Sunday, April 30, 2006
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The Hashmonean has just published the latest Haveil Havalim, featuring the best of the Jewish and Israel-related blogs for the past week. It is a relatively new blog and worth looking at.As usual, it is an excellent collection, including articles about Yom HaShoah. I am honored that one of my postings was chosen (even before I was asked to nominate it myself!)Check it ou...

Sunday, April 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs expelled from their homes. Expulsions, summary executions of civilians by the brutal soldiers, horrendous torture, and mass detentions under the cover of war. None of them able to return to the homes they lived in all their lives.
This is not Israel in 1948, but Kuwait in 1992.
350,000 Palestinian Arabs were driven from their homes in Kuwait - and no one talks about it.
By almost any measure, Arabs have...

Sunday, April 30, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The Arab media has been mentioning a number of times that Hamas now has a "truce" with Israel, since at least February 2005. For example, the WRMEA quotes the editor of Lebanon's Daily Star:Describing Hamas as a grandchild of Sharon and Israel’s policies, Khouri reminded the audience that Hamas nevertheless has kept a year-long truce with Israel.An American editorialist at Al-Jazeerah.info goes one better:Israel has violated the truce that the so-called...

Friday, April 28, 2006
Friday, April 28, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Over the past week, a number of Iranian leaders said curiously similar statements:Ahmadenijad: "Iran is the sole country whose nuclear activities are completely transparent. We are ready to hold talks to prove there has been no diversion in our peaceful nuclear activities," he added.Chairman of Expediency Council Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani: "Since the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iran has adopted transparency on nuclear program and met all requirements...

Friday, April 28, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
(Ahmadinejad) said Iran is the center of peace and tranquility, stressing, "We call for peace and tranquility for all states. We have not attacked any country and are not regarded as a threat to the world. The Iranian nation is independent." He stated that all Iranians are duty-bound to take steps towards development of Iran, adding, "Iran should become the most advanced and powerful country in the world." And thanks to an Arab newspaper in London,...

Friday, April 28, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
H/T: OpinionJournal's Best of the Web TodaySeveral people have been hurt in Gaza City in clashes between rival groups of students supporting ruling Palestinian party Hamas or their opponents, Fatah. The two sides fought around their campuses, throwing stones and homemade explosives and exchanging gunfire. At least 15 people were wounded in the fighting in Gaza City, which involved students from two of the city's universities. Al-Azhar University...

Thursday, April 27, 2006
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
A few days ago, Yediot Aharonot reported that a group of Israeli geological experts visited Iran to give technical advice and had been greeted warmly:In recent weeks the Muslim republic has been enjoying the skills of Israeli experts recruited to help with rehabilitating the country after recent earthquakes have caused massive damages and devastation. Three Israeli infrastructure consultants who returned to Israel at the end of the week from a secret...

Thursday, April 27, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
Every day, it seems, some Palestinian Arab terror organization holds a "news conference." Since Gaza and the West Bank have the ratios of reporters to citizens, invariably Reuters and AP and AFP show up and take pictures. Rarely are the subjects of these "press conferences" revealed in any reporting, or even the names of the speakers. It appears to be just another strange...

Thursday, April 27, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
From an old Ha'aretz article (no longer there, this is from the Google cache:)"From 1937, Swedes wanting to marry Germans of so-called Aryan blood had to give assurance that none of their grandparents belonged to the Jewish race," reads a study on Sweden's church by Anders Jarlert of Lund University.Newspapers gagged criticism of Hitler, of the occupation of Norway or the murder of millions of Jews in concentration camps, while cultural links between...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
I just read a bizarre article from looney left cartoonist Ted Rall, pretty much praising Hamas and ranting against the West, saying Israel should give Hamas lots of money and that Hamas has proven its peaceful intentions, plus some moonbat ravings at neocons for good measure. In his worldview, there is nothing good about the West and nothing bad about radical Islam. For example:The Bushies might have lost Afghanistan and Iraq, but they got exactly...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
I'm not sure which is more disturbing - the fact that Fatah students like to imitate Nazi salutes, or the fact that the AP caption is so clueless?Palestinian supporters of the Fatah movement wave their hands as they shout slogans during a campaign rally for the students' council elections at the Open Jerusalem university in the West Bank city of Hebron Wednesday April 26,...

Wednesday, April 26, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The latest quote from our favorite moderate Holocaust denier as he travels throughout Europe:"It is important for me to clarify that the Palestinian legislative elections, which brought Hamas to power, is not an obstacle in front of negotiations. "I think Israel should counter-offer that they would be happy to negotiate with his prime minister's soccer ball,as that would increase...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
When Israel left Southern Lebanon, terror increased in Southern Lebanon.When Israel left Gaza, terror increased in Gaza.When Israel turned day-to-day security for the West Bank to Arabs, terror increased in the West Bank.And now we see annual major terror attacks in the Sinai. Al Qaeda is apprently happily ensconsed in what was once Israeli-controlled land.People say that terror is a result of "occupation", but, objectively speaking, there is a much...

Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
In most civilized societies, delusions get you medicated or committed.In Egypt, they get you positions of power. The editor of the Egyptian newspaper Al-Osbua, Mustafa Bekhari, blamed Israel for the series of bombing attacks in Dahab Monday night, which killed 24 people. “There is no doubt a link between yesterday’s blasts and the earlier bomb attacks in Egypt, and we should point an accusing finger at Israel,” Bekhari said during an interview...

Monday, April 24, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
Retired General Salah al-Din Salim, an Egyptian researcher at the Strategic Studies Institute in Cairo, said that it could not be ruled out that the Israeli Mossad was involved in the terror attack in Dahab.'The Mossad's ability to penetrate the Bedouins in Sinai is known,' Salim said in an interview with al-Jazeera.I suppose he can't rule out Martians, Quakers and three separate two-year-olds who spontaneously combusted simultaneously.I wonder if...

Monday, April 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
media bias, NYT
In 1943, a three-column article on Page 1 of the Palestine Post described how the the Inter-Allied Information Committee described the genocide of the Jews of Europe then in progress, along with Nazi atrocities against all of its occupied areas. Here is an excerpt:
This committee was set up by a number of Allied nations, and the report was distributed by the United Press,...

Monday, April 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
One of the best articles I've seen analyzing the new anti-semitism.The Hate Israel IntelligentsiaKeeping Jews in their place…[by Bruce S. Thornton] 4/24/06As if there isn’t enough evidence of the ideological corruption of America’s universities, along come Chicago’s John Mearsheimer and Harvard’s Stephen Walt, arguing that the “Israel lobby” dominates American foreign ...

Monday, April 24, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
As much as liberal wishful-thinkers and Jew-haters who pretend to only be anti-Zionist try to ignore them, the facts keep showing that the war against Palestinian terror is the same as the war against worldwide Islamic terror. Just yesterday:News First Class (Hebrew) reports that: Hamas political bureau chief Khaled Mashaal confirmed that the Palestinian Authority under Hamas rule has become a hothouse for the growth, development, and encouragement...

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The Axis of Evil, from the Iranian perspective:TEHRAN: An international Zionist conspiracy, an American bid to enact regime change in Iran and extra-marital sex — these are the main dangers facing the Islamic republic today. Or so says a close aide to Ayatollah Mohammad Taghi Mesbah-Yazdi, a powerful cleric seen as the ideological and spiritual godfather of Iran’s hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. “The most important challenges for the regime...

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
I'm not sure what to make of this guy...Armed Fatah militants of the Al Aqsa Martyrs' Brigades, a group linked to the Fatah Movement, are seen at the municipal building of the West Bank city of Nablus, Sunday, April 23, 2006. Dozens of Palestinian gunmen loyal to President Mahmoud Abbas stormed the Nablus municipal building Sunday and gave the mayor, who is from the rival...

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
I've mentioned before that Google News indexes some questionable "news" sources, but it appears that they have outdone themselves - they now index an Arab joke site, sort of like The Onion without the humor, called Kabobfest. Here is a typical article with some hilarious Arab Holocaust jokes.Kabobfest is nothing more than a Blogger site with a bunch of contributors. Many of its stories are just made up, yet Google has no problem treating it the same...

Sunday, April 23, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
The Dallas Morning News has a not-so-terrible article about a couple from Fort Worth who are now "settlers". But the article repeats the myth that the Palestinian Arabs have some of the world's highest birthrates.Forgetting the fact that a very convincing study was done showing that the Palestinian Arab population growth rates are a myth, let's use even the discredited assumptions and compare the Palestinian Arab birthrate numbers to others throughout...

Saturday, April 22, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Elder of Ziyon
This article is a week old but I hadn't noticed it until it was copied at a Palestinian Arab site.Most of the article talks about the terrible conditions that people in Gaza are living under (funny, before the financial crisis the articles also talked about their terrible conditions.) But here and there is revealed the author's biases:Karni is officially closed because the Israeli army has declared a security alert for the Jewish Passover holiday....

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