LET a Cause be ever so bad, where there is Money to pay, there will not be wanting Advocates to plead. It is not, therefore, to be wondered at that we have Writers who would gloss over the Jewish Act, endeavour to persuade us out of our Senses, and make us believe that the Jews are the best Sort of People in the World, and that wherever they come they are a National Blessing.Much has been said about their vast Knowledge in Mercantile Affairs, as if our Commerce was in a great measure depending upon their superior Abilities. Yet the Truth is, their Commerce is but a Trifle, their Knowledge is chiefly in the Stocks, and their Arts of Merchandize are exerted principally in Exchange-alley. That the Nation gets Riches by them has been confidently asserted; that they acquire great Riches by the Nation has been sufficiently demonstrated. All that has been said in their Favour has been only by begging Questions: Let us, therefore, lay down some certain Rule for Argument; let us establish some uncontroverted Principle to reason upon, by which we may judge, Whether the Jews are, or not, in a political Light, a Benefit to the British Nation?We will, therefore, advance this one short, but unerring, Rule, "That no Set of People whatever can be of real Service to any Community, who are notorious for acting upon dishonest Principles and contrary to Conscience."The short Question, then, is, Whether the Jews are, in general, a People who act upon honest Principles, or not? If not, they cannot, even in a political Light, be of Service to any State. But, to judge impartially, let us consider what it is that chiefly makes Men act honestly and according to Conscience, and whether the Jews are possessed of that Principle, or not.Everyone will acknowledge that it is not in the Power of human Laws to bind the Hearts of Men; they may, indeed, compel their outward Compliance to such Things as they enact, but Men may be very bad, and very detrimental to Society, without directly and openly infringing their Laws, because those, who are restrained from dishonest Actions only out of the Fear of Punishment from human Laws, will be ever studying to elude, and may in many Things escape, the Justice of them. It is, therefore, the Laws of God only, the Laws of Him who knows the human Heart, and the Belief of a future State of Rewards and Punishments, that can thoroughly influence the Hearts of Men to act uprightly. Now, as the Jews deny the Word of God, and disbelieve a Resurrection! they are not possessed of that chief Principle which obliges Men to act honestly and according to Conscience. Therefore, to set the bad Consequences of their Want of Conscience to those among whom they live in a clear Light, let us consider the Manner by which all of them, both Rich and Poor, maintain themselves.—Do the Jews grow rich by trafficking abroad, and exporting the Commodities of this Country, as has been asserted? No. It is a known Truth that they export but very little. How, then, have the Rich Ones got all their Wealth? By State-jobs, Lotteries, and other iniquitous Arts of Exchange-alley!—How do the Poor Jews get their Bread? Do any of them plough the Land or Sea? No.—How, then, do they get their Living? By peddling about, and cheating the Public with bad and counterfeit Commodities!—Since, then, the Rich Ones get their Money by the Arts of the Alley, and the Poor Ones live by imposing bad Wares upon the Public, Can they be said to act upon honest Principles and according to Conscience? Or, Can the Nation be really benefited by such a People?As to our Most Holy Religion, (though it is certainly very wrong, and contrary to the True Christian Doctrine, to persecute any People on account of their Religious Principles, yet) it can never be right to encourage Infidelity so far as to incorporate the Blasphemers and Crucifiers of Christ.—It has, indeed, been said, by those who have wrote in favour of the Jews, “That the Ruler of Heaven and Earth may have guided the Hearts of our Superiors in making this Act to naturalize them; and that it may probably be a Step towards their Conversion to the Christian Faith.”—As to who or what guided the Hearts of our Rulers to make this Act, it may not, perhaps, be so proper to explain, though not at all difficult to guess: But to think to convert the Jews to the Belief of the Prophecies in Sacred Scripture by endeavouring to prove them to be false is certainly one of the refined Strokes of our Modern Politics.
The Jew Bill passed, and then months later was rescinded. Jews could not become full British citizens with equal rights until more than a century later, in 1858.
"He's an Anti-Zionist Too!" cartoon book (December 2024) PROTOCOLS: Exposing Modern Antisemitism (February 2022) |
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