Friday, February 24, 2017

  • Friday, February 24, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the US Holocaust Memorial Museum:
The Romanian port of Constanta, on the Black Sea, was a major embarkation point for Jews attempting to leave Europe for Palestine. Thousands of Jews, desperate to escape the Germans, took the route by boat from Constanta via Turkey to Palestine, despite British immigration restrictions.

In December 1941, in Constanta, 767 Jews boarded a boat named the Struma. They planned to travel to Istanbul, apply for visas to Palestine, and then sail to Palestine. The Struma was unsafe and overcrowded, and lacked adequate sanitary facilities. Despite engine problems, it reached Istanbul on December 16, 1941. There, the passengers were informed they would not get visas to enter Palestine and, furthermore, would not be permitted entry into Turkey.

The boat was kept in quarantine in Istanbul's harbor for more than two months. Turkish authorities denied the passengers permission to land without British agreement to their continued journey to Palestine. On February 23, 1942, the Turkish police towed the boat out to sea and abandoned it. The next day, on February 24, the boat sank. Although the cause of the sinking is not definitively known, it is assumed that it was mistakenly torpedoed by a Soviet submarine. Only one passenger, David Stoliar, survived. 
Here is a list of the victims. There are some inconsistencies between lists so this one is a superset created by JewishGen.

Laszlo 38 
Ghizela 39 
2 ABRAMOVICI Iosef 33  261 GRUMER Fritz  521 PITARU Sulem 41 
3 ABRAMOVICI Jean 30  262 GRUNSTEIN Herman  522 PLAIN Denise ( Pusa) 5 
4 ABRAMOVICI Matei 21  263 GRUPPER Filip 27  523 PLAIN Jacob 32 
5 ABRAMOVICI Moise  264 GRUPPER Rachella 36  524 PLAIN Nehama (Anisoara) 31 
6 ADANIA Silvian 25  265 GUTMAN Adeline 25  525 PLATZMAN Adrian 14 
7 ADLER Gustav 38  266 GUTMAN Alexandru 27  526 PLATZMAN Moritz 43 
8 ADLER Israel 19  267 GUTTENMAHER Smil 21  527 PLATZMAN Sofia 39 
9 ADLER Oswald 45  268 HAFNER Luci 20  528 POMERANTZ I. Carol 
10 ADLER Tilia 37  269 HAIM Denise 6  529 POPELINGHER Adolf 18 
11 AGAR Simon Zeilig 33  270 HAIM Iacob 32  530 PRIKFER Marcel 
12 AIZIG David 22  271 HAIM Nahoma   531 RABINOVICI Arnold 
13 ALCALAY Sara  272 HAIM Sabina 30  532 RABINOVICI Ida 21 
14 ALTER Bention 37  273 HAIMOVICI Angelina 20  533 RACHTER Bella 19 
15 ALTER Betty 20 & SIN ALTER Betty  274 HAIMOVICI Carol 19  534 RADER H. Iehil 43 
16 ALTER Esther 11  275 HAIMOVICI Virgil  535 RADULESCU Misu 20 
17 ALTER Iacob 5  276 HALFIN Ida 55  536 RAZMILEN F Avram 
18 ALTER Taube (Toni) 35  277 HALISCH Alfred 35  537 RAZMILEN F Mina 
19 ANTONIER Jacques  278 HALISCH Jeannette 28  538 RECHTMAN Dela 
20 ANTONIER Rodica  279 HARAS Sergiu  539 RECHTMAN Iacob 38 
21 APFELBERGH H. Solomon 31  280 HASCALOVICI Iosef & Iosef  540 RECHTMAN Moni 8 
22 APOGI Maximilian August 20  281 HASCALOVICI Rachela 30  541 REICHMAN Clara 
23 APOTHEKER Aurel 44  282 HAISCALOVICI Sergiu 6  542 REICHMAN Henta 67 
24 APOTHEKER Dina 38   283 HASSAN Eduard 20  543 REICHMAN Moritz 32 
25 APOTHEKER Puiu Julius 17   284 HASSAN Iuditha 17  544 REICHMAN Silvia 28 
26 APPEL Aron Alexander  285 HEFTER Harry 21  545 REINSTEIN Alfred 22 
27 APPEL Emanuel  286 HEINIS Boris 21  546 RETER David 35 
28 APPEL Feiga  287 HELENBRANT Louis 21  547 RETTER Bruno 20 
29 APPEL Israel  288 HELLER Bertha 36  548 RINTZLER Fany 
30 APPEL Zoltan 16  289 HELLER Henic 22  549 RINTZLER M Aviel 46 
31 ARONESCU Mina  290 HELLER Leon 36  550 ROMAN Francisc 20 
32 ARONESCU Siegfrid  291 HELLER Oswald 2  551 ROSEN Hugo 28 
33 ARONOVICI Lulu 30  292 HELLER Pepi 54  552 ROSENBERG Dana 
34 ARONOVICI Natalia 20  293 HERSCOVICI Edith 10  553 ROSENBERG Elisabetha 
35 AURELIAN Alexandru 31  294 HERSCOVICI Hary 22  554 ROSENBERG Maria 12 
36 AVNER Berthold 34  295 HERSCOVICI Marcel 44  555 ROSENBERG Simon 
37 AVNER Mesalina Linzi 28  296 HERSCOVICI Maximilian 39  556 ROSENFELD Marcel 15 
38 AVNER Saia Mendel 24  297 HERSCOVICI Moise 18  557 ROSENTZWEIG Aurica 
39 BACALU Ihil 33  298 HERSCOVICI Saly 41  558 ROSENTZWEIG Etty 
40 BACALU Marian  299 HERSCOVICI Teodor 21  559 ROSENTZWEIG Harry 
41 BACALU Seina-Tvia  300 HERSCU Eva  560 ROSENTZWEIG Pincu  
42 BACH Iuster Octav 24  301 HERSCU I Herscu  561 ROSENTZWEIG Solomon 
43 BANC Baruch Debora 50  302 HERSCU Sali  562 ROSENZWITT Solomon 
44 BANC Baruch Iosif Jose  303 HERSCU Sofia  563 ROTENBERG Saul 
45 BARAT Eli Elias (Perets) 27  304 HERSER Malca 30  564 ROTTMAN Iancu 21 
46 BARAT Sofia 20  305 HERSER Samuel 34  565 ROTTMAN Sonia 
47 BARBER Rita  306 HERZBLUT Matilda 53  566 ROZEN Israel 25 
48 BARBER Siegfried  307 HIRSCH Adalbert 38   567 ROZENTHAL Noel 
49 BARON Adolf-Herbert  308 HIRSCH Gabriela 2   568 ROZENTZWEIG Betty 
50 BARON Gusta  309 HIRSCH Roza 34  569 ROZNER Berl Bernard 52 
51 BARON Marcel  310 HONIGSBERG Berta 20  570 ROZNER Etty 52 
52 BARON Richard  311 HONIGSBERG Fritz 18  571 RUBINSTEIN Figa 33 
53 BARTFELD Martin  312 HONIGSBERG Lisa 43  572 RUBSEL Mihail 29 
54 BARUCH Cecilia 31  313 HONIGSBERG Ozias  573 SAFRAN Samuel 
55 BARUCH Josef  314 HORENSTEIN Carol 30  574 SAILOFSCHI Ella 25 
56 BEER Ionel 21  315 HOROVITZ Daniel  575 SALAMOVICI Simon 
57 BEILICH Egon 17  316 HOSIN Sami  576 SAMUEL Leopold 34  
58 BERCOVICI Alfred  317 IACOBOVICI Bernard  577 SAPIRO B. Mayer 21 
59 BERCOVICI Cornel Adrian 2   318 IACOBOVICI Fainaru Pincu 46  578 SCHACHTER Blima 42 
60 BERCOVICI Ignat  319 IANCHELOVICI Etti 10  579 SCHACHTER Burah 44 
61 BERCOVICI Iona 33   320 IANCHELOVICI Frida  580 SCHACHTER Charlotte 35 
62 BERCOVICI Margareta   321 IANCHELOVICI User  581 SCHACHTER Clara 11 
63 BERCU Betty 26  322 IANCOVICI Moritz  582 SCHACHTER Eugen 7 
64 BERCU Iosef 29  323 IANCU Clara  583 SCHACHTER H. Calman 40 
65 BERLAND Eduard  324 IANCU Ioines 34  584 SCHACHTER Iosef 16 
66 BERLAND Lazar Lulu 19  325 IANCU Itic 68  585 SCHACHTER Leon 26 
67 BERLAND Lea Liza 49  326 IANCU Moise 30  586 SCHACHTER Max 
68 BERMAN Fichel 29  327 IANCU Sofia  587 SCHACHTER Riven Paul 46 
69 BERRY Waldi Willi 20  328 IOINA Iosif 28  588 SCHACHTER Ruhla 40 
70 BINDER Iosef 47  329 IOSUBAS Itic 32  589 SCHACHTER Sura 22 
71 BINDER Marcu 14  330 IRMAN Haia 27  590 SCHACHTER Titi]
72 BINDERER Leopold 23  331 ISTACESCU Adela  591 SCHAECHTER A. Leia 33 
73 BIRSTEIN M Samy  332 ISTACESCU Alfred 8  592 SCHAECHTER Francisca 20 
74 BLANK Osias  333 ISZAC I. Emerio 24  593 SCHALICK Gerson 41 
75 BLUMENFELD Leiba 27  334 ITCOVICI Adela 24  594 SCHALICK Sonia 35 
76 BRAUN Eugen  335 ITIC Avdel  595 SCHAPIRA Max 50 
77 BRAUN Judit 3  336 ITIC Avram 21  596 SCHARF Clara 19 
78 BRAUN Maria 37   337 ITICOVICI Adela  597 SCHARF Nessi-Ita 56 
79 BRILL Frida  338 ITICOVICI Cornelia 18  598 SCHARF Smil 57 
80 BRILL Marcel  339 ITICSON Albert  599 SCHATTNER Abraham Leo 33 
81 BRILL Sonia  340 JUSTER Harry 20  600 SCHATTNER Beno 30 33 
82 BRIRER Zoltan 39  341 JUSTER Mircea 22  601 SCHEMNITZ Ernest 28 
83 BUCSPAN Enta-Zlata 55  342 KAFRISEN Moise 27  602 SCHEMNITZ Mina 26 
84 BUCSPAN Grigore 54   343 KAHANE Ilie 22  603 SCHENKER Zecu Zecrand 
85 BUTNARU Elias 20  344 KAHANE Julius Ilie 35  604 SCHERTZER Nicolae 
86 BUTTER Alexandru  345 KANIUK Ernest 30  605 SCHIFF Alexandru 25 
87 BUTTER Bertina  346 KANNA Gustav 20  606 SCHIFF Eva 23 
88 CALICHMAN Avram 50  347 KATZ Armand 19  607 SCHMATNIK Leo 39 
89 CALICHMAN Beila-Liula 45  348 KATZ Friederike 39  608 SCHMATNIK Trily 40 
90 CAMERMAN Solomon 23  349 KATZ Sigmund 45  609 SCHMETTERLING Ernest Emanuel 19 
91 CANETTI Isac 40  350 KATZ Zelig 20  610 SCHMETTERLING Frieda 49 
92 CANETTI Jose Moise 7  351 KAUFMAN Sami 27  611 SCHMETTERLING Marcu 62 
93 CANETTI Virginia 35  352 KELEN Nicolae  612 SCHMETTERLING Victor 22 
94 CASSEL Mordehai 27  353 KELMAN Matilda 20  613 SCHNAPP Erich Heinz (Uri Zwi) 20 
95 CIOBOTARU C.Z. Alfred 34  354 KESSELBRENNER Ghitel 55  614 SCHONBERGER A. Ladislau 21 
96 CIOCANILE Jean-Marcel   355 KLEINBERG Mendel 28  615 SCHONBERGER Pavel 26 
97 CLARFELD Motel 41  356 KLEIN Herman  616 SCHONFELD Hugo 18 
98 COGANSCHI Adela-Ana 17  357 KLEIN Josef 38  617 SCHOR Julia 21 
99 COGANSCHI Haia 45  358 KOERNER Zighi  618 SCHTERNBERG Moritz Brukenstein 
100 COGANSCHI Iosef 57  359 KORN Malvina 20  619 SCHWARTZ Avram 
101 COHAN Izhac 22   360 KORNBLUTT Mauriciu 27  620 SCHWARTZ Clara 
102 COHEN Adof 59   361 KORNBLUTT Zela 20  621 SCHWARTZ Frieda 27 
103 COHEN Rosa 59   362 KRAUS Clara  622 SCHWARTZ Haia 36 
104 COHEN Simon  363 KRAUS Marcel 37  623 SCHWARTZ Iosef Iancu 43 
105 COHN Bercu  364 LANDAU Emil 31  624 SCHWARTZ Marcu Alter 
106 COHN David Dudu 21   365 LANDAU Hortensa-Silvia 33  625 SCHWARTZ Miriam 1 
107 COHN George Gigel 1  366 LANDAU Ruhla 30  626 SCHWARTZ N. Lupu 20 
108 COHN I Zalman & Zanas 35  367 LANDMAN Heinerich  627 SCHWARTZ Rebeca 
109 COHN Ionas 21  368 LANDMAN Jose  628 SCHWARTZ Solomon 37 
110 COHN Ionel 19  369 LANDMAN Liza  629 SCHWARTZ Sorin 
111 COHN Touba 34  370 LANDMAN Willy  630 SCHWARTZ Tamara 4 
112 COIFMAN Paula-Haia 54  371 LANGENMAS Dvora 49  631 SCHWARTZ Henriette 29 
113 COIFMAN Struli 53  372 LANGENMAS Ruth 17  632 SCHWARTZ Valentin 7 
114 COJOCARU Carol   373 LANGMANTEL Armand 36  633 SCHWEIFEL Ana Sara 28 
115 COTIGARU Debora 23  374 LANGMANTEL Eduard  634 SCHWEIFEL Manase Manole 31 
116 COTIGARU Lupu  375 LANGMANTEL Margareta 10  635 SCHWEIFEL S. Mircea 
117 CRAMER Iosif 18  376 LANGMANTEL Rachel 31  636 SEGAL Clotilda 29 
118 DAIAN Haim Abraham 55  377 LAXER Adolf  637 SEGAL Filip 20 
119 DAIAN Olga 13  378 LAZARESCU Bernard David 28  638 SEGAL Hermina 29 
120 DAIAN Sara 50  379 LAZARESCU Heinerich  639 SEGAL Jeanetta 29 
121 DAVID Etty  380 LAZARESCU Henta  640 SEGAL Jules 29 
122 DAVID Rifca 61  381 LAZARESCU Paulina 29  641 SEGAL Lupu Ghizela 20 
123 DAVIDOVICI Sofia 22  382 LAZAROVICI Leibu  642 SEGAL Lupu Leibu 53 
124 DIAMAND Ghizela  383 LAZAROVICI Rene  643 SEGAL Lupu Robert 25 
125 DIAMAND Nicu  384 LAZAROVICI Severin  644 SEGAL P Haim 
126 DIAMAND Simona  385 LECKER Leon Leib 34  645 SEGAL Saul 33 
127 DICHTER A. Ionel   386 LEIBOVICI Leonido Corucli  646 SEGAL W. Silen 29 
128 DITZ Eugen 27  387 LEIBOVICI Basia 30  647 SEGALESCU Henrietta 22 
129 DRATH S. Danil  388 LEIBOVICI D. Iacob 27  648 SENATER Fredrich 22 
130 DULITZCHI Rachil   389 LEIBOVICI Haia  649 SIGMUND A. Iosef 21 
131 EDELSTEIN Clara 29  390 LEIBOVICI Heinerich  650 SILBERBUSCH Gerhard 33 
132 EDELSTEIN Jack 25  391 LEIBOVICI Silvia (Leonin) 51  651 SILBERMAN Eleonora 28 
133 EDELSTEIN Leo 32  392 LEIBOVICI Leib-Itic   652 SILBERMAN Rubin 32 
134 EISIC Louis 20  393 LEIBOVICI Lizica (Leonin) 441  653 SILBERSTEIN Gerson 36 
135 EISIC Mircea 18  394 LEIBOVICI Luis 27  654 SILVIAN D. Emil 28 
136 EKELSTEIN Roza  395 LEIBOVICI Marcu 25  655 SILVIAN Maxim 
137 ELCOVICI Naftali 24  396 LEIBOVICI Simon  656 SIMON B. Simon 42 
138 ELIAS Avram-Bernard  397 LEIBOVICI Solomon 37  657 SIMON I. Carolina known as STILOVICI 30 
139 ELIAS Iosif  398 LEON Marcu 21 658 SIMON I. Iosef known as STILOVICI 30 
140 ELIAS Medea  399 LEVI Haim 23  659 SIMON Lucian 19 
141 ELIAS Rozi  400 LIUBARSCHI David 57  660 SIMON Moise 
142 EPSTEIN Matias 37  401 LIUBARSCHI Dora 54  661 SIMON Pesta 32 
143 EPSTEIN Sara Rebeca 26  402 LIVESCU Matilda  662 SIN Smial Smaia 34 
144 ERBST Matei 21  403 LIVOVSCHI Basia 60  663 SLOIMOVICI Emanuel 19 
145 FARHI Henry 22  404 LIVOVSCHI Sara 29  664 SLOIMOVICI Peisah Iacob 30 
146 FEIGHENBAUM Elias 29  405 LIVOVSCHI Smil Wolf 69  665 SLOMOVICI Maria 
147 FEIGHENBAUM Estera Liza 23  406 LOBEL Horis  666 SLOMOVICI Rosa 16 
148 FEIGHENBAUM Ruhla 53  407 LOCKER Gerta Marta & SCHOR Greta Marga  667 SLOMOVICI Smil 15 
149 FEINGOLD Otto  408 LOCKER Siegfried & SCHOR Siegfried  668 SMIL Israel 
150 FELD Margareta  409 LORIAN Silvian 27  669 SMIL Rifca 
151 FELD Nicolae  410 LOTHRINGER Ilse 20  670 SMILOVICI Ana 20 
152 FELDMAN Estera 40  411 LOWENSTEIN Carol 18  671 SMILOVICI Beno 26 
153 FELDMAN Isak  412 LUCIAN Hana Mayer 31  672 SMILOVICI Burah 37 
154 FELDSTEIN Avram  413 LUCIAN Ilie Mayer 8  673 SMILOVICI Ida  
155 FELDSTEIN David  414 LUCIAN Mayer  674 SMILOVICI Leonard 44 
156 FELDSTEIN Ghedrich 31  415 LUDOVIC Eduard 39  675 SMILOVICI Nora 17 
157 FELDSTEIN Gheorghe  416 LUDOVIC Emanuel 36  676 SOLOMON David Lazar 
158 FELDSTEIN Ghizela-Luisa 28  417 LUPOVICI Bluma 26  677 SOLOMON Dorel 20 
159 FELDSTEIN Nely 23  418 LUPOVICI Smil 27  678 SOLOMON Efraim 
160 FELDSTEIN Robert 28  419 LUPU Bertina 22  679 SOLOMON Virgiliu 17 
161 FELDSTEIN Rozica 23  420 LUPU I. Strul 29  680 SONNENREICH Abram 33 
162 FELDSTEIN Schefie  421 MAGAZANIC Ofser 67  681 SONNENREICH Rasela 30 
163 FELL Solomon 22  422 MAGDER Edmond 50  682 SONNENREICH Sami 3 
164 FELLER Gustav 29  423 MALLER Ladislau 22  683 SPAHARIU Dvoira 18 
165 FICHER Lanca 40  424 MANDEL Iacob 16  684 SPEISER L. Bernard 20 
166 FISCHER Jacob 40  425 MANOLE Lazar 22  685 SPIEGEL Avram 41 
167 FISCHER L. Rozica  426 MARCOVICI Henry 20  686 SPIEGEL Clonde-Claudia 5 
168 FISCHER Rudy  427 MARCOVICI Moise  687 SPIEGEL Lena 
169 FISCHER Silvia  428 MARCU Iacob  688 SPIEGEL Mauriciu 7 
170 FISCHER Zoltan 9  429 MARCU Sorina 22  689 SPIEGEL Soliem 
171 FISCHMAN Maletta (Moleta) 36  430 MARCU Suzeta 24  690 SPIRER Basil-Julian 16 
172 FISCHMAN Nissem 22  431 MARCUS Ana  691 SPIRER Rudolfina 
173 FLEISCHER Anna 33  432 MARCUS Aneta Lupu 41  692 SPIRER Samuel 52 
174 FLEISCHER David Sami 44  433 MARCUS Avram 28  693 SPIVACK Avram 32 
175 FLEISCHER Robert 7  434 MARCUS  694 STAHL Desideriu 19 
176 FLIGHELMAN Haim 18  435 MARCUS Ivette 7  695 STAHL Jacques 32 
177 FLIGLER Max 31  436 MARCUS Lupu Herscu 42  696 STAROSTE Ester 44 
178 FLINCKER Jeanette 51  437 MARCUS Malvina 21  697 STAROSTE Lazar (Eliezer) 60 
179 FLINCKER Klaus Zoltan 15  438 MARCUS Marga Lupu  698 STEIN I. Moise 
180 FLINCKER Richard 17  439 MARCUS Mendel 69  699 STEINBACH Reica 26 
181 FRANGHIERU Aron 17  440 MARCUS Leon 29  700 STEINBACH Leo Henry 26 
182 FRIEDMAN Desideriu 42  441 MARCUS Rosa 52  701 STERNBERG Manole 17 
183 FRIEDMAN Ileana 19  442 MARGULIUS Aurel 23  702 STIER Anisoara 8 months 
184 FRIEDMAN Nicolae 13  443 MARGULIUS Efraim 35  703 STIER Etty 21 
185 FRIEDMAN Sofia 38  444 MARGULIUS Emil 25  704 STIER Samuel 31 
186 FRUCHTER Iehuda 16  445 MARGULIUS Harry 20  705 STORFER Norbert 22 
187 FRUCHTER Isac 18  446 MARGULIUS Margarita 18  706 STORFER Saul 31 
188 FRUCHTMAN Henrieta 26  447 MATTES Lazar  707 STRAUSS Elisabeta 
189 FRUCHTMAN Solomon  448 MAYER Artur 32  708 STRAUSS Israel Walter 
190 FUCHS Mauriciu 29  449 MAYER L. Avram 27  709 SUCHARD William 30 
191 GALATAN Moise  450 MAYER M. Avram 23  710 SUCHARD Sonia 27 
192 GALATAN Posina 45  451 MAYER N Fany Felicia 24  711 SULIMOVICI Iosefleib 19 
193 GALIA Jean Haralambie  452 MAYER Silvia 20  712 SULIMOVICI Rebeca 
194 GANBIS I.Emanuel  453 MAYERSOHN Ana 26  713 SULIMOVICI Sami 
195 GARTENBERG Arnold 33  454 MAYERSOHN Hana 40  714 SULITEANU Moritz 25 
196 GARTENBERG Felix 31  455 MAYERSOHN Henry 43  715 SUREI Moritz 
197 GARTENBERG Rifca 28  456 MEIROVICI Simon  716 TALISMAN David 17 
198 GHELBER Batia   457 MENDELOVICI Haia 45  717 TAUBER Ana 38 
199 GHELBER Heinrich 44  458 MENDELSOHN  Eduard 29  718 TECUCEANU Isac 22 
200 GHELBER Lea-Hude 39  459 MERLAUB I. Moritz 37  719 TENENBAUM Leo 28 
201 GHELBER M. Danil  460 MIHALOVICI Alterescu 45  720 TERCATIN Itzhac ( Puiu) 26 
202 GHELMAN Alexandru  461 MIHALOVICI Dorel 17  721 TERKEL Fania 24 
203 GHELMAN Fania  462 MIHALOVICI Prima 40  722 TERKEL Lazar 26 
204 GHELMAN Feiga-Fanea  463 MINDIRIGIU Aurica 35  723 TETTELZWEIG Ana 
205 GHELMAN Moise  464 MINDIRIGIU Nachim Naftuli 41  724 TETTELZWEIG Isac 30 
206 GHENTZER Ernestina  465 MITRANI Ionel 24  725 TZIMAND Jack 
207 GHENTZER Magdalena  466 MOISE Ciprut  726 TZIMAND Saul 23 
208 GHETEL Frida 32  467 MOISESCU Frusina 38  727 UNGAR Albert 20 
209 GHETEL Solomon 45  468 MOISESCU Iosif 44  728 VOGEL Carol 43 
210 GHETLER I. Macas  469 MOISESCU Mircea 10  729 WACHTEL Jova 21 
211 GHETLER Iosif 49  470 MOISESCU Nelu 13  730 WAGNER Regina 49 
212 GHETLER Leah-Lia 44  471 MULER Mintia  731 WAGNER Walter 21 
213 GHINSBERG Adrian 7  472 MUNBLAT Samuel 19  732 WAGNER Wilhelm Israel 49 
214 GHINSBERG Evelina 32  473 MUNTEANU Victor 26  733 WALTER Elisa 33 
215 GHINSBERG Marcu  474 NACHMAN Estera 35  734 WALTER Mauriciu 33  
216 GLANOVSCHI Gherson 30  475 NACHMAN Lupu 39  735 WALTER Mignon 5 
217 GLICKMAN Avram 48  476 NACHMAN Mauriciu 21  736 WASSERMAN Toby 
218 GLICKMAN Evghenia 33  477 NACHT Oscar 34  737 WECHSLER Elias 30 
219 GLICKMAN Iacob 7  478 NADLER Albert  738 WECHSLER Etty Iehudith 21 
220 GLICKMAN Liza 70  479 NADLER Iosef  739 WEINBERG Avram  
221 GLICKMAN Rita 10  480 NADLER Marcel 33  740 WEINBERG Clara 
222 GLUCKMAN Alfred 30  481 NADLER Marcela  741 WEINBERG Moise Aron  
223 GLUCKMAN Sophie 24  482 NADLER Rosa 19  742 WEINBERG Natan 29 
224 GOLDENBERG Iossi 26  483 NAGY Mauriciu  743 WEINBERG Rubin Dudi 30 
225 GOLDENBERG Osias 24  484 NAHIM Ionel 41  744 WEINGARTEN Avram-Ida 
226 GOLDMAN Alexandru 40  485 NAHIM Clara 31  745 WEINGARTEN Beniamin 18 
227 GOLDMAN Hans 4  486 NAHIM Bruna 12  746 WEINGARTEN Meir 
228 GOLDMAN Racla 7  487 NAIMAN Solomon  747 WEINGARTEN Tipora 
229 GOLDMAN Tivi 32  488 NATANSON Sami 29  748 WEINSTEIN A. Simon 25  
230 GOLDSTEIN Ana  489 NESTOITU Sara 54   749 WEINSTEIN Iosef  
231 GOLDSTEIN Armand 25  490 NEUBERGER Ghitea 34  750 WEINSTEIN Moritz 25  
232 GOLDSTEIN Eliezer 31  491 NEUBERGER Louis 46  751 WEINTRAUB Julian 38 
233 GOLDSTEIN Marcu 50  492 NEUBERGER Valentina 8  752 WEISS Avram 29 
234 GOLDSTEIN Moise Haim  493 NULLMAN Heinrich 18  753 WEISS Maria 
235 GOLDSTEIN Simon  494 NULLMAN Isac 42  754 WEISS Paul 3 
236 GOLDSTEIN Stefania 29  495 NULLMAN Sara 37  755 WEISSBERG Hedwig 33 
237 GOTLIEB Bronislava 52  496 NURENBERG Mathilda 18  756 WEISSBERG Rudolf 
238 GOTLIEB Heinrich 54  497 NUSSBAUM Andrei 19  757 WEISSLER Marcu 26 
239 GOTLIEB Paul-Norbert 21   498 NUSSBAUM Berta 53  758 WEITMAN Avram 23 
240 GOTLIEB Thea-Ruth  499 ORMEANU Goldenberg Otto 46  759 WEITRAUB  Leon 19 
241 GOTTESMAN Iacob 33  500 OSFELD Isac 25  760 WITENBERG Simon 28 
242 GREIF Calman 24  501 PAUCKER Jean Leonard 27  761 WOLFSHAUT Hans 28 
243 GROBDRUG Alexandru 22  502 PAUKER Rebeca Rifca 29  762 ZAHARIA Marcu 34 
244 GROPPER Marcel  503 PEISIS Iosef 28  763 ZALMANOVICI Saul 28 
245 GROSS Nora 26   504 PENCOVICI Leon 16  764 ZEITS Bendit 44 
246 GROSS Victor Paul 16   505 PERITZ Aneta  765 ZEITS Rebeca 17 
247 GROSSMAN Marcel  506 PERITZ Avram  766 ZEITS Sara 45 
248 GRUBER Isac 34   507 PERLMUTER Sara 17  767 ZELERMAYER Carol 
249 GRUENBERG Gabriel 25  508 PESKARIU Isac (Iancu) 25  768 ZELERMAYER Gusta 
250 GRUENBERG Efraim 30  509 PESCARU Iancu   769 ZIGHELMAN Andrei-Puiu 6 
251 GRUENBERG Ferdinand-Lica 24  510 PESCARU Sura 39  770 ZIGHELMAN Solomon 
252 GRUENBERG Irina 21  511 PICHER Friderich 51  771 ZIGHELMAN Rasela 31 
253 GRUENBERG Jean 21  512 PICHER Herbert Fani  772 ZILBERMAN Burah 
254 GRUENBERG Leon 19  513 PICHER Herbert Iulius  773 ZILBERMAN Frida 
255 GRUENBERG Moritz 42  514 PICHER Marcel  774 ZILBERMAN Isac 18 
256 GRUENBERG Otto  515 PICHER Marian-Silvia 17  775 ZILBERMAN Pinhas 24 
257 GRUENBERG Stella 19  516 PICHER Roza  776 ZILBERMAN Rebeca  
258 GRUENBERG Wolf-Zeev 28  517 PINCU Herscu 40  777 ZILBERMAN Silvia 
259 GRUENFELD Itzhac-Eizig  518 PINCU Iosefina 39  778 ZISMAN Sura 58 
519 PINCU Liviu 9  779 ZISMAN Zisu Rebeca 
780 ZISSU Avram 
781 ZOTKOVER Louis 21 

(h/t Josh K)

  • Friday, February 24, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon

Last week Israeli Defense Minister Liberman offered to provide Gaza with a huge level of assistance, in return for Hamas shutting down their rocket attacks and closing their attack tunnels. In return, senior Hamas leader Mahmoud al-Zahar turned down the offer, claiming that if Gaza wanted to be like Singapore, it would have already done so.

The truth is that for a while, in the 1970's, Gaza rivalled -- and even surpassed -- Singapore.

In "What Occupation?", Efraim Karsh writes about how severe the situation of the Palestinian Arabs following the 1967 War:
The larger part, still untold in all its detail, is of the astounding social and economic progress made by the Palestinian Arabs under Israeli "oppression." At the inception of the occupation, conditions in the territories were quite dire. Life expectancy was low; malnutrition, infectious diseases, and child mortality were rife; and the level of education was very poor. Prior to the 1967 war, fewer than 60 percent of all male adults had been employed, with unemployment among refugees running as high as 83 percent. Within a brief period after the war, Israeli occupation had led to dramatic improvements in general well-being, placing the population of the territories ahead of most of their Arab neighbors.

...During the 1970's, the West Bank and Gaza constituted the fourth fastest-growing economy in the world-ahead of such "wonders" as Singapore, Hong Kong, and Korea, and substantially ahead of Israel itself.[emphasis added]

Similarly, CAMERA notes that
the Palestinian territories had one of the ten fastest growing economies during the 1970's, just behind Saudi Arabia (which benefited from the oil shock of 1973), and ahead of Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea.

What both Karsh and CAMERA write is substantiated by the World Bank.

In 1993, The World Bank published Developing the Occupied Territories: The Economy

According to the World Bank report (paragraph 2.3):
This picture of crisis contrasts sharply with a longer-term view of past development. The Occupied Territories [OT] were among the top ten fastest growing economies in the world during the 1970s period when measured in terms of GNP growth (Figure 2). The expansion in GDP per capita was somewhat lower, but was still large by international standards.

That all came to an end with the Intifada -- but not quite.

In March 1995, the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a plan where Soon The Gaza Strip Will Be Competing with Singapore, thanks to
industrial parks which the leadership of the [Israeli] Foreign, Industry and Finance Ministries is planning at this very moment, under total secrecy. The goal: to establish between 8 to 11 such parks on the cease-fire line between Israel and the autonomous areas, which the Palestinian Authority will control within the next few months.

Foreign Minister Shimon Peres is the one who envisioned all this, and those close to him say with pride: We are getting closer to Singapore, Taiwan and Hong-Kong, in huge steps.

And then, after the vision arrives to develop the cities Gaza, Dir Al- Balah, Ofakim and Sderot it will be copied in the cease-fire line between Afula and Jenin, to Mt. Hebron and Tul-Karm, and will reach the entrance of Kochav Yair.

Each industrial park will be established for about 10,000 employees, and will sit on 2,000 dunam of land, with considerable financial assistance from foreign investors and also governmental subsidies. The Palestinians will run them, and be its workers, for the most part.

None of that came to pass.

And now Hamas says with pride not only that it has no interest in becoming another Singapore, but that if it really wanted to, it could do so without any help from Israel.

Regarding the former -- there is little doubt.
Regarding the latter -- there is little likelihood.
Either way, Gazans themselves have no say in the matter.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

From Ian:

The centenary of the Balfour Declaration
The men who passed the Balfour Declaration believed that they were not taking away one ethnic community’s land to give to another; instead they were taking away land that had for four centuries since 1517 belonged to the Ottoman Turks, and giving it to a national homeland for the Jews, without prejudicing the rights of the Palestinian Arabs. Both communities were native to the land for centuries, after all.The way that it would work, as Churchill pointed out in his 4 July 1922 speech as Colonial Secretary, was by the development of the League of Nations’territory through irrigation of the Red Sea and electrification of the region, making it for the first time economically and agriculturally possible for everyone to live there. One might today think in the light of later events that that was naive, but it was the way the Cabinet felt about the future of the Mandate. It was idealistic rather than, as anti-Israel activists try to argue, cynical.
By February 1918 Balfour was telling a friend: ‘My personal hope is that the Jews will make good in Palestine and eventually found a Jewish state.’ To his relation Lady Rayleigh he said that July: ‘The Jews were too great a race not to count and they ought to have a place where those who had strong racial idealism could develop on their own lines as a nation and govern themselves.’ And that ‘nothing but the Holy Land would satisfy their aspirations.’ When she pointed out that the ‘the Arabs will make difficulties: they say the land is theirs, they are three to one of the Jews’ he answered ‘But there are difficulties in whatever you do.’ He was even more explicit in August 1919 when he wrote: ‘Zionism, be it right or wrong, good or bad, is rooted in age-old traditions, in present need, in future hopes, of far profounder importance than the desires and prejudices of the seven hundred thousand Arabs who now inhabit that ancient land.’ At the end of his life he said that on looking back it was the thing he was proudest to have done.
Today, from Morocco to Afghanistan, from the Caspian Sea to Aden, the 5.25 million square miles of territory belonging to members of the Arab League is home to over 330 million people, whereas Israel covers only eight thousand square miles, and is home to seven million citizens, one-fifth of whom are Arabs. The Jews of the Holy Land are thus surrounded by hostile states 650 times their size in territory and sixty times their population, yet their last, best hope of ending two millennia of international persecution – the State of Israel - has somehow survived. A century on, the Declaration stands as a righteous blow for genius, development, progress and freedom. Foremost among the types of people who admire these phenomena are the Chinese, who should therefore also celebrate the centenary of the Balfour Declaration.
Sir Eric Pickles: Planting trees in the bastion of democracy
The Jerusalem Hills are one of the most beautiful sights in the world. The peaceful, rolling green hills, thick with trees and vineyards, are world renowned and deeply evocative.
On a clear day you can see for miles at Jerusalem’s Yad Kennedy Memorial in the Aminadav Forest. So I’ve been led to believe. Last Wednesday was not one of those days. In true British style, heavy mist had fallen upon Jerusalem and rain fell relentlessly sideways.
The inclement weather had arrived just in time for me to plant one of the trees awarded to me by Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI) to celebrate my recent knighthood. This moving gift was a particular honor for me and I’d been looking forward to this moment.
I first came to Israel in 1980 and fell in love with the place and its people.
Israel is a bastion of democracy in a region plagued by chaos and autocracy.
Convicted Killer of Israelis Finds Friends on the Radical Jewish Left
Odeh has found allies in the Arab-American community in Chicago, where she lives. That’s disheartening, because one would like to think that the Arab-American community is as horrified by Odeh’s terrorism as everyone else is.
As it turns out, though, Odeh’s Arab-American allies have proven rather ineffective. The Arab-American Action Network (AAAN) — a group that Odeh works for — has advanced two arguments in her defense. One is that Odeh “misunderstood” the question on the form; that’s obviously absurd.
The AAAN’s second line of defense is that Odeh confessed to the bombings only after several weeks of “torture” and “sexual abuse” by Israeli interrogators. That, of course, conflicts with the fact that Odeh confessed after just one day in jail. And the AAAN can’t explain the bombs found in Odeh’s apartment, the statements of her co-conspirators or her undisputed involvement with a terrorist group.
So Odeh has been looking for other allies. And she’s found one — on the edges of the Jewish community.
The far-left JVP has announced that Odeh will be one of the featured speakers at its national conference in Chicago at the end of March.
JVP was founded by three undergraduates at the University of California, Berkeley. It’s ironic that an organization founded by college students should be embracing someone who murdered two college students. I suppose as long as she didn’t murder any members of JVP, they don’t consider her to be the enemy.

  • Thursday, February 23, 2017
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's PressTV:
The two-day Tehran conference on Palestine, attended by around 700 foreign guests from dozens of countries and representatives of pro-Palestinian organizations, wrapped up on Wednesday with a statement that voiced support for the rights of the Palestinian nation and underlined the need for an end to Israel’s nearly seven decades of occupation.

In the statement, the participants underlined the need for further unity among the Palestinians, and highlighted resistance as the sole solution to the Palestinian issue.   
The use of the word "occupation" is deliberate, specifically to appeal to gullible Westerners. Saying you are against Israel's "occupation" is laudatory, but saying you are against Israel's existence is not quite acceptable to the UN yet.

The word "resistance" is the same. It sounds so much nicer than "terrorism" which is what it means, during the  "6th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada."

People believe what they want to believe.

The good news is that Tehran is clearly concerned over Arab ties with Israel.
Addressing the 6th International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada (Uprising) in Tehran on Wednesday, the Iranian president raised the alarm over the Tel Aviv regime’s attempts to normalize relations with certain Arab countries of the region.

“The occupying regime [of Israel], in an attempt to normalize its situation, has for the first time referred to certain Arab countries as its allies against the resistance front, instead of describing them as its enemies," he said.

The Tel Aviv regime "claims that most of the Arab countries are not the enemies of Zionism or opposed to occupation anymore, but that they share the same phobia about resistance,” Rouhani added.

The Iranian president called on the countries of the region to remain vigilant in the face of Israeli plots, and said the Muslim world needs to clarify its position on the issue of Israel’s efforts to normalize its ties with Arab countries.

“Isn’t it time that neighbors once and for all say ‘No’ to war and fratricide?" Rouhani asked, calling for collective efforts to resolve the Palestinian issue, which he described as the Muslim world's major problem.
The idea of Arabs allying with Israel scares them more than anything President Obama ever said.

Iran likes to pretend that it is the leader of the Muslim world, and when Saudi Arabia sides with Israel over fellow Muslims, it shows that Iran's ambitions in that area are in shambles.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

On Tuesday, a military court pronounced sentence on Sgt. Elor Azaria, called in Israel’s media “the soldier who shot in Hevron.”

Azaria was convicted of manslaughter after he put a bullet into the head of an Arab terrorist who had been wounded after he stabbed and injured an IDF soldier in March of last year. The incident was filmed by a Palestinian working for the left-wing NGO B’tselem. The video was shown on Israeli television and a massive media/political circus ensued. Even before the IDF investigation was finished, the army Chief of Staff and the Defense Minister made public statements accusing Azaria of misconduct in the harshest terms.

The rules of engagement forbid harming a terrorist who has been “neutralized,” and unless it could be shown that Azaria could have reasonably believed that the terrorist sprawled on the ground was still a threat, shooting him would be a serious violation of protocol. Depending on his intention, it could also be manslaughter or even murder.

During the trial, Azaria’s defense team tried to establish that the shooting was justified. He testified that he feared that the terrorist might be wearing an explosive belt, or that he might reach for a knife nearby. His lawyers even called a witness to argue that it was not Azaria’s bullet that killed the terrorist.

The defense’s arguments were unconvincing, and Azaria’s testimony was at times contradictory. There was testimony from another soldier in his unit that after the shooting Azaria said “He tried to stab a friend of mine and he deserves to die.” The trial continued for several months and numerous witnesses and experts were heard. It was accompanied by heavy media attention and public demonstrations for and against the accused.

The court – three military judges – rejected all of the defense contentions in a very unsympathetic decision that took more than an hour to read, and rendered a verdict of manslaughter. The judges then took up the question of punishment. Azaria could have received as many as 20 years imprisonment, but the prosecution asked for a sentence of three to five years. Tuesday, he was sentenced to 18 months in military prison, 12 months probation, and reduction in rank to private. The contrast between the court’s harsh decision and the very lenient sentence was striking.

Reactions to the sentence illuminated the chasms that exist in Israeli society. Azaria’s family and supporters joined arms and sang “Hatikva” in the courtroom after the sentence was pronounced, and called for him to be pardoned. His father hugged him and said “Elor, you are a hero!” His lawyers promised to appeal the verdict. There were demonstrations in the street outside in his favor, as there were during the trial itself.

But some thought that the verdict was far too lenient. Meretz MK Tamar Zandberg wrote on her Facebook page that “They sentenced [Azaria] to just a year and a half in prison. Azaria needed to be punished, and seriously.” Most public officials have been very uncomfortable with everything having to do with the incident and want to put it behind them.

Not so fast.

What happened was symptomatic of the difficulty a liberal democracy has in dealing with opponents that wage asymmetric warfare against it. It also illustrates the role of the cognitive/psychological war that is raging alongside the terrorism and violence that gets most of the attention.

The incident happened during a time that stabbings and car-rammings against Jews – including women and girls, small children, elderly people, soldiers, policemen and civilians – were at a peak. Almost every day there was another report of a vicious attack, and many of the reports were tragic. Encouraged by the official Palestinian Authority TV and radio, and by social media, PA residents and even some Arab citizens of Israel went on a murder spree. Even Israelis that remember the bombings of the Second Intifada were shocked by the cold, implacable hatred. What kind of creature could go up to a pregnant woman on the street and plunge a knife into her neck?

Israelis saw their soldiers (“everybody’s children”) forced to make life-and-death decisions in difficult circumstances. They saw that Jews are expected to follow the rules, but that for Arabs there are no rules; that Jews are expected to behave according to European standards of civilization, while Arabs are free to compete with each other to be the most barbarous killers.

Many people believe that no terrorist should be allowed to survive his act, but the rules say that once a terrorist is no longer a danger, he should be arrested, not killed. The rules say that a terrorist wounded while trying (or succeeding) to kill Jews should receive medical care. At one point, a directive was even issued that care should be prioritized only by the severity of wounds, and not depend on who is the attacker and who the victim!

Israelis noted how the families of terrorists in Israeli jails are paid salaries by the Palestinian Authority (with money it gets from the US and Europe). The longer the sentence, the higher the wages, so the worst get the most. Those who are killed in the act are glorified as martyrs in the official media, and the ones that survive are often released in “prisoner exchanges” like the 2011 deal in which 1027 terrorists, including numerous multiple murderers, were exchanged for one Israeli soldier, Gilad Shalit.

And – very importantly – they knew that Israel does not apply the death penalty for terrorist murder, so killers would ultimately be able to go on with their lives after serving their sentences (or after being traded for kidnap victims or body parts).

Elor Azaria was asked to do his job in these circumstances. He was 19 at the time. After a terrorist tried to kill his friend, he did what any normal person would be tempted to do. He broke the rules, violated protocol, and gave the terrorist what, in a moral if not legal sense, he deserved.

What should have happened then was an administrative hearing in which he would have been punished for breaking the rules, not a media and political circus and not a conviction for manslaughter. 

But it was not an accident that it played out the way it did. Everything that the IDF does is scrutinized by organizations that claim to work to protect human rights, but whose real purpose is to delegitimize Israel.

Much like the way the communities around Gaza are undermined by Hamas tunnels, Israeli society and media are subverted by anti-state non-governmental organizations, of which B’tselem is a prime example. B’tselem received almost US$ 6 million between 2012 and 2016 from foreign governmental bodies (and more from other anti-Israel sources) for legal, diplomatic, political and propaganda warfare – there is no other way to describe it – against the state of Israel, the IDF and its soldiers. This money paid the operative that recorded the video that was used to blow this incident up into a national  affair, and bought him his camera.

The Azaria prosecution was a propaganda blow against the IDF, which Israel’s enemies want to portray as arbitrarily murdering innocent Arabs. It was damaging to the morale of the soldiers who risk their lives to protect us, and who believe that Azaria’s officers and almost the entire military hierarchy abandoned him (they did). And if it results in more terrorists surviving their encounters with the IDF, then in my opinion that will be unfortunate.

One lesson from the affair is that Israel should apply the death penalty to terrorist murderers. Perhaps some of the frustration felt by our soldiers and police would be alleviated if they knew that an arrested murderer was likely to be executed rather than sent to a relatively (by world standards) comfortable prison where he will draw a salary and await the next prisoner exchange or political deal. 

Another lesson is that the massive “human rights” industry in Israel, which is paid for by some of our worst enemies, needs to have its foreign funding cut off. No other country in the world would permit its enemies to pay for a massive subversive enterprise inside its own borders.

I would like to see Azaria pardoned. He’s been punished adequately since the incident. I would like to see our soldiers and police continue to act aggressively to stop terrorists, and know that their superiors will go to bat for them. And let’s think seriously about the death penalty for terrorist murder.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Op-Ed: Jews Aren’t Jews, but Palestinians are Philistines
In his Christian Science Monitor op-ed, John Yemma is not content to present his own opinion, he also changes historical facts in an especially shocking manner.
Palestinians are Philistines?
Citing no source at all, Yemma claims that Palestinians are actually Philistines:
Palestinians have ancient ties to the Holy Land as well. The biblical Philistines, among other peoples, were contemporaneous with the biblical Israelites. While it is not certain that today’s Palestinians are their direct descendants…
This is a complete fabrication. In fact, there is nothing “uncertain” about the historical record: Palestinians are most certainly not descended from Philistines.
Claims of this sort are nothing new: they have long been a staple of anti-Israel propaganda, including the roundly debunked notions that Palestinians are actually Canaanites and that Jesus was a Palestinian.
The idea that Palestinians are Philistines is equally, and most certainly, false. Yemma’s claim that there is any uncertainty about this is a clear distortion of facts.
Unlike modern day Jews and Palestinians, the Philistines were an ancient, non-Semitic, sea-faring people, whose form of worship was unconnected to the Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.
In other words, the Philistine ethnicity, culture and religion are all entirely different from that of modern day Palestinians.
Golda Meir discusses the Palestinian identity
1970--Thames Television--Golda Meir discusses the Palestinian identity, and asks why the Arabs in the West Bank became more Palestinian than the Arabs in the East Bank, after June 5 1967

What kind of state would Palestine be? A Jordan, or an ISIL-dominated Syria?
Indeed, as much as Israel might be leery of what a Palestinian state might look like, the Jordanians are terrified. If the West Bank were to become like Gaza, controlled by Hamas, or like Sinai, effectively a stateless territory, or like parts of Syria and Iraq, under the control of ISIL, or like Lebanon, home to Iranian proxies — the Hashemite Kingdom might not survive.
There are many who make the persuasive argument that the alternative to two states — to separation from the Palestinian majority in the West Bank — is an Israel that is no longer Jewish and democratic. That argument’s power is now weakened by the prospect that a putative Palestine state might not be a benign Jordan or a peaceful Egypt, but a cauldron of expansionist violence.
That explains both the diminishing confidence that a Palestinian state could work, and the increasing calls for a regional solution. Perhaps in the reconfigured Middle East, the West Bank could achieve some confederation with Jordan, and Gaza with Egypt, hitching the new state to older, stable ones. Or if the disintegration of Syria, Iraq, Libya and Yemen continues, maybe the entire future of the region lies less in existing nation states, and in broad confederations of city-states and local clans. In that environment, the Palestinians might find themselves without a state but with autonomy in an increasingly stateless region.
The creation of a Palestinian state is implausible while existing neighbours are being destroyed, and even the concept of statehood in the region is eroding. That does make a foreseeable peace agreement less likely. And it requires creative thinking as a new Middle East is being born.


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