Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's Misrelgdida ("New Egypt") newspaper features not one but two articles on Tuesday that promote the libel that Jews drink Christian - and Muslim - blood on Passover.
The first one is written by a Palestinian Arab, Mennat al-Sayed. He gives a "history" of Passover blood rituals that, he claims, continues, at least in some form, to this day against Arabs.
In the past, al-Sayed says , Christian neighbors of Jews were scared of the holiday...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
From Ian:
New Research Sheds Light on Nazi Influence in Arab World
The Mufti was the most prominent Arab figure to support the Nazis, but he was not alone. “My research tracks the effort by the Germans, Italians, and Japanese to spread their propaganda and influence in Palestine and various Arab countries,” said Dr. Cohen, who was born and raised in Beirut and immigrated to Israel in 1995. “They worked hard at it and, to a significant extent, they...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
Select results from a new Pew survey of Muslims worldwide show that Palestinian Muslims are among the most religiously conservative and intolerant of all Muslim-majority countries.
Many of the questions showed that Palestinian Muslims rated behind only Afghanistan, Iraq and sometimes a handful of others in their levels of fanaticism.
Here are some of the survey questions with how Palestinian Muslims answered:
Please tell me if you completely...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
When Israel haters need to find an easy "proof" that Jews and Zionists are racists, they go to Facebook or YouTube or any other uncensored comment forum and find some convenient anti-Arab or anti-Muslim bigot to quote. It is a lazy way to pretend to make a point, because every group has some idiots so the existence of idiots is used to generalize about the entire group. They ignore the denunciations of the bigots on those same forums, because that...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
From Ian:
Netanyahu the ‘Churchill of Our Times’ for Iranian Threat, Israeli Strategic Affairs Minister Says
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s warnings on the Iranian nuclear threat make him the “Churchill of our times,” said Steinitz, who recalled that many world leaders ignored British Prime Minister Winston Churchill’s warnings about German rearmament prior to World War II. Steinitz said Israel’s situation now is similar in important...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
The best and the brightest of Jordan:
Four people died and over 30 were injured on Monday in clashes that erupted between students at Al Hussein Bin Talal University in the southern governorate of Ma'an.
Police and anti-riot gendarmerie forces intervened to restore order in the university campus, vacating the campus from all students and employees.
In details of the incident, an "open day" to celebrate the anniversary of the University's founding...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon

I love it when posts write themselves:
An Iranian regime official and a website close to the regime have recently accused the Jews of engaging in sorcery and of employing it against Iran.
Mehdi Taeb, Official Close to Khamenei: 'So Far, [The Jews] Have Not Used The Full [Scope Of] Their Sorcery Against Us'
Speaking on April 20, 2013 to students at a religious seminary...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
I noted last week that Sheikh Yusuf Qaradawi, influential Muslim preacher and terror supporter, refused to attend the 10th annual Doha Conference for Interfaith Dialogue" because he did not want to share the stage with Jews, who he blames for "usurping Palestine."
So who is the Jew who he snubbed?
Apparently, the only Jew to attend this conference - and he has attended it for years - is Reuven Firestone, a left wing reform rabbi, professor of...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Elder of Ziyon

From YNet:
A 31-year-old Israeli man was murdered by a Palestinian terrorist Tuesday morning at a bus stop at the Tapuach Junction in the northern West Bank. The victim was identified as Evyatar Borovsky, a father of five from the settlement of Yitzhar.
Shai Sub-District Police said the terrorist apparently stabbed the Israeli and then snatched his gun. The terrorist proceeded...

Monday, April 29, 2013

On Monday, at Sotheby's, the first part of a highly anticipated auction of Judaica - the Steinhardt Judaica Collection - was held.
While there are exquisite pieces of all types, including a beautiful illustrated Mishneh Torah worth millions of dollars, today's auction included an unanticipated bidding war over a 19th century tablecloth.
The estimated price for this...

Monday, April 29, 2013
From Ian:
Boston bombers and 'liberal' cringe
Obviously, neither the Jews nor the American far right were responsible for the Boston marathon bombings, as some Middle-Eastern media outlets have hilariously claimed. In the West, blaming the Jews can be a sign of paranoia, but coming from the Middle-East, it’s usually a cynical tactic to appeal to those same Western paranoid types.
Judging by some British reporting of the Boston terrorist attack,...

Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon

This past weekend Jews from throughout the world descended to Djerba, Tunisia for an annual pilgrimage festival to the ancient El Ghriba synagogue there.
Tunisian authorities pulled out all the stops to ensure that the event would not be marred by violence or terror
attacks. Tourism is an important part of the Tunisian economy, and tourists are skittish about visiting in...

Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
For the past nine days, on Ha'aretz' Facebook page, you can see comments like:
I recall 100 million Christians being killed last century by Jewish Bolshiveks
Maybe you also forgot about the Armenian Holocaust in 1915? The event the coined the term "genocide" The 1.5 million who were slaughtered by the "Young Turks" who in fact were all Crypto-Donmeh Jews.
Heil Hitler, I wish he was still around! At least Israel would have not existed.

Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon

I noticed today that Avi Issacharoff, one of Ha'aretz' few remaining good reporters, now writes for Times of Israel.
Curious as to when his last article for Ha'aretz was, I looked at Google News and found this:
But clicking on the link one finds that Issacharoff's name has been scrubbed from the article!
Classy! Far from acting like the "New York Times of Israel,"...

Monday, April 29, 2013
From Ian:
UN Watch: Victory: UN Reverses Course, Condemns Richard Falk
Falk defenders lash out: “UN Watch crafted the smoking gun, better watch itself”
Falk’s defenders, outraged at UN Watch, have now begun to rally, lashing out against us in lengthy manifestos. “UN Watch crafts the smoking gun,” screams a headline on Mondoweiss, a leading anti-Israel website. “UN Watch Better Watch Itself,” warns the headline of an essay by Jeremy Hammond, the publisher...

Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
Al Arabiya in English reports:
The Syrian government ordered the use chemical weapons against the Free Syrian Army (FSA) during select battles with Syrian regime forces, a defected general told Al Arabiya late Saturday.
A former army general from the chemical weapons branch, Zahir al-Sakit, said he was instructed to use chemical weapons during a regime battle with the FSA in the southwestern area of Hauran.
But instead, Sakit disobeyed the orders...

Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
Hamas and Fatah are still trying to negotiate a framework for negotiating a way for them to have meetings that are meant to lead to more talks to give gullible observers the pretense that they are interested in unification.
The latest is that some mid-level members of Hamas and Fatah will meet in Cairo to discuss the composition of an interim government even though they disagree on whether or when actual elections should take place after the supposed...

Monday, April 29, 2013
Elder of Ziyon

Israel's business site Calcalist reports that Prince Khalifa Al-Thani, the a member of the royal family of Qatar, is expected to visit Israel this November. This would be the first official visit of the Qatari royal family to Israel, and is meant to promote high-tech cooperation between Qatar and Israel.
Al-Thani will visit Israel to launch the Israel-Palestine Commercial...

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
From Now Lebanon:
Rich Gulf nationals go to Hawamidiyya, especially during the summer, to contract marriages for a definite period of time in return for a meager amount of money, some of which goes to the broker. The rest goes to the family of a young woman, often a virgin under 18 years of age, so that a rich man about the same age as her father can have sex with her while on vacation in Egypt.
During the years before the 2011 revolution, women’s...

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
The world is up in arms over Jews moving to "East Jerusalem," with countless articles about this "illegal" settlement of Jews in Israel's capital city.
But there is a curious silence about Arabs who have been streaming into Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem. Not Arab citizens of Israel, but Arabs from across the Green Line who refuse citizenship but are still moving into the "Jewish" part of the city.
Israel's Channel 10 counts 2,537 Jews who moved...

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Elder of Ziyon

As mentioned in Friday's linkdump, a hotel in Scotland canceled a Friday night party sponsored by two Jewish college organizations at St. Andrews after receiving threats from Israel haters upset that two of the charities that stood to benefit from the ball were Friends of the IDF and the JNF.
I had received word on Friday that the event would go on, but I was asked not to...

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Elder of Ziyon
Al Ahram reports:
Dozens of Palestinians refugees fleeing violence in Syria protested at the Palestinian embassy in Cairo, demanding better treatment from Palestinian and Egyptian authorities.
Gathering under a banner reading “don’t kill us twice,” Palestinian refugees began their open ended sit-in before the Palestinian embassy in Egypt on Tuesday morning, demanding to be recognised as refugees by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees...

Sunday, April 28, 2013
From Ian:
Obama understands that Abbas doesn't want peace deal
"U.S. President Barack Obama understands today that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is not interested in reaching an agreement with Israel," a senior Israeli diplomatic source has said.
According to the official, a regular participant in policy-making, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is willing to make significant progress toward a peace deal, but "everybody knows" that...

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