Sunday, November 30, 2014

  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Matti Friedman, former AP reporter who blew the whistle on how Middle East reporters are biased against Israel in two explosive Tablet articles earlier this year, has added more in another must-read article, this time in The Atlantic. Here are significant excerpts, but still less than half the article: During the Gaza war this summer, it became clear that one of the most...
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Arutz-7: A Tel Aviv synagogue was vandalized Sunday with graffiti reading, “In a place where the Jewish State Bill will be legislated, books will be burned.” The vandals left a pile of burned books next to the wall that bore the graffiti. The books are not sacred texts. The attack took place at the The Tel Aviv International Synagogue where Ariel Konstantyn...
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
I have had the legal arguments of the 2012 Levy Report on the legality of the settlements translated but Regavim translated the entire thing.    The Levy Commission Report on the Legal Status of Building in Judea and Samaria ...
From Ian: Ron Prosor: The UN's theater of the absurd On Nov. 29, 1947, a Saturday night, the entire Yishuv (the Jewish community of pre-state Israel) held its breath. The tiny voice of Brazilian U.N. General Assembly President Osvaldo Aranha blared from the radios in every home. The agenda for the day: Resolution 181 on the end of the British Mandate and the partition plan of Palestine. Holocaust survivors, Jews who were kicked out of Arab lands,...
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Due to never-ending Arab hostility toward Jews in the Middle East I am reading more and more people talking about the possibility of transference.  Mainly in the comments of various pro-Israel blogs and news websites, but among some well respected high-profile analysts, as well, the idea of inducing Israeli-Arabs to move out of the area seems to be growing. This...
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is Israel's national day of commemorating Jewish refugees from Arab lands and Iran. Muslims like to pretend that they treated Jews in their lands well throughout history. As we have shown a number of times, that is not at all true. In some cases the Jews were treated reasonably, in others they were treated horribly. Ali Bey al Abbasi was a pseudonym of a European...
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
But don't call him antisemitic! That would be Islamophobic! From MEMRI: Following are excerpts from a show featuring Jordanian MPs discussing parliament's moment of silence in memory of terrorists who attacked a Jerusalem Synagogue, which aired on Roya TV on November 26, 2014: MP Khalil Attieh: By Allah, it is an honor to incite against the Jews. It is a great accomplishment...
  • Sunday, November 30, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an reports, in English: A group of Jewish Israelis entered the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound early Sunday, witnesses told Ma'an. Witnesses said that about 50 right-wing Israelis stormed the compound through the Moroccan Gate and tried to provoke Muslim worshipers, who responded by chanting "Allahu akbar," or "God is the greatest." The Israelis exited the compound through...

Saturday, November 29, 2014

  • Saturday, November 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Last Saturday, one of the two contestants for "Arab Idol" who have Israeli citizenship lost the competition when she gathered the lowest number of votes: Manal Mousa, an Israeli contestant on the Arab world's premier singing competition, was eliminated on Saturday's live-performance episodes. The judges of Arab Idol were shocked by Mousa's elimination, and she thanked them graciously for their support before turning to her political message....
  • Saturday, November 29, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Ma'an: A Palestinian police officer was shot and killed by Egyptian soldiers on Friday after he unwittingly drove his car into a military ambush, Palestinian police in the Sinai told Ma'an. Imad Fayyad Abdallah, 38, was shot dead near the town of Sheikh Zuweid in the northern Sinai Peninsula. He had driven his car into an area when Egyptian soldiers had set up an...
From Ian: Stand With Us: StandWithUs Pro-Israel Ads On TriMet in Portland Begin November 26, 2014 For the third time in three years, StandWithUs (SWU) is placing pro-Israel ads on TriMet buses to counter anti-Israel ad campaigns. Beginning November 26, two different StandWithUs ads are on 17 buses running on the same routes and for at least the same four-week duration as...

Friday, November 28, 2014

From Ian: Ben-Dror Yemini: What about the Jewish Nakba? Let's set the record straight. The disintegration of the empires, beginning with the Ottoman, through to the Austro-Hungarian, and on to the British, intensified the demand on the part of various peoples for self-determination – no more multi-ethnic states under imperial rule, but nations with a sense of independent identity instead. Some would call it an imaginary heritage, but that's not...
  • Friday, November 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Felesteen, a Hamas newspaper, has an article looking at international condemnations of the Jerusalem synagogue slaughter, and describing how they are all wrong and that every Jew in Israel is in fact a military target. The article does not distinguish between Jews living on either side of the Green Line. It says that Jews have had mandatory army service since 1948 and therefore they are all considered valid targets. After going through a series...
From Ian: Sick: BDS groups spreads photoshop of Concentration Camp inmates holding anti-Israel signs We are dealing with some really sick minds when it comes to the proponents of the Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (BDS) movement propaganda machine. The latest is from a group with over 91,000 Facebook fans, called “I Acknowledge Apartheid Exists.” That phrase is an integral part of the BDS movement, which falsely seeks to portray Israel as the equivalent...
  • Friday, November 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
Here are some photos from the Temple Mount this morning as Israeli officials allowed all Muslims to visit (no non-Muslims ever visit on Fridays.) Israeli flags are banned from the Temple Mount, but Hamas terror flags are just fine...
From Israel HaYom: In one of the rooms of the Jordanian royal palace in Amman hangs a famous painting from 128 years ago by the artist Gustav Bauernfeind. This breathtaking piece of art depicts a group of Jews standing at the Cotton Merchant's Gate, one of the entrances to the Temple Mount. The artist wrote of the painting: "A group of Jews stand at the gate, their heads...
  • Friday, November 28, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Gulf News: A speeding Israeli bus loaded with colonists ran over a group of Palestinians, killing one and hurting two others near the Israeli checkpoint of Al Jalamah between Nablus and Jenin. The speeding bus ran over Noor Hassan Salem, 22, his cousin Alaa Kayed Salem and a third villager from a village near Nablus. Sources in Nablus told Gulf News that Noor suffered...

Thursday, November 27, 2014

From Ian: Chloe Valdary: Who Are the Real Racists in Israel? Unfortunately, in Stewart and Erbs’s world, inversion is in vogue. Protection from racists becomes racism and a person’s right to defend himself is eroded, turning victims into victimizers. To make matters worse, Stewart and Erb represent an organization that has no qualms about preventing Jewish communities from being established in the West Bank. According to J Street’s website, the...
  • Thursday, November 27, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The only thing really newsworthy about this is that UN Women, who wrote this, manages to discuss serious problems that Palestinian Arab women have - without blaming Israel at all. When Zahara* divorced her second husband her family locked her in an abandoned house for more than four years before police, acting on anonymous information, found and freed her. “The [Palestinian Civil Police Family Protection Unit] advised me to press charges against...
  • Thursday, November 27, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The word Jew comes, of course, from the tribe of Judah. And Judah means "thanksgiving." Happy Thanksgiving! While we are at it, here is a stunning photo of a rainbow taken at the Nevatim Air Force base in the Negev on Tuesday morning. ...
From Ian: Shin Bet: Hamas terror attack plot at Jerusalem soccer stadium thwarted The Shin Bet and IDF thwarted a large-scale, transnational Hamas terrorism network that was preparing to carry out an array of deadly attacks against Israelis. It was cleared for publication on Thursday that the network planned to target the landmark Teddy soccer stadium in Jerusalem, the capital's light rail system, car bombings, and kidnappings of Israelis in the...
  • Thursday, November 27, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
From MEMRI: In a recent TV interview, Syrian Islamist scholar Muaz Al-Safouk said that the world is shaped by the Jews, "the kings of gold, sex, and the media, who spread immorality, atheism, apostasy, and discord," and that only the Islamist Jihadi movements can break their backs. If we're the kings of sex in this world, then that might explain why the jihadis are so keen on sex in the next world. Meanwhile, this Kuwaiti cleric was careful...
  • Thursday, November 27, 2014
  • Elder of Ziyon
The world is freaking out over the draft law declaring Israel to be the Jewish State. Of course, at least 99.9% of the reporters and politicians decrying it haven't actually read the law. If you can find anything here (Netanyahu's version)  that would result in discrimination against Israel's non-Jewish citizens, please enlighten us I. Objective Defining the State of Israel as the national state of the Jewish People, and anchoring the...


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