Thursday, March 31, 2016

  • Thursday, March 31, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Remember Cailin Pitt? He was the anti-Israel student who tweeted this seeming death threat before the BDS resolution was voted down at Ohio State University: From The Columbus Dispatch: The tweet spread quickly, and by Thursday one Israel-oriented news site featured it under the headline, “Student threatens mass murder if Ohio University doesn’t support BDS,” an international...
From Ian: NGO Monitor: BDS Groups Encourage Congress to Curb Aid to Israel On February 17, 2016, U.S. Senator Patrick Leahy and 10 members of Congress sent a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, advising him to open an investigation into “gross violations of human rights” in Israel and Egypt. The lawmakers cited Amnesty International “and other human rights organizations”...
  • Thursday, March 31, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
I reported that Mahmoud Abbas had met a delegation of Sephardic Jews this week. The delegation was actually of Israeli leftists of Sephardic origin, who wanted to genuflect to Abbas in order to tell Abbas, as Galei Tzahal put it, that "there are Israelis who want peace." A rabbi from Kiryat Gat, Avraham Golan, blessed Abbas with long life, a sculptor gave Abbas a statue...
   Vic Rosenthal's Weekly Column The case of the soldier who killed a wounded terrorist continues to create a political storm in Israel. In my last post, I noted that if in fact the soldier did not have good reason to believe that the terrorist had a suicide belt, then he violated IDF orders that a wounded terrorist who does not pose a risk should not...
From Ian: Evelyn Gordon: ISIS Makes the EU More Anti-Israel Like every major Islamist attack in Europe, last week’s terror attacks in Brussels left many Israelis wondering whether Europeans will finally understand what Israel faces. Unfortunately, such attacks are more likely to intensify anti-Israel activity in Europe. To understand why, it’s worth reading an article from...
The World Zionist Organization publishes a monthly roundup of antisemitic activities worldwide. Here are some from March that I had missed during the month. March 3, Thessaloniki - A rally against the new electronic “card of citizen” gathered hundreds of people in front of the oversized statue of Alexander the Great in Nea Paralia of Thessaloniki, reports journalist Sofia...
  • Thursday, March 31, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Authority never tires of telling people that it supports non-violence. But the Fatah party, which is headed by PA president Mahmoud Abbas, posted this on Facebook yesterday for "Land Day:" Land Day March 30th Fatah - the salt of the earth and the revolution's gun Fatah Youth Meanwhile, a Fatah party leader, Jamal Muhaisen of the Fatah Central...
  • Thursday, March 31, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
From The New Antisemite (original story at Joods Actueel): At least two Israelis were injured in the terror attacks in Brussels. Israel would like to fly them home and so in order to release them from the hospital, a Jewish volunteer called up the Crisis Center set up by the Ministry for Internal Affairs to ask about the procedure. He was told that the Israeli victims...

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

From Ian: Deri mulling revoking resident status of BDS founder Interior Minister Aryeh Deri said Monday that he is considering revoking the resident status of BDS founder Omar Barghouti. Deri was among four government ministers to participate in an afternoon question and answer round at Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth's anti-BDS conference in Jerusalem. Transportation Minister...
  • Wednesday, March 30, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
If you look for Israel in the alphabetical list of countries in Oxfam's site, you won't find it in the section with the other countries that begin with "I". Instead, you will see this: The state of Israel is merely an appendage to the "occupied Palestinian territories." And when you actually look at the entry for that section, you find out that apparently Israel was...
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.       Check out their Facebook page. Haifa Bay Industrial Zone, March 30 - A local manufacturer of paints, dyes, and other chemicals hopes to see a sign very soon that Israeli pinkwashing activities are taking place, since he anticipates increased retail sales as demand...
From Ian: Douglas Murray: "Excuses" for Terrorists Even so, in the eyes of many Europeans, Israel is seen to have done something for which suicide bombers are thought to be an understandable response. Whether said or unsaid, this is the rationale that makes terror against Israel a lesser offense than terror everywhere else. Well, what a shock the rest of the world will one...
Two weeks ago we reported about the Israeli Channel 2 report showing how "Breaking the Silence" asks many questions from former soldiers that had nothing to do with human rights and sound a lot like intelligence gathering against Israel. Here is the full report with English subtitles: It is fascinating to see how the Left is defending this. At first, Haaretz put out a...
  • Wednesday, March 30, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Ma'an has an article by Ramzy Baroud that is upset that there are not more terror attacks against Jews. The article, entitled "Why is a popular uprising yet to take off?" expresses frustration that there aren't more knifings and shootings and car rammings, because this is just what is needed. He mostly blames the current Palestinian leadership for suppressing the natural...
  • Wednesday, March 30, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Today is "Land Day," when Arabs in Israel and the territories protest - often violently - about alleged Israeli seizures of Arab-owned land. According to Arab media, Amnesty International issued a petition that it sent to Israeli officials and the media where it warns that Israeli actions in the Negev are going to make hundreds of Bedouin homeless. The petition centers around...

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

  • Tuesday, March 29, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
(This post is pinned to the top of the blog for the day.) I am proud of this blog, but there is a lot more that needs to be done. During this quarter we redesigned EoZ for the first time in many years. There were some problems during the transition but they have mostly been solved and the site looks much more professional. I had to hire an outside consultant to fix many...
From Ian: Caroline Glick: Israel’s democratic collapse Israeli democracy is in critical condition. Sunday, the High Court of Justice ruled that the government’s natural gas policy is unlawful. The policy, which was negotiated with foreign energy companies, was to be the basis for developing the massive offshore Leviathan gas field. It was supposed to anchor future gas prices,...
  • Tuesday, March 29, 2016
  • Elder of Ziyon
Earlier today I posted that Mahmoud Abbas is trying to blackmail the Western world into believing that if they just pressure Israel to capitulate even more to his demands, then ISIS-style terror would cease. Abbas claimed Israeli concessions would "ensure the end of all forms of terrorism, remove the pretext of extremists who have taken the Palestinian issue as an excuse...
Edward William Polson Newman, born in Glasgow in 1887, was a politically right-wing author whose works included The Middle East (1926) and a biography of Masaryk (1960). On 5 November 1929 the Portsmouth Evening News, the local daily newspaper of Britain’s premier naval port, carried the following article by him (described as Major E.W. Polson Newman) which Elder’s...


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Elder of Ziyon - حـكـيـم صـهـيـون

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