To summarize, here were the attributes of Jews described in the Quran according to Muslims themselves from that article:
- Jews steal money
- Jews use usury to enrich themselves and impoverish non-Jews
- Jews don't care about human life
- Jews are cowards, hiding behind fortified walls
- Jews betray all agreements and covenants
- Jews distort words of holy books
- Jews are killers of prophets and other fine people
- Jews want to extinguish the light of Allah
- Jews bring corruption to the lands they are in
Now, an entirely new article with the identical title has been published in Felesteen. The list is different, too, although it does overlap.
So here is the Palestinian Arab list of the qualities of Jews:
- Jews have knowledge of the truth but they conceal it among themselves and give bad advice to others so they can profit.
- Jews are miserly
- Jews obtain other people's money unjustly, using usury and fraud and deception
- Jews are cowards, hiding behind fortified cities and building walls and living in ghettos
- Jews insist on doing sin
- Jews circumvent things that are forbidden
- Jews are foolish
Both articles back up these lists with specific citations of Quranic verses.
These are not coming from anti-Islam sites. These are not some apologetics written in English to pretend that the Quran is not antisemitic. These are two independent articles, written two months and a thousand miles apart, by two different Muslim scholars for Muslim audiences, meant to describe factually how the Quran thinks of Jews - and how Muslims are supposed to think of Jews.
The topic of Muslim antisemitism is minimized and swept under the rug in mainstream Western media, or it is attributed to hate for Israel. But these articles prove that Jew-hatred is baked into the source texts of Islam, and Muslims are quite open about this among themselves.
The West must stop pretending that somehow Muslims are only anti-Zionist. Muslims are taught to denigrate and hate Jews. Antisemitism isn't an anomaly among Muslims; it is regarded as a religious obligation!
UPDATE: Egypt's El Fagr has reproduced the Felesteen list in February 2015.