Wednesday, February 28, 2018

  • Wednesday, February 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Some more Jewish humor for Purim: --------------------- In the 1970's, a Russian school inspector is questioning the children. He points to one of the boys and says, "Who is your father?" The boy replies, "The Soviet Union." He then asks, "Who is your mother?" "The communist party," came the reply. "And what do you want to be when you grow up?" "I want to be a Stankhanovite worker for the glory of the state and the party." The...
From Ian: Free Speech Hypocrites Supporters of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement against Israel frequently complain about a “Palestinian exception” to free speech. Never mind that whole, albeit small, segments of the academy are openly committed to the view that Israel is America’s accomplice in crimes of imperialism. People who criticize Israel, they say...
One of the issues with remembering Amalek, one of the key commandments connected to the Purim holiday, is identifying who they are, today. How can you know absolutely that someone is part of the evil nation of Amalek? Because we're not only commanded to remember them, but to obliterate every trace of them. A new video may not tell us all the answers, but it does give us...
Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.  Check out their Facebook page. Jerusalem, February 28 - The Prince of Peace was treated at a supernal medical facility this afternoon after aggravating his stigmata by slapping his forehead in consternation in response to religious leaders at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher closing...
From Ian: Ben Rhodes and the Democratic Guilt Complex on Russia and Iran When you’re good at something, you should never do it for free. That’s perhaps why Barack Obama’s former deputy national security advisor, Ben Rhodes, is gearing up to politicize national security issues once again in a professional capacity. On Tuesday, Rhodes revealed his intention to join former Obama...
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
A tweet by Avi Mayer: Al Jazeera's Faisal al-Kasim, one of the most influential TV personalities in the Arab world, asked his five million followers, in Arabic, who they'd support if war broke out between Israel and Iran and its militias in Syria. 56% said Israel. The times, they are a-changin'... — Avi Mayer (@AviMayer) February 25, 2018 Over 23,000 of al-Kasim's followers voted in this poll. Obviously, it is not...
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
There is an amazing page at the US Consulate General in Jerusalem site: American Corner Gaza The American Corner in Gaza is located in Al-Azhar University in Gaza City, Gaza. The American Corner in Gaza was launched in May 2006. Purpose of the American Corner The goal of the American Corner is to share the story of the United States with friends, maintain an open...
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Asharq al Awsat that French diplomats have leaked parts of the peace plan that Jared Kushner and Jason Greenblatt supposedly are drafting for the White House. According to the leaks, Washington  intends to present its plan within the framework of an international conference held in one of the Arab capitals, most likely in Egypt, with Israel attending. The plan...

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

  • Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Just saw this on a Hebrew website: ---------------------- Two officers lost their personal weapons one day. After searching and not finding them, they decide to judge each other. They arrange a room with a flag to serve as a courtroom, and start the trial. . The first officer who serves as a judge asks the other, "Do you plead guilty?" "I do," replies the "defendant." "If so," says the judge, "I will give you a severe rebuke on your personal...
From Ian: How the Left Became its Own Worst Enemy – Part I One subtle shift has been the emergence of political correctness, a form of Cultural Marxism (the theory that culture more than politics drives inequality between races and classes in Western societies). Political correctness started as a reasonable exercise to protect vulnerable members of society -- blacks, women, Jews, gays, the disabled -- from offensive speech and action but ended as...
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
While the Palestinian Authority is saying that it does not want anyone to cooperate with Israelis (except for anti-Israel activities,) the IDF's COGAT continues to offer services for Palestinian Arabs: Last week, 22 Palestinian medical experts underwent 5 days of advanced training under the supervision of the Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Israel. The Palestinian medical...
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education issued a 250 page Strategic Plan, in English, last year. When they talk about how awful it is that Israel forces Arab schools in Jerusalem to use the Israeli curriculum, they include this horrible fact: The Israeli occupation authorities constantly aim to erase the Palestinian identity in Jerusalem. They also...
From Ian: PLO declares economic war on the United States Saleh Rafat, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization’s (PLO) Executive Committee, on Sunday said that the committee would convene in the coming days to discuss the latest developments on the Palestinian issue and to follow the implementation of the decisions of the PLO Central Council, which called for the...
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
It doesn't get more ironic than this: The Cairo-based Arab League on Monday condemned the decision by the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem on collecting property taxes on UN buildings and churches. In a statement, the League's Assistant Secretary-General and Head of the Palestinian and Arab Occupied Territories Sector Saeed Abu Al considered the Israeli move as an "unprecedented...
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
EU High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini released a joint press statement with Ayman Al Safadi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan. Some of her statements are problematic, to say the least. Today we will focus on how to bring the Middle East Peace Process forward. We will have the opportunity to listen to your views that coincides largely with our...
  • Tuesday, February 27, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
Iran today announced the Israel Hourglass Festival, a planned annual gathering and contest to countdown to Israel's destruction within 25 years, as Ayatollah Khamenei has predicted. The festival’s press conference was held on Tuesday in Tehran, during which the main agenda and objectives of the festival were explained by the organizers. Hossein Amir-Abdollahian,...

Monday, February 26, 2018

From Ian: Israel is the Ultimate Anti-Imperialist State In his recent anti-Semitic rant, PLO leader Mahmoud Abbas repeated the lie that Israel is a “colonial project”. This is part and parcel of a long Muslim Arab tradition to wipe out the Middle East’s indigenous pre-Islamic civilizations. Imagine if mainstream voices in the 21st century demanded that all non-German Europeans...
  • Monday, February 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
The 16-day old strike by hospital janitorial staff that has closed at least one hospital in Gaza has been suspended as the workers are negotiating with the Palestinian Authority to pay them. But if the negotiations don't work out over the next two weeks, they will strike again. Meanwhile, all government employees, including at schools, went on strike today to protest...
  • Monday, February 26, 2018
  • Elder of Ziyon
As the world looks on in horror at the Syrian regime's merciless attacks on people in eastern Ghouta, which has claimed the lives of hundreds and accusations of Syrian use of poison gas, the regime is claiming that they are simply attacking bloodthirsty Zionist terrorists. A Syrian apologist named Afraa Dagher wrote in conspiracy site Global Research last week: Over...
From Ian: Dr. Mordechai Kedar: Hamas: Full steam ahead to nowhere The Arab nationalist movements have sunk into the deep morass of despotism. Not one of them has managed to establish and maintain a democratic nation-state on the lines of Israel. The Zionist movement succeeded exactly where the Arab nationalist movements failed, and the Hamas movement was supposed to offer...
Every year or so, I’ll notice a fight breaking out in the Jewish press regarding whether or not we are winning or losing the fight against BDS. Most recently, the UK’s columnist Liron Velleman and US Commentary contributor Jonathan Tobin talked about the decrease in Israel Apartheid Week activities in the US and abroad, as well as the lack of success BDS has had in...


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