Friday, October 31, 2014
From Ian:
Alan Dershowitz: A Challenge to Ed Miliband: Would You Protect Great Britain Against Terrorism?
My challenge to Ed Miliband: What would you have done if you were the Prime Minister of a country that faced comparable threats? It is easy to criticize the British Prime Minister for not having opposed Israel’s incursion into Gaza but, as the New York Times reported, (10/23/14) Miliband “did not outline an alternative security response.”...

Friday, October 31, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

Prominent Saudi scholar Abdul Aziz al-Tarifi tweeted this yesterday:
The Umma (the Islamic nation) will not be victorious as long as it is afraid of the Jews, because Allah described them (i.e. the Jews) as cowards, and whoever is afraid of them (of the Jews) is even more afraid of others. [As the Quran says]: "They will not fight you all except within fortified cities...

Friday, October 31, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

The supposedly moderate Fatah party headed by that man of peace Mahmoud Abbas called for a "day of rage" on Friday. It appears that this specific one mostly fizzled out, probably because of rain, but here is what Abbas was inciting his people to do:
Saturday night a rally is being called by those "right wing Jewish extremists" in Jerusalem calling for prayers for the recovery...

From Ian:
Caroline Glick: Being safe while isolated
Before formulating a strategy for dealing with Obama over the next two years, Israelis need to first take a deep breath and recognize that as bad as things are going to get, nothing that Obama will do to us over the next two years is as dangerous as what he has already done. No anti-Israel Security Council resolution, no Obama map of Israel’s borders will endanger Israel as much as his facilitation...

Friday, October 31, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

A guest post from "Jewish Peoplehood:"
Summer 2014 marked a dramatic increase of anti-Semitic incidents is Europe. In July alone, anti-Semitic attacks rose by 400% in the UK and doubled in France. The atmosphere in Europe could be likened to those of the 1930s. Thousands marched the streets yelling "Hitler was right! Jews to the gas!" Synagogues and Jewish schools were...

Friday, October 31, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

I find it striking that even during what so many people want to consider an unprecedented crisis in US-Israel relations, Israeli leaders still go out of their way to emphasize how much they consider the US a friend and how much Israel has in common with America.
I once illustrated this with a series of posters:
The question has to be asked: why has Israel...

Friday, October 31, 2014
Elder of Ziyon
The New York Times yesterday corrected an article by its journalist Robert Mackey, who had approvingly relayed a misquotation by anti-Israel extremist Ali Abunimah.
Shortly after three Israeli teens were kidnapped in the West Bank, Mackey shared on his New York Times blog Abunimah's allegation that a popular Israeli Facebook page called for the arbitrary murder of Palestinians. "Kill a Palestinian ‘every hour,' says new Israeli Facebook...

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

The latest insanity from Jordan:
Jordan on Thursday accused Israel of "state terrorism" after it closed Jerusalem's flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound, the third holiest site in Islam.
Jordan's Islamic affairs minister, Hayel Daoud, denounced the Jewish state for "closing the gates of Al-Aqsa mosque and preventing the faithful from entering", state news agency Petra reported.

From Ian:
International Law is Not a Suicide Pact
It is always tempting for those who know absolutely nothing about international law to lash out viscerally at Israel. Yet, trained legal scholars do understand the profound jurisprudential significance of context. Correct judgments under international law are never made in isolation.
It is apparent, then, that any seemingly disproportionate use of force by the Israel Defense Forces during Protective...

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Elder of Ziyon
It is astonishing how extreme Muslim fanaticism is now simply accepted as mainstream by the world - and it even gets rewarded.
I'm not talking about ISIS or Al Qaeda. The world will offer lip service as to how awful those groups are.
But the activities in Israel and the territories over the past day have shown that fanaticism by the "good Muslims" is simply accepted without question, while the only vitriolic words are about the man who was marked...

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

Hamas has announced that it is continuing to build terror tunnels despite the restrictions on cement being imported into Gaza being earmarked for specific projects.
The group triumphantly reported that it has managed to create a domestic brick manufacturing industry. Its testing found that red bricks, fired in local kilns from clay that is easily available in Gaza, have...

From Ian:
Isi Leibler: Obama is seeking a confrontation with Israel
Yes, there is constant tension and endless recriminations bouncing between the US administration and Israel. And according to Goldberg, there is now even the threat that the US “may actually withdraw diplomatic cover for Israel at the United Nations.”
The government has made every effort to avoid aggravating the situation, but Israel is a sovereign democratic nation and there are...

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

Israeli police closed the Temple Mount altogether today for the first time, perhaps the first time in history.
It looks a lot better than usual
The Palestinian Authority is condemning the closure.
The head of the State of Palestine Mahmoud Abbas said that Jerusalem and the Islamic and Christian holy sites are a red line whose compromise will not be accepted.
Nabil Abu...

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

Here are several Fatah posters celebrating the "martyrdom" of the "hero" who shot Yehuda Glick.
It is very clear that the terrorist is considered as if he was doing exactly what Fatah leaders and PA president Mahmoud Abbas instructed his people on October 17, when he said that Palestinians must "defend" Al Aqsa "by all means."
A Fatah group released a statement:...

Thursday, October 30, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

From AFP:
Egypt began setting up a buffer zone along its border with the Gaza Strip on Wednesday following a wave of deadly attacks.
The move, which will see about 800 homes demolished, comes in the wake of a suicide bombing in the Sinai Peninsula Friday that killed at least 30 soldiers.
800 homes demolished in the next few days? Israel has never demolished so many in...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
From Ian:
UNRWA-Hamas Symbiosis Detailed in New Film
In a new documentary video entitled UNRWA Goes to War, journalist David Bedein builds a seemingly incontestable case against UNRWA, showing the close symbiotic relations between it and the terror group Hamas.
The video shows that not only did UNRWA schools serve as repositories for rockets in the last Gaza war, and not only were rockets launched from places adjacent to UNRWA institutions – the...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

From JPost:
Rabbi Yehuda Glick, spokesman for the Joint Committee of Temple Organizations – is in serious condition after being shot in front of the capital’s Menachem Begin Heritage Center Wednesday night.
According to police, the shooting took place at approximately 10:30 p.m. outside the memorial center, located near the Old City, by a suspect riding a motor bike who fled...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

This would be remarkable, if we haven't seen this bizarre NYT bias for years.
The original tweet by Matt Seaton, staff editor for the NY Times Opinion page, refers back to the absurdly biased and inaccurate op-ed I wrote about yesterday. Tamar Sternthal works for CAMERA.
Even Human Rights Watch pretends that Palestinian Arabs have responsibilities...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

Our weekly column from the humor site PreOccupied Territory.
Check out their Facebook page.
New York, October 29 - Banking on the success of an initiative in the Rafah area to shield Egypt from the unpleasantness emanating from a neighboring entity, the country's delegation to the United Nations plans to create a similar zone between its representatives...

From Ian:
Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians: Stop the Children's Intifada!
The exploitation of children in the fight against Israel has attracted little attention from the international community and the media. Human rights groups and the UN have chosen to turn a blind eye to this human rights abuse. Instead of condemning it, these groups are busy denouncing Israel for targeting minors.
This strategy works out well for Hamas and Fatah, who can always...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

Hamas newspaper Felesteen has another of a series of articles by Professor Saleh Alrqub attacking Judaism (see previous post about him.)
In this edition, Alrqub says that Judaism provides a religious basis for violence and terrorism, which prompts Jews to murder, destruction and brutality.
At the same time, Felesteen has another article quoting the Palestinian Islamist...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

I reported that a new music video called Love Monkeys was released by Egyptian band Malaleem, telling Egyptians not to trust Jews.
Although I have not yet found the full set of lyrics, commenter Ali noted that after the Pharoah-monkey discovers that the Jewish monkey has been cheating on him he says "This is the fate of any Egyptian that trusts the Jews".
The founder and...

Wednesday, October 29, 2014
Elder of Ziyon
This very graphic video has surfaced, showing what appears to be Egyptian soldiers beating and torturing people in the Sinai:
According to this blog post, this is happening as Egypt is clearing areas of the Sinai close to the Gaza border to create a buffer zone. The victims, according to the report, are citizens who refuse to leave their homes.
This other video from anti-Sisi activists show photos of people allegedly killed by the Egyptian...

Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Elder of Ziyon

CNN Arabic reports that an Egyptian court set November 24 as the date for a hearing on the issue of the annual pilgrimage by Jews to to the burial place of Rabbi Yaakov Abuhatzeira, a prominent Jewish leader in the 19th century.
The administrative court in Alexandria will pass judgment in the lawsuit demanding an end to the Jewish celebration of Rabbi Abuhatzeira.

From Ian:
Amb. Alan Baker: Parliamentary Recognition of Palestine – Legally, Historically and Politically Questionable
Official political bodies in the UK, Ireland and Sweden have called for the recognition of Palestine, claiming that such recognition would “contribute to securing a two-state solution.”
These actions, whether by votes in the UK parliament and in the Irish Upper House, or in a parliamentary speech by the prime minister of Sweden,...

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