Two Palestinian workers were killed Sunday after being run over by a truck in northern Israel, a police spokeswoman said.In Arabic, Ma'an calls the victims "martyrs."
The two were run over while they were fixing their car on the side of the road in Haifa on Route 70, Luba Samari said in a statement.
Samari called the incident "a horrific accident."
The victims were identified as Zahi Subi Abu Hamed from Qalqiliya, and Anwar Astal from Tulkarem, the statement said.
Yet even Ma'an showed photos of the injured being helped by members of Zaka, a private ambulance service staffe by religious Jewish men.
Now for the incitement.
Egyptian secularist newspaper Al Wafd reported the incident this way:
Two Palestinians were killed on Sunday evening, crushed to death by Jewish extremist settlers in the main street in Haifa, while the third was wounded seriously injured.Their graphic for the article, showing what is probably a bunch of Chassidim celebrating Purim, couldn't possibly be considered antisemitic, right?
The operation took place when three citizens were on the side of the road working to repair damage to their car, where they were run over by a truck driven by a settler, which resulted in the deaths of two on the spot, while the third was wounded seriously injured.
The General Federation of Trade Unions of Palestine said in a statement issued on Sunday evening that the Israeli government must take full responsibility for the death of Palestinian workers due to the truck driven by an Israeli in the street No. 70 in Haifa.
"The Martyrdom of workers Zahi Subhi Abu Hamid and Anwar Astal, who lives in the city of Jaffa, the Israeli truck driver comes as a result of racial incitement and the hostile military atmosphere practiced by the occupation against the Palestinian people of all classes in all the cities and villages and towns and its camps in the Occupied Palestinian territories.