Saturday, June 30, 2018

From Ian: MEMRI: Fatah Announces 'National Campaign To Thwart The Deal Of The Century,' Publishes Posters Against The Deal And Its Initiators Even before its terms have been publicized, the Trump administration's Middle East peace plan, known as "the Deal of the Century," has encountered harsh opposition from the Palestinian Authority (PA), on the grounds that it does not...

Friday, June 29, 2018

From Ian: In Menachem Begin’s Rise, Lessons for the #Resistance to Trump No one saw him coming. Certainly not the nation’s entrenched political class: To them, he was one part clown and one part petty tyrant. They mocked his hyperbolic way of speaking—to him, everything, from his supporters to his family, was very, very great, the best, the most—and warned that if he somehow...
  • Friday, June 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
I just went to the Rabbis for Human Rights Weekly Torah Portion page, expecting to write a critique of whatever they wrote for this week's parasha. Previously I wrote about how they called Abraham "cruel" for listening to Sarah and sending Hagar away, downplayed the rape of Dinah and compared Israel's leadership to the Pharaoh who decreed to murder all first born Jews. But somehow, this week's d'var Torah actually says that Israel has the right...
From Ian: If the Palestinians Want Independence, They Will Need to Pay a Lot More for it Now When the Palestinians turned down peace deals - that would have given them statehood as well as a share of Jerusalem - from Ehud Barak and Bill Clinton in 2000 and 2001, and then an even more generous offer from Ehud Olmert with the backing of George W. Bush, they believed time was...
  • Friday, June 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
I found this video, just released by the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, to be pretty pathetic in its attempt to intimidate Israel and recruit more fighters. It starts off with two shots of the terror army sort-of marching. But it didn't look like there were too many people there, so the videographer took the same footage, and created a mirror image...
  • Friday, June 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The International Conference on Question of Jerusalem was held in Rabat, Morocco, this week, with an assortment of the usual anti-Israel speakers and Palestinian apologists. A talk about the legal status of Jerusalem by Ziad AbuZayyad, a former PA minister, highlights the absurdity and bias that passes for scholarship at the UN. After slyly saying that Jerusalem...
  • Friday, June 29, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The new article in The Atlantic, Jared Kushner’s Middle East Fantasy by former Obama administration Philip Gordon and Prem Kumar, is fascinating - but not because of their analysis. They argue that the Kushner interview in Palestinian newspaper Al Quds shows that he is hopelessly naive or, as they say, deeply cynical. They say that, based on this interview, Kushner...

Thursday, June 28, 2018

From Ian: Ami Horowitz Speaks With Senior Hamas Leader In Wild Interview In a never-before-released interview, journalist and activist filmmaker Ami Horowitz journeys to the West Bank to meet with a high-ranking Hamas leader to ask him about female jihadists, the Palestinians' mission of "redeeming" all of Israel, and what a man like him does to "relax." After working through...
  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is only so much aid money in the world. And a huge percentage of it goes towards Palestinians who do not need it. (Some do - and UNRWA is not the proper way to help them.) We have lots of ideas, but we need more resources to be even more effective. Please donate today to help get the message out and to help defend Israe...
 Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column Erdoğan and his party obtained a solid victory in the election this week, guaranteeing that relations between Turkey and Israel will get even worse. This is because the Turkish president has a history of anti-Israel rhetoric and actions whenever he wants to stir up his Islamist base or promote himself in...
From Ian: Australian Unions channelled millions of dollars to an organisation that employed a terrorist leader AUSTRALIAN taxpayer funds are being funnelled to a Palestinian aid organisation that has employed and supported a leader of a terrorist group in Gaza. The Daily Telegraph can reveal the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) has given at least $21 million...
  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Obama administration UN ambassador Samantha Power tweeted: Every US president since Truman has funded @UNRWA so Palestinians have basics like food, health, education. Trump admin’s 80% funding cut is another failed negotiation tactic that will force kids out of school — Samantha Power (@SamanthaJPower) June 26, 2018 Either Power is shockingly...
  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Gaza terrorists posted a video showing a large balloon that they claim can carry burning materials 40 kilometers into Israel. They put Arabic and Hebrew slogans on the balloon. There is no legal or moral difference between an incendiary balloon and a rocket. Keep in mind that these balloons are helium balloons, and Israel only allows helium into Gaza for medical reasons. Which...
  • Thursday, June 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Every time a Jew peacefully walks around the Temple Mount - which is virtually every weekday - Arab media freaks out about "settlers storming Al Aqsa" with "provocative tours" meant to "hurt Muslim feelings." Today, Prince William actually went into the Al Aqsa Mosque, which no Jews ever do, and no one is complaining about "storming." What is that phrase for when Jews...

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

From Ian: Empress Trudy: Democratic Gamble: Calling People Nazis, the other N-Word Just like in Nazi Germany, before the Nazis were actually entrenched in their power, it became acceptable to devalue, mistreat, take away jobs and even commit crimes against Jews, after all, they were less than, they were marginalized, they were not to be considered. Democrats beware, you are...
Hadassah Hospital, Jerusalem (courtesy Barbara Sofer) If you want to experience the real Israel, go to the hospital. It’s where you’ll meet all kinds of Israelis, and hear all kinds of Hebrew. But you’ll also hear lots and lots of Arabic, and see and interact with lots of Arab people. Now it’s easy to stay in an Anglo bubble in Israel. You do it by living in neighborhoods...


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