Monday, September 30, 2013

Last May, I reported on a disgusting cartoon published in Norway's Dagbladet. Here is my translated version: As I noted then, this cartoon was clearly aimed at the tiny Jewish community in Norway: Only Jews routinely circumcise boys when they are infants. (Some Muslims will have doctors circumcise boys in the hospital soon after birth, but not in their homes.)Only religious...
From Ian: 'Israeli Apartheid? I Know What Apartheid Really Is' After participating in a two-day conference held in Jerusalem last week, Reverend Kenneth Meshoe, a member of the Parliament of South Africa and founder of the African Christian Democratic Party (ACDP), vocalized why calling Israel an apartheid state actually "minimizes the pain of apartheid." Meshoe, along with 25 other international members of parliament, is one of the chairmen of...
  • Monday, September 30, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
It is no secret that a major weapon used by the Palestinian Arabs has been to co-opt the English language and use  phrases like "illegal occupation" or "West Bank" or "historic Palestine" or "1967 borders"  that become mainstream even when they are inaccurate or nonsensical. It is also no secret that they have used this weapon to great effect to subtly brainwash the world towards a false narrative and history. The official PA news agency,...
From TheBlaze: Hobby Lobby President Steve Green isn’t just the head of a popular craft chain. He and his family also own, oversee and operate “The Green Collection,” one of the world’s largest collections of rare biblical texts and artifacts (there are over 40,000 ancient relics and texts). A recent discovery within this fascinating compilation is making headlines this...
  • Monday, September 30, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Received via email, people you can write to in order to protest the apparent inclusion of anti-Israel propaganda in Irish school curricula that I mentioned recently: It has been extremely difficult to establish who is actually funding this booklet but it seems, the booklet was funded by the Education for Reconcillation,which is a project run by the CDVEC (now CDETB) who received the money through PEACE III who get their funding from the EU We must...
From Ian: Israel, Colonialism, and the Arab World Moroccan-born Bensoussan, who made his name as a Holocaust historian, argues that the Jews have been colonised thrice over. The first wave of colonisation was Arab-Muslim. By the time the Arab conquerors had swept over the Middle East and North Africa, the Jews had been living in the region for 1,000 years. Under Islam, according to the eighth-century Pact of Omar, indigenous Jews and Christians were...
The reason that Israeli Jews don't trust the Palestinian Arabs is self-evident to everyone with eyes: because the PLO has have reneged on agreements in the past, such as Oslo II. They launched a terror war as a response to failed negotiations. The very first promise that Yasir Arafat made in the 1993 exchange of letters with Yitzhak Rabin, where he stated "the PLO renounces the use of terrorism and other acts of violence and will assume...
From UNRWA, a September 26 press release: We, members of the League of Arab States and other supporters of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), met today in New York under the chairmanship of the Secretary-General of the United Nations and the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States to reassert our support for...
From Wikipedia: The demographic character of Northern Cyprus changed after the Turkish invasion in 1974 and especially during the last 10–15 years. The TRNC census carried out in April 2006 showed that out of a total population of 256,644 in Northern Cyprus, 132,635, or 52%, were Turkish Cypriots in the sense that they were born in Cyprus of at least one Cyprus-born parent...

Sunday, September 29, 2013

  • Sunday, September 29, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
By James Thurber, first published in The New Yorker on August 26, 1939: Within the memory of the youngest child there was a family of rabbits who lived near a pack of wolves. The wolves announced that they did not like the way the rabbits were living. (The wolves were crazy about the way they themselves were living, because it was the only way to live.) One night several wolves were killed in an earthquake and this was blamed on the rabbits, for...
From Sussex Friends of Israel: Supporters of Israel came together today, to hold a Bagels Against Bigotry party outside Brighton’s environmentally friendly refill store Ecostream, to counter a planned day of action and demonstration by BDS, the anti Israel group Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions. The bagel themed party started at 11.30am outside the Ecostream store on Western...
From The Toronto Star last week: A cache of intelligence detailing the training of Al Qaeda’s East Africa group that was obtained exclusively by the Toronto Star may help explain how a small group of terrorists carried out the deadly siege that took Kenyan authorities four days to stop. “Each martyrdom seeker will be trained in Somalia preferably for two months and he will only know his mission,” says one document discovered on a flash drive beside...
From Ian: Fatah Facebook: "Blood of Martyrs draws the borders of the homeland" During the current peace talks between the Palestinian Authority and Israel, Fatah chose to glorify violence and Martyrdom death as the way to determine "the borders of the homeland": "My homeland taught me that it is the blood of Martyrs (Shahids) that draws the borders of the homeland." That text, together with a picture of a man holding a rifle, was posted by the administrator...
  • Sunday, September 29, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
Details here. But he's Western-educated! And he has such a nice smile! I think we can trust him this time. (h/t Ian and Yoel) ...
Arabic media are reporting that Sheikh Sabri Abu Diab, imam of a mosque in the Ras al-Amud neighborhood, is claiming that the Jewish ties to Har HaZeitim - the Mount of Olives - are fictional. Diab claims that although the Ottoman government allowed limited numbers of Jews to be interred there, the hundreds of acres of the Mount are mostly filled with fake Jewish graves that...
  • Sunday, September 29, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
  • ,
Judging from the news over the past few days, it appears that for a Muslim leader to sort-of grudgingly admit that the most well-documented historical fact even occurred is considered praiseworthy. That is a pretty good example of how the media assumes a priori that Muslims must not be held to the same standards as normal human beings. Right now, we have Israel being...
  • Sunday, September 29, 2013
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Al Arabiya: Saudi women seeking to challenge a de facto ban on driving should realize that this could affect their ovaries and pelvises, Sheikh Saleh bin Saad al-Luhaydan, a judicial and psychological consultant to the Gulf Psychological Association, told Saudi news website Driving “could have a reverse physiological impact. Physiological science and functional medicine studied this side [and found] that it automatically affects...

Saturday, September 28, 2013

From Ian: JPost Editorial: Obama’s misguided linkage Obama is correct about Iran. It is undisputable that an Islamic Republic ruled by mullahs with nuclear weapon capability would be exceedingly destabilizing. The Islamic Republic, either directly or through its proxies, is involved in numerous conflicts in the region from Syria and various Gulf states to Iraq and Afghanistan. Tehran arms, trains and supports Hezbollah on Israel’s northern border....


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