This world that really is callous, watching the slaughter of innocent men, women and children without blinking an eye. Or worse, they justify the rivers of Palestinian blood as “concerning” but immediately follow this up with the hackneyed phrase: “Israel has the right to defend itself,” or, “…but Hamas.” Where is the argument for the Palestinians’ right to self-defense against a brutal military occupation that has stripped them of rights and dignity for decades? Does that never calculate into the equation? Apparently not.
To moral midgets like Baker, the "calculation" of rape is justified by a fictional occupation of Gaza that ended nearly 20 years ago.
My 20-year old heart is broken. Since October 7, I have been glued to the television, to my computer and my phone, watching the news, video clips and Tiktoks. To my chagrin, I happened upon a video of Bono, the lead singer of U2, my most loved rock band back in the 90s. Socially and politically conscious, hailing from Dublin, Ireland, I loved them, not only for their incredible music and lyrics, but for the fact that they come from a place that knows what longing and fighting for freedom means.This paper-mâché image was abruptly torn to pieces, splintering into a million shards of disappointment. During a performance in Las Vegas on October 9, Bono broached the topic of the hour. ‘Our hearts and our anger, you know where that’s pointed”, he said.But he was not talking about Gaza. He barely mentioned it actually, except in the context of ‘what is happening in Israel and Gaza.” Instead, he sang for the “beautiful kids at that music festival’, in reference to the Israelis killed in “Re’im”, adjacent to the Gaza border, on October 7It blows my mind, really. ... How could he not mention the ‘beautiful kids” who were born and raised under a brutal, military siege and a colonialist occupation that has cut them off from the rest of the world for their entire lives?
I could not find a single word on Miftah that even said "Of course we condemn Hamas' brutality against Israeli civilians but...." No, to them, Hamas' massacre, kidnapping and sexual abuse of Jewish civilians was justified self-defense.