TEHRAN, Dec. 6 (MNA) -- President Mahmud Ahmadinejad said here on Tuesday that Islam seeks peace, calm and justice for humanity.
Speaking to reporters before leaving for Saudi Arabia to attend an extraordinary summit of the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Mecca, Ahmadinejad stressed that leaders of Islamic states are tasked with envisaging a hopeful future for the current world which suffers from injustice and tension, development of chemical and biological arsenals and aggression. (He didn't mention nuclear weapons. Must have been an oversight. -EoZ)
He said that the OIC could play a significant role in world developments, expressing hope that the upcoming meeting would have positive results for the Islamic and the entire world.
Ahmadinejad added that studying challenges and problems encountered by Muslims worldwide will be high on the agenda of talks.
He noted that the talks should also focus on the decisive role the Islamic world can play in the international community.
Ah yes, a world divided into Muslims with nukes, dhimmis and infidels. How peaceful it would be!