Since last year the Seattle-based blogger has made a career of publishing news items that were censored by the Israeli military. He has made a name of himself more recently by taking unsourced allegations from people who email him and publishing them as scoops from highly-placed sources in the Mossad.Yet no matter how bizarre his claims, he was getting coverage from lazy newspaper reporters for his increasingly fantastical "scoops" (for example, that Israel sent a booby-trapped drone into Lebanon with the sure knowledge that Hezbollah would carry the drone to a highly sensitive indoor spot where the IDF could blow it up.)
Aussie Dave of Israellycool performed a classic sting on Dickie. In one fell swoop, he proved that:
- Silverstein will publish anything that he hopes to be true, with no fact checking whatsoever.
- Silverstein has no moral compunctions about revealing private details of people he hates.
- Silverstein knows nothing about Israeli culture, even though he claims to.
- Silverstein will come up with fanciful conjectures out of thin air - and post them.
- Silverstein is a liar.
And given that it is many hours later and Silverstein still hasn't deleted his post (his usual method when he's been made into a fool) nor admitted he was scammed, so we have also learned that he cannot bring himself to admit he was wrong.
UPDATE: Silverstein finally admitted he was scammed, and is showing righteous indignation - because Aussie Dave used a fake Facebook account. Richard the Moral reported him. After all, it is a violation of Facebook rules! It's OK to defend Hamas, but creating a fake FB account to prove an idiot blogger has no clothes - well, that's going over the line!
You can't make this stuff up.