Al Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas movement, mourned at dawn on Friday January 15th, 2010, one of its members who was martyred while performing a jihadi task in Deir Al Balah in central Gaza strip.As usual, the Arabic versions say that the terrorist was "wed."
The Brigades confirmed in a military communiqué issued on Friday the martyrdom of the Mujahed Emad Sameer Al Salqawi (25) during his duty in the center of Gaza strip, noting that the Mujahed was martyred after a long path of jihad and sacrifice for the sake of their beloved Palestine.
There has been an increase in work accidents lately. In the past two months, I count nine terrorists who have been disappointed that there were no virgins for them where they went.
I count 20 deaths from such "work accidents" in 2009; there were 34 in 2008. We are up to 3 of them in 2010 already.