Monday, November 06, 2023

  • Monday, November 06, 2023
  • Elder of Ziyon

Here is a section of COGAT's latest humanitarian report on Gaza. It shows how Hamas controls fuel for hospitals, shoots rockets from near water infrastructure, hides in medical facilities, and limits travel for injured Gazans to Egypt.

The humanitarian situation is analyzed by Israeli professionals based on the analysis of local system capabilities, ongoing dialogue with international and local entities, examination of civil systems' behavior in the Strip over many years (during normal  and  emergency  times),  and  additional  information  sources.  Following  is  our  situation  report,  as  opposed  to publications by Palestinian bodies serving the Hamas narrative of the humanitarian crisis:

The energy issue is central considering its implications on other essential systems. However, this sector is also the most controlled by Hamas.

Throughout the war, we have witnessed that Hamas supplies hospitals with diesel fuel only every two days. They do so in  order  to  keep  the  hospital  administrations  feeling  that  they  are  on  the  verge  of  collapse.  Statements  from  hospital managers  prove  this  point,  as  they  issue  statements  about  supply  lasting  for  another  day  or  two,  while  in  fact,  the hospitals have been functioning for a month now. 

All essential facilities: hospitals, desalination plants, wells, etc. have alternative energy infrastructure in the form of solar energy systems and generators operated using diesel provided by Hamas.

Beyond  the  existing  information  regarding  diesel  supply,  it  is  clear  that  Hamas  cynically  prioritizes  essential  facilities according to their interest. Yesterday (11.4.23), Hamas held a screening of its military wing on the walls of Shifa Hospital.Hospital managers testify that they have in their possession diesel supply, which is provided by Hamas every few days.

Hamas utilizes hospital infrastructures extensively, in several ways:-Hamas  misuses  hospital  infrastructures  for  terrorist  activities.  We  have  already  exposed  the  terrorist  infrastructures  in Shifa Hospital - the central hospital in the Strip, Sheikh Hamad Hospital (the Qatari Hospital), and the Indonesian Hospital. Additional information was published by the IDF spokesperson. -

Hamas' terrorist infrastructure burdens the hospitals, siphoning off energy, oxygen, food, and supplies.-

Hamas  operates  near  medical  facilities  and  ambulances  in  order  to  protect  themselves,  using  the  sickly  as  human shields.

The diesel supply in the Strip is managed by Hamas. They transfer fuel every other day to allow hospitals to function for 24-48 hours until the next supply, thus creating the impression of a managed crisis.

Egypt  allowed  the  evacuation  of  wounded  people  for  medical  treatment.  In  the  last  two  days,  Hamas  has  been preventing it.International organizations provide medical aid to hospitals in the Strip. So far, they coordinated the entry of 113 trucks carrying medical equipment and drugs.

All hospitals have alternative energy production capabilities.

There is no water shortage in Gaza as of this writing.The water sources for the Strip remained mostly unchanged throughout the war:Two  water  mains  from  Israel  (Bani  Suheila  and  Birkat  Sa'id)  continue  to  supply  water  to  the  southern  part  of  Gaza,providing over a million liters of water per day. 90% of the water supply is provided from internal infrastructures in Gaza - water pumps and desalination facilities.

Despite  the  importance  of  water  sources,  Hamas  exploits  these  infrastructures  to  launch  rockets  and  install  terrorist infrastructures.  For  example,  it  launches  rockets  from  sites  near  the  desalination  facility  built  by  UNICEF  with international funding. This facility provides water to 250,000 Gazans on a daily basis, and nevertheless, Hamas chose to place rocket launchers there.

There are sufficient food reserves for the near future; there is no food shortage.International organizations continue to bring food to the Strip through the Rafah crossing. So far, the entry of 201 trucks of food has been coordinated.

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