown. This transition from routine to emergency happens within seconds.
Visiting U.S. Group Experiences Gaza Rocket Barrage
Israeli residents of the Gaza Envelope say life in the region is 99% heaven and 1% hell.

During our Jewish National Fund-USA Gaza Envelope Task Force mission to the region, we experienced a barrage of rockets from Gaza, a sobering reality check on that 1%.

I want the residents to know how appreciative I am for the concern they showed to our group while we were under fire. It felt like they were more concerned for us than they were for themselves.

They took great care to make us as safe as possible. Our loyalty, respect and solidarity with these people remain unending.
Netanyahu faces opposition from within coalition over Gaza response

The Israel Guys: BREAKING: Gaza FIRES 104 Rockets At Israel After Death of Terrorist Leader
After a leader of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad died from a hunger strike in Israeli prisons, Gaza responded not so moderately by firing 104 rockets and 6 mortars into Israeli civilian areas.

And Israel responded by launching airstrikes targeting Hamas military posts.

What Palestinian Rock-Throwing Attacks Mean
New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman once described Palestinian rock-throwing as "non-violent resistance." And a recent Times article described a mob of Arab rock-throwers as "unarmed."

On April 27, Alexa Bartell, age 20, was driving through Jefferson County, Colorado, when three young men began throwing rocks at motorists. One of those rocks smashed through Alexa's front windshield, killing her. Several other drivers were seriously injured. How have the authorities in Colorado responded to the rock-throwing incident? The district attorney has charged the men with first-degree murder. The penalty is life in prison.

Almost every day in Israel, some innocent motorist is the target of potentially lethal rock-throwing. Yehuda Haim Shoham, just 5 months old, was strapped into his car seat on June 5, 2021, when Palestinian Arab rock-throwers struck Yehuda in the head, killing him. At least 16 Israelis, including four Americans, have been murdered by Palestinian Arabs throwing rocks at them. Thousands of Israelis have suffered injuries, and some have been permanently maimed, by rock-throwers. These Israeli victims are never mentioned by the news media.

When there is a terrorist attack involving bombs or guns or knives, there are only a few terrorists involved. But Palestinian Arab rock-throwing is a very different matter, involving many more people. Acknowledging that such a large number of people have been trying to murder Israeli Jews means admitting that the desire to murder Jews is not some isolated fringe phenomenon in Palestinian society but is widespread.
Iran’s Raisi meets with top Hamas and Islamic Jihad officials, urges Israel’s defeat
Iran’s president met senior Palestinian officials in Damascus and expressed his country’s support Thursday as Tehran and Syria signed a series of agreements.

Damascus-based Palestinian official Khaled Abdul-Majid told The Associated Press that the delegation — which included top leaders from the Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror groups — briefed Iran’s Ebrahim Raisi on the situation in the West Bank, Jerusalem and Gaza Strip.

Iran has been a main backer of some Palestinian factions, supplying them with weapons and money.

“The Palestinian leaders thanked Iran for its support to the resistance and the Palestinian cause,” Abdul-Majid, who attended the talks, said after the meeting. Abdul-Majid, who is a leader of the Syrian government-allied Palestinian Resistance Factions Coalition, added that Raisi confirmed to the Palestinian officials that Iran will continue supporting the Palestinians.

Among the Palestinians in attendance was Islamic Jihad leader Ziad Nakhaleh, who is based in Syria, and Khalil al-Hayya, a senior member in the Gaza-ruling Hamas.

According to a statement from Raisi’s office, the Iranian president urged Muslims to “use all their capacities to achieve the violated rights of Palestine and the freedom of the holy Quds [Jerusalem].”

“Today more than ever, the unity and cohesion of the resistance forces, the region and the Islamic world is necessary to accelerate the defeat of the Zionist regime and the liberation of the holy Quds and the sovereignty of the Palestinians over their destiny,” Raisi was quoted as saying.

13 Lion’s Den fighters turn themselves in to PA security forces
Thirteen alleged members of the Lion’s Den terror group have handed themselves over to Palestinian Authority security forces in the West Bank in recent days, a Palestinian security official said Wednesday.

The Lion’s Den — or Areen al-Ossud in Arabic — emerged late last year in the city of Nablus in the north of the West Bank as violence surged in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Made up of young Palestinian men, it has earned a daring reputation in repeated clashes with Israeli soldiers which have claimed the lives of some of its fighters.

The security official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said the 13 members had “turned themselves in to the security establishment to protect themselves and to be integrated into the security establishment and end their case with the Israelis.”

“All this was done by their own will, and most of them wanted to turn themselves in after talking with the security forces,” the official told AFP.

The official confirmed recent media reports that Uday al-Azizi, one of the group’s leaders, was among those who had turned themselves in.

Last month, the Lion’s Den said in a Telegram post that it carried out an extrajudicial killing of a “traitor” in Nablus’ Old City.

Israeli forces have killed multiple Lion’s Den fighters in recent months as part of an ongoing anti-terror campaign.

PreOccupiedTerritory: Panic In Gaza As Lookouts Realize Moon Actually Israeli Space Station (satire)
Observers of Israeli military positions in the south of the country, facing this Hamas-controlled coastal territory set off a wave of consternation today by informing their superiors and comrades that the glowing orb in the nighttime sky is not, as many had long assumed, a rocky object in an irregular orbit around Earth, but a massive Mossad facility with immense destructive and reconnaissance capabilities.

“That’s no moon,” breathed a lookout, with a look of dawning dread on his face. “That’s a space station.”

The report sent ripples of shock, disbelief, and fear among the ranks of Hamas and other armed groups opposed to Israel’s existence. Hurriedly-convened conferences of high-ranking militants took place throughout the morning and early afternoon all over the Gaza Strip, according to several eyewitnesses. The outcome of those meetings, according to several in attendance, has yet to prove conclusive.

Hamas media and publicity apparatuses rushed to contain proliferating rumors regarding the capabilities and purpose of the “Death Star,” as many have taken to calling it. The original report contained only the realization that it is a space station, but offered no specifics on its function or power. That did not stop Gazans both affiliated and not affiliated with Hamas regarding Death Star.

“It can destroy the planet,” whispered some. “I hear it’s got this Jewish Space Laser that just blasts planets into little bits of rock. Billions of souls crying out and are silenced.”

“It’s not gravity that causes tides,” insisted others. “It’s the tractor beams the Jews have installed on that thing. You know how it can be so hard on some mornings to get out of bed? That’s the Mossad Death Star using its tractor beams on you from the other side of the planet. It’s doesn’t have to be above the horizon to get you.”
Bassam Tawil: Jordanian MP Lauded as "Hero" for Smuggling Weapons into Israel
Why would a member of the Jordanian parliament who hates Israel with a passion and supports a terror group whose charter calls for the elimination of Israel try to smuggle weapons? To kill Jews.

That is precisely why Al-Adwan is seen by many Jordanians and Palestinians as a "hero" and a "brave man."

It is not difficult to imagine the public outcry had an Israeli MP been caught trying to smuggle weapons into Jordan or any other country.

Sadly, the campaign of solidarity with the Jordanian parliament member who was caught while trying to smuggle a large cache of weapons into Israel signals the hatred that Jordanians and Palestinians feel towards Israel and Jews.

This hate is the direct result of decades of indoctrination and brainwashing of Jordanians and Palestinians. Israel does not harbor any bad feelings towards Jordan. The opposite is true. Israel has always been supportive of the Jordanian monarchy and the stability of the Hashemite regime was and still is an important cornerstone of Israel's security.

As for the international community and the mainstream media in the West, they could learn from the failed smuggling attempt that Israel's security concerns are not unjustified and not exaggerated. This week, over 100 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel, a country roughly the size of Victoria Island. What would the UK do if one rocket – let alone 100 – were fired into England? Or Germany, if rockets were fired at Munich? Or France, if rockets were fired at Nice or Cannes or St. Tropez?

Israel daily faces attempts by Hamas and other terror groups to carry out terrorist attacks to kill Jews. The next time people complain about "tough Israeli security measures," please remind them of that?
Lebanese Rent Refugee Certificates to Obtain Food and Medical Care
Lebanese citizens facing economic hardships are renting refugee certificates from Syrian refugees in the country.

These papers grant the holder the right to obtain medical treatment and medicines and even to undergo surgery for free.

Without the refugee documents, ordinary Lebanese would have to pay a fortune for these treatments, or not be able to obtain them at all due to the shortage of doctors and medicines.

Some Syrian refugees actually live in their homes in Syria but enter Lebanon once a week to receive food packages or medicines to which their refugee status entitles them.

FDD: Iran’s Meaningless Concession Ahead of Key Nuclear Meeting
By reinstalling cameras and monitoring now but not providing the footage and data to the IAEA, Iran has simply resurrected an old point of leverage to use over the West. It has conceded nothing in the way of enhanced safeguards or transparency.

The IAEA’s 35-nation Board of Governors meets next in early June. The board withheld censure of Iran at its last meeting in March and has not passed a censure resolution since November 2022. At the March board meeting, European members pushed for a censure resolution, but the United States blocked it despite Iran’s enrichment of uranium to almost 84 percent purity, which is near atomic weapons-grade — the highest level Tehran has achieved to date.

The Biden administration should reverse that error by ensuring the board acts decisively at its June meeting.

The board must censure Tehran and impose a deadline for it to halt provocative nuclear activities and comply with the IAEA’s safeguards investigation. The censure resolution should also give Tehran a deadline to reactivate reinstalled cameras and monitoring equipment and provide all past and future recordings and data to the IAEA.

The board should warn that, absent compliance by its deadline, it will refer Tehran’s case to the United Nations (UN) Security Council to reimpose UN sanctions on Iran, which remain lifted by the nuclear deal. Russia and China cannot use their Security Council vetoes to block the reimposition of UN sanctions on Iran provided any other party triggers the snapback mechanism.

The Biden administration should see Iran’s latest action for what it is: an attempt to delay consequences for its nuclear provocations. The United States and its allies should make sure this gambit fails.
Iran state news outlet spreads antisemitic propaganda on social media, report says
Iran is using a state-controlled media group to spread antisemitic messaging to English-speaking audiences online, according to a report released last week.

Iran’s Press TV, an English-language government mouthpiece, uses social media to evade broadcast bans and disseminate propaganda, said the report by the Anti-Defamation League and the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a UK-based nonprofit.

Press TV was founded by the regime in 2007 to “break the global media stranglehold of Western outlets.”

The outlet promotes the conspiracy that a secretive and powerful Jewish network acts behind the scenes to influence world affairs, a central tenet of antisemitic belief systems. Press TV refers to the shadowy network as a “Zionist movement,” the “Zionist regime,” a “Zionist network,” or the “Israel lobby.”

A Press TV project called “Palestine Declassified” has been using social media to spread antisemitic tropes, especially against British Jews, the report said. The program is a video series published on a Press TV website and on social media.

The project pushes the antisemitic conspiracy theory that a network of “Zionist” actors sway global affairs, including the Ukraine war and women’s rights protests in Iran.

The coverage also espouses the false conspiracy that Jews control the media, writing that a “Zionist stranglehold” controls news coverage.

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