The Israel in Arabic account from Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs tweeted this fairly bizarre scene:
فيديو مؤثر من إسرائيل..— إسرائيل بالعربية (@IsraelArabic) March 26, 2020
في بادرة مست المواطنين المسلمين لدى دخولهم الى مطعم حمص في البلاد انطلق تسجيل لسورة الفاتحة من القرآن الكريم. قام بهذه اللفتة عامل متدين يهودي في المطعم قائلا إن هذا كلام الله. رسالة واضحة لكل ابناء الديانات التوحيدية كلنا واحد.
It shows a religious Jews who is the owner of a shop, blasting Koranic verses from a famous Muslim cleric. An Arab enters the store and compliments the Jew in Hebrew.
The MFA account says, "The gesture was carried out by a Jewish religious worker in the restaurant, saying that this is God’s word. A clear message to all the people of monotheistic religions, we are all one."
But somehow that message got garbled. Arabic media are saying that the Jews was playing the Koran audio as some sort of protection against the coronavirus, which is not even hinted at anywhere.
UPDATE: The restaurant is part of a chain of hummus restaurants called "Hummus Eliyahu." (h/t Yoel)