Monday, October 06, 2008

  • Monday, October 06, 2008
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last month there was a deadly attack against the US Embassy in Yemen, killing 18.

Now, Yemen authorities are claiming that they found the bombers, and guess what - they were Israeli spies!
Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh announced on Monday the dismantling of a "terrorist cell" which he said was linked to Israeli intelligence services.

Saleh gave no details but sources close to the investigation said he was apparently referring to a six-member cell arrested on suspicion of involvement in a deadly attack against the US embassy in the Yemeni capital last month.

"A terrorist cell was arrested five days ago and will be referred to the judicial authorities for its links with the Israeli intelligence services," Saleh was quoted as saying by the official Saba news agency.

He said the group operated under the "slogan of Islam."

The Yemeni president made the statement during a meeting with politicians, tribal leaders, security and military officials at Al-Mukalla University in the southeastern province of Hadramawt.

Saleh did not say how many people were arrested or detail his allegation that the cell was linked to Israeli intelligence.

The Yemen Observer adds:
The network was comprised of 40 people from different Arab nationalities spying for Mossad, the Israeli international intelligence said sources from National and Political Security Units. The members of the espionage network entered Yemen on the premise of conducting business, tourism and even for preaching in mosques. Saleh said that the suspected spies form a terrorism cell that uses also Islam to reach their targets.Members were arrested individually and found to be in possession of detailed maps for sensitive security sites, intelligence telecommunication units and advanced tracking devices.
This is pretty funny, considering that last month Yemen was blaming al-Qaeda:
Yemeni authorities have arrested six people believed to have issued statements claiming responsibility for the last week's car bombing against the US embassy in Sanaa, the defence ministry has said.

In a statement posted on its web site on Sunday, the ministry said that among the detained suspects was a man identified as Abu al-Ghaith al-Yamani, who signed two statements claiming responsibility for the bombing, which killed 18 people, and threatening more attacks.

The ministry said that al-Yamani and five other people were arrested for disseminating statements "in the name of the Jihad Organisation, threatening to target Arab and Western embassies in Sanaa".

A group calling itself the Jihad Organisation in Yemen said on Thursday that it was behind the bombing outside the US embassy and threatened to attack the British and Saudi embassies.

The police have said the statements could not be authenticated.

Sixteen people including six suspected al-Qaeda attackers were killed at the scene of the attack on the embassy compound, in which two car bombs and automatic weapons were used. The attackers were unable to penetrate the embassy wall.

Apparently, the six people arrested last month, who were apparently from al-Qaeda, "admitted" being Mossad agents!

Which just goes to prove how you can't trust the Mossad - they'll become Islamic preachers, turn people into Islamic fanatics and attack US interests, just to make Yemenis look bad.


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