Wednesday, August 06, 2014

  • Wednesday, August 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Even though many have noted that Egypt and Saudi Arabia have been quietly rooting for Israel to destroy Hamas and deal a major strike at the Muslim Brotherhood, both countries remain stridently antisemitic.

Al Ahram, the major Egyptian newspaper, has an op-ed by (believe it or not) Dr. Gamal Abdel Nasser, about how Gaza is just another manifestation of how Jews are uniquely evil:

The history of the Jews - with the Arabs in particular - shows the extent of their corruption....The Qur'an told us about them; you will find the character of the Arab in their books in Jewish literature one of humiliation, where they portray the Arab in their stories as a petty stupid person with no value.

The four Jewish tribes Jews that escaped from the persecution of Roman rulers and others, lived in the Arabian Peninsula, corrupting the earth; by working in the arms trade and charging interest and spreading immorality among the Arab tribes, and trying to sow sedition and inciting tribes against each other, and they lit wars between tribal elders.

...Jews today own have the largest usurious banks in the world, and have companies in costumes and fashions and they trade in sex and even promote this type of trade, and are working in the drug trade and promotion [of drugs] to the Arab and Muslim countries in particular.

Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, major Islamic scholar Saleh bin Awad al Maghamsi, who is the imam of the Quba Mosque of Medina, tweeted that the only reason Allah placed Jews in Israel is to destroy them, as the Quran says (17:104), "And We said after Pharaoh to the Children of Israel, 'Dwell in the land, and when there comes the promise of the Hereafter, We will bring you forth in [one] gathering.'"

For those who so desperately pray for peace in the Middle East - this is what it looks like. At best.

(h/t Shawarma News)


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