Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Somebody sold CBS News, NBC, and the Washington Post a grand conspiracy theory of sinister Zionist influence in the Pentagon based on … well on what really? The theory alleges that
a) Two years ago, some Pentagon planners wrote a draft memo suggesting that the US adopt a tougher policy toward Iran;
b) One of those planners then supposedly informed a friend at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Hours after a Palestinian woman blew herself up early Wednesday at the Erez crossing terminal, killing four Israelis, Palestinian Foriegn Minister Nabil Sha'ath said that the Palestinian Authority was capable of stopping such terror attacks, but that Israel must first halt its attacks on the Palestinians, Israel Radio reported.
Speaking from Copenhagen, Sha'ath said that last August the Palestinians unilaterally halted attacks, but this collapsed...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Israel Defense Forces soldiers foiled a suicide attack Tuesday, when they prevented a Palestinian man carrying an explosive device in his trousers from passing through the Erez Crossing from the Gaza Strip into Israel.
The belt was different than any the IDF has dealt with before in that 'it was sewn to resemble a pair of underpants,' the spokeswoman sai...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
On May 28, Al-Sharq Al-Awsat reported that an Iranian intelligence unit had established "The Brigades of the Shahids of the Global Islamic Awakening."
In a speech by Hassan Abbassi, a Revolutionary Guards intelligence theoretician who teaches at Al-Hussein University, he spoke of Teheran's secret plans, which include
"a strategy drawn up for the destruction of Anglo-Saxon civilization."
"There are 29 sensitive sites in the U.S. and in the...

Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Israel Military Industries (IMI) has developed an invisible flare for use by its Flight Guard protection system for civilian aircraft. The Flight Guard system, developed jointly by IMI and Israel Aircraft Industries (IAI), will soon be installed on six El Al Israel Airlines passenger aircraft, making El Al the world's first airline to operate aircraft equipped with a defence system against shoulder-launched missiles.
Flight Guard is undergoing...

Sunday, August 29, 2004
Sunday, August 29, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
The number of anti-Semitic incidents in France has soared by hundreds of percent since the beginning of the year and the law enforcement authorities are having difficulty coping with them.
Justice Minister Dominique Perben issued figures last Thursday showing a tripling of anti-Semitic attacks this year, with 298 so far, compared to 108 in all of 2003.
Perben's figures were broken down by their targets, showing there were 67 attacks on Jewish...

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Saturday, August 28, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
The IDF has developed a pungent new weapon to be used to keep Palestinian protestors at bay, media sources reported. The so-called 'skunk bomb' contains a synthetic version of the odor skunks release to deter predators and will be used to break up stone-throwing confrontations without causing casualties, security officials said yesterday.
According to the reports, the new weapon was developed to replace controversial rubber bullets, which have...

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Israel Defense Forces soldiers rescued three Israeli truck drivers when they came under attack by a mob of Palestinians after taking a wrong turn near Jerusalem, and ending up in Ramallah near the Kalandia refugee camp.
The Jewish truckers were in two vehicles when they were surrounded by hundreds of Arabs who had just emerged from a gathering in support of Palestinian security prisoners conducting a hunger strike in Israel prisons. Many of...

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
“The dog that didn’t bark” is an expression from a Sherlock Holmes mystery. It was an important clue that led to identifying the criminal. It seems that the killer entered and left the estate grounds one night but without the guard dog barking an alarm at the intruder’s presence as expected. From this non-event Holmes reasoned that the dog must have known the killer and that clue led to solving the case.
There is an analogy to U.S. Mid-East...

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
National Post
A captured al-Qaeda operative has told Canadian intelligence investigators that a Montreal man who trained in Afghanistan alongside the 9/11 hijackers was responsible for the crash of an American Airlines flight in New York three years ago.
Canadian Security Intelligence Service agents were told during five days of interviews with the source that Abderraouf Jdey, a Canadian citizen also known as Farouk the Tunisian, had downed the...

Saturday, August 28, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
A U.S. citizen and a Pakistani national were arrested in an alleged plot to bomb a subway station in midtown Manhattan and possibly other locations around the city, police said Saturday.
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said the men were not thought to be connected to al-Qaida or any other international terrorist organization, although he said they expressed hatred for America. The arrests come two days before the start of the Republican National Convention,...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
From the Addameer Prisoner's Support and Human Rights Assocation
If they'd get all of these demands it may be better than many hotels I've been at.
One: Family and/or Lawyers Visits
4. To allow all family members and relatives to visit
6. To allow private visits (without barriers)
7. To allow second and third degree relatives to visit
8. To relocate detainees/prisoners in areas close to their residential areas
9. To relocate prisoners who are...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Has the time not come for Arabs and Muslims to recognize the need for a dialogue with the American Jewish community in its capacity as an important policy-making force in the U.S., and one that influences all things Middle Eastern? Instead of insulting American Jews - as Arab editorialists and intellectuals have been doing for 50 years - why not show respect for their evident weight and engage them in a constructive dialogue?
Some Arab leaders...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Frustrated by the failure of the hunger strike by Palestinian prisoners to attract worldwide attention, the armed wings of Fatah and Islamic Jihad on Thursday called for kidnapping IDF soldiers and settlers to boost the prisoners' campaign.
The threat was included in a joint statement issued in the Gaza Strip by the Aqsa Martyrs Brigades of Fatah and Al Quds Battalions of the Islamic Jihad.
Masked gunmen from the two groups read out the statement...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
With verbal tensions rising daily between Iran and Israel, Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee head Yuval Steinitz said the West should not expect 'little Israel' to take pre-emptive action to save the world from Iranian nuclear weapons.
It is the free world, led by the United States, that must stand behind its pledge not to let Iran get the bomb, Steinitz said.
He warned that Iran aims at becoming a global nuclear power with long-range...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Israel and United States defense ministries continue to investigate the causes for the failure of Arrow interceptor missile to hit its target in experiments in California Thursday.
Aryeh Herzog, head of the Arrow project in the Israel's Defense Ministry, said in an interview Friday morning that this definitely cannot be describes as a failed experiment, even though the Arrow missile did not succeed in hitting its target.
'This sort of mishap...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Palestinian Islamic Jihad spreads its terrorist propaganda via three main and three subsidiary Internet sites.
The Internet service provider (ISP) for palestineway.com is VONOC, located in Englewood, Colorado.
The ISP for sarayaalquds.com - the site of the Jerusalem Battalions, Islamic Jihad's operational-terrorist wing - is Level3, located in Broomfield, Colorado.
The ISP for the subsidiary site jimail.com/abrar is Alabanza, based...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
The United States believes that Syria has acquired centrifuges for the enrichment of uranium through the network of Pakistani nuclear chief Abdul Kader Khan, the Canadian news website Middle East Newsline reported Thursday.
According to the report, the US intelligence community has assessed that Syria became a costumer of smuggled Pakistani P1 nuclear centrifuges in 2001 through Firas Tlas, the son of Syrian Defense Minister Mustafa Tlas.

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Ninety-three prominent Muslim figures opposed to US troops in Iraq have called on Muslims around the world to support resistance to US forces and to the Iraqi government installed in June.
In the appeal received on Sunday from the offices of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood, the Muslim figures from nearly 30 nations, from Germany to Indonesia, said the aim should be to 'purify the land of Islam from the filth of occupation'.
The statement came as...

Friday, August 27, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
In a bizarre move, the Arab League issued a condemnation Tuesday of the Jerusalem municipality’s project to turn Israel’s capital city into the world’s first city with complete wireless internet capability.
According to SANA, the official Syrian news agency, the Arab League says the project to make Jerusalem wireless fidelity-enabled (WiFi) accessible threatens the Arab identity of the city.
The Arab League issued a statement Tuesday saying,...

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
By Moshe Feiglin
The Israel's weakness is not that it can't take casualties but that it can't inflict them on others.
The criticism we expressed of the Arrow project as well as of the separation fence causes people to ask: "What is your alternative?" Our criticism did not address the technical aspects of the project, but its basic concept.
The Arrow is a first-rate technological achievement and its technical developers deserve to be congratulated....

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
: After Rwanda, the world learned once more the peril of genocide in rogue states.
Yet the world, or the United Nations as its representative body, is seemingly a reluctant learner with flawed memory.
Over the past 18 months, nearly 50,000 Darfurians have been killed and more than a million made refugees by Arab Janjaweed militias, allegedly supplied with military support by the Sudanese government of strongman Gen. Omar al-Bashir in Khartoum.

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
MONTREAL—Police found a large stash of weapons and explosives yesterday after an investigation of a suspicious minivan tied up traffic through downtown streets for several hours.
Montreal police sent in a robot to examine several pieces of luggage after SWAT team members in full protective gear investigated the vehicle.
They seized about 15 firearms, including automatic weapons like machine guns, and also found 90-135 kilograms of explosives.

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Israeli archeologists have uncovered a 5,000-year-old Canaanite city and a 2,000-year-old Jewish village from the Second Temple period alongside each other in the Modi'in area.
The rural Jewish town uncovered at the site existed from about 100 BCE to 135 CE, until the Bar Kochba revolt, said archeologist Dr. David Amit. Several hundred people are estimated to have lived there, perhaps the extended members of five to eight families. Excavations...

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Radical Islamists have launched a new magazine publication on the internet especially for women.
The aim of the magazine is to show women how to reconcile the apparent contradiction of fighting jihad while maintaining family life.
The magazine is called Al-Khansa, after a famous Arab woman poet in the early days of Islam, who wrote eulogies to male relatives who had died in battle.
It appears to be the first 'jihadist' publication aimed exclusively...

Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Thursday, August 26, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Veteran Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat turned back another effort by critics to force him to reform his bloated, corruption-plagued administration, as his parliament made do with a pledge for future action.
Internal Palestinian conflict escalated again on Wednesday, when gunmen opened fire on a convoy carrying a top Gaza security officer, seriously wounding him.
The two developments were related -- each an outgrowth of years of Arafat's one-man...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Funding for Peace Coalition (FPC) report documents dozens of recent disclosures, many from Arab sources little reported in Europe and the West.
LONDON, UK -- Since 1993, the European Union has contributed over €2 billion directly and indirectly to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Member states have donated a further €2 billion in the same period. The Funding for Peace Coalition has released a new report detailing the diversion of unprecedented...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Windsurfer Friedman wins Israel's first ever Olympic gold :
Gal Friedman took the gold medal for the windsurfing event in Athens on Wednesday, Israel's first ever gold at the Olympics.
Friedman - the first Israeli to win two Olympic medals after winning the bronze in 1996 - finished the last of the 11 races in second place, but took the gold by scoring 42 points.
After Friedman crossed the finish line, he took a victory dip and then wrapped himself...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
9 in 10 still get Saudi visas
F al Qaeda wants to strike on U.S. soil be fore the elections, it still has available to it a gaping loophole it exploited pre-9/11: Saudis' easy access to U.S. visas.
Despite supposed reforms implemented by the State Department, current statistics obtained by this columnist reveal that nearly 90 percent of all Saudi visa applicants get approved. To put this in perspective, applicants in most other Arab nations — the...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Tuesday morning soldiers of the Nahal Haredi unit arrested senior Islamic Jihad commander Fabi Daragme in Jabel Tamin east of Fara'a, northeast of Nablus.
Daragme was involved in numerous shooting attacks in the Jordan valley district and in attempts to dispatch suicide bomb attacks in Israel. According to security officials, he also coordinated between Islamic jihad cells in the Jordan valley and in Nablus.
On Tuesday evening, shots were fired...

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Egyptian forces last week uncovered two weapons-smuggling tunnels in Egyptian Rafah, used to move weapons from Sinai into Gaza, and blew them up. Israeli defense sources concede that there has been some improvement in the Egyptian efforts to halt the smuggling of weapons, against the background of Cairo's promises to Jerusalem to fight the smuggling ahead of the Israeli disengagement from Gaza. But the change on the Egyptian side is still limited...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
conspiracy theories, Jews control the world, memri, PEZ, Saudi Arabia, The Protocols
Saudi Armed Forces Journal on the Jews: 'The Fabricated Torah, Talmud, and Protocols of the Elders of Zion Command Destruction of All Non-Jews for World Domination' (MEMRI):
World Jewry has established a shadow government run by 300 Satans who call themselves 'elders.' They always choose one man who is considered to be a king and to be the successor to King David and [King] Solomon. They do not reveal his name in public, and each time he dies they...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
So the decisive battle in which the Jews will come to an end will most assuredly come to pass – it is inevitable.
These words are not from a mosque in Nablus or Tehran, but rather from New York State.
The enemies of Islaam and the ignorant people that follow them are trying to portray the reality of the struggle against the Jews as a struggle for land and borders, and as a problem of refugees and water ports. And they make it seem as if it is...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
: A man described in a federal indictment as a 'high-ranking' Hamas operative was arrested in Maryland on Friday videotaping the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, authorities acknowledged last night.
Ismael Selim Elbarasse of Annandale, Va., long suspected by authorities of having financial ties to the Palestinian terrorist group, was taken into custody as a 'material witness' in a Chicago terrorism case, according to Maryland's U.S. attorney's office.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
In a bid to dampen rising oil prices, the House of Saud last week promised to pump an additional 1.3 million barrels per day, indefinitely. The markets, though, didn’t buy what the Saudis were selling—prices didn’t drop—and neither should anyone else.
What should dictate our approach to the Saudis is that they need us to buy their oil just as much as we need them to sell it to us. Not just now, but also in the future.
Yet conventional wisdom...

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
Elder of Ziyon
Fear Itself (washingtonpost.com)
"But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof, thou shalt surely die."
-- Genesis 2:17
ADAM AND EVE'S PUNISHMENT FOR GETTING TOO CURIOUS WAS BANISHMENT from the Garden of Eden. But that was the least of it. The Bible is unclear about whether the first couple were immortal before their expulsion, but in a way, it is immaterial. What matters...

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