Thursday, May 31, 2012

  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Yemen has been at war with al-Qaeda in recent months, and on May 21 a suicide bomber killed 96. A featured article in Yemencom describes how sick the people are of Islamist terror: During the past few months many Yemeni cities, particularly Aden and Sanaa, have seen terrorist bombings carried out by suicide bombers that booby-trapped their bodies, in an assembly line for the production of the culture of death...they carry out suicide bombings...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
This looks great: From an interview with the filmmaker, Ami Horowitz: Many conservatives in the United States are critical of the U.N. because they believe it threatens U.S. national sovereignty. Many progressives would be livid at some of the corruption you expose in your film. Which of these two broad groups (and I realize we’re dealing with generalizations and labels here) would you say U.N. Me has resonated with the most? Do you think this...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Variety: Followers of global politics will be surprised to learn that Bernard-Henri Levy is responsible for the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi, but that's the story Levy tells in "The Oath of Tobruk," co-helmed with Marc Roussel. Levy is France's media star philosopher, a peculiarly Gallic creation whose immaculate tailoring and savvy self-promotion make him the darling of celeb rags and higher institutions. With "Tobruk," he's finally been subsumed...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you go to Amazon, you can see pre-publication information for this book: The synopsis from the publisher, the University of Texas Press, says: Memory of a Promise Short Stories by Middle Eastern Women By Annes McCann-Baker What is life like for women in the Middle East? As the region continues to make headlines, more and more people in the West have begun...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya: Any crisis caused by a military intervention in Syria would engulf Israel, Iranian Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani warned Wednesday, the Tehran Times reported on Thursday. Larijani made the remarks in reference to calls by certain U.S. officials for a military campaign against Syria to put an end to Syrian regime’s 14-month assault on its opposition. “U.S. military officials probably have a poor understanding of themselves and...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From AP: Israel on Thursday handed over the remains of 91 Palestinian militants, including suicide bombers, to the West Bank government in an effort to induce President Mahmoud Abbas to renew peace talks. All 91 were killed over the past decades while carrying out suicide bombings or other attacks on Israeli targets, Palestinian officials said. At least one of the attacks...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From ISIS: Satellite imagery obtained by ISIS shows what appears to be further sanitization activity at the site in the Parchin military complex where Iran is suspected to have conducted high explosive tests pertinent to the development of nuclear weapons. DigitalGlobe satellite imagery from May 25, 2012 shows that two small buildings at the same site as the suspected testing...
  • Thursday, May 31, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Gulf News: Mohammad Abu Samra, the youngest known school principal in the history of Palestinian Territories, paid a huge price for dancing and allowing his pupils to dance with Israelis on the Jafa beach. The 33-year-old Mohammad Abu Samra, principal of Al Salam Secondary School in the city of Qalqiliya, north of West Bank, was transferred after he organised a picnic...

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
On Tuesday night, Arabs threw a Molotov cocktail through the window of a Jewish-owned house in Jerusalem and it ignited, torching the room and heavily damaging the house. This was the culmination of two weeks of incessant harassment of the Jewish residents - where they broke many windows of both houses and cars that belong to Jews in the neighborhood. But unlike the...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
And so it goes.... A radio host has been hospitalized after being cut 15 times by an unidentified criminal. Two weeks ago the journalist ventured to criticize the founder of Islam, the Prophet Mohammed, on air. Sergey Aslanyan, 46, was brought to Moscow’s hospital with numerous non-penetrating knife wounds to the chest, neck and arm. According to the police report, on...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Israel21C: Be still your beating hearts: Making medical history, scientists from Israel have been able to transform human stem cells from older diseased patients into brand-new, healthy, beating heart tissue. This could mean that heart disease might someday be repaired by using cells from a person’s own body, eliminating the need for risky surgical implants and transplants. Using...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
EoZ fan Ruchie emailed me that she was at an Arab business conference in Nazareth, and one of the promotional items being given away was this mug from the "Bank of Palestine:" Of course, the map includes all of Israel, without any fear of controversy. Making it really hard to argue that the goal of Palestinian Arabs is not to wipe out Israel. No doubt if you ask them...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
I'm having problems blogging on the train as my mobile provider wants to charge for using my phone as a hot-spot (or even tethering,) so I'm a little behind on blogging. And since Donald Trump is in the news again, and I happened to pass by one of his buildings that I hadn't noticed had an interesting geometric pattern as well as a nice use of trees, I figured it is as good...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Iran's PressTV, by one of their reliable Western sycophants Peter Eyre: As we have seen so many times before the BBC has shown a distinct lean towards Israel or in this case a clear distortion of facts when it released a picture of the recent Houla massacre in Syria. Take a close look at their front page photograph and then compare it with the photograph taken by...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Melanie Phillips: Zionism is no more nor less than the self-determination of the Jewish people -- as a people, and not just as adherents of the Jewish religion. Jews are in fact the only people – as a people -- for whom Israel (ancient Judea and Samaria) was ever their national homeland. Those who deny Zionism thus deny Jewish peoplehood and the fundamental right of Jews to live as a people in their own ancestral homeland, Israel. Unique in...
  • Wednesday, May 30, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
I noted last week that the EU and Amnesty International regard Bassem Tamimi as a "prisoner of conscience" and a "human rights defender" even though he was convicted of encouraging kids to throw stones at Israeli soldiers. I mentioned that an Amnesty official visited the Tamimi family and reported, without a shred of verification, that the family's "curtains [are] burned from tear gas shot by the Israeli army into the house." I emailed the IDF,...

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Here's a story about racism that was published three days ago, but that was ignored in the major leftist websites. Wonder why? From The Economist: THE multilingual, fashion-conscious residents of Beirut, Lebanon’s capital, fancy their city to be cosmopolitan. But not everyone is welcome. Black people and foreigners from Asia and elsewhere in the third world who make up the bulk of migrant workers are often turned away from the city’s smarter venues....
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Egypt Independent: An Egyptian court on Tuesday upheld a three year sentence against a 16-year-old Christian student for posting a drawing on his Facebook page that mocked Islam and the Prophet Mohamed. The Assiut Court of Appeals said that it has found Gamal Abdu Massoud guilty of defaming religion, state-run news service MENA reported on Tuesday. Massoud published...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From the JC: An interior design company has had to "re-draw" a wall world map which omitted Israel for being "too small." Customer Joanna Koenigsberg, of Sidcup, planned to decorate walls in her new home with panels in different designs from online company Binary Box. But two of the company's map designs, one labelled with country names and one covered in different flags...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas newspaper Palestine Times reveals the Mossad's latest plan on recruiting informants: placing ads for fake jobs in Palestinian Arab media. According to the article, Israel is placing ads for bogus jobs with attractive salaries attractive and good benefits, just to gather job applications and resumes. The applications ask for name, address, skills, achievements and personal qualities, e-mail addresses and phone number, all of which are valuable...
The latest rumor started by the Al Aqsa Heritage Foundation is that Israelis who visited the Temple Mount yesterday unfurled a huge Israeli flag. This one reached AFP: Soldiers on Monday violated the status quo on the esplanade of the mosques in east Jerusalem by raising Israel’s flag, the head of the Islamic Waqf organization that oversees the compound charged. “More than...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Richard Millett does a great job reviewing the Habima Theater's production of The Merchant of Venice last night in London. Two points he makes are worth noting here: There was also a pen for Palestine Solidarity Campaign activists. One PSC man had donned a mask with a big nose, but swore it wasn’t an anti-Semitic gesture. I asked some of the PSC lot whether they saw...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From COGAT: From May 21 to 23rd, twenty-four Palestinian officials, mostly agricultural engineers, attended a three-day seminar on agricultural technologies, plant protection, and fertilisers in Netanya. The lectures were delivered by Israeli experts, professors and officials from the Israeli Ministry of Agriculture. “This workshop is intended to provide information about technologies that we use in Israel to protect and improve crops in open-fields...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Raymond Ibrahim at Gatestone Institute: Saudi Arabians are angry at a McDonald's toy which they say mocks their prophet Muhammad. According to a report appearing today (5/27/12) on the Arabic news website,, the McDonald's fast food restaurant "abused the Prophet Muhammad by placing his name at the base of a toy that is being distributed as part of the Happy...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Egypt's runoff elections will be between the Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohammed Morsi and former PM Ahmed Shafiq. So supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood decided to burn down Shafiq's headquarters: A group of protesters stormed the campaign headquarters of presidential candidate Ahmed Shafiq late Monday night, ransacking and burning the offices there. A secretary...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Wired reports on a newly discovered cyber weapon that dwarfs Stuxnet in complexity: A massive, highly sophisticated piece of malware has been newly found infecting systems in Iran and elsewhere and is believed to be part of a well-coordinated, ongoing, state-run cyberespionage operation. The malware, discovered by Russia-based anti-virus firm Kaspersky Lab, is an espionage...
  • Tuesday, May 29, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports, poorly: The union of Palestinian contractors on Monday announced a boycott a UN agency that allows Israeli firms to bid for construction work in the Gaza Strip. The union said contractors would boycott all work for UNICEF "until they backtrack from their decision to take offers from Israeli companies and equate them with Palestinian companies." Urging all local and official organizations to follow suit, the union said in a statement...

Monday, May 28, 2012

  • Monday, May 28, 2012
  • Elder of Ziyon
From BBC: A performance of The Merchant of Venice by Israel's Habima theatre company has taken place at Shakespeare's Globe in London amid protests by pro-Palestinian activists. Around 15 protesters were led or carried out during the performance after unfurling banners and Palestinian flags. The actual performance carried on despite the disruptions. The Hebrew-language...


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