Saturday, February 20, 2010

  • Saturday, February 20, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
Pro-Palestinian groups headed by Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel*, staged a protest rally outside an Israeli Ballet performance in the Flynn Theater in Burlington, Vermont, on Friday.

According to an Israel Radio report, four demonstrators eventually forced their way into the theater, waving signs saying that anyone who watched the performance was "supporting Israel's apartheid policy."

Company director Dan Rudolf alerted the theater's security personnel, as well as the local police, who promptly arrived at the scene and escorted the demonstrators outside.

The show resumed after a short intermission.
Actually, the protest was by Adalah-NY, a different group that happens to support terror and the total destruction of Israel. As their website says, " We also affirm the right of all people to resist occupation and oppression," which are codewords for terror attacks.

They are planning a protest of the same dance troupe in Brooklyn tomorrow.

UPDATE: In the comments someone is claiming that Adalah had nothing to do with this. Adalah-NY was in the forefront of publicizing the tour, so it doesn't seem like a very important distinction. Also someone from Adalah-NY took credit for the protest in the comments at YNet.

There is also a claim that the protesters weren't violent and they paid for the tickets. I saw another person who was there claimed that they did break in, and they did interrupt the performance (can't find that link now and, frankly, it isn't that important to me.)

Friday, February 19, 2010

  • Friday, February 19, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Times (UK):
In the end Shahar Peer’s fervent determination to prove her point that sport and politics should not mix produced a noble effort but it was not sufficient to unsettle somebody she reveres as a true legend of tennis.

Peer had collected an impressive array of scalps as she moved into the semi-final; world no 3 Caroline Wozniacki, Australian Open semi-finalist Li Na and the controversial young Belgian Yanina Wickmayer who was initially banned from tennis for a year after missing drug tests but returned courtesy of her lawyers to win her first tournament back in Auckland.

All that counted for nothing as Williams, so supportive a year ago when the Israeli was denied the necessary visa for entrance into the United Arab Emirates, staged an initial onslaught of aggression that effectively intimidated Peer for the entirety of the first set.

Within just 22 minutes Williams was a set to the good with Peer’s serve broken three times in succession. Getting through to the finals depends so much on mental toughness and it suddenly seemed that so much of the 22 year-old’s had been spent dealing with the issues of the last week.

“I have to say that I was really focused on the match,” maintained the third seeded victor. “Really focused on trying to win. I definitely started well, and I felt like I was playing very aggressively and just basically taking a lot of time away from her.”

Things changed a little in the second set and Peer began to show the fighting qualities that had been so prevalent all week. She fought back from an initial two game deficit and then warded off five Williams break points in a marathon game that featured nine deuces and last almost as long as the opening set.

Williams certainly appeared to be tiring under the sweltering sun but finally Peer hit two impetuous forehands that proved costly, giving the experienced American the break that proved crucial.

“I’m sure I will learn and benefit from this experience,” insisted Peer. “This time last year I remember being at home in Israel watching Venus win the final. This week I have beaten some really good players and had to deal with a lot of things. I am really happy with the way I came through it and now I hope to come back next year.”

Now, that's Hasbara.

Israel and its supporters spend so much time being on the defensive, but Shahar Peer shows how it should be done. Unapologetically fight for your principles, take all of the obstacles as mere bumps in the road and ignore all the distractions.

  • Friday, February 19, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From YNet:
The IDF is about to receive what is considered the world's best unmanned aircraft – the Eitan.

"The Eitan can stay in the air for more than 20 hours; it can carry very large cargo and fly very far, much further than any other unmanned drone in Israel," said Air Force Lt. Col. A. "Only few aircraft in the world approach such capabilities."

On Sunday, the Air Force will be receiving the Israeli-made drone, which had already been tested on several occasions, including during operation Cast Lead in the Gaza Strip.

For the time being, Air Force officials only have praise for the new aircraft.

The Eitan is physically larger than any other drone and can fly at higher altitudes. It can also carry more weight – several hundred kilos, compared to the 250-kilogram maximum currently carried by Israel's most advanced drone.

"The Eitan gives us very broad intelligence capabilities," Lt. Col. A. said. "It is the world's most advanced unmanned aircraft and it was especially adapted to missions which the Air Force needs."

In addition, the new drone is equipped with more advanced technological systems than its predecessors. Until recently, these systems were tested by the Israel Aircraft Industry, yet as of Sunday Air Force personnel will be taking over.

The Eitan's role would be to operate in the highest altitudes, along with other aircraft flying at lower altitudes. The new drone will be providing an effective means at all theaters, with an emphasis on distant ones – including Iran.
Arab analysts are calling this announcement a psy-ops war against Iran, because the Eitan was announced years ago and they are saying that this news is recycled.

Well, if that was the intent, it worked, as Iran's PressTV covers the story today.

(Of course the Eitan was known about, but this week is the first time it was formally given over to the IAF. )

There were rumors that the Eitan was used in the attack against the smuggling convoy in Sudan last year as well.
  • Friday, February 19, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Classic example of how conspiracy theories are started, from Palestine Today, which quotes the Wall Street Journal as saying that the suspects in the Mabhouh hit in Dubai were using credit cards from American banks.

It concludes "This proves beyond any doubt the participation of the United States of America in the assassination."
  • Friday, February 19, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
But this one is a little different:

A Saudi prince was charged last night over the murder of a servant in a five-star London hotel.

Saud Bin Abdulaziz Bin Nasir Bin Abdulaziz al Saud, 33, is due to appear at City of Westminster Magistrates' Court today.

The multi-millionaire is accused of murdering 32-year-old Bandar Abdullah Abdulaziz at the Landmark Hotel in central London on Monday.

He is also charged with assaulting Mr Abdulaziz on January 22.

The international playboy is believed to have travelled the world with his servant, who slept at the foot of his bed, and had spent up to £100,000 during a three-week stay at the Landmark, hiring five rooms including a £1,000-a-night suite.

A maid discovered Mr Abdulaziz's battered body in a third floor room at 4.45pm on Monday.

Detectives believe that the murder happened during a row at the hotel and that the assailant may not have intended to kill the victim.

  • Friday, February 19, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP:
A French town filed a legal complaint Thursday accusing a branch of a mainstream fast food chain of discrimination because it only serves burgers prepared according to Islamic dietary law.

The mayor of the northern town of Roubaix, Rene Vandierendonck, told The Associated Press that he wants the Quick burger restaurant to "propose a new, diversified" menu that satisfies a broader clientele.

Quick is a Belgium-based chain popular in Europe that offers low-priced hamburgers, french fries and other standard fast-food fare. There are Quick restaurants in towns all over France.

The Quick restaurant in Roubaix is among seven in France that since November have been serving halal-only food. Burgers once served with bacon now come with smoked beef instead of pork.

The company has said the goal of the halal-only restaurants is "to validate the commercial interest and technical feasibility of introducing such a selection of products based on halal meat."

The Independent adds more context:
Quick, which is almost entirely owned by a French state investment arm, began its experiment in towns with large Muslim populations last November. Not a single customer, or politician, complained until the far- right politician, Marine Le Pen, claimed this week that the "halalburgers" amounted to an "Islamic tax" on French consumers.

The Socialist mayor of Roubaix, in northern France, and centre-right members of President Nicolas Sarkozy's party have since protested against Quick's decision as "un-Republican", "discriminatory" and "sectarian". There are regional elections in France next month.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with what Quick did, and the politicians that are against it are using arguments that have been used by anti-semites for decades.

Right across the channel, Subway offers Halal franchises, and there are both Halal and kosher Subways in the US. Walmart customizes its items for local communities, offering kosher sections in the Catskills and Halal sections in the US and Canada. This isn't discrimination; this is good business.

There are a lot of things to be concerned about from political Islam, but this is not one of them. Those who rail against it are on the slippery slope between justified concern and true bigotry.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Palestinian Media Watch (h/t Bubbe):
An UNRWA educational program in Ramallah has honored the terrorist Abu Jihad with a football tournament in his name. The tournament was organized by the Fatah Students' Youth Movement at UNRWA's Women's Training Center and Faculty of Educational Sciences in Ramallah:

"The Student Union Council and the Shabiba [Fatah] Students' Movement at UNRWA's Faculty of Educational Sciences has launched a football tournament under the name, 'The Shahid (Martyr) Abu Jihad Tournament.'"

[Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, Feb. 17, 2010]
Dedicating sports tournaments and summer camps for Palestinian youth to terrorists who have killed Israelis is Palestinian Authority policy. Palestinian Media Watch has regularly documented the PA's glorification of terrorists.

The fact that UNRWA (the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees) is hosting a tournament honoring a terrorist is not the first time that the UN has supported the PA's policy of honoring terrorists. In the past, the UN has supported summer camps named after terrorists, including a UNICEF-sponsored camp in 2003 named after "the Shahida (Martyr) Wafa Idris." For examples of camps named after terrorists, click here.

Abu Jihad was one of the founders of the Fatah Movement and the orchestrator of the organization's terror activities from the mid-1960s. Second in command to Yasser Arafat, he headed the military wing of the PLO and served as deputy supreme military commander of Fatah. Abu Jihad planned many of the major Fatah terror attacks, including the worst terror attack in Israel's history, in which 37 civilians were murdered in a bus hijacking led by Dalal Mughrabi in 1978. He also planned the hostage taking at the Savoy Hotel in Tel Aviv in 1975 in which eight hostages and two Israeli soldiers were killed. Abu Jihad was killed in 1988 in an operation attributed to Israel.
According to the UNRWA website:
..[T]he Commissioner-General has on numerous occasions reminded UNRWA’s area and international staff of their obligations of impartiality as UN employees and officials. In numerous letters to all staff he has recalled that “staff of the Agency are required to conduct themselves in accordance with established principles and practices of the United Nations and must not engage in any activity which is incompatible with their status as independent and impartial civil servants”. He also stated that “whilst UNRWA staff members, like other United Nations officials, are entitled to their political views, such views must not be allowed to come into conflict with the duty of the individual staff member to give loyal service uninfluenced by external political pressures”.

In addition, since the start of the current strife the Agency has employed a group of International Staff as Operational Support Officers one of whom’s main tasks is to ensure the integrity of UNRWA property and installations in the OPT. The Agency enforces all the rules mentioned above in a stringent manner and has initiated disciplinary measures against its staff where necessary. For example, the Agency once disciplined a staff member for attending a political rally in contravention of Staff Rules and Regulations. On another occasion, a staff member was disciplined for having circulated an email with inappropriate political connotations.
So it must not be against UNRWA policy to host events that glorify terrorists. Good to know!
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation, which is behind a great deal of the incitement against Israel and Jews, has a new accusation that ties together every recent hot-button issue in a nice package:

They are claiming that Zionist Jews were drinking and having sex in the Mamilla Cemetery in Jerusalem on Valentine's Day!

They claim to have pictures of empty and broken alcohol bottles as well as used condoms near the graves. Here is one of them, from their website:
They are saying that "moral degenerate Jews" went into the cemetery on Valentine's Day to copulate.

Of course, they hold the Israeli government responsible for these alleged crimes, adding that this is just part of the same mindset that allows Jews to willy-nilly desecrate major Islamic gravesites.

The foundation said "We will not keep silent about such crimes, and we will try with all our effort to address such violations, and to rein in violators of the sanctity of fallen dead in the cemetery."

If the site is so important, why don't they just hire a guard?

Unless, perhaps, the incitement is far more important to them than the sanctity of the site itself.
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Sorry, but I cannot figure out this autotranslated article:
Translating the Arabic words in the headline individually doesn't help much:

The Fleecing
Of constructive
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Sky Sports:
Israel's Shahar Peer continued her remarkable run at the $2m Dubai Championships with a quarter-final victory over Li Na.

Peer was leading 7-5 3-0 against the world number 10 before the Chinese player retired with a lower-back injury.

Peer is the first Israeli to compete in the United Arab Emirates and has caused a huge security concern for officials following the recent Dubai assassination.

The world number 22 has played each of her four games on the outside courts, which provide easier coverage for security officials, and her semi-final clash is also likely to be played away from the 5,000 seat main arena.

"We have to take it day by day," said tournament referee Alan Mills. "The tournament has said that security is paramount. And it is the security and police who dictate what happens.

"So we will have to wait and see. We have already said - if she gets to the final, where are 5,000 people going to sit? It's something that they have obviously got in hand."

Peer will play the winner of the quarter-final between defending champion Venus Williams and Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova.
AFP adds:
Peer extended her career-best sequence to a victory over Li Na, the world number ten from China, who retired while trailing 5-7, 0-3, increasing the possibility that the Israeli will now be scheduled on to the centre court for the first time.

That might afford less protection for Peer than the secluded, tree-lined, limited access outside court on which she has so far played.

And with the political fall-out from last month's Dubai assassination, and the finger being pointed at Israeli agents, the temptation will be not to take this risk.

At the same time, with Venus Williams a favourite to win her quarter-final against Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova in the same half, there will be pressure for new plans to be considered.

About 5,000 people have bought centre court tickets for semi-finals day expecting to see one of the world's leading players - and Williams, the five times former Wimbledon champion, is the only big name left in the tournament.
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Firas Press quotes a women's legal advocacy group as saying that so far this year, 7 women have been murdered in the West Bank with five of them likely to have been killed for reasons of "family honor."

This is interesting, not only because this is a huge increase for the past seven weeks, but also because the Palestinian Arab media I monitor did not mention this many deaths. So far this year I only saw 4 women murdered in the territories; if these numbers are correct it indicates that many murders of women are simply not being reported in the Arab media.

Almost as if it isn't newsworthy.
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Press Agency reports that Egyptian authorities yesterday uncovered a major cacheof explosives in the Sinai desert.

3.5 tons of explosives were found near the Gaza border, already divided up into 79 bags for easy transport through tunnels to Hamas.

The Egyptians opened up an investigation to find who is responsible on the Egyptian side.
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
AFP reports:
Finding a solution to the plight of millions of Palestinian refugees in the Middle East is key to peace in the region, the head of the UN agency for Palestinian refugees said in an interview on Thursday.

"UNRWA has no political role, but it does have the moral role of reminding all parties involved and all governments with a say in the peace process that there will be no peace without a fair solution for refugees in line with UN resolutions," the agency's Commissionner General Filippo Grandi told AFP.

"It is tragic that the international community has not yet found a solution to this problem," Grandi, who was appointed to the post in January, said on a visit to Beirut.

Yet, an Arabic report on his speech adds an interesting point. He said that the resettlement of refugees "is not on the table not a topic of debate. The refugees could stay refugees, but with more rights including the right to work legally" in Lebanon.

In other words, the UNRWA is committed to solving the refugee problem - as long as the Arab states that they have lived in for generations have no responsibility for that permanent solution.

As far as UNRWA not having any political role, Grandi is already on the record as saying
One of my key priorities will be to continue to advocate strongly on behalf of the 1.5 million Gazans, and to do so not only until the end of the blockade and the occupation, but also until a just and lasting solution to the plight of the refugees is achieved.

“Despite some recent economic improvements for some, the lives of most Palestinians in the West Bank continue to be made almost impossible by obstacles, walls, movement limitations and other restrictions, and by the expanding threat of settler violence. For those residing in East Jerusalem, as I do, it is cause for daily anguish to watch the situation deteriorate rapidly under our very eyes, especially the ruthless evictions of Palestinians from their homes. UNRWA will continue to stand with the affected families and all of those in need of our protection and will tirelessly lend our voice to their calls for justice.”
This goes way beyond a purely humanitarian mission - this is an almost purely political statement.

UNRWA's more assertive moves away from humanitarian purposes and more into politics can be seen from a recent conference. During an otherwise predictable speech by UNRWA director Michael Kingsley-Nyinah (at an international meeting on "Israel-Palestinian peace" in the island of Malta - a great excuse for many vacations at taxpayer expense) he said something that might signal UNRWA's new direction:

We call for a process that is inclusive in its representation and comprehensive in its coverage of priority issues, including the question of Palestine refugees. We call attention to the fact that under universal refugee protection principles, informed individual choice is the foundation on which durable solutions for refugees are implemented and redress provided, and we maintain that this principle should equally benefit Palestine refugees. Given the complexities of the Israeli-Palestinian context, informed choice must be the essence of any effort to sift through and clarify the range of varying Palestinian expectations and rights. With these precepts in view, we support the initiation of arrangements to ascertain and record refugee interests and concerns.

Such arrangements should include mechanisms that will project the refugee perspective into the negotiation arena in a manner that protects and promotes their ability to exercise informed choices. We acknowledge that a process inclusive of the refugee constituency would pose significant challenges. Yet we believe that those challenges are surmountable, provided we remain guided by relevant principles and by the benefits of enhanced legitimacy which an inclusive approach will bring to the negotiation process and to its outcomes.

Those benefits should not be underestimated. The refugees of whom we speak constitute a substantial reservoir of human capital across the Middle East, and they stand poised to contribute significantly to the socio-economic viability of the region and of a Palestinian State. Those registered with UNRWA are currently around 4.7 million strong, with an additional four to six million estimated to reside in the Palestinian Diaspora. Given their numbers and human development potential, Palestine refugees are a formidable constituency for peace with a substantial stake in the Israeli-Palestinian future. Excluding the refugee voice disenfranchises the refugee constituency, which means we forego a wealth of insights and risk the credibility and sustainability of the peace process.

Palestine refugees – their human rights, their aspirations and their concerns – are bound to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in complex and profound ways that place them in a position to influence the realization of durable solutions. The Palestine refugee presence is a stark reality, a reality whose significance and power genuine peacemaking efforts can no longer afford to ignore. Recognizing and harnessing the refugee constituency is a necessity that is consistent with principle, and which could also pay handsome dividends to the credibility and efficacy of the search for peace.

For over sixty-years, Palestine refugees have endured the indignities and insecurities of exile in an environment often steeped in instability and conflict. As an international community, we often proclaim our commitment to address their anguish and to resolve their plight, and we profess allegiance to the UN Charter objective of settling disputes by peaceful means “…in conformity with the principles of justice and international law”.

Distinguished colleagues:

If we are serious about these solemn commitments, and truly devoted to the cause of peace, then the least we can do is to give refugee issues prominence in the peace process, and afford Palestine refugees the dignity of being heard.

This means that UNRWA wants to create a quasi-Palestinian Arab political entity that would represent the PalArab "diaspora" during any negotiations with Israel. It is clear that the PA has no interest in helping out the "refugees" in Lebanon or Syria, and no one is advocating for them. UNRWA seems to be saying that a new PalArab "refugee" organization should be created and treated as an entire country in exile for the purposes of pressuring Israel further.

UNRWA seems to have already pre-judged what Palestinian Arabs in the camps want:
The refugees and host communities share an implicit understanding that the sojourn of Palestine refugees is temporary – and that this transient state is unchanged by the lengthy duration of their exile. As a corollary, “refugee consciousness” is strong among Palestinians, including the younger generation. The passing years have left intact a sense of injustice, a demand for acknowledgement and a desire for their travail to be justly resolved. Across the Middle East, Palestine refugees define themselves (and are defined by others) by reference to the historical experience of exile.
The irony is that the same system that Kingsley-Nyinah is advocating - of actually asking Arabs with Palestinian ancestry what they want - could be used to help resettle millions of them in Gulf states or other Arab nations, which could actually use their formidable human capital that he speaks of.

Unfortunately, this solution is not likely what UNRWA is planning to do. UNRWA's decision not to seek and push for permanent resettlement in Arab countries proves that UNRWA has no interest in actually advocating for the human rights of these stateless pawns. Instead, UNRWA is trying to do exactly what Arab states have done since 1948 - use the artificially-created third generation of fake "refugees" for purely political purposes and not try to find a real solution for them as individuals.
  • Thursday, February 18, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
The anti-Hamas Palestine Press Agency is claiming that a Hamas leader was poisoned by other Hamas leaders, and is close to death.

The agency reports that Assif Kahil is in Shifa Hospital in a state of clinical death from poisoning. According to the report, senior Al Qassam Brigades leaders - including Ahmed Al-Jabari and Ahmed Al-Ghandour - visited Kahil's house on Sunday night and then Kahil was rushed to the Shifa Hospital on Monday. Apparently, he was involved in a financial dispute and disagreements over weapons transactions.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

  • Wednesday, February 17, 2010
  • Elder of Ziyon
Back in 2007, there was outrage that Egypt had released a Hamas terrorist wanted by both the PA and Israel. The Jerusalem Post reported then (no longer online, recovered here):
The Egyptian authorities have released a top Hamas operative wanted by the Palestinian Authority and Israel for his involvement in terror attacks over the past few years, PA officials told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday.

The officials expressed outrage over the release of Nahro Massoud - one of the commanders of Hamas's armed wing, Izzadin Kassam - who fled to Egypt more than a year ago. At the request of the PA, Massoud and several other Hamas fugitives were arrested by the Egyptian security forces and held without trial.
At this time, Nahro Massoud is under arrest in Syria for suspicion of helping finger Mahmoud Mabhouh for assassination.

A key security operative of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas was under arrest in Syria tonight on suspicion of having helped an alleged Israeli hit squad identify Mahmoud al-Mabhouh before he was assassinated in Dubai, the Guardian has learned.

Palestinian sources in the Gulf confirmed Nahro Massoud, a Hamas security official, was in detention and under interrogation in Damascus in connection with the 19 January killing, which is now widely assumed to have been mounted by Israel's Mossad secret intelligence service.

Massoud's name first surfaced in the Kuwaiti newspaper al-Siyasah which quoted "a well-informed source" in Dubai as saying he had been with Mabhouh until he was killed, raising questions about his involvement.

"Hamas suspects that he [Massoud] passed on the information that led to ­Mabhouh's killing," a senior ­Palestinian source told Israel's Ma'ariv newspaper.
So did Egypt - or Israel - work on getting Massoud to be a collaborator, and then release him to help with plots like this one?

The story gets better every day.


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