Showing posts with label anti-Zionist not antisemitic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anti-Zionist not antisemitic. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 05, 2022

Amnesty USA maintains a Twitter account with the name IOTPA and the Amnesty logo. It describes itself as an unofficial account: "Amnesty International USA member leader team for Israel/OPT/Palestine. Views our own. Re-tweets should not be construed as a position of Amnesty International."

It might not be official, but it sure shows how anti-Israel Amnesty USA is. Beyond that, it uses Amnesty's name and logo, without any apparent pushback from Amnesty International, so its tweets are tacitly approved by the larger organization. 

Over the past several months, Israel has experienced a terror wave where innocent civilians have been slaughtered in the streets. The victims are the sort of people that Amnesty claims to want to protect.

IOTPA has not said a word about any of these attacks.

In fact, one would need to look very hard to find any condemnations of any attacks on Israelis. The few attacks on Israelis I found were couched in terms of "but Israel is far worse." I found one condemnation of a Hamas bus bombing - in 2016.

Not only that, but when these "human rights professionals" deign to mention any criticisms by Zionists, they usually dismiss them as "hasbara smear language." 

The folks at Amnesty USA are not shy about admitting that they are anti-Zionist. They just redefine it to mean "critical of Israel." But in reality it means that they oppose self-determination for the Jewish people. Which is pretty antisemitic.

The account consistently dismisses any pro-Israel viewpoint as a lie by definition - and accuse anyone who supports Israel of being trolls paid by the Israeli government.  In one exchange, they wrote to a critic, "R u one of the paid trolls by #Israel?  Wonder what a person's soul sells for nowadays." And "R u a paid troll perhaps?" And "Do you get paid to troll?  How much do you make?"

They actually said that no one should believe a word that the Israeli government or pro-Israel people says: "Don't believe the 'hasbara' (propaganda) being spread by Israeli military and supporters.  They always try to control the narrative so their statements should never be taken at face value." 

They've never said this about the Palestinian Authority. Or Hamas. Only supporters of Israel are accused of being liars by definition. 

Yet they insist that they aren't biased.

Judge for yourself.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, July 01, 2022

In 2016, a lawsuit was filed by Bassem al-Tamimi and many others against a host of American Jews and companies, including Sheldon Adelson, Elliott Abrams, Fox News and the United States itself, alleging that they are supporting genocide against the Palestinian people.

Recently, one of the plaintiffs - Abdul-Rahim Dib Dubar - filed his own motion for immediate partial summary judgment in the case. 

His motion looks like it was copied and pasted a crazed antisemitic website - including all caps.

Here's one page of 30, but most of them look like this, with falsified quotes that have been debunked hundreds of times. 

He ties Israel to...January 6:

He doesn't even pretend to be opposing "Zionists." He hates Jews, and submits insane fantasies.
Dubar also suggests that the Covid-19 virus was created in Israeli labs in Nes Tziyona. He claims that Israeli rabbis issued an edict to rape Palestinian girls during combat. 

If you have any doubt as to Dubar's antisemitism, he (probably mis)quotes an article about Satmar Jews and how they have Jewish supremacy - not mentioning that Satmar Jews are anti-Zionist!

And, for proof of Jewish evil, he quotes a Nazi:

This unhinged antisemitic rant reveals the antisemitism behind the Palestinian cause. The plaintiff isn't even embarrassed at his ravings. Brainwashed, he submits the antisemitic stories he sees on the Internet as truth. 

Dubar is asking for $1.2 billion in compensation for his family, who left of their own accord from Acre in 1948. (Thousands of Arabs in Acre stayed.) 

(h/t David Abrams)

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Thursday, June 30, 2022

September 1894:

In a roundup of the year's stories in 1903 from the Louisville Courier-Journal, we see this from July 26:

(I could not verify this incident.)

In November 1903, the New York Times reported:

September 1906:

April 1912:

Well, we know that Jews lived in peace in Arab lands for centuries before Zionism. After all - the Arabs keep telling us that!

These Arabs who murdered Jews every few years must have been just anti-Zionist. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

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From the Jerusalem Post:

The US Presbyterian Church voted to declare Israel an apartheid state and establish a Nakba Remembrance Day, as well as passing two other resolutions highly critical of Israel on Tuesday at the American religious body's 225th General Assembly.
The resolutions are pure antisemitism.
The US Presbyterian Church's International Engagement committee voted overwhelmingly to recognize that "Israel’s laws, policies and practices regarding the Palestinian people fulfill the international legal definition of apartheid," as they had determined that Palestinians were systematically oppressed through inhuman acts for the objective of racial domination.  
Jew-hating lies.

"After World War II when the horror of the Nazi Holocaust was revealed, Jews around the world said 'never again,'" read the resolution. "Christians too vowed that never again would they be silent if a government passed laws establishing and maintaining the domination by one ethnic group over another ethnic group through systematic separation, oppression and denial of basic human rights. Silence in the face of evil was wrong then, and it is wrong now."
Comparing Israel to Nazis? Complete lies and Jew-hatred.

The Racial Equity Advocacy Committee supported the resolution with the recommendation that it replace mentions of antisemitism with "anti-Jewish" as it believed that antisemitism " encompasses other people groups in addition to our Jewish siblings."
I have no problem with "anti-Jewish," but the ignorance in implying that antisemitism means hatred of Semites is almost too much to believe.

The International Engagement Committee unanimously passed a resolution directing Church leadership bodies to designate May 15 as "Palestinian Nakba Remembrance Day" and to commemorate it annually as part of the Presbyterian Planning Calendar.
...The new resolution described[the Nakba] as the "expulsion by terrorism and force of 750,000 Palestinians, both Christian and Muslim."
Ahistoric, antisemitic lies.

Another item unanimously passed by the church's International Engagement Committee was a recommendation on the church's concern about Jerusalem. 

"The face of Jerusalem has been changing rapidly in the direction of a heightened Zionist-Jewish identity, with intensified restrictions on the movement, residency and human rights of Muslim and Christian Palestinians," read the statement. "The State of Israel’s policies steadily increase inter-religious tension with their disregard for the historic claims and freedom of worship of Muslims and Christians."
A stinking pile of Jew-hating lying garbage.
Beyond religious tolerance, the church rejected the Trump administration's move of the US embassy to Jerusalem, saying that it damaged peace prospects. 
Well, at least they are just as ignorant about current events as they are about history.

There are lots of sponsors for this hatefest conference, but only one of them is not obviously a religious group: PNC Bank.

Why is PNC supporting this disgusting display of hate?

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



From Times of Israel:

Palestinian gunmen opened fire during clashes with IDF troops guarding worshipers at a Jewish shrine in West Bank early Thursday, lightly wounding three Israelis.

The clashes erupted as hundreds of Jewish worshipers under military escort arrived to pray at Joseph’s Tomb on the outskirts of Nablus. According to the Israel Defense Forces, armed Palestinians directed “massive gunfire” at the compound.
Here is video from the attackers' side:

And here's what it looked like inside the compound:

The comments on the video praises the people shooting at religious Jews, and takes pride in the "cowardice" of Jewish worshipers taking cover from bullets and firebombs.

Islamic Jihad is taking credit for the attack, couching it in religious terms as they praise their "blessed fire."

And yet the one phrase one hardly hears when the media talks about Palestinians is "antisemitism." No matter how blatant the attacks are against Jews, no matter how much Palestinians cheer attacking recognizable Jews, no matter how explicit their Jew-hating rhetoric is on their own media - Western reporters stay far away from mentioning what is obvious to all. 

These attacks aren't against "Zionists." They aren't targeting "Israelis." They are targeting Jews. Everyone knows this. Yet no one wants to say it out loud.

The "pro-Palestinian" crowd that claims to be against antisemitism will be silent about this. So called "experts" on antisemitism like Marc Lamont Hill and Linda Sarsour and Peter Beinart will not say a word of condemnation. "Human rights" organizations will likewise stay silent because Palestinian Jew-hatred contradicts their carefully constructed narrative of Jewish culpability for all problems in the region. 

Meanwhile, Palestinians themselves openly celebrate the blatant attack on a Jewish holy site and the people who want to pray there. 

Jews should be allowed to freely worship in their holy spaces. Under the Oslo accords, Jews visiting Joseph's Tomb should be protected by Palestinians, not attacked by them. 

The insistence that Palestinians only hate "Zionists" or "settlers" is, to put it simply, a lie. It is a lie that the Arab world made up a century ago and one that the West has embraced, because hate is so distasteful. Accusing people of hate for no reason is seen as Islamophobic or Arabophobic; much better to pretend that it is a political issue and that the bigots are really just fighting for their rights. This, in turn, encourages the modern antisemites to increase their efforts to ethnically cleanse the region of Jews, knowing that the West is fully embracing their narrative. 

The Western world's refusal to face the truth doesn't make things more peaceful. On the contrary, it prolongs the conflict. 

Call this incident what it is: a Palestinian attack on Jews because they are Jews. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Anna Rajagopal may be confused about when she converted to Judaism (was she 10, 11, or 12?), but about one thing she is certain: Rajagopal hates Israel. She also hates any Jew who believes in the right of the Jewish people to self-determination in the Jewish homeland. Which is funny for someone who converted through a Temple that has always been Zionist.

But let’s back up.

Of her conversion, Rajagopal wrote in a blog entry:

I converted to Judaism as a child, when I was around ten years old, but my conversion journey began at age nine, when I felt an inexplicable tug at my very being that I attribute to my Neshama (soul) being present at Har Sinai (Mount Sinai) when G-d revealed Themself to the Jewish people. For me, conversion was G-d calling me home, after thousands of years in exile. Where's the shame in that? (Spoiler alert: There is none). 

Converting as a child was by no means easy, so I understand how difficult, overwhelming, confusing and even upsetting this process, and subsequent life can be. 

One month later, writing for Hey Alma, Rajagopal had moved up the age of her conversion from “around ten years old” to “around age 11.”

I converted to Judaism around age 11, coming from a multicultural household with both Christian and Hindu influences. 

Not a huge difference, for certain. Except that neither version of the Anna Rajagopal conversion story is true. From these two accounts, dated one month apart, the reader might have inferred that Anna converted alone, on her own, as a young child. According to a 2013 temple newsletter, however, we learn that the entire Rajagopal family converted when Anna was 12.

Anna Rajagopal did not convert as a lone brave child because of something tugging on her soul, but alongside her parents and brother, a decision made and taken as a single family unit. At the time, Rajagopal was not around 10 or 11, but age 12, the age of Jewish womanhood, when a girl becomes fully responsible for her choices and actions.

Is this stress on the small difference of a year or two or three in a personal narrative important in the scheme of things? Yes. Because conversion would have been something momentous, something Rajagopal would have remembered with all the details, including her age, intact.

Of course, if Anna Rajagopal were otherwise a person of integrity, we might have looked the other way. We might have shrugged and said, “Big flip, so she got the age wrong by a year or two (or three).”

Rajagopal however, is not a person of integrity. How do we know this? Because of her visceral dislike of certain Jews—really all Jews—expressed as remarks about, for example, their physical appearance. In March 2022, for example, Rajagopal tweeted:

"sometimes I sit here and just wonder why zionists are so physically unattractive. it's very interesting to me how every zionist is just extremely ugly. like actually very unpleasant looking. it’s like you have to be horrifically grotesque to be part of the genocide club.”

This is not Rajagopal’s sole antisemitic tweet, but in a nutshell, it is certainly one that should disgust all humanity, no matter what they think about Jews and Israel. Let’s flip it for a moment and rephrase her tweet in terms that might make this blatant example of bigotry easier for the world at large to comprehend and digest:

"sometimes I sit here and just wonder why BIPOCs are so physically unattractive. it's very interesting to me how every BIPOC is just extremely ugly. like actually very unpleasant looking. it’s like you have to be horrifically grotesque to be part of the genocide club.”

If reading the above shocked you, it should. Good people do not generalize about the appearance of another people, no matter their identity. We learn this at our parents’ knees. But then again, when someone raves like this, it has nothing to do with looks, Zionist or otherwise. It’s just a bigot ranting on Twitter. If Rajagopal had something substantive to say, she’d say it, instead of resorting to baseless insults that generalize about the physical characteristics of a people.

Instead she says Zionists are ugly. And she didn’t say it only the one time. In an earlier tweet, for example, Rajagopal wrote, “Zionists are genocidal freaks. If there’s ever a circus show for ugly, sunburnt, violent outcasts, that’s where you’ll see them.”

Where does this hatred for Zionists, really Jews, come from? Not from the temple that converted Anna Rajagopal, her father, mother, and brother. Billed as the first Reform Jewish congregation in North Texas, and the largest synagogue in the South, Temple Emanu-El of Dallas is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ). Under Israel Engagement, the URJ website states that: “Reform Zionism accepts and supports the foundational aim of Zionism: the establishment of a Jewish State in Israel, the homeland of the Jewish people.” 

Foremost among the goals of URJ’s Reform Zionism work is “To increase each Reform Jew’s relationship with Israel and make Israel a core component of every Reform Jew’s identity.” To that end, the URJ website links to its affiliate branch, ARZA (Association for Reform Zionists). The acronym “ARZA” is a Hebrew imperative: “To the Land.”

It is no coincidence that Temple Emanu-El of Dallas, under whose auspices Anna and her family embraced Judaism, is affiliated with URJ/ARZA. The temple is nothing if not Zionist. In fact, the synagogue just completed not one but two group trips to Israel.

It’s not just the trips to Israel that mark Temple Emanu-El of Dallas as Zionist. The Reform congregation also provides adult education classes in Zionist philosophy. As recently as 2019, for example, Temple Emanu-El offered a course called The Zionist Ideas

Here’s the course description:

"The Zionist Ideas: Visions for the Jewish Homeland—Then, Now, Tomorrow” will be the textbook for the class exploring the vision of Israel as a democratic Jewish state. Author Gil Troy profiles more than 170 Jewish visionaries from the 1800s to today in this book, which builds on Arthur Hertzberg’s “The Zionist Ideas."

Temple Emanu-El is Zionist both by nature and by deed. How does Rajagopal feel about this? How did she feel during services as a “child convert,” seeing the “horrifically grotesque” congregants sitting all around her?

And why would Rajagopal convert if the people are so ugly, er Zionist? 

While attempting to join the Nation of Israel, did Rajagopal somehow miss the fact that there’s an actual, physical location associated with that nation? And if she thinks the idea of Jews having land or wanting to live in it and govern themselves is so bad, then why did she sign on?

Like all antisemites, Rajagopal has tried hard to cut the indivisible ties that bind the Nation of Israel to Israel the nation. She does this “as a Jew,” using the fact of her Reform conversion to lend legitimacy to her rejectionist views on the Jewish State. She assumes her Jewish persona at will when convenient to the ultimate purpose of eradicating Israel.

When Rajagopal talks about her Neshama being at Har Sinai and how for her, "conversion was G-d calling me home, after thousands of years in exile," we wonder: of what nation were we to imagine her becoming a part? To where was she being called home? Was her soul’s presence at Sinai, her being called home from exile, meant as some sort of metaphor for something else?  

Perhaps so, since her actions since that time have been directed toward the purpose of ethnically cleansing the Land of Israel of its entire Jewish population, as per her tweet: “Free Palestine by any means necessary: Decolonization is not a metaphor but a call to immediate action in which any form of resistance or rebellion is deemed moral under any immoral circumstances.”

We need not wonder about the borders of Rajagopal’s would-be Jew-free Palestine. The borders would be the borders of Israel. Zionists, according to this “child convert” are not to be allowed to live in any part of their ancient, biblical homeland, or in fact to live. Rajagopal’s “call to immediate action” is a call to murder Jews.

What is it about Zionism that so disturbs Rajagopal? Is it the aspiration to have a Jewish state, or is it the actual fact of Jews living in Israel? Is it Jewish self-determination on Jewish soil that bothers her? What is the real Zionism in her Rajagopal's eyes? Which aspect of Zionism is it that makes us Jews so ugly to her?

Who knows? But the Avodah Institute for Social Change must agree with Rajagopal’s antisemitic* views because they hired her for their social media team. That can only mean that her prospective employers monitored her Twitter and liked what they saw. Else they would not have hired her to assist in the running of their own Twitter account.

The Avodah website describes itself as “[providing] Jewish leaders the tools, experience, and networks they need to create change.” If Avodah likes what Rajagopal is tweeting out, this mission statement must be some kind of code. Based on the hiring of Rajagopal, “creating change” is likely code for getting Jewish leaders to stop being Zionist, to stop standing up for Israel and the welfare of the Jewish people

A truer Avodah mission statement, one not couched in code, might have said, “We agitate for and support the murder of Israeli Jews by Arab terrorists and the annihilation of the Jewish State by any means.”

Note that there is nothing about Israel in the Avodah values statement, because Israel is not a value for them.

The kind of people who found groups like Avodah, and those who work for them, all use coded language. They can’t come right out and say they hate Israel and want to annihilate its Jewish presence. Not yet. Not as an organization. 

Instead, they encourage people like Rajagopal to say it for them until it becomes a natural part of the conversation. Lucky for us, this time Avodah was stymied in its efforts to amplify views that would appear to mirror those of Rajagopal. The Avodah tweet announcing her hire is gone. So is the page devoted to Rajagopal on the Avodah website. This is because Rajagopal was caught out for her tweets and the buzz went out until Avodah likely had to fire her in order to save face for what will probably be its next salvo against the Jewish State

As a people, we need to learn how to see and interpret anti-Israel, antisemitic code. There’s the code of Avodah regarding Jewish leadership and the unsaid need to change the way the leadership feels about Israel. There is the code of Rajagopal excusing murder, as long as the Jewish victims love and/or want to live in Israel. All of this is in code. The code is necessary because the aims are wrong and immoral, so they dare not voice them aloud.

At least not yet.

It is inevitable that some readers of this column will assert that Rajagopal is not really Jewish. They will say that Reform conversion is not the same as Halachic conversion performed according to Jewish Law. I will go a step further.

Could Anna Rajagopal and perhaps even her family, have duped the people of Temple Emanu-El regarding their sincerity in wanting to be Jews? Did she/they trick the rabbis who performed the Reform conversion into thinking that some or all the members the Rajagopal family shared the Jewish dreams and aspirations of this so-Zionist congregation? As a “child convert” could 12-year-old Anna have already been poisoned about Israel and the Jewish people? Could she have absorbed this lesson at home?

We might also ask: what was the group conversion about? What is the real reason the Rajagopal family sought conversion? Was the conversion genuine for some, not so much for other members of this family? Could the conversion have represented a bid to be upwardly mobile, to angle for a portion of what they might have seen as outsized Jewish power? Or was there some other dark, nefarious political purpose to the family conversion, an infiltration, perhaps, of enemy lines?

At this point, we cannot know. There is no backstory to hint at the answers. There is only the backstory supplied us by Anna Rajagopal, in which her age at conversion changes on a whim and the conversion of her family is entirely omitted. Rajagopal's Twitter rants reveal more, showing signs of a highly disturbed personality filled with antisemitic loathing.

Without a backstory all we have is what we know of Rajagopal, and what we know of Rajagopal tells us all we need to know about Avodah, the organization that hired and subsequently fired her.

Despite the Jewish-sounding name of this organization, Avodah is clearly a hornet’s nest--one filled with hate-filled hornets like Rajagopal, brimming with hate for one specific people:

The Nation of Israel.

The Jews.

*From the IHRA examples of antisemitism: “Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.”

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Monday, June 20, 2022

From the Carolina Journal:
A group of N.C. Jewish clergy leaders are calling out the N.C. Democratic Party for anti-Israel resolutions that were considered at the party convention held June 18 in Durham. Calling the resolutions potentially “dangerous.” the clergy members point to the party’s Platform Committee Special Report, which sets a wide range of positions that the state party takes in the upcoming year, including 2022 elections.

The North Carolina Jewish Clergy Association issued a statement on June 17 that criticized Democrats’ resolutions that said Israel violated the human rights of Palestinians, called for an investigation into the alleged killing of a Palestinian-American journalist by Israeli forces, and establishing May 15 as Nakba Remembrance Day, recognizing the destruction of Palestinian villages.

“Of the seven resolutions devoted to foreign affairs, three are focused on criticism of Israel,” said the NCJCA Steering Committee, including Rabbi Judy Schindler, Rabbi Eric Solomon (co-chairs), Rabbi Mark Cohn, Rabbi Lucy Dinner, Rabbi Andy Koren, Cantor Shira Lessek, and Rabbi Batsheva Meiri. “While some of our clergy are sympathetic to some of the claims embedded in the statements, on the main, these resolutions are not thoughtful nor balanced. In short, they contain one-sided representations of the complexities of the decades-long Arab-Israeli conflict.” 
The document is ridiculously anti-Israel, to the point of calling for the destruction of the Jewish state via the fictional "right of return."

It includes:

Forcible Transfer: In which Israel has removed and demolished tens of thousands of Palestinian communities and homes that it refuses to recognize, even though those communities existed there for decades, in order to maximize land available to Jewish communities; by making it exceedingly difficult to remain in certain areas, through blocking building permits and access to utilities such as water, sewage, and electricity, amounting to forcible transfer through a policy of ‘relocation.’

Creation of Separate Reserves and Ghettos: The purposeful end goal of Israeli actions such as expropriation of land and forcible transfer is the fracturing and ghettoization of Palestinian lands. While Palestinians make up about 20% of Israel proper’s population, the vast majority are restricted to only 3% of its land...

Denial of the Right to Leave and Return to Their Country, and the Right to a Nationality: ...In addition to making it difficult for Palestinians to leave Gaza and the West Bank, those wishing to return to their family lands are also faced by near-insurmountable challenges. While Israel gives any Jew, anywhere in the world, the right to immigrate to and become citizens of Israel at any time, even if they settle in occupied East Jerusalem or the West Bank, those Palestinians and their families who were either expelled from Israel in 1948 or fled from fighting in the region after that time are not granted that same right of return. Finally, by both not recognizing Palestine and holding the revocation of residency as a threat above all Palestinians, Israel denies the Palestinians a right to a national identity. By denying this right, Israel subjects all non-Israeli citizen Palestinians to a “state” in which they have no legal protections or rights, even to basic needs like food, water, and shelter, as can be seen in the actions of Israel towards these people; 
The text is riddled with lies, half-truths and purposeful mixing up of different issues to give the worst impression.  Here's a really egregious example accusing Israel of dropping American bombs on civilians just for fun:

WHEREAS, as Israel has shown itself to be either unwilling or unable to address these human rights violations, the United States must ensure that American resources, such as the bombs used without justification on civilian targets this past May...

This is the wholesale hijacking of the NC Democrats by the extreme Left of the party. Many Zionists are concerned about the depth acceptance of the "Squad" mentality in the mainstream of the party, items like this document cement that concern. 

It will be interesting to see the reaction from Zionist Democrats to this extreme anti-Israel document. 

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Friday, June 17, 2022

Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) was the famed  20th century Greek writer whose novels included Zorba the Greek and The Last Temptation of Christ.

In 1926 and 1927, he traveled to Palestine and wrote of his experiences. 

He had a very telling conversation with a young Jewish woman where he - less than a decade before the rise of Nazism - claimed that Zionism was a disaster in the making because Jews belong in the diaspora, forever.

Even though he professed his love for Jews, he proved himself to be a racist and, in hindsight, his young adversary bested him. 

We walked along the broad, dusty road bordering the Valley of Josephat at the foot of the Mount of Olives. The tombstones on the Jewish graves, deeply imbedded in the ground, were drowned in the glaring noonday light. The little village of Gethsemane, just two paces ahead, was blotted out in darkness, so blinding was the brilliance of the sun. Unexpectedly, there among the graves, two camels filed silently by, one behind the other, their necks swaying slowly. For a moment their patient black eyes, with the long lashes, gazed at us gently and my heart lightened as I felt the presence of a warm living thing moving through this inhuman wilderness.

Walking and breathing easily beside me in this furnace was a young Jewess, a teacher named Judith, who had come to show me a garden for Jewish children. She was about twenty years old, short, lissom, with hooked nose and restless jet-black eyes. Her hair was curly and coarse, her chin broad, firm, wilful.

“How did you happen to become a Zionist?” I asked.

“I was studying medicine. I had no ties to either religion or country. People had always interested me. I felt compassion and pity for all mankind, knowing how every one shares in illness and joy and grief. But I was restless. All of Europe seemed old and familiar and archaic to me. I was thirsty for something new. And so I came to Palestine.”

“Why didn't you go to Russia? They say a new world is being created there . ."

“Because there's no freedom there. A small, harsh circle governs all the others. The fact that this circle is the proletariat didn't comfort me at all. I wanted freedom.”

“And you found it here in Palestine?”

“Here we work free. We try, we experiment, we search to find. You can meet people here and work together according to your individual temperament - from the most revolutionary to the most conservative. Freedom. Here, for the first time. I feel alive, strengthened, able to love the earth that I had never even noticed in Europe, and able to feel joy that I am from the Jewish race.”

“You are beginning, in other words, to lose your freedom. You're beginning to tie yourself down to a certain corner of the Earth, and to constrict your heart; first it had room for all the world, now it's beginning to distinguish and choose and to accept only the Jews. Don't you feel the danger?”

The Jewess protested angrily, slightly fearful:

“What danger?”

“What danger? I'll tell you: The leader of the gypsies forbids his people to build houses or plant trees or put up fences. They prop up their tents on the ground for a while and then move on freely. One day, as they were taking down their tents, a young girl was bending over the earth and tarrying. The leader approached and saw the girl had broken his order and had planted a sprig of basil at the entrance of her tent. And now the little sprig of basil had blossomed and the young girl was crouched over it crying, reluctant to leave it. In a rage, the leader uprooted the basil and trampled on it. He struck the girl with his riding whip and shouted: ‘Why do you break my order? Don't you know that whoever builds a house is tied to it and whoever plants a tree is tied to that tree?'

“We don't want to be Wandering Jews any longer!” the Jewess cried out.

“But that is exactly the danger I'm talking about; you don't want to advance any longer. If the purpose of life is happiness - to eat well, to sleep in peace, to live in security - then you are justified in wanting to escape the persecutions and scorn and take roots finally in your own country. Although I'm encouraged by the belief - thank God - that you will not find happiness and security here in Palestine!

“But if the purpose of life, and especially the purpose of a people, is much harder: to struggle to convert as much matter as possible into action, thought and beauty; to climb upward with agony - then, without a doubt, the Zionist movement is contrary to the highest interest of your race.”

“Why don't the English or French or Greeks undertake this role of the Wanderer? Or could you possibly think that their contribution to the Whole was lessened because they had a country?”

“Every race has its special virtues and vices and, consequently, its special road to reach its summit. The Jews have this supreme quality: to be restless; not to fit into the reality of the time; to struggle to escape; to consider every status quo and every idea a stifling prison. With this poignant quality of theirs they save mankind from his contrived efforts at contentment - that is to say, from his impasse. This spirit of the Jews shatters the equilibrium, pushes evolution further, sparks off the proudest element of life: never to be satisfied, never to stop anywhere, to leap from plants to animals and from animals to man and again to torment man, as though wanting to go further still.”

“Our fathers in the land of Canaan were farmers; rooted to their country they created their civilization.”

“That was the nature of your race then. The Jews didn't always have the Lucifer quality of rebellion. They acquired it. The persecutions, slaughters, scorn, exile, all the things you call Diaspora, hammered away at the Hebrew race for two thousand years and forged it, against its will, by force, into the leaven of the earth.”

“By force?”

“Does the word annoy you? Isn't it true that force is the most secret law of history? Many races would have wanted to escape their bloody and glorious fate and live without History, happily - clandestinely. But economic necessities, wars and some prophets who are born in their midst don't leave them alone. With force and with the lash, they prod them upward.

“Thus, scattered over the world for so many centuries, the Jews suffered, trembled and were killed. And this dyed their soul indelibly and created in them the hatred for every tyranny - either from individuals or from systems or ideas. This is why they agitated nations, undermined the status quo and set fire to all the old ideas. This is their fate; without them the world would rot.”

Judith laughed. “Thank you for the role you assign us. I must confess we are greatly honoured to be slaughtered, to be forever restless, to make others restless. But we don't want to any more.”

“You're tired? But the historical necessity that pushes the races doesn't ask you. It prods you relentlessly, whether you want it or not. And this modern Zionist movement, too, is a mask that your unsmiling Pate wears to deceive you for an instant. This is why I don't fear Zionism: how many of the fifteen million Jews will be able to squeeze themselves in here? You will never find security here. Behind you, don't forget, you have the dark fanatical swarm of Arabs.

“And so, like it or not, you will become the instruments of the spirit of our age. And our age is an age of revolution. That is, a Jewish age. Someone once said: “The twenty-second of March, 1832, when Goethe died, an era closed and a new one opened: the era of the reigning of the Jews.” And it's true. Goethe was the last complete representative of Harmony; after Goethe our contemporary age truly begins the violence, which is equally valuable, to rupture the old harmony and create a new one. This is why the Hebrew race prevails today, because its substance is precisely this rupturing of every harmony. This is why the highest intellects and leading men of action are Jews. Why all this flowering? Because you are restless, scattered all over the world in a transient age that destroys. Diaspora is your country. In vain you struggle to escape your Fate and you seek out happiness and security in this out-of-the-way province. I hope I hope, because I love the Jews - that sooner or later the Arabs will drive you out of here and again scatter you all over the world.”

We had finally arrived at the children's garden. Blond, brunette and raven-haired Jewish youngsters were playing beneath the trees, chirping away like birds. I caressed their soft curly hair with unexpected emotion; a sudden, tragic foreboding overwhelmed my heart.
His foreboding was misplaced - anticipating (and also cheering) a slaughter of Jews by what he considered a "dark fanatical swarm of Arabs," when it was the sophisticated Europeans who were preparing the slaughter of the Jews he pretended to love.

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Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Here's another academic paper that is purely meant to smear Israel but hides behind a pretense of objectivity:

Vaccine apartheid and settler colonial sovereign violence: from Palestine to the colonial global economy

This article examines the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine both in Palestine and globally through a decolonial lens. In dominant Euro-American discourse, the invention, production, and distribution of the vaccine is largely judged as an indicator of sophisticated and advanced health care systems and economies. The underlying premise being that the advanced, wealthy, and capable nation-states have endogenously earned the position of power and prosperity. The world’s poor nation-states are posited as the recipients of charity from these rich states only after the latter have sufficiently inoculated themselves. The entire discourse turns the question of vaccines into a series of technical questions about capabilities, facilities, infrastructure, economic purchasing power, and so on. Concealed in this discourse is a settler colonial foundation – an aspiration towards omnipresent and absolute power – which not only creates the contrast between Palestinians and Israelis, rich and poor, colonizer and colonized, but also seals a forcefully imposed settler colonial contract in which colonizing populations ensure their ability to inoculate themselves by debilitating the colonized.
Ostensibly, the paper is about the larger question of whether it is fair or acceptable for rich states to ensure that their own populations are medically safe before offering help to poorer countries. That is a reasonable question and one worth exploring. (The answer is that the supreme obligation for any state is to protect its own citizens first.)

But the abstract makes it clear that this is only an excuse for attacking Israel. The very title, "Vaccine apartheid," is meant only for Israel. It pretends that the Palestinian issue the paradigm through which the entire world is viewed, when it is nothing of the sort - an analysis of how Australia and New Zealand gave vaccines to their own citizens before providing them to small island nations that depend on them would never been called "apartheid" and yet it is the model for how the entire world acted when vaccines were scarce.

I don't quite know how the paper includes "settler colonial sovereign violence" in this topic, but I bet that the paper does not mention:

1. The Palestinian Authority never asked for vaccines from Israel except in small amounts, which Israel gave them.
2. The PA claimed throughout the process that it will procure its own vaccines.
3. Israel inoculated tens of thousands of Palestinians who work in Israel.
4. The number of deaths per million remained lower in the Palestinian territories than in Israel even during the months that Israel had the vaccine and the PA did not.

This is nothing more than anti-Israel propaganda, and modern antisemites finding new venues to spout their hate.

Either Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory doesn't realize that it is being used - or it does. Given the state of social sciences today, I'm afraid it is the latter.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

Or order from your favorite bookseller, using ISBN 9798985708424. 

Read all about it here!



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Al-Binaa is a Lebanese newspaper controlled by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party. They just published an op-ed by Yousef al-Mismar saying that it is a duty to annihilate Israel:

There is no way to deal with an existential, life and fateful enemy of this kind except by eliminating it no matter how high the price. There is a sacred duty is to attack and eliminate it even if the whole world stands against us and on its side, because when the world supports the side of the aggression, it becomes a world of void, and the best solution is annihilation. ... The germ of normalization lies between right and wrong, between justice and injustice, and between crime and innocence. The right that reconciles with the wrong is no longer a right, nor the justice that accepts injustice remains justice, nor the innocence that fraternizes the crime continues to be innocence.

The call to international federations, cultural and legal bodies, and Arab and international cultural ministries has proven that it is not effective. If it was useful, it would put an end to the evils and grievances of this aggressive, cancerous, dangerous entity that killed, kills, and continues to kill the children, women and men of Palestine in cold blood, and makes it homeless and will continue to displace millions of our nation’s sons and prevent them from returning to their homeland, homes and livelihoods.
You don't see this sort of thing as often as in the past, but calls to destroy Israel are common enough in the Arab world. But then the writer shows exactly who he wants to destroy:

The process of Jewish robbery and theft of the heritage of others is not new. Rather, it is old in history, and it has occurred and is still happening constantly in all countries and all the peoples in which they live and with them. In an old article by the Syrian social scientist and philosopher, founder of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party, Antoun Saadeh, published in the magazine “Al Majalla” in São Paulo in Brazil on February 1, 1925, he stated: “We know, as the whole world knows, how the Jews live as independent groups among peoples.” [Jews] take their money without providing any benefit to [their host countries.]. In many countries, Jewish geniuses rose, but the rise of Jewish geniuses does not mean that they wanted to give to the peoples from whose hearts they suck blood. ...And when we wanted to analyze, we asked a simple question, which is: 'Did the Jewish geniuses change the character of the Jews?'

 “There has never been a genius Jew who was able to instill in the hearts of the Jews the trait of rapprochement with the peoples among whom they live, and solidarity with them in their social and urban works. The Jews, with their talents, remained like Jews without their talents, living like dreams, taking from the heart of the social organization for free. Then the Jews complain about being persecuted by the people [they are leeching from]!”
Anti-Zionism and antisemitism are the same thing. 

The SSNP wants to see a Greater Syria that includes Lebanon and, yes, all of Palestine. 

Its logo is a stylized swastika, created in the 1930s, although the party claims it is a whirlwind and a combination of the Islamic crescent and the Christian cross.

Buy the EoZ book, PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism  today at Amazon!

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