Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
A very revealing article in the Arabic (and not the English) side of the Palestine News Network. (I am doing my own paraphrasiing of the Google auto-translation to make it easier to read):Qalqiliya - Palestinians are acquiring weapons not only to fight the occupation, but also because of the family disputes and clan clashes that have become more prominent, as well as the use of arms by the warring factions. This is resulting in ordinary Palestinian...

Monday, October 30, 2006
Monday, October 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Since I found the Palestine Human Rights Monitoring Group site, which also maintains a list of Palestinian Arabs who were violently killed by each other (or themselves), I am now compiling a list of deaths I had missed in my count since June 25. Here's what I have so far from late June to mid-September.I am comparing these with names listed in PCHR, my sole source of PalArab self-deaths until I discovered other sources. It is possible that a couple...

Monday, October 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Anyone doubting the hypocrisy of the Palestinian Arab "human rights" groups need only to look at the description of (yet another) international conference about PalArabs: PCHR and International Federation for Human Rights, in cooperation with a number of Palestinian, Israeli, Arab and international human rights organizations; civil society organizations; solidarity groups with the Palestinian people; and human rights lawyers, academics and experts,...

Monday, October 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
From the Iranian Radio Broadcast Service:The human right groups have slammed U.S. Vice-President Dick Cheney’s allegations in support of torture.In a recent interview with one of the American TV channels, Cheney approved the worst kind of torture in which the prisoner practically struggles between life and death.From the historic Washington Post archives:CRUCIFIED BY THE ARABSThe Washington Post (1877-1954) - Washington, D.C.Author: Special Cable...

Monday, October 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
I don't want to read too much into an auto-translated word, but an article in the Arabic "Palestine News Network" speaking about the rash of car thefts by Palestinian Arabs against Israelis, refers to the thefts as "resistance."Both the Google and WorldLingo language tools translated it the same way.As we've said before, PalArab leaders look at the conflict as a "zero sum game" while Israelis tend to look for solutions that are win/win. Now, we know...

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Too repulsive to post in full, too funny not to link.A Jew-hating moron named Mark Glenn decides that the Neturei Karta's anti-Zionism is not authentic enough for him - because they still believe in the Talmud:Then ‘the good Rabbi,’ (in typical self-absorbed Jewish fashion) not content with his 45 minutes of fame, decided that the remarks I made about his organization and about the Talmud would not be left out there as the last word, and thus, in...

Sunday, October 29, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
A 43-year old man near Nablus (not named) and 45-year old Sami Mutawe of Khan Younis were killed by more of those mysterious "unidentified gunmen" that seem to proliferate in PalArab areas.A Hamas terrorist died while digging a tunnel to facilitate the murder of Jews.A man was seriously injured from gunhots that were being fired to celebrate a wedding. Notably, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights was quoted in this article but the website itself...

Friday, October 27, 2006
Friday, October 27, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Occasionally I make a quick foray to the Left and get really, really scared.In an article just posted at The Nation, Stephen Glain waxes poetic about the wonderful Muslim Brotherhood: Kemal Helbawy is a founding member of the Muslim Association of Britain and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian-based Islamist movement with chapters throughout the Islamic world, including Hamas in the Palestinian territories. It comprises the largest...

Friday, October 27, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The worst possible thing has happened to the PalArab cause:Jews stepped in and bought ambulance supplies for a Palestinian Arab town in the territories that needed them desperately.Not only that, but they did it when the Palestinian Arab so-called "leadership" told them that they can't help them and need to "find another donor."Not only that, but the Jews who bought the equipment are "ultra-Orthodox."Not only that, but they are ultra-orthodox settlers.Here's...

Friday, October 27, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Some things that caught my eye as I continue to over-use Google's auto-translate seature:WAFA reports that A leader of the first intifada, named Alaa Aldali, was assassinated by another PalArab, I think in Khan Younis. Fatah condemned the killing (Fatah is mistranslated as "open", as apparently it is cognate to the Hebrew "P T KH" root which also means "open.")Al-Quds mentions that another Arab named Ala Swaileh was also shot and killed in Tulkarem...

Thursday, October 26, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Muslims for a Safer America took a survey of American Muslims at an Islamic Society of North America convention in September. While this is not a scientific survey, it is probably a good representation of the thoughts of the more committed Muslims of America who are likely to attend these sorts of conventions.The conclusion one can draw from this survey is that educated, Western Muslims are living in a complete fantasy world, where they are the perpetual...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Daniel McGowan, Professor Emeritus of Economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, just wrote an article at Counterpunch vilifying Elie Wiesel.He also is a supporter of "RighteousJews.org", where a "righteous Jew" is anyone who wants Israel to be replaced with Palestine and who thinks that the idea of a Jewish state is unforgivably racist, while any number of Muslim states are just fine.He is obsessed with Deir Yassin, thinking it is on par with...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
I want to thank those on the Watcher's Council who have nominated articles of mine for the weekly Watcher of Weasels awards. (Presumably, the nominators are AbbaGav and/or Soccer Dad.)This week, I was nominated for "Archaeological Temple Artifacts Drive PalArabs Crazy".Last week, I was nominated for "Very Interesting Arabic Editorial in Falasteen" (which Carl very nicely wrote about.)I was nominated in the past as well, for "Abbas Is Now the 'Political...

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
From the New York Sun:It is disturbing when the entire leadership of one nation, along with hundreds of thousands of its citizens, comes out with celebrations and parades every year that call for the annihilation of another country. It is more twisted that no world leaders or international bodies, including the United Nations, have denounced the activities surrounding Quds Day, an Iranian holiday introduced by Ayatollah Khomeini that is marked on...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Good thing we have Hezbollah experts to clear up these terrible misconceptions. From MEMRI:Following are excerpts from an interview with Hizbullah Deputy Secretary-General Sheik Naim Qassem, which aired on Al-Kawthar TV on October 17, 2006.Interviewer: Do you distinguish between Judaism, as a monotheistic religion, and Zionism, even though many Koranic verses refer to the Jews in a somewhat negative manner? They are depicted as miserly and cowardly,...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The current Christian Science Monitor mentions that one third of the Palestinian Arabs and over half of the younger PalArabs want to emigrate to somewhere else.A growing number of Palestinians are openly saying they'd like to leave the West Bank and Gaza if given the chance, raising concern about the possibility of a Palestinian brain drain. The sentiment, which flouts the long-held Palestinian belief that Israeli occupation can only be resisted...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
In an interview in Der Spiegel, Mahmoud al-Zahar reiterates Hamas' opposition to recognizing Israel. He makes it very clear that he is against Israel's existence and even suggests that Jews all pack up and move to Europe.But notice how UPI synopsizes a portion of the interview:In an interview, Mahmoud al-Zahar acknowledged there were differences within Hamas on the issue of recognizing Israeli sovereignty, "But the big majority supports the resistance"...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
It is worth skimming this long, boring and heavily footnoted article in the far-left "People's Voice" webrag. (It evidently also was propagated to Al-Jazeerah.info.) Written by Curtis Maynard, one of those people whose entire existence seems to depend on vilifying Israel and Jews in articles written for publications that will publish anything, it breaks no new ground, but...

Monday, October 23, 2006
Monday, October 23, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
A well-known Jewish Israel-basher and anti-semite, Gilad Atzmon, has generated some controversy by playing jazz saxophone at a club in England.Thinking himself hilarious, and perhaps showing some Borat envy, he created a fictional character named Artie Fishel who is his caricature of everything wrong about Jews. Artie believes that jazz was created by Jews and anyone who denies it is an anti-semite:Artie: What do you mean? Are you a Jazz denier?...

Monday, October 23, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
This morning, 7 Palestinian Arabs were killed and more injured in Beit Hanoun. The same story is covered in wildly different ways by different media.Reading the PalArab news in Arabic, as usual, one thinks that the IDF just came to Beit Hanoun for no reason and started firing indiscriminately.The PalArab English news admits that Israel may have been targeting some terrorists from the PRC.Haaretz quotes PalArab residents who claim that the IDF opened...

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
WAFA is the "Palestinian" news agency, and, like the "Palestine News Network," its webpage is available in English, Hebrew, French and Arabic.And, just like with PNN, they actively censor any news in English that makes Palestinian Arabs look bad.Today's example: The English webpage has articles about Israeli harassment of PalArabs at checkpoints, a story talking about how the Rachel Corrie play is a smash hit, and a story from ISM about a PalArab...

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The "Palestine News Network" publishes editions in English, French, Arabic and Hebrew. Interestingly, the article selection is different in different languages.For example, the Arabic site mentions a wave of car thefts in Bethlehem. The English site does not (nor does the Hebrew.)The Arabic site mentions the murder of a Fatah terrorist by "unknown masked men" and the violent reaction by Fatah against Hamas, torching cars and shooting at houses....

Sunday, October 22, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
archaeology, Temple Mount
A few years ago, in a major crime against history, religion and archaeology, the Waqf in Jerusalem excavated and trashed tons of material from the most valuable archaeological site on the planet, the Temple Mount. It was a clear attempt to erase any shred of Jewish history from the area so the Muslims can continue to lie about the supposed ancient mosques that they claim were there, a story that gets mosre insane with each passing year.Since then,...

Friday, October 20, 2006
Friday, October 20, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
Omri notes the bias at the LA Times in reporting on Hezbollah firing cluster bombs all over northern Israel.LAT was only slightly worse than most news outlets, and even the HRW report itself compares Hezbollah cluster munitions with Israel's:“We are disturbed to discover that not only Israel but also Hezbollah used cluster munitions in their recent conflict, at a time when...

Friday, October 20, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
After scouring the Internet, here is every picture of Jerusalem that I could find from Islamic sources before the 20th century:And here are a very tiny number of the pictures of Jerusalem done in Jewish art:Wall painting by Eliezer Zusman Katz in the synagogue of Unterlimberg, Germany, 1739 (extant)Wall painting in the Nicolina Synagogue, Jasi, Romania. The building was destroyed...

Friday, October 20, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The problem with the prevalent Western liberal attitude is that it cannot accept the existence of a fundamentally irrational player on the world scene. If one believes that all problems can be solved through negotiations, as the EU, UN and American Left do, then one must also believe that the other side is always rational and has the roughly same value system that you do.So the head-in-the-sand crowd will always insist that if only we keep talking...

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
I just saw this posting at DovBear: Last night, former AG John Asshcroft implied to the Daily Show's audience that their host Jon Stewart, a great American, would not go to heaven. Here's how it went down (paraphrased): Stewart: Let's make a bet. If the Cardinals win tonight, I'll give you a TDS tee-shirt. If the Met's win, I go to heaven. Asshcroft: Well, my father was a preacher and he used to say he was in sales, not management......

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Al-Quds newspaper reports on the three PalArabs killed in the past two days, along with kidnappings, shootings and various other mayhem. (I had already mentioned one of them in a previous post.)It describes the events as "unfortunate."Anyway, as best as I can piece together from the news report and from headlines at PCHR that link to nonexistent articles, it seems that yesterday:In one "regrettable" incident, a man named Nabahin was killed as he...

Thursday, October 19, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
In celebration of the Ayatollah Khomeini's 1979 declaration of this Friday as Qods (Jerusalem) Day, here is an article from 1910 when early Zionism was in full bloom about how ruthless and bloodthirsty the Jews were as they reclaimed their land.Can you imagine how awful life must have been for the Arabs there? Their economy went from practically nothing to a strong agricultural...

Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
This Friday is Qods Day, when Muslims pretend to care about Jerusalem. It was instituted by the late Ayatollah Khomeini.Iran's "Religious Weblogs Office" wants all blogs to commemorate this day, so who am I to disagree?Let's talk about how important Jerusalem was to the Arabs in the nineteen years the Old City was under Arab rule, from 1948-1967:Did Jordan, which annexed the West Bank and Jerusalem in 1950, move its capital to Jerusalem? Ummmm...no.Jewish...

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