New IDF Videos
Israel Air Force Targets Terrorist in Gaza, Prevents Rocket Attack on Israel
Israeli Army Druze Battalion
Another dog bites man story
European Islamic group praises Holocaust-denier
“Brussels-based Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe (FIOE) mourned death of French Holocaust-denier Roger Garaudy.”[There have been daily news stories in the Arabic press praising Garaudy since he died. - EoZ]
Fatal failure to fight for right – Melanie Phillips
“Elements of the British Jewish leadership continue to raise eyebrows abroad by fatuously asserting that reports of anti-Jewish feeling in the UK are much exaggerated, while themselves stoking the anti-Israel fires by absurdly demonising Benjamin Netanyahu as the cause of the Middle East impasse.
There is here in both camps a failure to understand that effective defence means the fight must be taken to the enemy. The US neocons believed they had a duty to fight for what is right. And that is a Jewish position.”
One million invisible people.
“As the sixth day of rocket attacks from the Gaza Strip upon one million civilians living in the south of Israel comes to a close, with a school (fortunately empty) hit today and a factory worker suffering injuries from shrapnel in his neck, it is interesting to note the images chosen by the Guardian in order to illustrate its somewhat sparse coverage of events.”
Canadian Television Erroneously Omits Over 300 Gaza Rocket Attacks (VIDEO)
More on - Kenneth “let them have nukes” Waltz.
Kenneth N. Waltz – The Stupidest Strategist? by Daniel Pipes
“..Waltz has also published in the July/August issue of Foreign Affairs the single most preposterous analysis by an allegedly serious strategist of the Iranian quest for a nuclear weapon. His title and subtitle neatly sum up his argument: "Why Iran Should Get the Bomb: Nuclear Balancing Would Mean Stability."
Anti-QuAIA complainants intimidated, B’nai Brith Canada steps in, files complaint
“TORONTO – Pride Toronto’s dispute resolution process, created to address complaints about the participation of Queers Against Israeli Apartheid (QuAIA) in the Pride Parade July 1, has been discredited after the complainants’ private information was published without their consent.”
Leftists, not neo-Nazis, helped in Munich massacre
“Dr. Wolfgang Kraushaar sharply disputes 'Der Spiegel' article’s emphasis on the role of neo-Nazis in the attack. “
Can’t it be both?
Ankara says downed jet was over international waters, not spying on Syria
Ludwig "Poppa" Guttmann a German Jewish refugee who started the Para Olympics
SBS News (note expires in 4 days, might turn up on YT) Ludwig Guttman honoured by paralympians
Ludwig Guttmann: Founder of the Paralympics – YT Video