Sunday, September 30, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
An ancient Jewish joke:Abe is sitting on a bench in a park reading an anti-Semitic newspaper. His friend Solomon walks by, sees the paper, and stops in shock. “What are you doing reading that disgusting paper?” Solomon asks. Abe replies, "I like to read about good news. This anti-Semitic paper says the Jews have all the money … the Jews control the banks … the Jews control the press … the Jews control Hollywood. Better to read nothing but good...

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
As I suspected last week, the "rockets" that were supposedly caught by Abbas' Fatah security terrorists were a hoax, a photo-op to make it appear that the PA "security" forces have the ability to fight terror. As IMRA reports: From: Khaled Abu ToamehTo: "Dr. Aaron Lerner" Sent: Sunday, 30 September, 2007 05:43Subject: Fatah hoaxes [pls send out].....Last week Fatah managed to sell another hoax to reporterswhen it claimed that its security forces...

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
From the Times(UK): Hamas wants you to believe it has created a benevolent sanctuary where once chaos reigned. At the beginning of the journey into Gaza it’s easy to believe that things are better.... Then you start talking to people – in private. ---------- Young men show you bruised limbs and welts on their feet; every girl wears a hijab head covering and, for the first time, women wear niqab – Saudi-style face coverings that reveal only the...

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
From Reuters:Scores of Palestinian militants who had been stranded in Egypt since Hamas seized Gaza in June returned to the territory on Sunday, witnesses said, signaling possible new accommodation between Cairo and the Islamist group.Egypt, the architect of Arab rapprochement with Israel, has straddled a diplomatic fence with Hamas, neither shunning it nor accepting its violent removal of Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas's Fatah...

Sunday, September 30, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
A microcosm of the Bollinger/Ahmadinejad fiasco can be seen in the following two articles: in the first, a media critic blasts Columbia and the media for their part in the Iranian leader's speech - and then Iran's Press TV distorts this same editorial to make Ahmadinejad look good.First, the LA Times:Ahmadinejad walks away with a winHis Columbia engagement gives him what he wants -- legitimacy -- and his hosts look rude to Islamic eyes.By Tim RuttenSeptember...

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
One of the more glaring double standards in how the media reports about Israelis and Arabs is the use of the word "moderate" and "extremist." Attitudes that would be considered "extreme" should any Israeli hold that position are perfectly fine when Mahmoud Abbas holds a corresponding position.Here are some of Abbas' viewpoints, made clear today in an interview to be published in Sunday's Washington Post:* An offer similar to the one made by Clinton...

Saturday, September 29, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
It looks like the Arabs have been a bit naughty on the Internet, and they know exactly who to blame (autotranslated from Ma'an):Lebanese affairs educational specialist and social researcher Dr. Hassan Reza warned that there are Western and "Zionist" schemes working to destroy Arab and Muslim communities across a large number of pornographic sites on the "Internet".Dr. Reza explained in an interview with Agence Islamic Republic News that aired or...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
Arutz-7 reports:The 2,500 remaining Christians in Gaza have been under attack of late. An 80-year-old Christian woman was recently robbed by a man demanding, "Where is the money, heretic?" Her family members said the "robber would never have dared to attack a Moslem woman that way."The attack followed a brutal break-in of a Christian church and school several weeks ago. Stocking-clad men hurling grenades blew open the entrances and stole computers...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
Given the PA's track record for the truth, this seems equally likely to be true as it is to be a way to make the PA look like an effective security force against those other terrorists.From YNet:Palestinian security forces uncovered two rockets ready to be launched in the town of Beit Jala near Jerusalem. A large amount of explosives were also discovered. Palestinians news agency Ma'an reported that the Bethlehem commander said the rockets seized...

Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
I've mentioned it before, but it bears repeating...Ahmadinejad cannily talks to Western audiences about the supposed evils of Zionism in an attempt to isolate Israel. The Western press eats it all up, of course, because it makes good copy.This plan has been in place since the infamous Tehran conference in October of 2005 called "A World Without Zionism." But what doesn't get...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
saudi vice

Two Saudi women were walking down the street in Alkhobar. Shockingly, they dared to do this act while wearing (Allah forbid) - makeup.Luckily, our heroes from the Commission for the Promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice were on the scene to be able to kindly explain to them the error of their ways.But these women, who had already proven that they didn't understand...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
The world continues to go topsy-turvy as the West and Kadima blindly pursue the establishment of an Arab-only terror state in two pieces surrounding Israel.President Bush yesterday said, "I strongly support the creation of a Palestinian state. I believe it's in the interests of the Palestinian people, I believe it's in the interests of Israel to have a democracy living side-by - democracies living side-by-side in peace."And when the "democracy" elects...

Monday, September 24, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
It is not only Morocco that is freaking out over the existence of Israeli dates in their marketplaces, but even Egypt, that country that signed a peace treaty with the Zionist state some thirty years ago. Because, of course, there is such a great possibility that Israeli fruits are poisoned (presumably to make Egyptian men sterile.) From Palestine Today (autotranslated):Crept into the Egyptian market varieties of dates in boxes wrapped with the slogan...

Monday, September 24, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
From the Jerusalem Post:IDF soldiers operating in Nablus on Sunday arrested a Hamas operative who attempted to escape by hiding in a weapons cache located under a pregnant woman's bed. Soldiers who entered the house where Ahmad Al-Az was believed to be hiding asked the pregnant woman to search under her bed but she refused. The woman was then moved aside and Ahmad was found under the bed with several weapons. "Israel Occupation Forces Harass Pregnant...

Monday, September 24, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
I don't know how I missed this piece from last week (h/t Augean Stables): 'I am with Israel': One Arab-American's saluteDespite all the spit, kicks & insults, the Jews would rather build than destroyEMILIO KARIM DABULOne of the greatest Arab poets of the 20th century was a Syrian named Nizar Qabbani. He was, in his own way, the Pablo Neruda of the Middle East. His love poems in particular are on a par with anything Don Pablo wrote.So, it was...

Monday, September 24, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
A couple of days ago, some Fatah members shot at a Hamas jeep in Gaza and allegedly injured two people. Some new group named the Abu Ghraib Martyrs or something like that took credit. This is hardly news, and in fact it was only reported in the pro-Fatah Palestine Press Agency.What is more notable is the vitriol shown for Hamas by the Fatah supporters on the site. This is a bit more graphic than what one would see in even the most raucous Western...

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
More fun from the comments section of the California Literary Review: Brad Brzezinski Says: September 23rd, 2007 at 2:38 pm My goodness! You’re all still at it. I salute your indefatigability. Mr. Abourezk’s mention of Camp David piqued my interest as this was the issue that led me to takes sides on the Israeli/Arab confab. Given that we had the Israelis and the Palestinians in failed negotiations, why would one simply believe either...

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
A Hamas member who was shot four days ago by Fatah in the "Shati" camp in Gaza has died.The Central Gaza headquarters of Fatah al-Yasser was set on fire.Fatah arrested a Hamas leader in Nablus.Hamas confiscated a car belonging to a Palestinian Arab TV director.A peaceful women's rally in Ramallah was hit with tear gas from PalArab security forces.Our 2007 count of Palestinian Arabs violently killed by each other is now at 52...

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
James Abourezk continues to dodge commenting on his terror-supporting performance on Al Manar while trying desperately to find more verbal missiles to shoot at the anti-Palestinian terror crowd: James Abourezk Says: September 21st, 2007 at 11:50 am I neglected to mention one other book that will help those who are historically deprived with respect to the Middle East. It is: “The Truth About Camp David,” by Clayton Swisher, who interviewed...

Sunday, September 23, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
Daled Amos has a good update on the latest from Columbia University inviting Ahmadinejad to speak. Columbia's "free speech" fig leaf would be more convincing if they would invite someone like David Duke to speak.Israel Matzav analyzes the latest report about Syrian nukes. He's been skeptical from the start, always convinced it was chemical WMD, which at this point in time is possibly worse.Yom Kippur in Afghanistan (h/t Sophia)Crossing the Rubicon...

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Elder of Ziyon

One of the top stories at IslamOnline.net:
RABAT — Branded with Israeli trademark "Bat Sheva", Israeli dates are flooding Moroccan markets during the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
"I found dates carrying Israeli trademark in the markets," Abdel-Jalil, a teacher, told IslamOnline.net Saturday, September 22.
Trademarked "Bat Sheva" – the Hebrew name of the town of Beersheba...

Saturday, September 22, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
From Ha'aretz:A suicide attack in Tel Aviv was thwarted on Saturday when security forces found an explosives belt in an apartment in the city, designated to be used in an attack over the Yom Kippur holiday.The belt was found Saturday morning in an apartment near the southern end of Allenby Street by the Shin Bet security service, operating with Yarkon District Police.The apartment was occupied by Palestinians residing there illegally. It was apparently...

Friday, September 21, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
At the moment, my most popular post is one I made 3 years ago wishing everyone a G'mar Chatima Tovah, as many people are now Googling that phrase. (Also popular are my Yom Kippur wishes from 2005 and 2006.) It is nice to see so many people wishing each other to be sealed in the Book of Life!I wish all of my Jewish readers an easy fast and a meaningful Yom Kippur. I unconditionaly...

Friday, September 21, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
From Israel HaYom (translated via Daily Alert): In the last two years, Syria has assassinated its major opponents in Lebanon one after another. First and foremost, their efforts are directed at killing off members of the Lebanese parliament who oppose Damascus and its policies. Thus, the majority which the anti-Syrian camp in parliament has enjoyed has been narrowed from 72 to 68. Another one or two assassinations and this camp will equal the pro-Syrian...

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
From YNet: Yousra, the queen of the silver screen in the Arab world, is not only a beauty but also a highly opinionated actress who views her status as a springboard for conveying social messages. Every year during the Ramadan fast, the peak season for TV viewing in the Arab world, Yousra pushes urgent social issues to the forefront..."A Case of Public Opinion," the latest Ramadan series, has become the talk of the town even before being aired in...

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
media bias
Jeremy Bowen of the BBC has written another slanted piece about how Israel has turned Gaza into a giant prison, although he threw in a short reference to Sderot to keep his pretense at being impartial.What he doesn't mention (along with the rest of the MSM) is that the Rafah border crossing into Egypt is not closed because of Israel, but because of Hamas.When Hamas won the Palestinian Arab elections in January 2006, the EU stopped its supervision...

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Elder of Ziyon
It appears that Michael Bernard Mukasey is a religious Jew, which is freaking out the usual suspects.At The People's Voice, a 9-11 "truther" is quite upset as he painstakingly goes through Mukasey's family tree, digging up every Jewish-sounding name he can:Michael B. Mukasey married Susan Bernstock Saroff in July 1974. They were married by Rabbi Judah Nadich, the first adviser on Jewish Affairs to General Dwight Eisenhower, the commander of the U.S....

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