Friday, November 30, 2018

From Ian: Bari Weiss: Europe’s Jew Hatred, and Ours Bigotry extends to the ballot box. The Alternative für Deutschland, led by a man who dismissed the Nazis as a mere “speck of bird poop” in Germany’s otherwise glorious history, is now the country’s third-largest party. The National Front in France, founded by a man who called the gas chambers a “detail in the history of World...
  • Friday, November 30, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
.@CNN's @marclamonthill told the UN today "There are more than 60 Israel laws that deny citizenship rights to Palestinians just because they are not Jewish."He is full of shit. all CNN commentators lie without concern, or only some of them? — ElderOfZiyon (@elderofziyon) November 28, 2018 If you have a dreidel you made out of clay, I will refuse to play with it on suspicion of it being...
From Ian: Melanie Phillips: The lethal error in appeasing Iran The Europeans’ eagerness to continue to trade with Iran is disgusting. The United States lists Iran as the world’s principal state sponsor of terrorism. The regime has been in a state of self-declared war against the West since it took power in 1979. It regularly denies the Holocaust and re-states its intention...
This past week, 150 bloggers from 30 countries around the world came to Israel at the invitation of the Israeli General Press Office for the 3rd Jewish Media Summit, on the theme: Israel and the Jewish World Relationship: It's Complicated. That doesn't mean that Israeli/Diaspora relations were the only topic. On Monday, one of the topics was Antisemitism - discussed...
From the Sandton (South Africa) Chronicle: The Joburg City Council on 29 November adopted a motion to rename Sandton Drive after Leila Khaled. Martin Williams, Ward 90 councillor, posted a statement on the Ward 90 Facebook group that read, “… The DA were outnumbered when the EFF and ANC voted together. “As an affected ward councillor, I undertake to ensure adherence...
  • Friday, November 30, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
In 2017: Over 130 leaders of Jewish organizations signed a public letter today in solidarity with Muslim American leader Linda Sarsour — and have raised over $11,000 in a day towards her security from threats of violence.  In addition to the 130 signers to the petition in her defense, Jewish social justice group Bend the Arc invited their supporters to donate towards...

Thursday, November 29, 2018

From Ian: Whitewash: PBS on Iranian Jews Let’s give PBS Newshour’s Reza Sayah the benefit of the doubt concerning his feature report at the lives of Iran’s Jewish minority, the second largest in the Middle East outside of Israel. Perhaps he was surprised when he heard from community representatives just how happy their lives are as Jews under the Islamic Republic as he tries...
  • Thursday, November 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ahram-Canada is a (mostly) Arabic news site that says it is a "platform advocating human rights, and is against racial discrimination in all its forms, colors and justifications. ...The newspaper is not limited to one thought but allows all to express freely and openly in the face of backward thought, but within the limits of love of others even different from us. " It...
 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column I just googled “combating antisemitism” and got 7.5 million results. Apparently a lot of people are thinking about this. And well they should, given that Jew-hatred is rising sharply everywhere in the world, especially in the West. The old-style “paleo” antisemitism is going strong almost everywhere, Muslims have added some...
From Ian: Evelyn Gordon: ICC Takes Anti-Israel Bias to New Heights On November 15, the pretrial chamber of judges ordered the court’s prosecutor—for the second time—to reconsider her refusal to investigate Israel’s 2010 raid on a flotilla to Gaza. Demanding one reconsideration is rare. Demanding two is unheard of. No such option even exists in the ICC’s rulebook. Prosecutor...
  • Thursday, November 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Hamas "political" leader Ismail Haniyeh sent a letter to the UN against an American initiative to condemn the group for shooting rockets at Israeli civilians. In the letter, Haniyeh claims that Hamas' terror is not only not prohibited, but a "right" under international law. The letter says: The rules of international humanitarian law have contributed to strengthening...
  • Thursday, November 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Among all the news about Israel establishing relations with African and Arab countries, the idea that Sudan is one of them is not being greeted with the same joy as other African nations and Oman. Sudan, after all, has been one of the worst human rights violators in history. TOI gives some realpolitik reasons for Israel to be interested in such ties with Sudan that are not...
  • Thursday, November 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The European Students' Union is holding a convention in Montenegro this week. They just passed an anti-discrimination statement. The statement on #Antidiscrimination just passed!🎉 This is such a big news for ESU as we are all in the same page working against these issues in #Europe. More info on this is yet to come in the upcoming days! 🔜 —...

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

From Ian: WOW: Money Raised After Pittsburgh Shooting Went To An Islamic Center With Terror Ties In late October, Robert Gregory Bowers, a vicious anti-Semite, walked into the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and shot and killed 11 people. Several people were injured, four of which were police officers. It was tragic—but of course, everyone blamed President Trump for reasons...
In a recent Facebook post linking to a petition in support of Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Linda Sarsour asserted the age-old anti-Semitic trope that American Jews remain loyal to Israel over the US (what she called "democratic values,") as well as asserting that these Jews “masquerade as progressives.”  For Sarsour, her venture into explicitly antisemitic territory only reaffirms...
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.  Check out their Facebook page. Cairo, November 28 - A prominent Muslim preacher sounded an alarm this week that Jews are attempting to make their foundational documents, beliefs, and practices seem Jewish, a development that continues what he called an ongoing Jewish effort...


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