Wednesday, June 08, 2022

The Biden Administration is leaking like a sieve. And what it is leaking is Israeli intelligence that harms the welfare of Israel and the people who live there, for example, this writer. This time, the leak concerns highly classified information regarding the alleged role of Israeli intelligence in the assassination of Col. Sayad Khodayee, a senior commander in Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC). In other words, a top-ranking Iranian terrorist was taken out, and the Biden Administration made the deliberate decision to leak details that implicate Israel as the responsible party.

Khodayee was gunned down as he sat in his car outside his home, by two men on a motorcycle, on May 22. No one should shed a tear for him. The IRGC Quds force officer was the deputy head of Unit 840, tasked with attacking foreign targets such as Israel. Khodayee is said by Western intelligence sources to have direct responsibility for terror attacks against civilians not only in Israel, but in Europe and America, along with government officials from countries such as the UAE, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Kenya, and Colombia.

The fact that Khodayee was a terrorist responsible for murdering innocent civilians, among them Americans, did not deter the Biden Administration from rushing to Iran with helpful intelligence regarding the assassination—intelligence that implicates a supposed US ally, Israel. Biden wants to help Iran, and is willing to look the other way to do so, even where American blood has been spilled. If Biden is willing to ignore spilled American blood in its sycophantic quest to please Iran, all the more so is he willing to toss Israel to Iran, like throwing meat to a hungry lion.

Israel, of course, never confirms nor denies involvement in its overseas operations. But it really doesn’t matter. The information gifted to Iran by Biden would have been detailed and specific to the point that denial would have no import. America, Israel’s supposed bestie in the Middle East, gave away the store.

So egregious was the leak, that the Israeli defense establishment had no compunction about making a public statement to the effect that, in fact, there was a leak. Ram Ben Barak, for example, an Israeli MK and former deputy head of the Mossad as much as said so, calling the leak a “violation”:
"We have very many close relationships and a lot of cooperation between us, which all depend on trust, and when it is violated in some way then it damages future cooperation."

In a recent podcast with Michael Makovsky of JINSA, Former Israeli Ambassador to the United States Ron Dermer remarked on the fact that this latest leak is far from the first by US officials regarding classified Israeli operations:

If you remember, about 15 years ago, I think US intelligence officials had leaked to the NY Times, if memory serves, the bombing of the Syrian reactor in 2007, and then you had various leaks, I remember during the Obama years with all sorts of allegations that Israel was planning this or that operation to attack the Iranian nuclear facilities and that would come out from time to time [Azerbaijan and others]. There were leaks that raised a few eyebrows back in Jerusalem and in other parts of Israel where our security services work.

Dermer goes on to explore the reasoning behind the leaks in great detail, and demonstrating the will to boost Iran and “handcuff Israel”:

But I think the relevant question is, if this is true, I mean if it’s an American intelligence leak, and by all accounts it is, I don’t know, but if that is true, the question becomes, why? Why are they actually leaking this, and so I think two things are likely, if it’s an American leak.

The first is they’re trying to distance themselves from Israel. Meaning to try to push away, put the blame on Israel, and keep the United States out of it. And I think that’s very disturbing because that would only encourage attacks against Israelis because of the fear of potential American action against Iran or other actors that actually deters aggression. You saw that in the case of Soleimani, in the wake of the Soleimani [assassination].

In taking out Soleimani in early January 2020, there was a very weak response from the Iranians because they were really concerned about a potential counter response from the Americans and in that case, America said that they were responsible for [Soleimani’s assassination], they took responsibility for it, and even when that happened, Iran was very deterred in taking mass actions against the Americans because they don’t want to be in a clash with them. So for the United States to think they’re going to stabilize the situation by distancing themselves from Israel, not only endangers Israeli citizens and officials, but it also actually makes the chance of an attack, much higher.

The second thing, which would concern me if this is an American leak, is that what I see it as a message to Israel that the US disagrees with the action that was taken, and essentially what that means is they are trying to curtail Israel’s freedom of operation. . . and this one of the concerns that I’ve had for a long time, that should a nuclear deal be signed, that the United States would immediately try to restrict Israel’s freedom of operation, because if they did a deal with Iran, let’s say, and everybody starts applauding and saying this brings peace and stability to the Middle East, then Israel will find itself as a sort of skunk at the post-Iran Deal garden party. Right?

And we’re going to do these operations which we have to do against, let’s say Iran and Syria, which Israel has admitted has done, we’ve launched hundreds of attacks against Iran establishing beachheads against Israel in Syria, and there are other places where we would engage in this activity, and my concern for a long time was that the US would try to handcuff Israel, either through leaks like this, or in other ways to try to prevent us from acting, and the reason why I’m concerned is because I saw that happen in the past.

Dermer did in fact see it happen during his diplomatic years in Washington, during Obama’s time in office:

After the deal was signed in 2015, the United States, rather than stand with Israel and fight Iran in different areas around the region, as was promised at the time—remember they said, “Hey this is a nuclear deal and then we’re going to make our, we’re going to stand with Israel and our Arab partners in the region and push back against Iranian aggression in the region.”

But that didn’t happen. In the latter half of 2015, and in 2016, it didn’t happen. There was almost no pushback.

You remember the humiliation of taking sailors of the United States during that period and everything was done to avoid confrontation because to have a confrontation with Iran in any theater, would suggest that the Iran policy was a failure . . . that Iran wasn’t a good actor, that Iran wasn’t joining the community of nations but was actually, as the Prime Minister said in his speech to Congress, “Gobbling up the nations.”

So they wanted to avoid, the Obama Administration, any tension with Iran, and when they saw Israel going and operating against Iran in the region, they didn’t like that, and my concern from the beginning, was the second that any nuclear deal with Iran is signed, there is going to be an attempt to handcuff Israel.

Dermer sees the current American leak of Israeli intelligence as a foreshadowing of how things will go, should Biden succeed in his quest for a “deal” with Iran:

Now, I see this as a sneak preview of what Israel can expect if there is a deal. Now maybe they’re doing it now to fire a shot across the bow or maybe they think they could still get a deal, even though the prospects, at least publicly, look less likely than they did a few weeks ago. But I think it’s very disturbing on both counts.

One, it I think it encourages potential action by the Iranians against Israel, it will fuel that aggression, and I think it also tells Israelis that the United States won’t have their back in doing certain operations in the region, and the person you quoted, Ben Barak, I mean he’s a former, I think number two at the Mossad. That’s a very, very senior official who’s saying that and he’s not somebody who’s eager to have any kind of clash or confrontation with the United States. So he was very upset about it and senior leadership of Israel were obviously very upset about, for good reason.

The latest leak confirms that Biden will do anything to please Iran. It’s the Obama playbook all over again. Elevate Iran and take Israel down a notch, to alter the balance of power in the Middle East. That is the purpose of the Iran Deal, which of course, is not a deal at all. The Iran Deal is a capitulation, an appeasement policy designed to placate Iran and alienate Israel. More than that, the Iran Deal releases money to the Iranian nuclear power program, enabling it to reach its goal of obliterating Israel (and for that matter, America, too—but in the Obama now Biden playbook, the crocodile eats them last).

As a result of current American policy which involves the outright betrayal of a staunch American ally, Israel, things may go very wrong—not only for Israel but for the world at large. Behind these concerns, however, is something that is in some ways even more disturbing: the betrayal of Israeli Jews by American Jewry, the majority of whom voted for Biden and for Obama before him, despite Israeli pleas to their American brethren. Back in February 2021, I wrote an angry piece on the subject of the Jewish vote, American Jews Voted for This. An excerpt:

While the Trump administration imposed sanctions on the Houthis, the Biden administration has already moved to suspend some of these sanctions. That’s because Iran is sending lots of sophisticated weaponry to this Yemen-based militia group and training Houthi militants in their use. And Biden, you see, is loath to upset Iran.

The Trump administration designated the Houthis a terrorist organization. Biden, on the other hand, is reviewing this designation. Antony Blinken, Biden’s secretary of state, said he has “deep concern about the designation” of the Houthis as a terrorist organization. The Biden administration's “review” is part and parcel of a return to the bad old days of the Obama administration and the JCPOA appeasement policy in which America pretends it can mollify the mullahs by funding their nuclear ambitions. American Jews voted for this and it literally makes no sense. It’s suicide.

The Biden administration is, in fact, an extension of the Obama administration’s “abnormal Middle East strategy,” in which enemies are strengthened, and friends are punished. In voting for Biden, American Jews voted for strengthening Iran and punishing Israel. Because that is how much they hate Donald Trump. For hatred of this one man, they threw the Jews of Israel under the bus. They empowered an Iran that promises to wipe out both Israel and America.

It is obvious that the Biden Administration, more than one year later, has not deviated in its path of appeasement. The Obama policy of leaking of Israeli intelligence continues, in hopes that Iran will at last be persuaded to take a bribe. Iran’s empowerment gains momentum even as Biden’s faculties diminish, leaving the President unable at times even to remember where he is.

Biden has told us on more than one occasion, that “they”tell him what to say—that he is going to get into trouble with “them” for saying things he should not. We may not be able to prove with any certainty the identity of the Biden puppet master. But we do know that strings are being pulled, moving the world in the wrong direction, and taking us to a place where the bad guys win and the good guys lose.

Even as the Biden Administration leaks Israeli intelligence, Iran continues to build its nuclear arsenal and make clear its ambitions. The mullahs' war? It only begins with Israel. But instead of banding together with Israel against the threat, Biden makes a sacrificial offer of the Jewish State.

Much of the world is not cognizant of this fact, having drunk the Koolaid proffered by the media and progressive wokeism. There is no kicking and screaming even as their elected government drags America into a quagmire of death and destruction. “LGBTQ!” they shout, “Abortions!” they shout, though none of it will matter if they all go up in a mushroom cloud. 

This is the future they chose: to help Iran in its quest for the bomb; to finance the deaths of Israelis and Arabs, and to finance their own deaths, too. It’s what they voted for. And it is anyone’s guess if they will awaken in time to stop the madness.

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