Thursday, December 12, 2013

  • Thursday, December 12, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
A year ago, I noted that Iran's PressTV had hired a known, rabid antisemite named Mark Glenn.

This is part of a pattern at PressTV - they will publish the essays of Western antisemites under the thin excuse that these are in the "Viewpoints" section of the site, and therefore presumably not necessarily the opinions of the Iranian state government that funds it.

Glenn's insane hatred of Jews and Judaism has been known for a long time, so Iran knew exactly what it was doing when it hired him.

His latest essay is ostensibly about Binyamin Netanyahu, but it is really about the Jews -all Jews:
And if all of this weren't enough in jostling and exacerbating Netanyahu's already volcanic instability, added to it is the fact that powerful players within his own "famiglia" are working against him on a daily basis.

Yes, that's right ladies and gentilemen, an out-in-the-open gang war within La Kosher Nostra with billions of innocent bystanders caught in the crossfire.

The reason for this inter-familial conflict can be boiled down to one, primary item-the continued survival of Jewish power at a time when the seeds of the "Gentile Spring" have germinated and are beginning to grow.

Day by day, with the obvious meltdown of world order taking place and how much (most) of this is traceable directly to this one troublesome, meddlesome group of people and their control over the political, economic and military machinery of the West, the magic spell is wearing off and the deep sleep is coming to an end.

A flutter of the eyes, then a deep breath, and soon the Gentile giant is awake and studying his surroundings.
That might be too subtle for the intended audience to understand, so Glenn makes it a bit more obvious:
There are not, or rather-should not be-any "surprises" associated with the rise of Jewish power, the creation of the "Jewish state" and the present World War Z that mankind faces these days. Indeed, everything that has taken place, particularly over the course of the last century viz-a-viz the wars, the bloodshed and the nearly complete meltdown of established world order was/is as predictable as the proverbial slaughter at the henhouse after the jackals were put in charge of security.

The sad truth is that everything mankind needs to know about the deadly, radioactive nature of this political, social and cultural "element" on the periodic table of human ideas has been sitting there, screaming out to civilized man for literally thousands of years. Jewish power and violence, Jewish power and genocide, Jewish power and economic despoliation, Jewish power and corruption, none of this began in 1948 with the creation of Israel. It did not begin in 1913 with the creation of the Federal Reserve, as some like to imagine.

It did not even begin with the writing of a literary abomination known as the Babylonian Talmud.

It--the criminal, barbaric nature of Jewish power--has been there from the beginning, congenital from its birth, the moment a penniless nomad begins hearing voices in his head promising him kingdoms, riches and power beyond his wildest dreams, accompanied by the moral justification for doing whatever needs to be done in attaining these items, including lying, genocide, and theft.
He then quotes Deuteronomy 7, where God calls on Israel to destroy the nations of Canaan.
...This, a mere spec of spiritual DNA, a mere 94 words, contains all the information necessary in understanding the pathology of Jewish power, what it was, what it is and what it will always be. This, one tiny droplet amongst hundreds of others, accurately and precisely profiles and identifies the source of Jewish madness and criminality.

It is in effect the radioactive milk upon which psychopaths throughout history--including those such as Netanyahu--have been nursed for thousands of years and with undeniable deadly effects.

It is an open secret, an open conspiracy and an open declaration of war on the part of those who spiritually devour these words and make them part of their inner beings like communicants at a Black Mass and who then go forth and put into practice these precepts--to invade, displace, mass murder, destroy, lie, show no mercy, destroy the culture, debase the economy and to reduce every land they 'possess' to utter ruination, the entire justification for which is that the Jewish god Yahweh has demanded it.

And the tragedy, the crime-not of just the century, but rather of the last 2 milleniae-is that it has been there, in the open, for wise men to study and consider. Every microbe, every millisecond, every millimeter of conflict that has existed throughout history between Jewish power and the Gentiles they mean to rule over, from biblical Egypt to modern day Iran is explained and understood within those 94 words.

Benjamin Netanyahu and his army understand those words, their meaning, and have taken them to heart.

Perhaps the other side within this terrible conflict known as World War Z should do the same, while there is time.
Is that clear enough?

The commenters at PressTV certainly understood the message.

(h/t Yitzchak)


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