Friday, August 12, 2016

  • Friday, August 12, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
One of the fundamental principles of the BDS movement, which we are constantly told reflects the will of "Palestinian civil society," is that any interaction with Israel or Israelis is forbidden.

This is, of course, for the good of the Palestinian Arabs who need to live with these rules.

But two stories came out today from Muslim nations who are ignoring these artificial rules.

Turkish Foreign Minister Mouloud Jawish Ihsanoglu announced an aid ship to Gaza next month, ahead of the Eid al Adha holiday. But it isn't going to break the legal Israeli naval blockade - it will go to Ashdod and the goods will be transferred to Gaza from there.

He stressed that Turkish aid will continue increasingly in the next phase, according to an agreement with Israel, especially in health and education and the banking industry.

Egypt has made similar announcements of aid to Gaza in recent weeks - but the aid again goes through Kerem Shalom.

This photo of kids playing in front of
Gaza's power plant doesn't look staged at all
In a much more ambitious announcement, Qatar's Gaza liaison Mohammed Al Emadi announced that Israel has approved a massive 100 megawatt solar power station for Gaza which will go a long way towards providing power needs for Gazans. There is a long way to go - they don't have a site picked out yet - but this also came about through negotiations with the hated Zionist enemy.

All without a single flotilla!

Not that the flotilla idiots are deterred. The next "peace boat" is scheduled to sail in September, and already the participants are happily lying:

Green Party MP Marama Davidson will be joining a women’s peace boat in late September which will highlight the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, the Green Party said today.

“I am participating in the Women’s Boats to Gaza flotilla to highlight the crucial role of women in keeping their communities afloat, particularly in post-conflict situations,” said Green Party human rights spokesperson Marama Davidson.

“The people of Gaza are still living with the terrible impact of the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas, which resulted in the death of 2,300 civilians and the destruction of hundreds of thousands of homes, schools and hospitals.
If 2,300 civilians were killed, that means that Israel somehow managed to miss every single militant in Gaza!

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Friday, August 12, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

From Times of Israel:
France on Thursday condemned Israel over last week’s demolition of several structures, funded by the French government, in a Palestinian village north of Jerusalem.

“France condemns the Israeli army’s destruction of several structures funded by France in the Palestinian village of Nabi Samuel (West Bank) on August 3,” the French government said in a statement.

“This is the third time that buildings funded through French humanitarian aid have been demolished or confiscated by Israeli authorities since the beginning of 2016, and notably follows the dismantling of a school in February.”

Paris also joined the US in denouncing the razing of three European Union-funded shelters in the West Bank on Tuesday, which it said constituted “a violation of international law.

“With several other EU projects destroyed south of Hebron, France expresses its deep concern over the accelerating rate of these demolitions and confiscations of humanitarian structures built for the Palestinian people in Area C,” it said. “We call on the Israeli authorities to end these operations, which are a violation of international law.
Who is violating international law?

If you assume - as France does - that Israel is a belligerent occupying power in Area C, then international law is clear: the existing legal system that was in place before occupation must remain in place as much as possible, except for very specific cases (where there is no adequate existing system, or for specific military reasons.)

I don't know all of the Jordanian laws in force in the West Bank before 1967, but here are some of the requirements in Jordanian law today needed before building a warehouse. Almost certainly most of these laws would apply to building a home or school, as the EU is doing in Area C, and a significant subset of these laws must have applied in 1967:

Receive soil examination by licensed engineering office
Obtain location (land use) permit
Obtain approval of project design drawings by the Engineering Association
Apply for building permit
Obtain project clearance on fire safety
Receive inspection by the City Development Department
Obtain building permit
Hire an authorized engineering office for inspections of the construction site
Apply for occupancy permit
Receive inspection of completed works from Civil Defense Directorate
Receive final approval from Civil Defense Directorate
Receive inspection of completed works from Greater Amman Municipality
Obtain occupancy permit
Apply for water connection
Receive water and sewerage inspection
Obtain water and sewerage connection
If the EU is not applying these procedures and obtaining the permits before erecting structures in Area C, then it is violating the law. One only has to glance at these EU-funded structures to see that they are simply plopped down on random empty land without any regard to zoning laws or permits.

Under international law, the previous laws must be respected, so they are violating international law and Israel is upholding international law by requiring them to go through official channels to obtain permits to build.

Sorry, France, but you are the violators, not Israel.

See also my recent post detailing the extent of illegal EU structures dotting the landscape in Area C, all built in violation of the law.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

  • Thursday, August 11, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
In which we discuss Haaretz as well as how people falsely label him, a Labor voter, as "right wing" in order to delegitimize his opinions.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Dr. Mordechai Kedar: The real al Aqsa Mosque is not in Jerusalem
A well known proverb says "liars need to have good memories." The reasoning is clear: a liar needs to remember his own lies and whom he told them to in order to avoid contradicting himself and revealing his mendacity. This rule applies to important issues as well. Jerusalem, for instance, whose holiness to Sunni Muslims is based on a late and political interpretation of a Koranic verse, while to Shiite Muslims it is only the third holiest city, ranked below Mecca and Medina (today the city of Najaf in southern Iraq).
Early Islamic sources state that the "al Aqsa Mosque" (literal meaning: 'the farther mosque'), mentioned only once in the Koran, was one of two mosques located near Ji'irrana, a village located between Mecca and Taaf in the Arabian Peninsula (now Saudi Arabia.) One of the mosques was called "al-Masjid al-Adna," meaning the "closer mosque" and the other " al-Masjid al-Aqsa", the "farther mosque." When the Koran refers to the al Aqsa mosque while telling the myth of the Prophet Muhammad's night time journey from the "holy mosque" of Mecca to al Aqsa, that is, the "farther mosque," it is referring to the mosque in Ji'irrana.
In 682 C.E., fifty years after Mohammed's death, Abd allah Ibn al-Zubayr, the tough man of Mecca, rebelled against the Umayyads who ruled Damascus and would not allow them to fulfill the Haj in Mecca. Since the Haj pilgrimage is one of the five basic Islamic commandments, they were forced to choose Jerusalem as their alternative for a pilgrimage site. In order to justify choosing Jerusalem, the Umayyads rewrote the story told in the Koran, moving the al Aqsa mosque to Jerusalem, and adding, for good measure, the myth of the night time journey of Mohammed to al Aqsa. This is the reason the Sunnis now consider Jerusalem their third holiest city.
Shia Islam, mercilessly persecuted by the Umayya Caliphate, did not accept the holy Jerusalem canard, which is the reason the second holiest city to Shiites is Najif in Iraq, the burial place of Shiite founder Ali bin Abi Talib. Many of the Shiite elders – Iranian and Hezbollah – only began to call Jerusalem holy after the Khomeni rebellion in 1979 so as to keep the Sunnis from accusing them of being soft on Zionism.
The first lie, in that case, is the spurious claim that the "farther mosque" is in Jerusalem.

JPost Editorial: Speaking for history
Is there a difference between an historian and a Jewish historian? The storm of criticism unleashed last week by the confessions of two academics who virtually renounced their previous identification with Israel suggests that the operative distinction has more to do with an irrational self-loathing than with scholarship.
Professors Hasia Diner and Marjorie Feld published an anti-Zionist screed in Haaretz dissociating themselves from a previous identification with Zionism, which has become associated in their understanding with racism, genocide and apartheid, just to cite a few of Israel’s alleged crimes.
Diner begins her anti-Zionist rant with a simple confession: “The Israel I once loved was a naïve delusion.” What a distance she has traveled from the Habonim Zionist movement of her youth to today, as she writes, “I feel a sense of repulsion when I enter a synagogue in front of which the congregation has planted a sign reading, ‘We Stand With Israel.’” Diner writes that she could not endorse the Jerusalem Program, because it affirms belief in “the centrality of the State of Israel and Jerusalem as its capital” for the Jewish people. This, she writes, is because it encourages aliya and “the classic negation of the Diaspora and as such the ending of Jewish life outside a homeland in Israel.”
Straying further into the realm of the absurd and nonfactual, she declares, “The death of vast numbers of Jewish communities as a result of Zionist activity has impoverished the Jewish people.” What deaths of which Jewish communities? Israel, she concludes, is “a place that I abhor visiting, and to which I will contribute no money, whose products I will not buy, nor will I expend my limited but still to me, meaningful, political clout to support it.”
Sovereign Israel cannot choose to absorb Jewish refugees and grant them citizenship, Diner states, because “The Law of Return can no longer look to me as anything other than racism.”
Feld is no better, writing how she learned from non-Jews in “liberal and left organizations in college” who opened her eyes. “I saw that Israel fit neatly into my broader understanding of Western colonialism.... The founding of Israel was the Nakba, the great catastrophe, for Palestinians, with ethnic cleansing, destruction, and no right of return.” She apparently sees no contradiction in the UN Partition Resolution of 1947 creating an Arab and Jewish state which was accepted by the Jewish community and violently rejected by the armies of half a dozen Arab countries.
Israel Emerges As A Player On The World Stage
The emergence of Israel as a small but significant player on the world stage is one of the remarkable developments at the end of the post-Cold War era. The slow economic growth of the United States and Europe has shown the weakness of the status quo powers. The American semi-withdrawal from the Middle East and the British withdrawal from the European Union have opened the door to new powers.
The chaos in the Middle East and the rise of revisionist authoritarian states such as Russia, China and Iran and democratic states like India raise the possibility of a new world order. This would be partly dominated by hardline conservative nationalism, charismatic leadership, slow economic growth, and hostility to the old globalist order.
With eight million people Israel can only play on the fringes of a new global order. But, it has a flourishing economy of $300 billion and nearly $40,000 GDP/capita. Its democratic, liberal politics and growing economy make it able to play both sides of the street.
Its military was rated by the Institute for the Study of War as “pilot to pilot and airframe to airframe” having “the best air force in the world“ and the best army in the Middle East. Israel’s extensive work on air defenses (Iron Dome, David’s Sling, Arrow 2 and soon Arrow 3), carried out with the United States, makes it a serious military power. Its 80-100 atomic bombs put it in a rarified club of nine states in the world. Its intelligence capabilities (Shin Beth and Mossad) are formidable.

  • Thursday, August 11, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Here are some of the examples of antisemitism that the State Department listed in its annual Religious Freedom report.

There are small numbers of practitioners of other religions, including one Jew.

Practitioners of non-Sunni-Muslim religions, including Christians and Jews, reported they had experienced threats and intolerance and often kept a low profile as a result.

On October 16, the president’s chief of staff, speaking also as head of the National Democratic Rally at a party meeting, stated the leader of the regional Movement for Self-Determination of Kabylie (MAK) was trying to “help the Zionists” and accused him of “selling Algeria to the Jews.” In an interview responding to the chief of staff’s remarks, the MAK leader denounced the use of a “racist phrase,” which he said increased “anti-Semitism and the hatred of Jews.”

YouTube users in October created an online video, entitled Jews in the Streets of Algeria: What Will Happen? The video depicted a young man pretending to be Jewish (wearing a kippah) approaching people on the streets of Algiers; those he approached then appeared to insult, harass, or assault him. The makers of the video concluded what they termed a “social experiment” by stating “Algerians do not want to smell the odor of Jews in their country.”
Societal anti-Semitic actions included desecration of a Jewish cemetery.

For the fifth consecutive year, authorities cancelled an annual Jewish pilgrimage, including the participation of many Israeli citizens, to the shrine of 19th-century scholar Rabbi Yaakov Abu Hassira. The cancellation occurred following an administrative court decision to ban permanently the Abu Hassira festival in December 2014. The court justified its decision by stating the festival was a “violation of public order and morals” and “incompatible with the solemnity and purity of religious sites.”

The government generally failed to take action against or condemn anti-Semitic comments that appeared in both government-owned and private media. For example, on November 15, Al-Hayat satellite channel television host Iman Izz Al-Din said that Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, the leader of Da’esh, was a Jew. On October 27, El-Rahma television host Muhammad Khaled said “The history of the Jews has been black since the dawn of time. Nebuchadnezzar burned them, the Crusaders burned them, and even Hitler and Nazism burned them.” Then he asked his interviewee, professor of Islamic history at Cairo University Yusri Ahmad Zidan, whether “burning was the only solution for the Jews.” Zidan responded, “So it seems.”

Talk show hosts occasionally approved the killing of Jewish civilians and failed to distinguish between Jews and supporters of Israeli policies in broadcasts critical of such policies. Private Salafist media sometimes included anti-Semitic programming that glorified or denied the Holocaust, including in interviews with academics and clerics. There were reports of imams using anti-Semitic rhetoric in their sermons, including allegations that Jews were responsible for the “spilled blood” of Muslim Palestinians.

In a Facebook post on March 6, President of the Cairo Jewish Community Magda Haroun reported teenagers defiled her family’s graves at the Basateen Jewish cemetery in the south of Cairo on March 5. Haroun said as she was visiting the graves a group of teenagers shouted repeatedly, “the graves of the Jews, the sons of bitches” and then urinated on the graves.

Articles in international news media quoted Jewish community representatives as saying there continued to be government restrictions and discrimination against Jews, but little interference with Jewish religious practices

According to the Tehran Jewish Committee, five Jewish schools and two kindergartens continued to operate in Tehran, but their principals were required to be Muslim. The government reportedly continued to allow Hebrew instruction but limited the distribution of Hebrew texts, particularly nonreligious texts, making it difficult to teach the language, according to the Jewish community. Although the government did not require Jewish students to attend Saturday classes, it reportedly required Jewish schools to remain open on Saturdays, in violation of Jewish religious law, to conform to the schedule of other schools.

The law states constitutional guarantees providing for the reinstatement of citizenship to individuals who gave up their citizenship for political or sectarian reasons do not apply to Jews who emigrated and gave up their citizenship under a 1950 law.

Editorial cartoons, articles, and public statements by politicians sometimes depicted negative images of Jews and conflated anti-Israel sentiment with anti-Semitic sentiment. On November 17, Ro’ya, a private television station, hosted a journalist drawing an editorial cartoon showing an anti-Semitic stereotype and stating that Jews were the “mother of terrorism.”

The government continued to refuse to give approval to the request from the Jewish community, repeated over several years, to change its official name from the Israeli Communal Council to the Jewish Community Council.

Government officials made anti-Semitic, and in some cases anti-Christian, statements. In August Mahdzir Khalid, the minister of education and a senior leader of the ruling UMNO party, said a London-based website that reported Malaysian government corruption was part of a Jewish/Christian agenda to split the Malay Muslim community.

In October participants in a pro-Palestinian rally in Casablanca reportedly acted out a scene in which individuals in Palestinian dress pushed fake rifles into the backs of other individuals in handcuffs dressed as Hasidic Jews, and then play-acted the execution of those portraying the Jews. Local authorities later briefly detained and questioned the individuals involved in the play-acting scene, but no charges were filed.

Saudi Arabia:
The calculation of accidental death or injury compensation differs according to the religious affiliation of the plaintiff. In the event a court renders a judgment in favor of a plaintiff who is a Jewish or Christian male, the plaintiff is entitled to receive only 50 percent of the compensation a Muslim male would receive; all other non-Muslims are entitled to receive only one-sixteenth the amount a male Muslim would receive.

Editorial cartoons continued to exhibit anti-Semitism characterized by the use of stereotypical images of Jews along with Jewish symbols, particularly at times of heightened political tension with Israel. For example, in March a cartoon showed the Star of David caging a peace dove, and in January a cartoon showed an orthodox Jew armed with a weaponized menorah riding an elephant to conquer the al-Aqsa Mosque.
In March unknown individuals damaged the grave of 18th century Jewish author and scholar Rabbi Masseoud Elfassi. Media reports speculated the vandalism was the work of looters. After the incident, President Beji Caid Essebsi increased security around the cemetery and other Jewish sites, and publicly promised a European rabbinical body he would protect the Jewish community and its institutions.
Mastermind, an anti-Semitic “documentary” film, was broadcast repeatedly on private television channels and posted on the websites of several pro-government media outlets, starting in March. An adviser to Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu appeared in the film, and said President Erdogan was responsible for bringing unfavorable “facts” about Jews to the public’s attention. The film paints the Jews as the country’s biggest enemy.
Anti-Semitic material continued to appear in print. Jewish leaders reported continued harassment of Jewish community members in Amran by the local population, including by throwing stones and coercion to convert to Islam. Jewish students reportedly continued to stay away from public schools due to social pressures and security concerns. Attempts by the Jewish community to establish private schools, which had been abandoned following the Houthi takeover of Sana’a in September 2014, remained halted. In October several members of the Jewish community departed Yemen, citing concerns over security and their children’s future.
There were some positive anecdotes as well, particularly in Turkey and Tunisia.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column

Israel’s sometimes impulsive Defense Minister, Avigdor Liberman, was forced to apologize for a statement issued with his approval that compared the Obama Iran deal with the 1938 Munich agreement, which as we know fed Czechoslovakia into the maw of Nazi Germany in a vain attempt to stave off war.

Ha’aretz reported that “the White House was furious. Obama’s senior aides couldn’t understand how, at the very moment when they were negotiating with Israel over the largest military aid package America has ever given any country, the Israeli defense minister could release a statement like that against Obama.”

This is at least the fourth or fifth time – usually it’s because of construction plans in Jerusalem – that Obama and his people have been reported as “furious” with Israel. There are, however, few non-satirical reports of Obama being furious with Vladimir Putin, Bashar al-Assad or even Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It seems that no country or national leader can ignite White House anger like Israel, Bibi Netanyahu or (now) Liberman.

It’s easy to understand why. We are granted $3 billion each year in military aid, and then we turn around and “spit in Obama’s face” by building apartments in our capital, by having the wrong capital, or by opposing the Iran deal, which, after all, really does have much in common with the Munich agreement.

Israel and its leaders are expected to be subservient, and when an underling doesn’t follow orders, then it is not just wrong, it is insubordinate and insulting. Insubordination provokes anger. Putin, on the other hand, is expected to oppose American interests, so nobody loses their temper when he does what he is supposed to do.

The problem is exacerbated by the increasing “daylight” between the Obama Administration and Israel. But even a more friendly administration would expect to get what it believes it is paying for.

Be aware that with every verbal slap in the face, every lecture from the White House or Secretary of State, every time our Prime Minister is called a ‘chickenshit’ or made to cool his heels while the President has dinner, every time one of our ministers has to grovel in order to be forgiven for making a true statement, every time Obama vents his fury at our country as at a disobedient servant, we lose some of our national honor.

Some people think this is nothing. An apology is just words; don’t we have the strongest army in the Middle East? But they are wrong. National honor is important, nowhere more so than in the Middle East. It is a component of deterrence, along with a powerful air force. A nation without honor is a legitimate target to its enemies, it is not worth defending by its friends, and it is not worth fighting for by its own people.

Our enemies know this, and that’s why they try to humiliate us, to steal our honor, whenever possible – even a bus ride or a handshake at the Olympics is worth exploiting.

But nothing steals honor more than being a whore, that is, someone who allows herself to be humiliated and does things that are opposed to her own sense of self and well-being in order to be paid. A whore has no honor. Zero.

Israel has become a whore for American military aid. For $3 billion a year we are expected to keep our mouths shut about the Iran deal that is going to bring us our next, possibly nuclear, war. We are expected to take seriously the insane idea of withdrawing from Judea and Samaria and allowing them to become a base for terror attacks against the center of our country. We are expected to freeze building in our capital city, while rising prices are driving Jewish residents out. And when we fail to do these things, the administration gets ‘furious’ at us.

There are plenty of good reasons to phase out American military aid. Since most of it (and soon all of it) must be spent in the US, it weakens our home-grown defense industry. It requires us to purchase systems like the F-35 that are unsuitable for our needs, perform poorly or are too expensive (the F-35 seems to be all of these). If you don’t agree, consider whether Israel would embrace the F-35 if it had to spend its own money.

Very significantly, it subverts the decision-making processes in our military chain of command. When our Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff evaluate possible courses of action – to bomb an enemy’s nuclear facilities or not? – it is impossible for them to forget that 20% of their budget comes from the US. Even their opinions on broader political issues can be colored by concern for the funding of their favored projects. This happens not only at the highest levels, but is pervasive throughout the IDF. How could it be otherwise?

Most important, the aid reduces Israel from a sovereign state to a satellite nation. We become subservient both in the political and military arenas to an administration which, increasingly, would just as soon see us disappear. We become a nation without national honor.

But we have options. It is not impossible to cut off the so-called “golden handcuffs.” A gradual phase-out of aid would permit our native defense industry to pick up the slack and soften the blow to the American contractors. There’s no doubt that many items could be produced here at a significant cost saving. We even buy our army’s boots with American aid today – making them in Israel would both save money and return it to our economy. Our expanded military industries would also be capable of increased export business. We don’t need to stop buying from American contractors where they produce the best products. We would simply use our own money to do it.

There would be great opposition to such a plan, from our generals who would have to think a bit outside the box that they have been in for decades, and from the US defense contractors who are the biggest beneficiaries of the aid. But the results would justify the effort. The $3 billion each year could be put to use within the US or even (gasp) be returned to American taxpayers.

It would be good for America – and better for Israel. 

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

PMW: Special report: PA brainwashing works, terrorists kill to defend Al-Aqsa Mosque
Mother of murderer of 13-year-old Israeli girl explained son's killing: He was "defending Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque"
Uncle of stabber explained 14-year-old's attack: "He said: 'Maybe after two operations (i.e., terror attacks) they (i.e., the Jews) will stop invading the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque'"
Terrorist stabber in farewell video before attack: "I dedicate myself to the protection of the Al-Aqsa [Mosque] and defense of our occupied land"
This follows PA libel: Israel is destroying and defiling Islamic holy places PA and Fatah leaders say presence of Jews in Muslim holy places is "desecration" and "defilement"
PA and Fatah leaders urge Palestinians to "defend" and "protect" the Muslim holy places "at all costs" and "whatever the sacrifices" - including implicit call for violence and terror PA and Fatah leaders urge Palestinians to come to the Al-Aqsa Mosque to "carry out Ribat" - religious conflict/war over land claimed to be Islamic
14-year-old terrorist stabbed an Israeli, believing it would stop Jews from "invading Al-Aqsa"

Terrorist who stabbed Israeli "dedicated" himself to "protection of the Al-Aqsa [Mosque]"

Avi Mayer tweeted:
Mazal Tov! Mabrook! // Journalist Furat Nassar becomes first Arab Israeli to anchor Israel's most-watched newscast.
So it is time for a new poster to add to my ever-growing series.

These posters have been viewed over 200,000 times from my page alone, not counting the many times they have been copied, emailed and otherwise reproduced.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
I continued my Twitter conversation with Reuters' Luke Baker about the Palestinian swimmer story.

He said that I was wrong in my assertion that Reuters blamed Israel for her being unable to train in Jerusalem, because the actual Reuters quote said "Use of superior Israeli facilities and training partners in nearby Jerusalem where there are several Olympic-sized pools and many swimmers, has not been possible due to the long-standing conflict with Israel."

When I asked how that doesn't blame Israel, he responded:

This is disingenuous. Reuters has written hundreds of stories about Israel supposedly oppressing Palestinians, and less than a handful on Palestinian opposition to normalization with Israel. The only possible interpretation that a Reuters reader could get from the story is that Israel is responsible for al-Atrash not being allowed to train. It certainly didn't say that Palestinians were against such training.

Taking the two Reuters statements together - that use of the Jerusalem facilities "has not been possible" and that Palestinians oppose letting athletes train in Israel, together with the IDF's statement that they would have been happy to allow Mary al-Atrash to train in Israel if she had only applied for a permit, we come to a conclusion: Reuters seems to be saying that the Palestinian leadership bans their athletes from training in Israel.

This would be an astonishing piece of news.

I asked Baker to confirm that this was what he was saying:

Unfortunately, he apparently did not feel comfortable answering this tweet.

Upon reflection, I don't think that there is an actual ban from the PA. I cannot find anything written that indicates that. Tens of thousands of Arabs enter Israel daily to go to work; if the PA specifically banned athletes it would be a big deal.

However, it is entirely possible that Baker was hinting that Jibril Rajoub, the head of the Palestinian Olympic Committee, has told athletes that they cannot go to the Olympics  if they train in Israel, effectively handicapping their own athletes in the name of "anti-normalization." Rajoub regards sports as an important piece in the propaganda war against Israel and he would not want any story to ever be published about how Israel cooperates with Palestinian athletes to help them go to the Olympics. Any cooperation with Israel would deflate Rajoub's entire reason from moving from terrorism to "sports."

This is the man, after all, who said that a moment of silence for Israeli athletes murdered in Munich would be "racism."

This is why the author of the article, Mustafa Abu Ganeyeh, didn't bother to ask the IDF if they didn't allow athletes to train. He knew that it wasn't Israel's fault to begin with so he just implied it by blaming the "conflict." No reader would even consider the idea that the Palestinians themselves would purposefully use their athletes as pawns in such a way.

Whatever the specifics, Baker is saying that Palestinians are not allowing their own athletes to get the best possible training for political reasons. This is a huge story - a story that Reuters knows about and yet is not willing to report, clarify, confirm or deny.

Which is, when you think of it, also a huge story.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
  • Thursday, August 11, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon

Dr. Mohamed Issa Daoud, who is considered an expert in national security and strategic affairs, told an Arab satellite channel that the Rothschild family controls all the world's economies, explaining that Jews established the first banks in the world.

Daoud said during his Wednesday night interview with the program "In the Spotlight" on the satellite channel Al Nahar Al Youm that the Rothschild family founded the State of Qatar and indeed the Qatari royal family is a branch of the Rothschilds - but they will lose their power by the end of 2017.

He also said that five families control the global economy and US media.

This "strategic expert" added that Jewish wealth is funding the Arab Spring revolutions.

Previously, he accused the Turkish leadership of being Masonic and Zionist,

Al Nahar al Youm has over 3 million "Likes" on Facebook.

But how do we know that Al Nahar al Youm isn't part of the Jewish media empire? How do we know that Daoud isn't part of a massive false flag operation to divert attention from the real Jewish crimes? In short, how do we know that he isn't a Jew himself trying to discredit Arab media or to ruin Egypt's economy from within?

This all requires much more research.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Albawaba:
Russian president Vladimir Putin is considered many things: a war criminal, a dictator, on one hand; a strong leader and the savior of the West on the other. Jewishness is not something he is oft accused of, but Lebanon’s As-Safir ran an article by Sami Kleib Tuesday entitled “Putin’s Jewishness, does it benefit the Arabs and Syria?”

The article alleges that Russia under Putin enjoys close strategic relations with the Jewish state. “No Russian or Soviet president has offered more to Israel than Putin,” the article read in its opening paragraph. To this end, Kleib cites frequent visits to Moscow by Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and military sales between the two countries.

But Kleib goes even farther in his attempt to prove Putin’s supposed Jewishness. “Some novels on Putin say he lived in a Jewish neighborhood when he was young,” wrote Kleib. Other outlets have reported on the Jews in Putin’s life too.

On whether Putin’s good relations with Jews in Russia, Eastern Europe and Israel will benefit the Arabs, Kleib suggests Russia play a larger role in mediating between Israel and “the resistance,” referring to Hezbollah, Iran, Syria and others who oppose Israel’s existence.

As-Safir is generally considered a supporter of the March 8 Alliance in Lebanon, which includes Hezbollah.
There are actually a number of conspiracy websites that claim that Putin is Jewish. Here's one great "proof":

Putin traces his earliest connection to Judaism back to his early childhood in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, when he befriended a Jewish family that lived in his apartment block. In his 2000 autobiography, Putin wrote that the unnamed family loved him and that he used to seek its company.

“They were observant Jews who did not work on Saturdays and the man would study the Bible and Talmud all day long,” Putin wrote. “Once I even asked him what he was muttering. He explained to me what this book was and I was immediately interested.” Can anyone believe that Jews let goyim read their holy books?

Just look at Putin’s face and ears closely; he is no more a Christian than Benjamin Netanyahu.

The As Safir article seems to be copying its information from one of the conspiracy sites.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:

Olympic medalist Yarden Gerbi: Israelis are a special nation
Yarden Gerbi, the Israeli Judo athlete who won a bronze medal, Israel's first, at the Rio Olympics yesterday (Tuesday), reflected on her achievement and the difficulties she encountered on the way.
Speaking with Army Radio, the 27-year-old Gerbi sounded ecstatic yet emotionally and physically drained.
"After what I've been through today, nothing is heavy," she remarked when asked if the medal is weighing on her neck.
"There were two very difficult moments today. The time just before the first fight is really difficult, because you know that if you lose you go home. The second moment was the loss in the quarterfinals. Picking yourself off the mat after a loss is... just really hard."
When asked how she did it, Gerbi replied "I just had to get some closure from my coach. I felt that I deserved to win that fight. When [my coach] told me I really should have won, and just was unlucky with the officiating, I was able to move on. Once I know I did my part, that's all that matters. I don't waste my time worrying about what the officials do."
The interviewer then asked Gerbi if she felt any awareness of the fact that the entire country back home in Israel was holding its breath watching her.
If BBC News, reported sport (h/t IsraellyCool)

Grandson of Holocaust Survivor Wins Silver Medal for France at Rio Olympics
A French Olympian who is the grandson of a Holocaust survivor won a silver medal with his team on Monday in the men’s freestyle relay finals at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio.
The swimmer, Fabien Gilot, — who, as Tablet reported, sports a Hebrew tattoo that says, “Without them, I am nothing” — explained that the phrase is a tribute to his Jewish grandfather, the late Max Goldschmidt, an Auschwitz survivor who greatly influenced his life.
Goldschmidt grew up in Berlin and after World War II moved to France, where he met his wife and raised a family, according to Tablet. Gilot’s father, Michel, said Goldschmidt, who died in 2012, was an inspiration to the athlete and witnessed many of his achievements.

  • Wednesday, August 10, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
There was a recent kerfuffle over the (false) rumor that Google had erased "Palestine" from Google Maps.

One reaction to this came from Katherine Gallagher, a senior staff Attorney, Int'l Human Rights at Center for Constitutional Rights

Since I had never heard that declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel is against international law, I politely asked her to please elaborate:

I copied Professor Katherine Franke, who is the Sulzbacher Professor of Law, Director of the Center for Gender & Sexuality Law at Columbia Law School and who retweeted the original claim.

Although both of them were on Twitter after I asked the question, for some strange reason they decided not to answer.

I asked again:

And again and again:

How disappointing that a professional lawyer who makes an assertion like that and her law professor supporter cannot dig up a simple reference to a legal document that says that it is illegal for Israel - or anyone else - to declare Jerusalem its capital.

The only possible basis for saying this would be if they claim, against all logic and legal reasoning, that the UNGA's 1947 and subsequent resolutions that tried to declare Jerusalem to be a "corpus separatum," a separate entity not under any state's jurisdiction.

General Assembly resolutions are not international law and the resolution never came to pass, just as the Arab state of Palestine never came to pass either.

But if they claim that Jerusalem west of the Green Line is not part of Israel, then "east Jerusalem" cannot possibly be part of "Palestine." In fact, under the UN's original plan, Bethlehem was going to be part of the corpus separatum as well.

Although this still seems to be the official policy of the EU and the US and UN in many ways, it is inherently illogical: if the Green Line is meant to be the basis for the boundaries between Israel and a Palestinian state, then these nations accept that west Jerusalem is part of Israel. There is zero legal basis for declaring Jerusalem an international city as the UN originally planned, so anyone making that claim is not making a legal argument but a political one. To put it bluntly, the reason why the Western world doesn't recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital is because they are afraid of Arab reactions, not because of anything illegal about Israel building the Knesset within the Green Line.

But hey - maybe I'm wrong and somehow these two brilliant legal minds can come up with a way that Israel cannot declare Jerusalem to be its capital but Palestinians can declare it to be theirs that is consistent with international law.

I'm not holding my breath, though.

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Shea StadiumJerusalem, August 10 - The Islamic religious authority that administers the affairs of a contested sacred compound unveiled plans today for the construction of a baseball stadium on the plateau's northern end to augment the holiness of the site and bring more honor to God.

The Waqf, the religious council governing the Temple Mount - known in Arabic as the Haram al-Sharif - released a plan Tuesday afternoon to build a diamond with artificial turf and extensive seating so that the throngs of Muslim youths visiting the compound will have recreational options available to them beyond the existing parkour and soccer events that occur there daily. With such a facility a stone's throw from the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa Mosque, worshipers will be able to engage in an additional ritual that celebrates the site's Islamic heritage.

When completed, the field and stands will occupy most of the area of the Temple Mount between the Dome of the Rock and the Mount's northern edge. The stadium will seat an estimated 25,000, and a specially-designed Jumbotron display will feature prominently over the center field seats. The Dome of the Rock will be visible beyond right field. Waqf officials said they expected preliminary work on the site to begin within three months and be competed by the spring of 2018, in time for the baseball season, an ambitious schedule unheard of in Jerusalem, a city with restrictive regulations on the size, design, and placement of buildings.

"Normally a project of this scale would require all sorts of zoning and other approval," explained Hugib Zadamm, a Waqf secretary. "But there is no way we would legitimize the Zionist occupiers by seeking their approval for anything. So we're just going to build it - and that saves months, perhaps years, of bureaucracy. They don't have the political will to stop us anyway - they're afraid to lift a finger to enforce their so-called sovereignty, so we can get away with anything. This is going to be glorious."

Zadamm further explained that the current use of the Haram al-Sharif by Muslims for sports and recreation does not do justice to the holiness of the place, which must be preserved by keeping away Jews with their filthy feet and Talmudic rituals. "Soccer is fine, some variation of hopscotch, and the various games that our day camps play all the time here are all well and good, but we were looking for something to really make a statement about the divine nature of the place, and this grand gesture was deemed the most suitable."

"I mean, other than bowing with our backsides toward the Dome of the Rock when we pray," he added.

We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israel.
From Ian:
Caroline Glick: Obama, Clinton and the power of mendacity
Over the years, many commentators and observers have argued that Clinton is less dangerous than Obama. Obama they say is an ideologue whereas Clinton is driven by a simple lust for power and, of course, her own convenience. Consequently, she causes damage in little ways – like endangering the lives of US agents – while Obama clears a path for Iran to rise as a regional hegemon and nuclear state.
The problem with this assessment is that it ignores their symbiotic relationship. Clinton has decided that her interests lie with acting like a loyal Democrat and implementing Obama’s policies.
Like Obama, she doesn’t need to worry about the consequences of those policies for the US and the world. Because like Obama, she is sheltered from criticism by a loyal media.
Amiri is dead. Iran is building nuclear plants with Russia. But as the New York Times explained on Monday, “Nobody knows better than President Obama how easy it would be for Donald J. Trump to reverse the policies of the past eight years if he defeats Hillary Clinton this fall.”
Nobody, that is, other than the New York Times, and the Washington Post and CNN and Clinton.
And so they will continue to work together with Obama, to ensure that the public is kept in the dark about the nature of those policies and their horrible consequences for the US and the rest of the world.

Vic Rosenthal: US sends arms to Hezbollah-controlled Lebanese army
Hezbollah has effective control of Lebanon, and the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) are thoroughly infiltrated by Hezbollah.
So why is the US providing weapons and equipment to the LAF? There is no way to keep them out of the hands of Hezbollah.
The IDF will be facing these weapons in the near future. Thank you, Barack Obama!

MEMRI: Article In Palestinian Online Daily: The Claim That Jews Are The Descendants Of Apes And Pigs Is Foolish And Primitive
In his column in the Palestinian online daily Dunya Al-Watan (, Anwar Al-Waridi, a Palestinian poet and author living in Jordan, mocked Muslim clerics who scream about Jews being the descendants of apes and pigs, while Jews control Arab land and have been defeating the Arabs for the past century. According to him, this claim about the Jews is ridiculous, and is indicative of a backwards collective Arab mentality that underestimates the enemy.
The following are excerpts from the article:
"The problem is the Arab collective mentality. The Jews are not the descendants of apes or pigs, but human beings, sons of Adam and Eve. The cry made repeatedly by some of the crazed and primitive Muslim clerics, 'Jews, the descendants of apes and pigs," is shameful. To those who rely on the esteemed verse: 'We said to them, Be apes, despised' [Koran 2:65] or the verse: 'and made of them apes and pigs and slaves of Taghout' [Koran 5:60], [I say as follows]: though there is disagreement among commentators about the meaning of these verses, the favored opinion is that [the Jews] became apes in character, not in form – meaning that they did not physically transform into actual apes, but rather that their attributes became apelike.
"Moreover, the transformation from people to apes [only] happened to some of them [and only] during a certain period, and did not include all Jews. And even if we assume that they did turn into actual apes, and that this happened to all [Jews] – can an ape give birth to a human? How, therefore, can the Jews of today be the descendants of those who turned into apes, in the opinion of these ignorant Muslim clerics? An ape begets an ape and a human begets a human, and therefore the Jews of today are not the descendants of apes or pigs as we scream stupidly and primitively, as though this is a crushing blow to [the Jews]. Moreover, if they are the descendants of apes and pigs, and have managed to defeat us for close to a century – is there honor in being defeated by apes and pigs?


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