Khaled Abu Toameh: ISIS Already in Gaza Strip
Hamas is obviously nervous about the presence of ISIS terrorists in the Gaza Strip and sees them as a direct challenge to its rule. ISIS believes that Hamas is "too moderate" and is not doing enough to achieve the destruction of Israel.ISIS Threatening a New Jewish Holocaust
Last month, Hamas sent its policemen and militias to disperse a rally organized by ISIS followers in the Gaza Strip to celebrate the recent "military victories" of the terrorist group in Iraq. Hamas prevented local journalists from covering the event as part of its attempt to deny the existence of ISIS in the Gaza Strip.
At the rally, attended by dozens of Islamists, the crowd chanted, "Khaybar, Khyabar, Ya Yahud, Jaish Mohamed Saya'ud!" ("O Jews, Mohamed's army will return.")
This is a battle cry that many Islamists like to chant to remind the Jews of the story of the battle fought in 629 CE by the Prophet Mohamed against the Jews of Khaybar, an oasis in northwestern Arabia. The battle resulted in the killing of many Jews, and their women and children were taken as slaves.
ISIS, the terrorist group controlling parts of Syria and Iraq, is using social media to promise another Holocaust against the Jews. The group's supporter placed a post on Twitter quoting Muslim Hadith (traditionally a statements or action of Muhammad) that says in part, "The Real Zionist Holocaust is Predicted in the Hadiths! The Hour [resurrection] will not take place until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims kill them."Caroline Glick: The End of the ‘Peace Process’
A ISIS video posted on June 2 (above) encourages violence against Christians and Jews, writing, "Break the crosses and destroy the lineage of the grandsons of monkeys [Jews]."
Many Americans who argue against any U.S. action against ISIS claim that we have no stake against the terrorist group. However ISIS's own propaganda demonstrates their violent intentions extend beyond Syria and Iraq and into Jewish and Christian communities across the world.
The video and transcript to Caroline Glick’s address at the Freedom Center’s 2014 Texas Weekend. The event took place May 2nd-4th at the Gaylord Texan Resort and Convention Center in Grapevine, Texas.Chloe Valdary at Memphis Friends of Israel
Sarah Honig: The Kay and Tim Show
Undaunted by cluelessness, Tim was busy supplying us with what passed for fair-minded perspective, which Kay then kept hammering in unremittingly. Both stressed that while the three “young men” (as Kay called them throughout) were being eulogized, “Arab families too grieved.” We were treated to scenes from the riotous funeral procession in Jenin for (again in Kay’s words) “a 19-year-old boy… The Israelis accuse him of having thrown an incendiary device and for this they shot him” she informed us with a stern stare. The footage from Jenin was played over and over.French comedian mocks Holocaust, Jewish murder victim in new show
As the camera panned across Modi’in’s cemetery and served up close-ups of the seated mothers and fathers, teary eyes but dignified, Kay asked in ostensible innocence: “Can you see anything else than the escalation of violence, given the scenes we’re seeing?” All I could see was stoic restraint but Kay spotted something evidently sinister.
Then it dawned on me. The sad farewell to three schoolboys was exploited to drum up crass sensationalism. The viewers were recurrently reminded that Netanyahu is about to address the multitudes and that fire and brimstone are to be anticipated.
Months after his comedy tour was banned for its anti-Semitism, comedian Dieudonne M’bala M’bala launched a new show that mocks the Holocaust and a Jewish murder victim.BDS on campus: “they want us to turn this into white Jews versus people of color”
Dieudonne, who has multiple convictions for inciting racial hatred against Jews, is planning to launch his new show, titled “The Impure Beast,” in the coming weeks, according to a report earlier this week by the France TV Info channel and the Le Point weekly magazine.
The show contains profanities connected to Ilan Halimi, a young Parisian Jewish phone salesman who was tortured and murdered in 2006 by a gang of kidnappers who targeted him because he was Jewish.
On June 17, I gave a speech in Los Angeles for the Children of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, co-sponsored by the Horowitz Freedom Center, on the anti-Israel academic boycott.ADL Blasts Anti-Israel Groups for ‘shocking, shameful’ Failure to Condemn Slaying of Israeli Teens
In each of my speeches I vary the content, so even if you’ve heard my speeches before, give it a listen.
It’s not that all left-wing Jews are destructive to Israel on campus. But those in the vanguard of the BDS movement, such as Jewish Voice for Peace, serve as the blocking line, using Jewish identity to clear the way for the most hateful voices, who then hide behind them.
Racial division also is a key component of BDS strategy. BDS supporters love to portray the fight as white rich Jews versus poor people of color, even though that narrative is false. Racial tension is part of the lifeblood of the BDS movement.
Foxman continued, “It is easy for these groups to pay lip service to principles of justice, human dignity and nonviolence… Those principles apparently do not extend to Israel.”Ignorant media splainers absolve Hamas, blame Israel
The ADL said it reviewed the social media profiles and websites of more than 25 leading anti-Israel groups and activists and found that all except one group failed to acknowledge the kidnapping or condemn the murders. “Many had the audacity to challenge the fact that the teens were even kidnapped at all,” the ADL said.
The guilty organizations included the Middle East Children’s Alliance, Students for Justice in Palestine, Adalah-NY, American Muslims for Palestine, If Americans Knew and Jewish Voice for Peace among others.
David Pollock of the Washington Institute for Near East Policy identified the point that Fisher and Jarbawi evade – that the Palestinian unity government emboldened and enabled Hamas.Israel vows ‘zero tolerance for those who take law into own hands’
"Part of the agreement was that Hamas would be allowed to operate in the West Bank — the kidnapping is an indirect consequence of that provision. To be sure, there were numerous kidnapping attempts even before the unity deal, but the newfound license for Hamas enshrined in the deal is almost certainly what made this latest plot so tragically “successful.” Of course, the formal agreement did not explicitly condone kidnapping or murder, but Hamas officially interpreted it as an opening for militant activities of all kinds, openly contradicting PA president Mahmoud Abbas’s position. The group’s West Bank sympathizers were newly encouraged to provide local cover, and mid-level PA security officials suddenly became uncertain about where to draw the line in preempting or thwarting Hamas operations."
Until policy makers start assigning responsibility to the Palestinians for the lack of peace with Israel, there will be no peace. As long as the Palestinians feel that they can blame any difficulties in peacemaking to the “occupation” they will not make peace. It’s time to start holding them responsible and making clear that Hamas is not a legitimate partner for peace.
Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch said Saturday that there would be zero tolerance for people who decided to take the law into their own hands, following violent clashes in Arab Israeli towns in the north and center of the country on Friday and Saturday.Liberman: Arab Israeli rioters’ place not in Israel
Aharonovitch said police would not allow violent disturbances to go unanswered and promised that justice would be served to “troublemakers.”
Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said Saturday that he expected the Israeli justice system would deal harshly with the Arab Israeli protesters arrested overnight Friday-Saturday following violent clashes with police in several Arab Israeli towns in the center and north of the country.Israelis attacked, car set on fire during riots in Arab Israeli towns
Liberman said a “clear message” must be sent to “those who enjoy Israeli citizenship but behave like [Palestinian] terrorists.”
“These incidents prove once again that the place of these people is not Israel and until then, their rightful place is in jail,” he wrote in a Facebook message.
In Kalanswa, after road 5614 was blocked in both directions due to burning tires, masked men began asking drivers their religion. Two of the drivers who answered back in Hebrew were dragged from their cars and beaten. One of the drivers managed to get back in his car and escape while the other escaped on foot. His car was set on fire.Palestinians: Murdered Arab teenager was burned alive
A police officer in uniform was also attacked on the road. He escaped on foot and his vehicle sustained damage.
In Shuafat, Abu Khdeir’s home neighborhood, several men reportedly attempted to cut down an electric pole powering Jerusalem’s light rail with a circular saw, and posted a photo of the act to Facebook, before being chased off by police.
Dozens of people threw rocks and Molotov cocktails at police forces in East Jerusalem, who responded with non-lethal weapons to quell the unrest. (h/t Alexi)
Aweiwi told Palestinian news agency Ma’an that Abu Khdeir sustained severe burns across 90% of his body, including his head, where he was also beaten.PM considers tougher response as Gaza rockets target Beersheba
The attorney general said flammable material was found in Abu Khdeir’s lungs and breathing passages, indicating he was still alive when his killer or killers set him on fire.
Aweiwi added that additional lab testings were needed and that the final autopsy report would be issued only after these tests were completed.
Palestinian pathologist Dr. Saber al-Alul took part in the autopsy carried out at the Abu Kabir Forensic Institute in Tel Aviv on Thursday. (h/t Alexi)
Three rockets were fired at the city on Saturday evening, setting off warning sirens in the largest town in southern Israel. One was intercepted by the Iron Dome defense system, while two fell in open fields. There were no reports of casualties.Norway Calls on 'Occupier' Israel to Show Restraint
The attack on Beersheba, which has a population of 200,000, marked a significant escalation in the Gaza rocket attacks, and could lead to a severe Israeli response.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu held urgent consultations saturday evening with Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon, Public Security Minister Yitzhak Aharonovitch, and the heads of the security services. He said Israel was hitting Hamas targets in response to the rocket fire, and would use additional force if necessary.
Norway’s Foreign Minister on Friday warned against an escalation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (PA), and also made sure to point a finger at Israel as “an occupying power”.High School Matriculation Exams Held in Sderot Despite Rocket Fire
“The events of the last few days clearly show how quickly the current tense situation could spiral out of control. I urge both the Israelis and the Palestinians to exercise restraint,” Foreign Minister Borge Brende said in a statement.
“It is important to seize upon the initiative for a ceasefire, which now appears to be coming from the Palestinians. Israel, as the strongest party, has a particular responsibility to show restraint and to ensure that no more lives are lost,” he added.
Many high school students in Sderot were forced to sit through their matriculation exams on Thursday under continual Color Red sirens as rocket fire continued from the Gaza Strip on southern Israel.Rocket attack on southern Israel (h/t Yenta Press)
Aviv Levy, a 10th grader who took his communications exam on Thursday, told Israel Hayom, “The exam was stressful, because of the material and also because of the Qassams. There was a Color Red siren just before the test started. Before that, they gave us instructions about what to do and how to stay calm, and that’s what we did.”
Iran State Media Airs Anti-Semitic Interviews, Broadcasts for Start of Ramadan
An IRIB Channel 1 interviewer asked if Iran’s enemies can gather intelligence and spy on the country with the use of jinns, supernatural beings in Islamic theology, known as ‘genies’ in Western lexicon.Australian man acquitted of anti-Semitic attack
Naghipourfar responded, “Jews have a very strong connection with jinns and sehr [magic].” He added that the majority of Jews are “sorcerers” who can send jinns to spy on behalf of the Israeli government.
Three days later, IRIB’s 24-hour news network, Islamic Republic of Iran News Network (IRINN), aired a short documentary promoting canards of an alleged nefarious Jewish-Zionist agenda and Jewish control of various U.S. fields, such as politics, policies, Hollywood and academia.
Titled Zionist Aspirations to Control the West the show used the terms “Zionist” and “Jewish” interchangeably and claimed that one of President Obama’s biggest supporters is Goldman Sachs. The show claimed the investment banking firm is “America’s largest banking network that has no non-Jewish owners and who are all Zionists and supporters of Israel.”
Robert Clifford, 26, was charged last October with affray, assault and possessing a knife. Police said he attacked five Orthodox Jews as they walked home from a Shabbat dinner near Bondi Beach. One of the victims, Eli Behar, suffered minor cerebral hemorrhaging and was hospitalized for two days.Czech Jews slam award for Mel Gibson
But the case against Clifford, who pleaded not guilty to the charges, was dismissed earlier this week because the magistrate said he could not be satisfied Clifford had committed the alleged offenses.
The acquittal comes just weeks after the case against another man accused in the attack, Spartaco Marciano Di Bella, 24, was also withdrawn because the director of public prosecutions deemed there to be insufficient evidence that would lead to a conviction.
Two 17-year-old boys who were also charged are understood to be in a facility for minors.
The assault was described by Jewish leaders at the time as the worst anti-Semitic incident of its kind since records began in 1989.
The Czech Jewish community has criticized the Karlovy Vary film festival Thursday for its decision to hand its top honor to Mel Gibson, director of “The Passion of the Christ.”Israeli scanner could change how we shop, care for ourselves
The 58-year-old who shot to fame in the “Mad Max” and “Braveheart” blockbusters is due to receive the Crystal Globe for lifetime achievement at the Czech festival on Friday.
The reputation of the Hollywood A-lister has plunged since he was caught on tape making an anti-Semitic rant in 2006.
An Israeli inventor has created a scanner that he says could change the way we shop and take care of ourselves -- by reading the chemical makeup of foods, drugs and other items we use.Israeli app lets you HopOn the bus, hassle free
The tiny gadget is still limited to a few key applications. But creator Dror Sharon envisions a machine that will compile a massive collection of data that will allow users to analyze the physical matter that exists around them.
"We wanted to find applications where people have the most visceral connection to the world," said Sharon, CEO and co-founder of Consumer Physics.
It’s happened to everyone who rides the bus. The person in front spends an eternity fumbling for coins, counting, recounting, arguing with the driver over the fare, then pulls out a huge banknote and wants change. That common, infuriating scene may be about to pass into the realm of bad memories, thanks to a new Israeli app.Israel Global Cleantech Innovation Champ for 2014
It’s pretty simple. HopOn lets passengers just climb aboard, paying their fares through their cellphones. Not only will passengers who want to save time appreciate it, so will the bus companies, saving money by not having to print out receipts and saving gas because waiting times are shorter, said David Mezuman, HopOn’s CEO. The system is in the pilot project stage.
The World Wildlife Foundation and The Cleantech Group (CTG), described as helping “clients accelerate sustainable innovation,” named Israel the top cleantech innovator in a press release Tuesday.
A press release by CTG reads:
"Israel secured the top spot for its ‘high-impact cleantech start-ups’, strong venture capital activity and government support. The report points out: “Israel has increased its supportive government policies and has early stage cleantech-oriented funds as well as substantial M&A activity, even while cleantech company revenues remain low.”