Wednesday, January 03, 2024

  • Wednesday, January 03, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah gave a speech on Wednesday night where he discussed Israel's apparent airstrike against Hamas leader Saleh Arouri in Beirut's southrn suburbs.

He showed his disdain for the Lebanese people whom his party has hijacked..

“Those who think of war with us will, God willing, regret it, and war with us will be costly. So far we have been taking Lebanese interests into consideration, but should war be waged on Lebanon, the Lebanese interests require that we go with the war to the end,” Nasrallah said. 

Did he hold a referendum on what Lebanon wants? Is anyone in the Lebanese government outside Hezbollah controlled parties calling for war?

Nope. Iran decides when Lebanese people are disposable and Hezbollah, like Hamas, is digging tunnels underneath them. 

“Until now, we have been fighting on the front with controlled calculations and that’s why we are paying a hefty price from the souls of our young men, but if the enemy thinks of waging a war on Lebanon, we will fight without restraint, without rules, without limits and without restrictions,. We do not fear war,” Nasrallah added, from is own heavily fortified bunker deep underneath Lebanon.

He also revealed his antisemitism, saying the Israelis are “killers of the prophets and the messengers,”  a standard Islamic slur against Jews. 

Another trope that Nasrallah pushed was that every Israeli has another passport and their suitcase is packed for when things get rough. Which is what all anti-Israel terrorism is based on - the myth that when the going gets tough, most Israelis would flee. It hasn't worked for the past 100 years of terrorism, but this theme is entrenched in Arabic media - every story of a slowdown in immigration, for example, is a headline. 

One other point: Just like in Gaza, the Hamas office that as attacked was in "an overcrowded residential area packed with civilians, shops and restaurants." And the airstrike didn't even break the windows of the building next door.

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