Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Egyptian daily economic newspaper Al Mal News has an article about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion that shows the current state of antisemitism among the more enlightened Egyptians.

Lawyer Mohamed Bakri starts off saying that the Protocols have been alleged to be forgeries, but that isn't the important thing. The important thing is that they accurately reflect how the Jews have been controlling the world.

It is very important for understanding the seriousness of the document,  realizing the dimensions of this plan to rule the world, with the most important methodologies; Anarchy and libertarianism, economic wars,  gradually changing the morals of states, tyranny and modern progress, methodologies of control, world wars, controlling the awareness of the masses, corrupting education, spreading atheism and sick literature, controlling the press, entertainment, destroying religion and its men, and flooding countries with debts.

...Dr. Abdel-Wahhab El-Mesiri asserts that Zionism promotes it with the aim to “spread terror into the hearts of Muslims and Arabs by exaggerating the power of the Jews, in order to win the psychological war before they enter the battlefield” to be able to “distort the cognitive map of Arabs and Muslims."

The debate is not about their falsification or forgery, but the existence of a kind of continuous domination of Jewish personalities over the media, the economy and global politics, whether achieved randomly or in an organized gradual manner! A review of the protocols themselves reveals that the emergence, development and course of many global events and crises from 1905 to today are consistent with the vision, strategy and tactics contained in them literally from Protocol 1-20!

Regardless of the authenticity or fabrication of the protocols, anyone contemplating them must consider 
1- The exclusion of the Israeli security theory 
2- Talmud rulings, such as a record of Jewish rabbis’ attempts to interpret the Old Testament, to suit the status of the Jews as God’s chosen people with groups scattered throughout the world, so it was considered one of the most dangerous books sacred to the Jews, because it contains the thought of conspiracy and control over human structures, to enslave them, break up the heavenly religions, and destroy human values, with the aim of achieving the Jewish dream of ruling the world.
The rest of the article exhorts Arabs to create their own Protocols to limit Jewish power and to gain power themselves over the coming centuries.

The most ironic part is that Bakri, after describing how powerful the Jews are and how they have controlled the world whether following a secret master plan or not, he says that they really aren't that powerful and can be defeated, using Hezbollah as proof. 

This is a common dynamic - Arabs make up a myth of all-powerful Jews, and then when they manage to kill some, they brag about how Jews aren't as powerful as the myth that they made up to begin with.


EoZ Book:"Protocols: Exposing Modern Antisemitism"


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