The central theme of DCIP's report says:
Evidence and documentation collected by DCIP found that, on numerous occasions, Israeli forces unlawfully targeted individual civilians and civilian structures resulting in the killing of children.
Carrying out an attack that is not directed at a specific military objective constitutes an indiscriminate attack and amounts to a war crime.
The circumstances of each attack briefly discussed below strongly suggest unlawful conduct by Israeli forces that amount to war crimes.
EoZ researcher Bob Knot spent some time documenting the military objectives of the specific examples DCIP gives.
For example:
Around 1:30 p.m. on July 20, an Israeli warplane fired a missile without warning at the Skafi family home on Nazaz Street. Anas, 17, and his twin brother Saad died in the attack. Another five children sustained injuries in the same attack.Here are photos of these poor dead children:
And here other "civilians" killed in the airstrike that DCI-Palestine characterizes as a war crime because there was "no specific military objective:"
Abdel Skafi:
Mujahid al Skafi, in his martyrdom video:
And so does DCIP. Their nine months of "research" were clearly not meant to uncover any truths.
Bob Knot found other examples of flat-out lies and deception in the report.
DCIP claims that the Joudeh family were innocent civilians. But their father Issam, who they quote, is acknowledged by Fatah to be a "fighter" for their brigades.
DCIP considers him a reliable witness to say that there was no military target at his house knowing full well that he was the target himself.
DCIP lists other family homes that were used as bases of operations of known terrorists.
On the right is a photo of the target of the Hayyeh house airstrike, Osama Khalil Hayyeh, son of Hamas leader Khalil Hayyeh:
From this and other previous examples we have given, we know that "Defense for Children International - Palestine" willingly lies to slander israel.
And they get plenty of money from other NGOs - and the EU.
Defense for Children-International is funded by these organizations as of 2012:
Every single one of these organizations and governments is guilty of funding a group whose sole purpose is to use children as an emotional ploy to slander Israel. Every single one of these funding organizations must be held to account for why they are giving money to an anti-Israel propaganda outfit that pretends to be an objective NGO.
If you want to help Israel, today, you will write to every single one of these organizations and demand answers.
In a sane world, organizations like DCI-P should be shamed and defunded. You can help do that.
I invite any journalists who still have the slightest bit of integrity to investigate everything I am saying independently and to publish their findings, no matter what they are.