Thursday, March 06, 2014

  • Thursday, March 06, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports:
Egyptian security services have started to collect information about thousands of Hamas members who were granted Egyptian citizenship during the rule of ousted president Mohamed Mursi, according to Egyptian media.

Egypt's Day Seven news website reported that Egyptian authorities plan revoke the citizenship of 13,757 Hamas members for being "affiliated to an offshoot of the terrorist group the Muslim Brotherhood."

Egyptian authorities are investigating whether Hamas members have been involved in what they describe as "terrorist attacks," adding that the prime minister has the right to revoke the citizenship of Hamas members without a court ruling if it is deemed that they endanger public security.

The Egyptian news site blamed Mursi for facilitating the entry of Hamas supporters into Egypt and granting them citizenship.
In 2011, Egypt started enforcing a law that children of Egyptian mothers may become citizens. Tens of thousands of Gazans eagerly applied, exposing the lies of UNRWA-and others that Palestinian Arabs do not desire to become citizens of any Arab state but would prefer to wait forever to "return."

How many Gazans became Egyptian citizens? About 13,000.

It seems highly unlikely that every single one of those is affiliated with Hamas. This means that Egypt is not planning merely to revoke citizenship of Hamas- (and Muslim Brotherhood-) members, but that of every Palestinian Arab who gained Egyptian citizenship!

While idiots loudly proclaim that if Israel is recognized by the PLO as a Jewish state then Israel would revoke the rights of Palestinian Arab citizens to live there, Egypt is considering doing exactly that today!

This proves once again that Palestinian Arabs - even those in the territories - are treated better under Israeli rule than they are under Arab rule.

This news follows Jordan also revoking citizenship of many of its Palestinian Arab citizens a couple of years ago.

One of the most under-reported stories in the Middle East is how much Arabs hate their Palestinian "brethren." Jordanian nationalists openly admit that they plan to expel all Palestinians if a Palestinian state is created. Lebanon places crushing restrictions on its Palestinian population. There are plenty of other examples. 

But it is not in the interests of Palestinian Arabs to make a big deal out of this because they are dependent on these same Arabs for monetary and political support, and they cling to the fiction that Palestinians don't want citizenship in Arab countries.  The West, wedded to the idea of "moderate Arabs, will not make this into an issue. "Pro-Palestinian activists" don't want to publicize this because it makes Israel look good by comparison, which is unacceptable.  And of course no NGOs will bother to advocate for Palestinians abused by their fellow Arabs because there is no one willing to fund an unpopular cause like that. The money is available for demonizing Israel, not uncovering inconvenient truths about Arabs.

It will be most interesting to see the reaction of the PLO to this story - since they are against Palestinian Arabs becoming citizens in Arab countries to begin with, in order to redirect their suffering and hate towards Israel. I doubt that they will publicly criticize Egypt over abusing their people.

Which  tells you a lot about how much the "Palestinian cause" is meant to help actual Palestinian Arabs.


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