First it shows how, at what was billed as a press conference, Abbas refused to take a single question. Ignoring the press at a press conference shows complete disdain for the idea of freedom of expression
Second, notice how Abbas is protected by his handlers. He looks like a tottering old man who has no idea what he is doing, not at all like a national leader.
Third, Jeremy Ben Ami of J-Street - who is obviously not a reporter - was given a seat of honor for the meeting, and Saeb Erekat led Abbas to Ben-Ami so they could kiss. It is telling that to Abbas, the media is the enemy - and J-Street is his friend.
And why not? There is no daylight between the positions of J-Street and Abbas, and Ben Ami has visited Abbas in Ramallah several times a year. Chances are that he is considered a strategist for Abbas.
You can be sure that J-Street won't be saying anything critical about Mahmoud Abbas' autocracy and the lack of freedoms under his rule. Because they aren't liberal - they support the worst dictators if those dictators share their hate for the democratically elected government of the Jewish state.