I looked at the first one in January, and proved not only that they were fabricating supposed bigoted quotes by Israeli leaders, but that their report in itself was a far better exampley of incitement against Israel than any of their examples were proof of incitement against Arabs!
The same ministry just released a new report on the same topic, and one of its sections discusses alleged incitement in Israeli schoolbooks.
Israeli educational curricula does not talk about peace with the Palestinians, yet, where peace in china, India, and Europe is mentioned in the school books, not a single word about peace between Palestinians and Israelis can be found.
Instead, Israel brought soldiers to Kindergartens on national events to tell stories about an “Imminent” danger that comes from Arabs and about glorification of war, and Holocaust.
In addition to that, there are no immutable borders for the state of Israel, in the school books, because Israeli borders stretching from Nile to Euphrates River, as mentioned in the book titled “Geography of our country Israel”. Written by Elishaa Afrat.
In geography book for the third grade, the authors (B. Ahia and M. Hervas) claimed “That the Jews have owned every inch of Palestine even in Galil, West Bank, on shores, or in the desert”.
In the book of “National Education” for high school the author (Shalom Abker) mentioned that “Israel is located in the middle of Arab countries, that are planning to eradicate Israel from world map, and if they don’t carry out their threats today, that is not because they don’t want to, but rather because they could not, so Israel must keep them unable to do so”.
In a story for kids that is taught in the Israeli education curriculum titled “Dust in the eye”, there’s a Jew who advises another one saying:”Arabs are like dogs, if they realize that you are afraid of them and you do nothing, then they will attack you, but if you hit them they will be afraid of you….they will run away”.
In other short story titled “The Old Warrior” which was written by “Yore Evans”, the story starts with this dialogue:
“The little girl asked me: who stole the moon? I said: Arabs, she asked: what will they do with it. I answered: They hang it on their walls. She wondered: What about us? I told her: We turn the moon into small lamps to light the land of Israel… all of it. Since that time, the little girl still dreams about the moon and she still hates Arabs because they stole her dreams and her father’s too”.
Following is a Poem full of hate to Palestinians, titled:”Tale”. The poem is taught in Israeli schools:
Zaeev is a small child….he lived on this land … When the invaders (Palestinians) surrounded the city.. Zaeev died…how did he die? …Nobody knows.. Did he die of hunger?...Or under torture? …Was it a stray shaft? Or under horse hooves? ... Nobody knows. But… do you want to die like Zaeev?..NO....So point your guns to Arabs”.
Only one problem: These quotes, and the schoolbooks themselves, don't exist!
A far left Israeli writer, with the blog name Goodwin was Right, who normally harshly criticizes Israeli reports of incitement by the PA (and believes that there is plenty of real Israeli incitement against Arabs), decided to look at this report - and found that literally everything was a lie. The stories don't exist and the books themselves don't exist.
The information was originally fabricated in a paper written by a Hamam Siam, a student at the Islamic University in Gaza. The Palestinian Authority, using its usual concern for truth and honesty, simply copied the "proof" that the student literally made up out of thin air. (Apparently his professor had no problem with his research as well.)
(h/t Gidon Shaviv)
(h/t Yenta Press for correction)