Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
OSLO (AFP) - Former Norwegian prime minister Thorbjoern Jagland called for the creation of an independent Palestinian state with east Jerusalem as its capital as a first step towards stabilizing the region.
'A Palestinian state must be created, with east Jerusalem as its capital... This would be the first and the best of steps to establish a dialogue with Muslims and Arabs,' said Jagland, currently the head of the Norwegian parliament's foreign...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Aviation Week & Space Technology reports in its November 29 issue that U. S. intelligence analysts are concerned about the planned launch from Iran, by early 2005, of an Iranian built satellite on an upgraded version of Tehran's largest ballistic missile, the Shahab-3.
The preparations for and launch of one or more Iranian satellite 'is something that needs to be watched closely,' a U. S. government missile analyst familiar with Iranian capabilities...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
A United Nations committee condemned suicide bombings in Israel.
The resolution from the committee on decolonization, concerning Israeli practices affecting Palestinian human rights, included an oral amendment expressing “grave concern at the use of suicide bombing attacks against Israeli civilians, resulting in extensive loss of life and injury.”
Israeli officials said the language was included at European nations’ behest. “We said that every...

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Company commanders and division commanders will be able to, as of next year view at the appropriate time intelligence photographs from pilotless aircraft, on a small screen worn on their hands. The micro receivers will replace verbal reports that commanders have received daily via the communicator from the Home Front Headquarters. The Ground Forces Command is expected to soon purchase dozens of these programs, priced at 10,000 dollars each.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — Authorities pursuing traffickers in nuclear weapons technology recently uncovered an audacious scheme to deliver a complete uranium enrichment plant to Libya, documents and interviews show.
The discovery provides fresh evidence of the reach and sophistication of Pakistani scientist Abdul Qadeer Khan's global black market in nuclear know-how and equipment. It also exposes a previously undetected South African branch of...

Monday, November 29, 2004
Monday, November 29, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
When the IDF updated its military doctrine in 2003, Prof. Asa Kasher, Professor of Professional Ethics at Tel Aviv University, joined me on an ethics committee to craft principles on how to make moral and ethical decisions in Israel's operational campaign against terror.
As we sought to formulate how to fight terror, we understood that the main asymmetry is in the values of the two societies involved in the conflict - in the rules they...

Monday, November 29, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Julie Burchill
Unreservedly pro-Israel, our correspondent reveals how her first visit to the country fulfilled a long emotional and political love affair
WHEN I TOLD people that I was going to Israel this autumn, I noticed that a lot of them had the same reaction. They’d look dubious, then worried, then say: “Ooo. Is it a story?” The implication being that only professional interests could take one to such a hellhole. They also expressed fear for...

Sunday, November 28, 2004
Sunday, November 28, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
This is the text of a message on dozens of pro-Israeli blogs being posted today. I didn't participate officially because of my vacation, but the message is important. - EoZ
November 29, 2004:
Anniversary of the UN vote on Resolution 181
Today is the anniversary of the UN vote on resolution 181, which approved the partition of the western part Palestine...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
How Not to Promote Democracy
Palestinian elections shouldn’t come before a free society has been built.
By Meyrav Wurmser
Since the death of Yasser Arafat, many in European capitals and within various circles of Washington have called on the Palestinians to hold elections. Former special Middle East coordinator Dennis Ross, for example, recently asserted that to avoid a violent competition for power, elections can become "the mechanism for shaping...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Moderate Muslims, Real and Phony
By Daniel Pipes
FrontPageMagazine.com | November 23, 2004There is good news to report: the idea that “militant Islam is the problem, moderate Islam is the solution” is finding greater acceptance over time. But there is also bad news, namely growing confusion over who really is a moderate Muslim. This means that the ideological side of the war on terror is making some, but only limited, progress. The good news:...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Let's give these people $20 million...and a state by 2009! - EoZ
As the Palestinian media slowly return to their regular routine following Arafat's death, their well-documented hate promotion and incitement are likewise reappearing. One common theme that has quickly returned due to the war in Iraq is the depiction of the US, verbally and visually, as the cruel and inhuman...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Azziz Mustafa Salha, 23, one of the Palestinians involved in the Ramallah lynching of two reservists on October 12, 2000, and whose photo, holding up his hands stained with the blood of the two soldiers to the mob standing outside the police station was shown worldwide, was sentenced to life in the Judea Military Court on Sunday.
Reservist Sgt.-Maj. Yosef Avrahami and Corporal Vadim Novesche accidentally strayed into Ramallah after making a wrong...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
A senior Fatah member who until recently was among scores of fugitives hiding out in Yasser Arafat's Mukata compound was among four armed men killed in the West Bank and Gaza on Sunday.
Muhammad Ghassan Sheikh was killed, along with two of his aides, by an elite police unit while in a car in Beituniya, west of Ramallah, on Sunday evening.
As the unit closed in to arrest Sheikh, he opened fire, lightly wounding a policeman.
Police officers shot...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
The UN Third Commission on Human Rights has approved for the first time a resolution on religious tolerance that incudes condemnation of anti-Semitism and concern about its spread.
The article that references anti-Semitism notes that the commission recognizes 'with deep concern' the growth in the number of incidents of lack of tolerance and violence directed at people who belong to religious communities in various parts of the world, including attacks...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Haaretz - Israel News: "In Ramallah, however, PA officials warned Powell that they could not be responsible for the reactions of armed Palestinian organizations should the Israel Defense Forces kill any of their members. According to Palestinian sources, both PLO head Mahmoud Abbas and Palestinian Prime Minister Ahmed Qureia urged Powell to press Israel to stop IDF operations such as the one in Ramallah on Sunday, in which three Fatah operatives...

Tuesday, November 23, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
British security services have thwarted September 11-style terror attacks on London’s Heathrow Airport and Canary Wharf, it emerged tonight.
Plans to crash planes on the two high-profile targets are among four or five al Qaida strikes that security chiefs believe they have stopped.
Training programmes for suicide pilots have been disrupted, a senior authoritative source told ITV News.
The Home Office and Metropolitan Police declined to comment...

Monday, November 22, 2004
Monday, November 22, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Joseph Massad
Hate 101
Climate of hate rocks Columbia University
Special Report
Many students say Columbia Prof. Hamid Dabashi, a department chairman, has bullied and threatened them for defending Israel.
Students Ariel Beery (speaking) and Noah Liben (r.) at press conference after showing of the film 'Columbia Unbecoming.'
In the world of Hamid Dabashi, supporters of Israel are "warmongers" and "Gestapo apparatchiks."

Monday, November 22, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Outgoing US Secretary of State Colin Powell was asked to step down after telling President George W. Bush he wanted more power to confront Israel over the peace process, according to London's Sunday Telegraph.
At the same time, the Sunday Times reported that secretary of state-designate Condoleezza Rice is convinced Yasser Arafat's death has created a unique opportunity and she believes the revival of the peace process leading to a Palestinian state...

Monday, November 22, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Poll: 80% of Palestinians Believe Arafat Was Poisoned
A poll conducted by the Center of Opinion Polls and Survey Studies at Najah University on November 19-20, 2004, asked: "Several Palestinian personalities support the conviction that Arafat died by being poisoned, do you believe this?" Yes - 80%, No - 9%. (IMR...

Monday, November 22, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
The hope that the situation in the Palestinian Authority (PA) will improve dramatically with the demise of Yasser Arafat is based on the mistaken assumption that the problems in the PA stemmed mainly from Arafat as an individual and not from the society he created.
But an interview with a Palestinian mother on PATV yesterday indicates the depth of the PA society's worship of Death for Allah (Shahada), and support of suicide terror, which has not...

Monday, November 22, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Suha snatches medical dossier before Arafat's nephew gets it, flees to Tunis
Yasser Arafat's widow took possession of his much-sought medical dossier on Friday. She fled with the files after Palestinian TV broadcast a Friday sermon which threatened her life. She reportedly flew to Tunis in Arafat's jet, defying PA orders. Although the French defense ministry decided Nasser al Kidwa could access information on his uncle's mystery illness, Suha's...

Monday, November 22, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Yasser Arafat agreed to sign the Oslo Accords because he expected that the agreements would lead thousands of Jews to flee Israel.
Abdel Bari Atwan, editor of the London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi, said Arafat said so when they met in Tunis, days before he returned to the Gaza Strip. 'The man told me, 'Listen, Abdel Bari, I know that you are opposed to the Oslo Accords, but you must always remember what I'm going to tell you. The day will come...

Friday, November 19, 2004
Friday, November 19, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Anti-Israel Crowd Gets Ugly at San Francisco Counter-Protest
Written by Cinnamon Stillwell
For over a year now, an ongoing battle between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israel groups has taken place in the streets of San Francisco. Long used to running the show, the anti-Israel crowd is now routinely counter-protested by groups like San Francisco Voice for Israel and ProtestWarrior.com. And judging by the behavior at last weekend’s counter-protest,...

Friday, November 19, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
A new TV series called 'The Ambassador' features 14 Israelis trying to outdo each other battling Israel's global image problem in the face of a 4-year-old Palestinian uprising.
Devised by an American-Jewish benefactor, the series begins airing next week with contestants in business suits plying their propaganda skills at various foreign locales, a Channel Two advertisement said on Thursday.
In a format recalling the U.S. reality show 'The Apprentice,'...

Friday, November 19, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
The progressive Egyptian intellectual Dr. Amr Isma'il whose articles are regularly published on the secular Arab website www.rezgar.com, wrote an article condemning the Arabs' lack of self-criticism and the Islamists' abuse of the term "democracy." The following are excerpts from the article, which appeared on the progressive Arabic website www.elaph.com: [1]
'Why Do We Talk by Means of Bullets, and Hasten to Make Sweeping Accusations of Unbelief?'

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