Friday, August 02, 2024

  • Friday, August 02, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon
From Jordanian newspaper Al Saa, which gets about  million pageviews a month:
Since October 7, the world has witnessed the longest war in history...

Whoever killed the Jews in Germany, or what is called the Holocaust, knew very well who the Jews were and what they would do if they spread out on earth. He knew how much hatred they harbored for other peoples among this group of people, and he knew very well that they must be gotten rid of so that humanity could be relieved of their evils.

Today we see another holocaust, but it is the opposite of what happened to them in Germany. We see what the Jews who lived after their holocaust are doing. We see what they are doing in Gaza, crimes that we cannot find a name for except that they are among the most heinous crimes and their ugliness exceeds what happened to them in Germany at the hands of Hitler. Today we see bodies without heads and without limbs. We see children being burned, and rape by animals that were trained to do these acts to humans. We see torn bodies and limbs that were stolen from the corpses of the martyrs, and we ask ourselves, was burning enough for them for humanity to be rid of them?

Revenge for their Holocaust at the hands of Hitler has gone beyond reason. They live in a cycle of revenge that will not end until they are eliminated. Hitler did not destroy the infrastructure or cut off the electricity or water. He only took revenge by burning them so that future generations would learn what kind of people they are and what they hide within themselves towards the world.
 The only thing missing is "Seig Heil."

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