Wednesday, December 31, 2014

  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last night I went to a Harlem Globetrotters game. It was enjoyable, although they did not seem to be quite as skilled as the Globetrotters I had seen on TV decades ago when they had Curly Neal and Meadowlark Lemon. There was some excellent passing and alley-oops, but not too much of the trick shots or dazzling dribbling that I recall seeing as a kid. But I also watched...
From Ian: CAMERA's Top Ten MidEast Media Mangles for 2014 1. Hate-Indoctrination and Incitement Ignored No issue was more glaringly and indefensibly neglected by most of the media than theoften grotesque demonizing of Israel and the Jewish peopleby the Palestinians and the wider Muslim/Arab world. Instead of reporting the hate-indoctrination prominently and continuously for what it is -- a central driving force for violence and fundamental threat...
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
This was on Fatah's Facebook page today: The text is "We remain on your skulls." I am told that the first word, "baqiya," is often associated with ISIS. This reminds me of a political cartoon published in Syria during the Six Day War, entitled "The Barricades of Tel Aviv:" I've seen some people argue that the Fateh Facebook page isn't "official." I have no way of...
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.  Check out their Facebook page. And congratulate them on making the big time! Brussels, December 31 - Officials at the European Commission have approved a grant to underwrite the design and manufacture of a better-insulated echo chamber for politicians, activists, and academics who...
From Ian: UN Security Council rejects unilateral Palestinian statehood bid The resolution needed nine votes in favor (out of 15) to pass. It fell one vote short, obtaining eight votes in favor (Russia, China, France, Jordan, Chad, Luxembourg, Argentina and Chile), two against (the United States and Australia), and five abstentions (Britain, Rwanda, Nigeria, Lithuania and South Korea). However, even if the resolution had passed, the U.S. would have...
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
We're reported on Sheik Yassin Al-'Ajlouni, the Jordanian preacher who ruled that Jews should have a place of prayer on the Temple Mount - and then retracted the ruling when he was heavily criticized. Silly Yassin, thinking that he could get out of trouble by merely repenting for his horrible idea that Jews have a right to worship on their holiest spot. Sheikh Al-'Ajlouni...
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egyptian courts may have decided this week that they don't want Jews to visit the gravesite of Yaakov Abuhatzeira, making up ludicrous excuses to bar Jews from the country, but not all Arab countries are following suit. There are a series of pilgrimages to the gravesites of famous rabbis in Morocco throughout the year. One of them is happening around now, as Jews of Moroccan...
  • Wednesday, December 31, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The Telegraph: HarperCollins, one of the world's largest publishing houses, sells English-language atlases to schools in the Middle East that omit Israel. Collins Middle East Atlases show Jordan and Syria extending to the Mediterranean but do mark the position of the West Bank. “The publication of this atlas will confirm Israel’s belief that there exists a hostility...

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

From Ian: PA official news and Fatah: Synagogue killers glorified as Islamic Martyrs Posting a picture of the graves of the two terrorists who murdered 5 Israelis in a synagogue in West Jerusalem last month, Abbas’ Fatah movement glorified them with the supreme Islamic status of Shahids - “Martyrs... who ascended [to heaven]”: “This is the place of eternal rest of Martyrs (Shahids) Ghassan and Uday Abu Jamal of Jabel Mukaber [neighborhood] in...
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Palestine Today reports that while some 350 truckfuls of goods were scheduled to be imported into Gaza from Israel today, there is no fuel being pumped for the Gaza power plant, for the third day in a row. This is not because of any Israeli limitations on fuel. Gasoline and cooking gas are being pumped today. It is all a question of whether there are any buyers in Gaza...
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Did you hear the news? Hamas is turning moderate! Hamas is reviewing its strategy with the changing times. It is conducting an internal debate, with proposals which have had to be officially refuted. One such proposal was for direct negotiations with the Israelis, currently forbidden by the movement’s constitution. A statement was issued saying direct negotiations with Israel is not the movement’s policy and is not on the table for discussion....
From Ian: Mahmoud Abbas is again insisting on failure What could explain such maneuvering? Some diplomats suspect Mr. Abbas wants his maximalist resolution to be voted down — just as previous Palestinian attempts failed to obtain the necessary eight of 15 votes. By not forcing the United States into a veto, the Palestinian leader could preserve his lines of communication with Washington while obtaining a pretext to move on to his next pointless...
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Gulf News: Foreigners who practice the Jewish faith are allowed to work in Saudi Arabia, a labour ministry source said. “The ministry does not mind issuing employment visas to Jews as it deals with nationalities, and not with religions,” the source said, quoted by local daily Al Watan on Tuesday. “Saudi Arabia does not oppose dealing with any religion and this is...
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
Here is a scan of a page from the New York Times Magazine this past weekend, using a Gaza child named Tala Akram al-Atawi ,who was killed over the summer, to symbolize all children killed in war: From looking at this page, one would get the impression that except for South Sudan, more children were killed in Gaza than in any other conflict this year, and that over 20%...
  • Tuesday, December 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Saudi anchor From Arab News: The Shoura Council is expected to discuss amendments to the audiovisual law on Tuesday that would impose a mandatory dress code for TV presenters on Saudi-funded private channels, including an abaya and scarf for women news readers and anchors. Noura Al-Odwan, a woman member of the Shoura, has reportedly convinced the culture and media affairs...

Monday, December 29, 2014

From Ian: Wiesenthal Center top 10 list: Worst global anti-Semitic/anti-Israel incidents of 2014 The Simon Wiesenthal Center has ranked the 10 worst outbreaks of anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism in 2014. Rabbi Marvin Hier, founder and dean of the human rights organization, told The Jerusalem Post on Sunday that this year’s list seeks to show how anti-Semitic “rhetoric at the top has filtered down to average people.” Hier said the center deliberately...
  • Monday, December 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The ever hilarious PressTV reports:(video story begins about 1:00) Saudi Arabia and Western governments have for decades remained silent on the occupation of Saudi islands by Israel, Press TV reports. Tiran and Sanafir islands, with respective areas of 80 and 33 sq kilometers, are located at the entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba, east of the Saudi territory. They belonged to Saudi Arabia until 1967 when King Faisal gave control of the islands to...
  • Monday, December 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent: The Alexandria Administrative Court has banned the celebration of the Abu Hasira [Abuhatzeira]  festival saying it violates public orders. “The Jews have not had any particular impact on the Egyptian civilization. They did not contribute to the human knowledge of history of the civilization,” the court said. According to the verdict, the court...
From Ian: Khaled Abu Toameh: What the Palestinian Authority Did Not Tell the UN Security Council Last week, Jordan submitted to the Security Council a Palestinian-drafted resolution calling for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories by the end of 2017 and a peace deal within a year. But what the Palestinians did not tell the Security Council is that the state they seek to establish is one that does not respect public freedoms,...
  • Monday, December 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gisha is an Israel-based NGO that calls itself the "legal center for freedom of movement" concentrating on the rights of Gazans and goods to go in and out of Gaza. While it has a website, a blog and a Twitter account, somehow it missed this widely reported story: A group of 37 orphans from Gaza Strip were prevented from crossing into Israel Sunday after Hamas backtracked...


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