Friday, June 21, 2024

  • Friday, June 21, 2024
  • Elder of Ziyon

On Thursday, Islamic Jihad proudly published a video of them shooting rockets at a civilian Jewish community near Gaza.

They are very proud of their accomplishment of being able to still fire rockets from Gaza. 

The story was not covered in the media, evern Hebrew-language media, except for the red alert. No one was hurt from the rockets. There are a lot of more important stories out there.

But this is a story must be told. 

Islamic Jihad didn't pretend to be shooting rockets at a military base, which used to be the lie that Gaza terror groups would claim in years past. They said they aimed at a "settlement." They are directly and deliberately targeting civilians. It is a war crime. 

They call all of Israel "occupied" and every Israeli town a "settlement."  When Israel-haters use the words "occupation" and "settlements" they choose their words carefully, knowing that they mean all of Israel but leftists who want a two state solution choose to believe that this is what they are saying.

Which community did Islamic Jihad target? 

According to the Code Red alerts, the only alarm in the south on Thursday was aimed at Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha.

On October 7 attacks, about 90 terrorists infiltrated the kibbutz, killing four civilians, looting, shooting, and burning houses. The  320 residents of the kibbutz, including 92 children, evacuated to hotels in Eilat for five months, and then returned home in March.

Islamic Jihad is not targeting an empty community. They chose to target a place where the residents - all civilians, including 92 children - have returned. 

One of the residents murdered was 63 year old Marcelle Taljah, who came to visit her newborn granddaughter the day after she was born. 

Another was 80-year old Silvia Mirensky, who was burned alive when errorists threw a firebomb into her home. 

A third was 43-year old Noa Glazberg who was shot eight times by terrorists in her home. 

The Jew-hating Palestinians of Islamic Jihad want to terrorize the residents anew, only eight months after four were murdered. They want them to flee. The message is that Israelis near Gaza will never feel safe - as long as Gaza is run by Jew-hating terrorists. 

This is a message Israelis understand loud and clear. 

The residents, for their part, are used to this. They are only 2 miles/3 kilometers from the Gaza border. They have only five seconds to seek shelter when the red alert is sounded. And this is where they choose to live, and where they chose to return.

This is a story of everyday heroes in Kibbutz Ein Hashlosha, and the disgusting Palestinian terrorists who want every one of them dead of fled. 

It is a story that isn' tbeing told because it is so common. Yet that is exactly why it must be told, over and over, to the world. Because these everyday heroes and the everyday Jew-haters are the norm, not the exception. 

It is easy for people, even well meaning people,who are ignorant of this reality, to say that Israelis must live with a certain level of terror, as part of the price of choosing to live in that region. Ein Hashlosha shows that there is no such thing as an acceptable level of terror, an acceptable number of 5-secon warning, an acceptable level of knowing that millions of people who live a few miles away cheer every dead Israeli civilian and harbor hopes of more October 7ths. 

This unreported reality illustrates why Israel must defeat Hamas and the other terror groups completely and thoroughly. A ceasefire that leaves the terrorists in charge is simply not acceptable, and no country in the world would tolerate what the residents of Ein Hashlosha and their neighbors have to live with,

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