Israeli Prime Minister meets with Google Executive
“(Google Chairman) Schmidt noted that an Israeli engineer created the database for organizing artefacts is now used by museums worldwide. He described how Israelis have a unique blend of discipline, motivation and creative thinking. Together these form a competitive advantage that is unlike any society in the world. Schmidt said, “The decision to invest in Israel was one of the best that Google has ever made.”
Brian Lilley Interviews Glenn Beck –Video, he talks about Israel at 14min
Media bias in Australia Danby tackles the ABC over its Israel coverage
Michael Danby has written twice to the ABC complaining about two separate reports, one on an Australian man jailed in Israel for assisting Hamas and the second on a Four Corners Program in which Robert Fisk was invited on as an and made his usual crass, ill-informed attacks on Israel falsely claiming ( without host Kerry O’Brien demurring ) that Israel supported the massacres in Syria.
Media bias against a Palestinian hunger Norway!
Palestinian woman on hunger strike for 3 weeks. She’s not in Israel, so the Guardian yawns
Palestinians on hunger strike in Israel attract world’s attention; in Norway we just let them die
Alice Walker reactions:
Alice Walker's Bigotry by Alan M. Dershowitz
Pulitzer winning writer Alice Walker sets shocking new low for anti-Israel boycotters Boycotting a whole language
From Peter Beinart’s
Some Context For The Rockets From Gaza
“But there are other facts to this story, facts that are no less important but which tend not to be discussed when rockets start flying out of Gaza. To wit: On Monday evening, the IDF carried out strikes in several locations in Gaza, and Palestinian[s] reported that five people were wounded. Shortly afterward, the IDF carried out two more strikes and killed four Palestinians.”In other words Israeli victims of terror like Saeed Fashafshe don’t count.
Muslim couple planned to bomb Jews in al Qaeda inspired plot
"A Muslim couple were assembling components of a home-made bomb to attack Jewish neighbourhoods after becoming radicalised by al Qaeda propaganda on the internet, a court heard."
Belgium calls for Olympic ceremony to commemorate Munich massacre
"Flemish sports minister joins officials from Israel, US, Canada and Australia in supporting moment of silence"
Editor of pro-Israel Kurdish magazine vanishes in Iraq
Mawlud Afand’s co-workers suspect he was kidnapped by Iran
Syrian fighter jet lands in Jordan, pilot requests asylum
Website Of Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood: The Days Of The Zionist Entity Are Numbered
Also, Michael Totten: Winter in Cairo
Assad using cyber warfare against rebels
Pro-Israel Kurd goes missing in Iraq, may have been kidnapped by Iran
Israeli help when you need it!
(h/t Missing Peace, Yoel, O.)