Wednesday, December 11, 2013

  • Wednesday, December 11, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:
A silvery green olive grove set in the red soil of a Palestinian village is a crime scene - testament to a practice so sensitive that it is spoken of only in whispers.

One night in late November, Rasha Abu Ara, a 32-year-old mother of five, was beaten to death and strung from a gnarled tree branch as a gruesome badge of "family honor" restored.

The woman's alleged sin was adultery, and her killer was either her own brother or husband, security sources told Reuters. Both are behind bars while an investigation continues.

Her murder brought to 27 the number of women slain in similar circumstances in Palestinian-run areas this year, according to rights groups - more than twice last year's victims.

...Palestinian Minister of Women's Affairs Rabiha Diab saved much of her blame for violence toward women for Israel: "The Israeli occupation is the one practising the utmost violence ... it's the main thing keeping us from advancing."
I found the murder mentioned in Ma'an, but they said the circumstances of a woman hanging from a tree were "unclear."

You might say that it is crazy to blame Arab violence towards women on Israel, but why should the PA be any different than EU-based NGOs and The Lancet?

This is, of course, socially acceptable racism from the Left. Every progressive and leftist seems to agree: Palestinian Arabs are not mature or responsible enough to act like adults. When they act like animals, it is perfectly natural and understandable, and it is Israel's fault for making them act that way.

Yet these same people who are so convinced of the subhuman nature of Arabs also think that these same Arabs are quite mature enough to sign and uphold a peace treaty.

(h/t Anne Bayefsky)


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